From what I can discern, the general structure of a unicorn name is Name Adjective Body-part. It seems that suffix “-flank” is the “-son” of the unicorn world. Unicorn middle/last names are typically positive adjectives like “heavenly,” “pretty,” or something that would be held highly in the world of value, such as “silver” or “gold.” Now, unicorns being unicorns, which counsel, cult, or group decided to have these names ingrained into unicorn ancestry? Furthermore, how did “-flank” become the most common suffix in a unicorn’s name?
codycab 7 days ago
Because why not?
Averagemoe 7 days ago
This is why reality T.V. stars shouldn’t be let loose into reality.
Joseph comicinthestrip 7 days ago
From what I can discern, the general structure of a unicorn name is Name Adjective Body-part. It seems that suffix “-flank” is the “-son” of the unicorn world. Unicorn middle/last names are typically positive adjectives like “heavenly,” “pretty,” or something that would be held highly in the world of value, such as “silver” or “gold.” Now, unicorns being unicorns, which counsel, cult, or group decided to have these names ingrained into unicorn ancestry? Furthermore, how did “-flank” become the most common suffix in a unicorn’s name?
mccollunsky 7 days ago
Better than any of the current late night shows.
Eala Dubh Sidhe 7 days ago
The unicorn version of the Big Brother house must be a riot to watch.
Jungle Empress 7 days ago
This honestly sounds much more entertaining than most talk shows I’ve seen.
iggyman 7 days ago
I heard of a horse of a different color, Unicorns too I see! Very similar attitudes I also notice!
eddi-TBH 7 days ago
Are they using Kool-Aid to color their fur?
Calvinist1966 7 days ago
Today’s strip reminds me of the glorious arguments between Calvin and Hobbes. Today’s Calvin and Hobbes reprint is also an excellent example of these.
mysterysciencefreezer 7 days ago
So Unicorn Talk Shows are basically Jerry Springer with more less punching and more immature taunting?
markkahler52 7 days ago
Tomorrow: The Unicorns meet the Puffy Ponies and the Konniving Kittens
Tim Harrod Premium Member 6 days ago
Hope we learn more about the person who introduced the show.
SquidGamerGal 6 days ago
Wow! Didn’t expect that from My Little Pony… So much for friendship is magic!
WaitingMan 6 days ago
Not what I expected from the return of “Crossfire”.
Fluffy_and_Mervin 6 days ago
Who knew that unicorns could be so annoying?
Decepticomic 6 days ago
Man, unicorns be stupid.
scyphi26 6 days ago
Did that previous episode even get around to discussing that topic, or did they spend too much time arguing with the guest like this one? ;)
BiggerNate91 6 days ago
Talk show? I thought it was a political debate!
jerrica.benton333 6 days ago
I’m morning glory sparkleface! or at least i was until i lost my morning glory seeds on the train… :P
DaBump Premium Member 6 days ago
In other venues, I’ve seen herds of unicorns — but in this world, it seems they are generally solitary. And for good reason.