Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for January 23, 2025

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    seanfear  about 11 hours ago


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    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    Agreed. They are willfully disobeying the flight attendants.

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    PraiseofFolly  about 11 hours ago

    They didn’t do what the flight attendants toad them to.

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    jmworacle  about 10 hours ago

    My most memorable was from Miami to Houston. There was an elderly lady sitting next to me driving the flight attendants crazy. When serving breakfast she asks the attendant about a special meal. The attendant asked did she had reserved one she responded that she told she didn’t have to. She then asked me if she could have my roll which I gave her. The grand finale was during final descent she decides she needs to go to the loo. An attendant put her in an empty seat and while approaching the gate was given a lecture and then asked me if I was with her where I promptly said “no”. The attendant reported her to the captain who might deny her to continue to San Fransisco with them but would make sure other arrangements could be made.

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  5. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 8 hours ago

    With the stories in the news this would be the least of my worries.

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    ATGMer  about 7 hours ago

    Did you hear about the plane that took off with the tow bar still attached to the landing gear? Upon landing, it really pole vaulted the pilot’s career. In a negative way.

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    dflak  about 5 hours ago

    The airline industry could use a lot of help. In their quest for profits they overlook their customers. Unless you are a hobbit, you do not fit in the seat. My son is 6 ft 5 inches tall. The distance from his hip to his knee is less than that on an airline seat.

    Then there is the 120% overbooking so someone always has to get bumped. God forbid that the aircraft take off with a single empty seat. The exception is when they bump 2/3 of the passengers to take on cargo. You have flexible plans, the cargo doesn’t.

    So they fly you to a nearby city where you can rent a car at your own expense to get to your original destination.

    These are the corporate policies made by the CEO and the directors of the airline. The gate attendants and flight crews do not make these policies.

    CEOs of airlines should be required to fly coach once a quarter.

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    DawnQuinn1  about 4 hours ago

    The guy who stands up first is ALWAYS a yuppie who wears a three piece suit and then demands that he leave the plane first because he has “an important meeting that cannot start til I get there.”

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  9. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 3 hours ago

    I must be missing a nuance here, but isn’t when the plane lands when you are supposed to stand up? I mean, are they supposed to carry you off the plane? ☺

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    pheets  about 3 hours ago

    As annoying as they can be, I do understand the anxiety of getting to your next plane on time that is at the OPPOSITE end of the airport..

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    rockyridge1977  about 2 hours ago

    Electric shock mite work!!!!!

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    PraiseofFolly  about 2 hours ago

    Also persona non grata are those who mid-flight demand shoo-fly pie.

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  13. Odin
    Holden Awn  about 2 hours ago

    These immediate standers are generally the same dolts who then block the end of my aisle while they try to wrestle down their heavy bag(s) from the overhead bin directly over me.

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    cuzinron47  about 1 hour ago

    Let them join the stampede, I can wait.

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    wildlandwaters  about 1 hour ago

    when I used to fly, I’d wait in my seat til everyone was on their way out, and then pull up the rear… no pushing and shoving like first graders in a lunch line… nice, calm, relaxed….. Everyone would have to wait at the baggage claim area anyway for their luggage to show up, so why rush?

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    Smeagol  13 minutes ago

    There is a video of a Chinese airline whose pilot acknowledged the commands of the tower yet still could not follow directions eventually sitting on the main runway instead of to the side until his turn to get on to take off. The tower in frustration cleared him for take off after making the other planes wait. Good riddance. I was in Beijing International Airport a few years ago for a connecting flight and NOBODY spoke any English. I was just as frustrated as that control tower. Flying on a CCP airline? Don’t.

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    Jeffin Premium Member 11 minutes ago


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