Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for March 21, 2025

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    Hello Everyone  2 days ago

    Hopefully, It’ll only be 2 years and things will change after the Mid-terms. Fingers Crossed!

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  2. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  2 days ago

    My main concern is not what Buttercup and Fluffy are doing but what damage their little armies of unvetted, unclassified, and unidentified weevils are doing to the systems they are burrowing into.

    What little programs will they leave behind for the unscrupulous types who dominate the digital world?

    What little easy access ‘back doors’ will they install on servers, both the unclassified and the protected?

    To whom will some of them pass protected info? Will it be to those who are already have their plans made to milk our systems of classified info? We have many and, it seems, more every season.

    And, given that well trained, experienced employees are being cast out with little regard for their lives and finances, who will be there to straighten out the upcoming tangle of missed deadlines, incorrectly applied regs, and disrupted protections intended for the general population?

    2 years will seem like forever, unless the opposition stops hacking at each other and gets to work.

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    HMETALNYMETSVAL Premium Member 1 day ago

    Thanks Jeff!

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    Westpizza  1 day ago

    That was Covid. You are now free to visit reality..

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 1 day ago

    What an optimist, it will be a lot more than 4 years. The water in the bowl is spiraling down the drain!!

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    dflak  1 day ago

    The only thing we have standing between us and a more complete dictatorship are the people themselves. SCOTUS, Congress and even Democrats in the senate have already ceded their authority, kissed the ring (spelled @$$) of Trump and rolled over and played dead.

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  7. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member 1 day ago

    In 4 years America will no longer be a Superpower but a 2nd tier non-Aligned nation like India. China will be the only Superpower so forget Spanish and start learning Cantonese and Mandarin

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    Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member 1 day ago

    Our country is already starting to be great again!

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    ladykat Premium Member 1 day ago

    You’re probably right.

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    elvisgirl3  1 day ago

    LOL! The last four years have felt like twenty. With TDS I hope this four will feel like a hundred for the dims! LOL!

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    ragsarooni  1 day ago


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    kkm92065  1 day ago

    Reporter “I fully agree with you removing all the bad people from our county but I have one question”Trump “Thank you. What is your question?”Reporter “When are you leaving?”

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  13. Myid
    DBrannonWriter Premium Member 1 day ago

    I don’t understand the 4 year thing. His plan is there will be no more elections, so . . .

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    ncorgbl  1 day ago

    If we wait 4 years our democratic/republic will not exist.

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    ChazNCenTex  1 day ago

    If you just wait, you won’t escape.

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    GraceFaith  1 day ago

    This must be an old strip from 2021.

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    olds_cool63  1 day ago

    There are legal measures the citizens of The USA can initiate to remove “President” Dumbold CHUMP and J(ust) D(eplorable) Vance from office quickly. How about a petition of many, MANY millions? Nuff said.

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  18. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 1 day ago

    There were Germans interviewed in 1950 who said that Hitler may have done some bad stuff, but overall he was good for Germany, so don’t hold your breath on the MAGAts grasping reality any time soon.The GOP has lied for decades about multiple things, and the past election is the result of their principle that “if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”In the past, we have been able to correct this sort of mistake with an election, and with three branches of government and the constitution putting limits on what could be accomplished, the damage was somewhat limited. Trump has the Supreme Court in his pocket, and a Congress that is afraid to act. He disregards the constitution, and no one stops him.Can we count on the election in four years to stop him? Why do you think he is firing everyone who might oppose him and hiring Trump loyalists? We may or may not have an election four years. Trump did suggest that Covid was reason enough for the 2020 election to be postponed. And, since he is making most of our historic allies furious with the USA, a crisis is quite likely.

    But even if we go to the polls, will it matter if the votes are counted by those chosen for loyalty to Trump?

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    Mr.doom  1 day ago

    It sounds like a lot of the comments were made by Democrats suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

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    chief tommy  1 day ago

    There are other solutions.

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    MFRXIM Premium Member 1 day ago

    Now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their Democracy.

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    sincavage05  about 24 hours ago

    If only they were better shots.

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    parkerinthehouse  about 4 hours ago

    If you deport all the immigrant families, only the Native Peoples will remain.

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