Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 23, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 13 years ago

    Is “fruited” a color?

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 13 years ago

    And the dangers of early deadlines!

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  3. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 13 years ago


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  4. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 13 years ago

    Spacious like in between Perry’s ears.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago

    Roland: And Mr. Gingrich, what’s yours? Newt: Greed, er, uh, green.

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    cdhaley  about 13 years ago

    When he drew this strip, GBT imagined Perry would still be in the race. Trudeau needs to keep up with the prophecies in the Mormon Bible. In its latest version, Mitt 6:24 reads:

    “Ye cannot serve both Newt and Mammon. Ye must either hate Newt and cling to me and my money, or Mammon will abandon the GOP, leaving it to Obama’s mercy.”

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  7. United federation
    corzak  about 13 years ago

    We really need to get back to that ‘crowning the good with brotherhood’ thing. I haven’t seen a “Mr. Brotherhood Goodly Pageant” contestant crowned in a long time . . .

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  8. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago

    “Mr. Gingrich, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”

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    Alabama Al  about 13 years ago

    Most of the candidates this election season who are or have been in the Republican primaries either are currently or have held other political offices. It makes one wonder how the good people in their respective states could have voted for them in the first place. Then you realize perhaps the “good” people didn’t.

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    bagbalm  about 13 years ago

    Thus politics is revealed to be as absurd as Miss America.

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  11. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Perry is lucky he really doesn’t have to answer any questions about color any more.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  about 13 years ago


    Oh, Newt is a brutewho continues to hoot.

    We thought Perry was scaryUntil the primary.

    And MItt was a hit— till SC. Whatta pit!

    Ron Paul gave his allTill his numbers got small.

    And Santorum RickMakes everyone sick.

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    vwdualnomand  about 13 years ago

    perry is out..must be written before last week.

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  14. W12
    chris_weaver  about 13 years ago

    And Gov. Perry’s favorite President is President Rushmore.

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  15. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  about 13 years ago

    Trudeau didn’t plan on the Colbert bump.

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  16. Cats black eyes only
    smalltownbrown  about 13 years ago

    No, DT3, it’s gold for Newtie, or platinum.

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  17. Wiz wirp boing
    johndifool  about 13 years ago

    Can we just toss Romney into the Gorge of Eternal Peril already and be done with it?

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    puddleglum1066  about 13 years ago

    The R primary field is a lesson in how even politics must obey the laws of quantum mechanics..Mitt is an example of the Uncertainty Principle, which says you cannot know both the energy and position of a particle. While Mitt’s energy has been constant (luke-warm), his position has been impossible to determine..The Anti-Mitt (Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Santorum, Newt
) exemplifies Schroedinger’s discovery that the position of the particle is a dispersed wave function that collapses when observed (e.g., the cat is neither alive nor dead until you open the box and check). The Anti-Mitt exists in a dispersed rage field containing a great deal of energy until an event (like a poll, caucus or primary) leads to an actual observation
 at which point the Anti-Mitt collapses, becomes unstable, and disintegrates, much to the frustration of cartoonists who must work two weeks in advance..(Note: the cat mentioned in this discussion is hypothetical. No actual cats were harmed.)

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    I guess I should be glad for the Rep clown car tour. Somehow it bothers me that the candidates don’t seem very smart, and even worse that the crowds can’t tell.That and the fact that they CAN vote, which is their right
which I HAVE and always defended
and yet, this current display by the Rep front-runners makes me want to cry for my country and my fellow citizens.

    Maybe it’s true that no SMART Rep wants to be prez this next time around, because the Rep-caused financial debacle will be unavoidable, very messy, and very cruel

    I almost hope that’s it

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  20. United federation
    corzak  about 13 years ago

    “This is the best that (corporate sponsored) America has to offer.”Perfectly put. No longer can a politician serve the needs of both corporate and public constituencies. The gap is too wide.Which is why Rove et al have been focusing on a ‘bottom up’ strategy – first win statehouses, then state governors, then redistrict, then congressmen . . . swallow the prey from the legs up . . .

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    cdhaley  about 13 years ago

    @sammysock (in case you’re unfamiliar with Belial, the fallen angel):

    " . . . Belial, in act more graceful and humane [than Mammon];A fairer person lost not Heav’n; he seemedFor dignity composed and high exploit:But all was false and hollow; though his tongueDropped manna., and could make the worse appearThe better reason, to perplex and dashMaturest counsels; for his thoughts were low;To vice industrious, but to nobler deedsTimorous and slothful: yet he pleased the ear . . ."Paradise Lost, 2.109-17

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  22. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  about 13 years ago

    The smart candidates are never elected – Ron Paul is obviously the most intelligent here, just as Jerry Brown is and was when he ran for president. (Maybe the most intelligent is not always the best choice, I don’t know)They want a man with hair that can give a speech – written by the puppeteers that pull all the strings.

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  23. Avatar
    garyhill  about 13 years ago

    These sound like the O bama questions of 4 years ago when he stole the nomination from Hillary,

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  24. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  about 13 years ago

    Oh! I always thought it was “Spaceship Guys!”

    Well, that’s very different — never mind![/ Emily Litella]

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 13 years ago

    I guess blue, white, and especially red were too obvious.

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  26. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 13 years ago

    Mr. Gingrich what’s your favorite.“Uh, pink.”

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  27. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 13 years ago

    The song “America” has many words today’s “conservatives” ignore. Today’s conservatives have shown in “cold reads” of sections, they would REJECT the majority of the Constitution. The “uncertainty principle” shows that arrogance and ignorance can’t be measured simultaneously in the conservative sphere. It’s like defining infinity.

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    coolwaterman  about 13 years ago

    Perry should have said, “
 because of our spacious skies.” (And because Texas is so big)

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  29. Spinynorman
    Doctor Go  about 13 years ago

    Roland Hedley: What
 is your favourite colour? Gingrich: Blue. No, yel
 [he is also thrown over the edge] Gingrich: auuuuuuuugh!!!

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  30. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 13 years ago

    Doonesbury December 1, 1984.

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    hkyjckfjt  about 13 years ago

    This must be a rerun from 2000-2008. They must drink from the Rio Grande.

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    kaffekup   about 13 years ago

    I don’t care that Perry dropped out; in my neighborhood, it’s always comedic open season on buffoons.

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  33. Beatles66
    SabbyW  about 13 years ago

    heh heh. how very patriotic.

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    agate1  about 13 years ago

    You demonstrate the infinite amount of ignorance and arrogance well.

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  35. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  about 13 years ago

    So how come none of the other candidates sez brown?

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    MountainDuck  about 13 years ago

    “Mr. Gingrich?”“Pink.”

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  37. Dicktracy silhouetteed
    Spade Jr.  about 13 years ago

    Oops! A dastardly little trick on G.T., having to submit strips far in advance of publication thereby including someone who has dropped out of competition.

    Can’t cartoonists submit their work and/or alternate strips using the Internet to avoid stuff like that?

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