Quill: "Could you drive me to the airport, Luann? Would that be a huge bother?"
Luann: "Happy to, Quill. Not a bother at all"
Tiffany: "Oh! Me too! I'll come along!"
Tiffany: "A chauffeur! How FUN! Isn't this fun?!"
Quill: "Fun"
Luann: "Bother"
jeff_e about 13 years ago
daggers for eyes.
bikenboatn about 13 years ago
Now she needs a 2-seat car.
FatTonyBalducci about 13 years ago
Why doesn’t Quill(or anyone) punch that ho right in the face?
Namrepus about 13 years ago
Is Tiff’s shirt perforated for quick access?
DaJellyBelly about 13 years ago
I hope that tomorrow Luann tells her to find her own ride! I don’t think Quill would mind that at all.
ComicLaff about 13 years ago
Is Tiffany desparate or what?!
ZacBSM about 13 years ago
GRRowl. Tiffany, butt out. Guys don’t like clingy girls.
RBLawyer about 13 years ago
Disrespect, thy name is Tiff! She really needs to have her rear end kicked up between her shoulder blades. There is no way to describe her but obnoxious…
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
Merry Christmas all.
TotalNerd about 13 years ago
Quill’s expression in the last panel just screams, ‘Ew. There’s a shellack-haired, rabid mop dangling from my arm. How can I get this thing off?’
Rockabore about 13 years ago
Since when does Luann have her own car? I don’t even remember her getting a drivers license, maybe I forgot, but I know she hasn’t got a car.
Namrepus about 13 years ago
Does anyone else remember Potsie Weber from Happy Days? He started off being a schemer, always trying to pull a fast one, and then later he became a total buffoon. I wonder who that reminds me of…
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
Peace, joy, good health, and long life to everyone.
Mordock999 about 13 years ago
Normally at THIS point I would suggest to Quill that if he REALLY wants Tiffany off his flight (and ALL other flights for that matter) , He should quietly PACK a gun in Tiff’s carry on luggage.
But since Greg HATES guns, I’ll just suggest that Mr. Oz call his Uncle and get HIM to FLY out to Pitts instead.
oregontransplant about 13 years ago
trust in the Quill luke
RBLawyer about 13 years ago
Lu bought TJ’s car. Brad vouched for its condition.
lilrabbit about 13 years ago
The comments here used to be fun. Now they are just foul. I used to enjoy reading them. Now I just wish they’d go away.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Ragnar, yeah, somebody ought to come up with a word for that….
JerryTheK about 13 years ago
Tiff is being Tiff. What else is new.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Dang, what a sticky valentine….(apologies to Mr. Costello…)
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
Just grow a couple, Quill. Explain to this leech that you and Luann would like to enjoy a little alone time prior to your trip.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
Not “Can I come along?” Of course the last thing Luann would do is give Tiff the withering stare she deserves and explain to her that the car only has enough room for her and Quill. When Tiff counters that it has enough for her, too, Luann could explain that they will be laying down part of the time. That should back Tiff off.\Of course that is not what will happen. Disappointment.
Tracy King about 13 years ago
airport security is going to arrest tiff, luann is going to get on the plane in her place and go to cali with quinn
DontDoThat about 13 years ago
Luann (and/or Quill) needs to grow a backbone and SET TIFFANY STRAIGHT. Tell her to GTFO and leave them alone!
Rockabore about 13 years ago
Thanks everyone who answered my question. =)
dre7861 about 13 years ago
Oh just tie Tiffany to the back fender and see how fast she can run.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Quill cannot be both chivarous and free of Tiffany. His dry retorts will not suffice here. Tiffany needs to be told off bluntly, directly. Luann could help….
finkd about 13 years ago
Luann is doing her Winnie The Pooh impersonation in the second panel.
ArtCreator about 13 years ago
Tiffany, get over it, QUILL DOESN’T LIKE YOU!!!!! But you got to admire her persistence.
ArtCreator about 13 years ago
Can’t you complain to the captain of the flight that this person is annoying you on the flight?
Doctor11 about 13 years ago
I think Luann should ACCIDENTALLY forget to pick Tiffany up so that she’ll miss her flight.
chicken 33 about 13 years ago
Quill should give Luann a really, really good good-bye kiss and leave her in a knockknee-d daze at the gate and have Tiff do a slow burn to L.A.
prrdh about 13 years ago
Wait till Tiff finds out that Quill is going to ride Australian style…up front with the driver. Sitting in the back seat isn’t very matey.
chicken 33 about 13 years ago
That should shut Tiff up.Maybe. Would leave Luann speechless anyway. One out of two not bad.
JohnRPelt about 13 years ago
I know acting logically would ruin the story, but for God’s sake — why can’t Quill yank his arm away from Tiffany and tell her, “Luann’s not playing a cauffeur; she’s a friend giving me a ride to the airport. You can come along, but you’re sititng in the back with the luggage”?
Dragongirl2319 about 13 years ago
This does not bode well. I don’t understand why Tiffany doesn’t just date all of the other guys she’s flirted with since Quill got here.
