Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 03, 2011
Soldier: Okay, so you didn't ask and it may not come as a total surprise, but here goes. I'm gay. Melissa: What? Soldier: That sounds so weird. I can't believe I'm allowed to tell you that now... Melissa: You're gay? Really? Soldier: Really. Hold on, I got a call... Melissa: But you can't be... Soldier: Hi, Mom! I just told my sergeant I'm gay! Woman: You're what?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
DADT? Nah. Ask! Tell!
cdhaley over 13 years ago
Might as well get some attention before the notoriety fades and nobody cares.
rayannina over 13 years ago
All the guys that were chasing after her are gonna be shocked …
Ravenswing over 13 years ago
Heh, I can’t WAIT until nobody cares. As it should be.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
This gay woman is much less attractive than, say, Becca, who, presumably, is straight. But I know of gay women who are just as attractive as Becca.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
I used the climb Little Mountain (near where I live) after dark for exercise. At the top where few people went, I would often see two exceptionally beautiful young women kissing passionately in the dark. (I could see because of moonlight and/or city lights reflecting off of clouds.) I always ignored them for fear of alarming them, assuming they were armed with cell phones. After awhile they got used to me and continued doing what they were doing without regard to my presence.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
No need to go all emotional on us, Sparky, and start flinging FLWs around.
omegacenturion over 13 years ago
That was supposed to be a woman wow went right over my head.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Great. Now the women are looking at Melissa inappropriately. And What’s-her-name is. “My eyes are up here, private.”
GrimmaTheNome over 13 years ago
DT – ‘Thomasina’ is what you’re after, that’s the normal feminised version of Thomas.
And to answer your question – no-one bats an eye at feminized ‘male’ names, or girls bearing a ’boys’’ name. But pity the boy named Sue…. its a trivial result of ingrained inequality.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
“MR. CONSERVATIVE” BARRY GOLDWATER SPEAKS FROM THE GRAVE Everyone knows that gays have served honorably in the military since at least the time of Julius Caesar. They’ll still be serving long after we’re all dead and buried. That should not surprise anyone. ¶ But most Americans should be shocked to know that while the country’s economy is going down the tubes, the military has wasted half a billion dollars over the past decade chasing down gays and running them out of the armed services. It’s no great secret that military studies have proved again and again that there’s no valid reason for keeping the ban on gays. Barry M. Goldwater, “Ban On Gays Is Senseless Attempt To Stall The Inevitable”, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post.
Sandfan over 13 years ago
Mel seems to be remembering something from the past that makes this an awkward situation.
roctor over 13 years ago
A front door admission and back door confession. Mel’s leering eyes phobia just doubled.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
This further hurts a guy’s chance to get a date in Afghanistan.
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
if you do anything “like a man” it’s a compliment. but if it’s “like a woman” it’s an insult. what kind of wars have our human-being soldiers been manipulated into? how does “loving/serving our country” cover the immorality of the 1% who are making a killing in every sense of the word? are they fighting for the corporations that have had themselves annointed by their bought politicians as “people with rights”? and once they kill as they have been trained to do, once they have seen what soldiers see….how do they live with themselves and others when they return from their idealistic dream of service…if thy do return in body mind or spirit?
TexTech over 13 years ago
I worked with a guy who had been married for many years and had two kids. And he was as gay as they come although he had learned to mask it completely. The reason? Not the military. Much worse. He worked in Intel. He would have been out of a job in an instant if his homosexuality ever became known. He left the job for other reasons but I suspect that deep down this may have played a part in his decision.
Nelly55 over 13 years ago
I knew of several gay sailors and waves when I was in the Navy in 1973……………it was “so what” then and now to me. We all did our job and had each others back…………and that was that.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
or, as the tea baggers would say:
Habogee over 13 years ago
The fry cook in the Mexican fast food joint turned out to be a peeping tomatilla.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
I just find it interesting that military fatigues are “unisex” and obliterate “individuality”, yet the “gayest” uniforms in the world happen to be FOOTBALL uniforms, all those padded shoulders and stretch capri pants. Then we throw in the “bottom grabbing and slapping” and mincing dances around in the end zone after they score leading one to wonder where they REALLY “score”. Does the NFL have DADT??
Mickey 13 over 13 years ago
I miss the days when the comics were light hearted humor, and not another manner of social commentary.
phoenixnyc over 13 years ago
When I was in college, they allowed the military recruiter to set up shop right in front of the entrance to the cafeteria. I put up with him trying to get me to listen to his sales pitch for about a week before I told him that he had a magnificent tuckus..Oddly enough, he never tried to recruit me again. Thems were the days.
jbarnes over 13 years ago
Wasn’t that the character that was so excited to have the guys ogling her a few months into the deployment???
theo5 over 13 years ago
I think the basic point here may be getting missed. The reason that Melissa is saying that Roz “can’t be” gay is that several years ago it was established that Roz was very straight (she was very pleased that the limited female supply in the war zone made her very popular with the the men even though she acknowledged that she wasn’t a “10”, and she reported (eagerly!) that on 1 day she had multiple dates (with men)). So this seems more a show than real – perhaps to make her even more popular with the guys…
Andre Bishop over 13 years ago
For you nonhip readers, in the rad America gay means both lesbians and homosexuals. SO THERE!
cwg over 13 years ago
Another work of fiction about a fictional subject.
jimhargrave over 13 years ago
Most TeaBaggers " don’t care about sexual preferences. Fiscal Responsibility is all we ask.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
But, LWP, those soldiers who already ARE gay are not going to have to compete for the women in order to “cover” themselves. The women taken out of the heterosexual dating pool will balance the men taking themselves out of it.
countoftowergrove over 13 years ago
No surprise here!
gamrobi over 13 years ago
i am a not getting any hetero. should i be telling of this?
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
PokePar: “And soon U.S.A. will be like all the rest of them. Marvelous.”
“Marvelous?” It’ll be fabulous! No reason it shouldn’t be. Their militaries haven’t suffered from it, and neither will ours. And people won’t be forced to lie in order to serve their country.
FriscoLou, I’m not sure I understand your point. (OK, I’m VERY sure I DON’T understand your point.) But I’ll rephrase. (By the way, did you make it to GGP this weekend?)
The number of straight women in uniform will not change. The number of straight men in uniform will not change.The lesbians in uniform will no longer need to date men as “beards”, but the gay men in uniform will no longer need to date women as “beards.”It’s an increase in dating efficiency all around because, while everybody’s total pool of “potential” dates is smaller (so is everybody’s pool of competitors), it is easier to identify and focus attention on those who might be receptive. It’s win-win-win-win.
Liam Astle Premium Member over 13 years ago
Uh oh. Now she is going to think everyone wants to sexually assault her.
randgrithr over 13 years ago
What’s absolutely hilarious about this is that there was a time when someone who looked a lot like Roz made it rather clear to me that she swang both ways… except SHE was MY Sergeant. I can laugh about it now, I guess… it wouldn’t have bothered me if she wasn’t also trying to hit on me.
Wildcard24365 over 13 years ago
Sure. Call the Israeli Defence Force a bunch of pansies. To their faces. I dare anyone. :-)
Wildcard24365 over 13 years ago
Like the Israeli Defense Force?
Uh, YEAH… among the fiercest fighters in history since Israel was founded 60 years ago.