Buckles by David Gilbert for January 17, 2025

  1. Mini lego caboose spin
    Joseph comicinthestrip  2 months ago

    To describe this scene with one word, itā€™s metal. To describe this scene with a term, GoComicsā€™s policies wouldnā€™t permit me to do so. I stand firm by my previous statement that this is the Buckles I like to see. Iā€™ll elaborate in another comment.

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  2. Earl clipart
    dadthedawg Premium Member 2 months ago

    Superdog strikes againā€¦..

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  3. 8scm4b5zlop51
    Blu Bunny  2 months ago

    Buckleā€™s Killer instincts to protect kicked in, Getā€™em Buckles!

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  4. Mini lego caboose spin
    Joseph comicinthestrip  2 months ago

    In the previous year, Mr. Gilbert did something with his comic that most would call inconceivable: He conveyed a sudden tragedy. The daily strips were normal at first. Buckles complains about being on a leash while Paul hangs on tightly behind. To the surprise of the readers, Buckles breaks free of Paulā€™s hold and runs out into oncoming traffic. He was struck by a car, but as you can see, he recovered and lived.

    This comic has a similar type of premise. It seems like another misadventure with Christiana. Just as the pair are about to head home, a couple of intimidating bullies gang up on Christiana. Buckles, who was already tired of being used as a sled dog, makes a run for it, not realizing just what he was getting into.

    The strips shown during these past two days are a testament to who Buckles truly is. He often proves to be disobedient, complaintive, scheming, wild, and cowardly whenever someone or something confronts him. At his core, heā€™s a good dog. He loves his family, even though some folks like Paul or Christiana annoy him, and heā€™s always willing to look out for his friends.

    This story is very impactful for a combination of both sides. Itā€™s clear that Buckles doesnā€™t like being subjected to Christianaā€™s antics. At the end of such arcs, the mutt can never seem to ā€œwin.ā€ Deep inside, he loves her, despite being annoyed. At this point in time, this is the second scariest thing Buckles has ever encountered.

    Both he and Christiana are in the field of danger. If he was by himself, it wouldā€™ve been a different story. He wouldā€™ve run home, perhaps talked with Arden or Flea about it, and called it a day. Initially, he plans to do this, or merely hide until the bullies went away. However, seeing Christiana get hurt was the thing that immediately changed everything.

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  5. Mini lego caboose spin
    Joseph comicinthestrip  2 months ago

    In the moment, Bucklesā€™ instincts were awakened, and he was ready to enact justice upon the bullies as a true hero. Afterward, I believe Buckles will realize that itā€™s not always about being safe, but protecting and cherishing the ones he loves no matter the cost. Sure, this a charming cartoon with funny moments and gags, but itā€™s so much deeper than that. Mr. Gilbert created a wonderful comic, and Iā€™m so glad that people of the new generation will be able to experience it all for the first time.

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    Macushlalondra  2 months ago

    After what these jerks just did to poor Christina, I hope Buckles rips them to shreds! What lily livered cowards to treat a little girl like that!

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    jmworacle  2 months ago

    My, I certainly hope the shots are up to date, for those two jerks that is.

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  8. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  2 months ago

    You ā€œgettumā€ Buckles, what a good boy!

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  9. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  2 months ago

    Iā€™ve always said it: we do not deserve dogsā€¦

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  10. Rick
    davidf42  2 months ago

    I want to see the action! Show us the dog tearing up the bullies!

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Remember Buckles familyā€™s stick together great job

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  12. Cave cat
    CaveCat87  2 months ago

    Buckles comes through for Christina.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member 2 months ago

    After yesterdays last panel i knew that someone was in trouble.

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  14. Roundel of sweden.svg
    rhpii  2 months ago

    Iā€™m glad this is a comic and not real life. I want to cheer Buckles on. In real life, Google Animal Law Strict Liability Dog Bites.

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  15. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  2 months ago

    I would have liked to have seen some ā€œRip!, Hurt!, Maim!ā€s to go along with those ā€œBark, Growl!, and Grrrr!ā€sā€¦ ā˜ŗ

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    nostall Premium Member 2 months ago

    Yes!! Attabboy Buckles!!

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    Hello Sweetie  2 months ago

    Good boy! Protect the pack.

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  18. Bunny and summer together
    Moonkey Premium Member 2 months ago

    I do not want to see Buckles hurt boys who are bullies but were also raised most likely by awful parents. I want Buckles to scare them off and have no one get hurt. Buckles is just a puppy and should not be drawing blood from people if he can scare them away.

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    pchemcat  2 months ago

    The really sad thing is, that the bulliesā€™ parents would most likely sue and Buckles would be deemed a vicious dog and put down. I sure hope they just get their deserved come-uppance here.

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