There are lions that hunt in swamps too, according to the same source. They can swim well at need, although *NG* claims that all cats have an instinctive fear of water and that these lions must overcome it in order to hunt their prey, water buffalo.
At least Mom doesn’t try to convince Calvin that Hobbs IS a toy tiger. And by not continuing the conversation, Calvin has not been told “no, you can’t take Hobbs into the water, even in a life preserver.” He didn’t hear that, so he can claim he wasn’t disobeying.
Lol comicgirl, you type like you have bronchitis too, with the ‘n’ missing it sounds just like you have a stuffy nose (I hope that was intentional grins)
The skin of most cats cannot tolerate prolonged exposure to water. It cracks and bleeds. The breeds that like water tend to also have additional oil in their skin. In addition, small cold weather cats depend on their fluffy fur to stay alive. A wet cat in a cold climate is a dead cat. Tigers are large and live in a warm climate, and so have little reason to fear water.
4deerinmyyard: Regarding your question yesterday about moving in with my in-laws … I don’t think they’d let you move in with them but my brother-in-law DOES have his house and about 35 or 40 acres it’s sitting on for sale!
Oh, sure. It sounds peaceful and quiet now but what would you do when you couldn’t get internet connection to post here on Calvin???!!! We’re talking SERIOUS boondocks, my friend!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.: I like your online name. While visiting the in-laws, we saw a momma deer and her 2 babies grazing in their back yard on more than one occasion. That part regarding our trip was very sweet to watch!
Wet, smelly and hard time to dry up. They have to wait till they finish having their camping vacation and then go home and put Hobbes in washing machine to make it smell fresh and clean as a whistle. Good luck!
In the wild, tigers like to swim and cool off in the water. There’s a white Bengal Tiger at a zoo/wildlife park in the SF Bay area that actually swims under water.
@GretchensMom I love the sound of your inlaws place, the lack of a super market sounds absolute heaven to me, give me a mountain or two a few trees and a lake and I’ll happily give up the internet for life lol (tho’ I probably would purchase the complete unabridged works of Bill Watterson for my philosophical re-education)
vibjyor over 15 years ago
Mom certainly doesn’t know about Hobbes.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Keep Hobbes safe, Calvin. It would break your heart if anything happened to him.
kpeiyin over 15 years ago
You are a genius, Hobbes
carmy over 15 years ago
Hobbes looks like a paratrooper.
DawnAvril over 15 years ago
And Hobbes will end up clean - for a while!
sjoujke over 15 years ago
Mom doesn’t know much about tigers - they actually swim very well and hunt their prey in lakes in India. Thank goodness for National Geographic!
Rakkav over 15 years ago
There are lions that hunt in swamps too, according to the same source. They can swim well at need, although *NG* claims that all cats have an instinctive fear of water and that these lions must overcome it in order to hunt their prey, water buffalo.
tirnaaisling over 15 years ago
Soggy tiger and no spin-drier, I hope it’s hot ;)
rentier over 15 years ago
With this suit on Hobbes certainly will be a good swimmer!
Dino-1 over 15 years ago
Once that moldy smell gets in you can never get rid of it. Good luck with that Mom!
Troglodyte over 15 years ago
Wow, Hobbes looks like a WW2 aviator!
Singson over 15 years ago
A boy with a mind!!
sreedhar_aero over 15 years ago
Well done Calvin
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Oh Tigers swim fine- they retain water pretty well too.
carpetinwater9 over 15 years ago
It will take all day to dry off.
unemandarine over 15 years ago
That’s all mom and dad need a smelly tiger in the tent…
Puddleglum2 over 15 years ago
Sometimes, C & H are both all wet! I hope Calvin never gets smelly!
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Calvin always listens to his mom. Last on in…
Destiny23 over 15 years ago
“We just want to avoid an argument”? All right, who are you, and what have you done with Calvin???
alondra over 15 years ago
An argument might liven things up around there. How much longer is this camping trip gonna last?
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
He’s gonna be awful heavy to carry back!
alan.gurka over 15 years ago
I have to agree with Destiny23–since when does Calvin avoid an argument?
