I’ll bet Scout the dog is out there living the best life being loved cared for by all the residents and staff of that nursing home. He certainly deserves to.
And human is namuh backward (Arabic “God Loves”), and dog backward is God (mythical nonsense entity invented in an effort to deny human’s innate knowledge of their temporary existence).
I feel like the pinecones could have been an art piece done by @sculpttheworld If you want to check out his work, I follow him on Instagram. The rocks and leaves he creates with are just beautiful!
Scout had found his forever home long before those slow-witted humans caught up….most dogs ARE smarter than a 5th grader which shames a lot of us hoomans‼️
Yesterday I saw a documentary on ARTE about the Chauvet-Cave in the South of France. If I got it right, there were found 26.000 y.o. footprints of wolves or early dogs alongside of human footprints. That would indicate that tamed wolves/ dogs existed several thousands of years earlier than scientists thought so far humans would have dogs.
I guess my sight is getting worse. When I first looked at this, I thought that it read dogs sense of smell could “detect a tree” rather than “detect stress”.
this will have to appear soon in Ripleys, some idiot paid $28 million ($32.5 million with buyers fees) for a pair of ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz ( hope the buyer doesnt have a dog at home!)
Zykoic 11 days ago
Good dog Scout!
The Duke 11 days ago
These selections went to the dogs!
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT 11 days ago
I’ll bet Scout the dog is out there living the best life being loved cared for by all the residents and staff of that nursing home. He certainly deserves to.
James Wolfenstein 11 days ago
Friends?? Since when? :D
bobpickett1 11 days ago
“What, me worry?”
sarahbowl1 Premium Member 11 days ago
Awe, I love Scout! What a wonderful story! He deserves special treats!
kaycstamper 11 days ago
No surprise to me they can detect stress, my service dog is amazing at doing that and calming me.
Huckleberry Hiroshima 11 days ago
And human is namuh backward (Arabic “God Loves”), and dog backward is God (mythical nonsense entity invented in an effort to deny human’s innate knowledge of their temporary existence).
h.v.greenman 11 days ago
Ripley’s strip is really going to the dogs
Marcia Gibson Premium Member 10 days ago
I feel like the pinecones could have been an art piece done by @sculpttheworld If you want to check out his work, I follow him on Instagram. The rocks and leaves he creates with are just beautiful!
fgerbil46 10 days ago
Gotta love the “Scout” one! :-)
ragsarooni 10 days ago
Scout had found his forever home long before those slow-witted humans caught up….most dogs ARE smarter than a 5th grader which shames a lot of us hoomans‼️
Pickled Pete 10 days ago
If interested, you can find it on yesterday’s Ripley’s, or go to Tinyurl.Com/66vt7y9w and click (Show All Comments)
silberdistel 10 days ago
Yesterday I saw a documentary on ARTE about the Chauvet-Cave in the South of France. If I got it right, there were found 26.000 y.o. footprints of wolves or early dogs alongside of human footprints. That would indicate that tamed wolves/ dogs existed several thousands of years earlier than scientists thought so far humans would have dogs.
6turtle9 10 days ago
Dog is my copilot.
Search Andy Goldsworthy for the original O.G. Of environmental art. He’s done many thousands of works for more than 45 years.
cactusbob333 10 days ago
I guess my sight is getting worse. When I first looked at this, I thought that it read dogs sense of smell could “detect a tree” rather than “detect stress”.
NolaMan 10 days ago
this will have to appear soon in Ripleys, some idiot paid $28 million ($32.5 million with buyers fees) for a pair of ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz ( hope the buyer doesnt have a dog at home!)
bwswolf 10 days ago
And here I thought ………. this was in reference to Dogs ….. and I “KNOW” that they exist …. :)
Ron Bauerle 10 days ago
Guess all those “what’s the worst that could happen?” posters will need to be updated…
google.cOm/search?q=wolf+fire+worst+10000+years+later (click images)
Pickled Pete 10 days ago
The Smoking Motorbike Rider
I was driving on the motorway one day when a man on a motorcycle drew up alongside me. He gestured for me to wind my window down.
I looked at the speedometer and I was doing 100mph!
I wound the window down and the rider held out a cigarette saying, “Can you give me a light?”
Amazed I replied, “Are you mad? You’ll get yourself killed!”
To which the man replied, “No, NO, I only smoke one a day.”
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 8 days ago