Mordock999 about 13 years ago
Now calm down Ras. I was just referencing an old Joke by the Late Great Comedian Sam Kinison, in where an angry ex-girlfriend got EVEN with him by packing a gun in his carry-on luggage. The bit is on iTunes, check it out. No offense intended.
Here, have some COFFEE….,
ridenslide65 about 13 years ago
I’m with Fat Tony
vldazzle about 13 years ago
Considering the ammount of luggage that Tiffany will want to take, Luann could just tell her she’s limited to one bag. Quill is probably only taking one anyway. That way she’d leave of her own volition. Quill and Luann should at least have trip to the airport to themselves, as Tiff expects to have the time in LA with him (but she’s as selfish as the Pennys ;-)
vldazzle about 13 years ago
In the real world someone always sits with the driver unless it’s a hired limo (and sometimes even then) so unless Tiff elects to sit with Luann, that will be Quill!
Dconskjk about 13 years ago
OH! And Quill, as he is getting out of the car, needs to kiss Luann…RIGHT in FRONT of TIFF!
ACTIVIST1234 about 13 years ago
Good, Luann’s jealous! Now maybe she will realize that there’s a reason for formalizing a relationship— it tells the world he’s officially “hands off”. (Until that happens, Quill has to endure at least some of Tiffany.)
TheDOCTOR about 13 years ago
I hope Luann gives Quill a kiss at the airport He’ll NEVER forget…….with Tiff watching, and fumeing.
cubswin2016 about 13 years ago
Is Tiffany related to Kelly Bundy?
doverdan about 13 years ago
Quill’s uncle will think Tiff is his girlfriend, invite her over, New Year’s, etc. .Tiff will plague Luann with pictures on her cell.
doverdan about 13 years ago
She knows Luann is more than a chauffeur, but hopes to change that.
kbyrdleroy123 about 13 years ago
Punch her in her damn mouth.
The Old Wolf about 13 years ago
Massive public humiliation is the only way to take down a clueless, mean-spirited person like Tiffany. I refer you to Hilly Holbrook in “The Help.”
Harryfan about 13 years ago
So why didn’t Zev arrange for tiff to have a Limo pick her up. That’s the Hollywood way to do it.
Tim Pickard Premium Member about 13 years ago
That girl gives everyone around her a severe pain in their collective butts. It is a shame she is so dense and self-absorbed that she can’t see the obvious contempt others have for her.
Yammo Premium Member about 13 years ago
Just say no…
Mr. Tinkles about 13 years ago
Tiffany 1 Luann 0
greenpen77 about 13 years ago
Quill needs to man up!
reedkomicks Premium Member about 13 years ago
Quill and Luann are decent people. When someone like Tiffany acts rude, they have the annoyed feelings, but try to avoid the low road, as tempting as it is. That’s the double whammy of a narcissist like tiffany. Even though she is the rude one, she manages to bring out the worst in good people.
Kathy M T M Premium Member about 13 years ago
All she has to do is say “NO” Sheesh
reedkomicks Premium Member about 13 years ago
“…resorting to physical assault
you’re right Dave.
marvee about 13 years ago
Tiff doesn’t get Quill’s subtlety and if Luann said or did some of the things suggested in these comments, she wouldn’t be the girl Quill likes.
Twmaye about 13 years ago
Tiffany should join the fire dept.
Kirk Sinclair about 13 years ago
Agree, Leviticus. But it’s too late for Luann to upgrade the relationship. And so it falls upon Quill to decide what to do – whether to dust Tiffany or go along with her to LA.
MichaelDee about 13 years ago
that was ssssoooooo funny
perrimac about 13 years ago
Take her, Luann. Sit her in the back. She’ll hate it.
serenasakitty about 13 years ago
Quill may or may not be available, but that doesn’t mean he wants anything to do with the airhead.
Ginispics about 13 years ago
Luann has had a car since she got the job at the Library..and I love that her reaction to Tiff is one of annoyance NOT jealousyshe knows how Quill feels, and Tiff is just making a fool of herself…wonder what would happen if the “great” Aaron Hill came back…would he see how Tiffiney is the pathetic loser she tried to make Luann feel like..and Luann is the real “prize” when it comes to substance and personality…two things Tiff is very ..very lacking
Airman about 13 years ago
Give Tiffany a break. Poor, deluded girl will probably end up dancing in some sleezy strip joint, with a sugar daddy paying the bills.
weblais about 13 years ago
Tiffany was a fun foil for Luann back when the strip was a simple, Luann-centric high school sitcom. But it has evolved— all of the characters, save Tiffany, have grown. Greg, please give Tiffany some catharsis so she can grow up too.
Sportymonk about 13 years ago
I can see it now, tiffany shows up with enough luggage for 25 people and it won’t fit. Then the fun begins!
Tinyman about 13 years ago
Quill sayd “FUN” sarcastically
ZacBSM about 13 years ago
Greg wrote an oops on that. Initially the library job was a paid job during the car purchase arc then later he goofed and wrote in that it was a volunteer job. which contradicted the earlier storyline. Some fans graciously de-goofed Greg by saying the library underwent a budget cut and now Luann’s job is voluntary.
tegm about 13 years ago
pfft don’t drive him. Let Tiffany do it if she wants to so much.