Slugnutty over 15 years ago
At least Mom doesn’t try to convince Calvin that Hobbs IS a toy tiger. And by not continuing the conversation, Calvin has not been told “no, you can’t take Hobbs into the water, even in a life preserver.” He didn’t hear that, so he can claim he wasn’t disobeying.
Ivy0730Lcsq over 15 years ago
comicgirl1000 over 15 years ago
i have … brocitis
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Well, at least Calvin is actually listening to what Mom is saying in the third panel, and reflectling on her words thoughtfully.
Hey are those shorts Mom’s wearing - or a skirt? Camping?
wicky over 15 years ago
Stuffed animals are precious regardless of smell or swell.
comicsnoob over 15 years ago
Feel better soon!
tirnaaisling over 15 years ago
Lol comicgirl, you type like you have bronchitis too, with the ‘n’ missing it sounds just like you have a stuffy nose (I hope that was intentional grins)
Get well soon :)
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Tonsilitis and Broncitis. Good luck with that. Get well soon.
stuart over 15 years ago
The skin of most cats cannot tolerate prolonged exposure to water. It cracks and bleeds. The breeds that like water tend to also have additional oil in their skin. In addition, small cold weather cats depend on their fluffy fur to stay alive. A wet cat in a cold climate is a dead cat. Tigers are large and live in a warm climate, and so have little reason to fear water.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I sense trouble.
ninmas over 15 years ago
hahaha! hobbes!
Gretchen's Mom over 15 years ago
4deerinmyyard: Regarding your question yesterday about moving in with my in-laws … I don’t think they’d let you move in with them but my brother-in-law DOES have his house and about 35 or 40 acres it’s sitting on for sale!
Oh, sure. It sounds peaceful and quiet now but what would you do when you couldn’t get internet connection to post here on Calvin???!!! We’re talking SERIOUS boondocks, my friend!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.: I like your online name. While visiting the in-laws, we saw a momma deer and her 2 babies grazing in their back yard on more than one occasion. That part regarding our trip was very sweet to watch!
Puddleglum2 over 15 years ago
Hobbes is a stuffed tiger; Calvin’s father is a ‘stuffed shirt’.
Leonardeuler over 15 years ago
Oops, new world records in swimming ? Poor Michael Phelps……
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Sink, shrink and stink time.
Puddleglum2 over 15 years ago
Using spelling/poetic license, I could say Calvin and Hobbes are both “devious and mischievious” in this cartoon.
coffeeturtle over 15 years ago
she should have told him the truth that Tigers don’t dry very well! :)
ratlum over 15 years ago
Tigers in Siberia live in cold and wet Calvin listens to Mom Look out Hobbes anything can happen now
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
Wet, smelly and hard time to dry up. They have to wait till they finish having their camping vacation and then go home and put Hobbes in washing machine to make it smell fresh and clean as a whistle. Good luck!
jbrobison over 15 years ago
In the wild, tigers like to swim and cool off in the water. There’s a white Bengal Tiger at a zoo/wildlife park in the SF Bay area that actually swims under water.
bald over 15 years ago
at least calvin had hobbs put on a life vest, for safety sake
Puddleglum2 over 15 years ago
I guess Calvin has a ‘vested’ interest in keeping Hobbes safe.
tirnaaisling over 15 years ago
@GretchensMom I love the sound of your inlaws place, the lack of a super market sounds absolute heaven to me, give me a mountain or two a few trees and a lake and I’ll happily give up the internet for life lol (tho’ I probably would purchase the complete unabridged works of Bill Watterson for my philosophical re-education)
ozkanga over 15 years ago
Hobbes is a ‘stuffed’ tiger? Oh no my world is coming apart :( Premium Member over 15 years ago
Just so Hobbes doesn’t get lost in the water – uh oh!!
cadster125 over 15 years ago
its really funny
MGreenwood1 almost 6 years ago
Fun fact: actual tigers are excellent swimmers and enjoy water.
Hobbes X 9 months ago
Hobbes is in the house now.