Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 01, 2012
Congressman: And I further pledge to sign all pledges. Reporter: Good evening. Over the past year, in a headlong flight from independent thought and judgment GOP lawmakers have rushed to sign special interest pledges locking in their positions on everything from taxes to abortion to spending caps. Competitions has been fierce, but today, Rep. Bob Bumfender became the first lawmaker to sign pledges covering every issue before Congress! In a somber ceremony on Capitol Hill with pledge enforcer Grover Norquist... Bumfender formally surrendered his manhood. Norquist: Thanks, Bob... I''ll take good care of that!
BE THIS GUY almost 13 years ago
Look at the positive side: he will no longer be able to reproduce.
Buzza Wuzza almost 13 years ago
funny AND true
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
These Republican independent individual freedom fighters surrender their independence and free will awfully quickly and easily.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
After his manhood, will be his soul, mind and heart.
FriscoLou almost 13 years ago
Just wanted to remind everybody to lay off the pledges and don’t get caught on the wrong side of St. Stupid’s Day.
We haven’t heard from fritzoid for a couple of days and there were five homicides in a house near City College the other day, I’m a little worried.
palepink Premium Member almost 13 years ago
OMG, it’s a rerun from 1980!
(For you youngsters, go into the archives and find G.H.W.Bush’s acceptance of the VP candidacy.)
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Wow, I’d better be careful never to pledge anything that Lefties disapprove of.
Of course, they surrendered their manhoods to Obama years ago.
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Well, that makes us even.
Warren Wubker almost 13 years ago
Anyone remember seeing the flock of sheep behind Pelosi whenever she makes one of her stupefying announcements?
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
See, the tighties seem to think that Robin Hood was actually an enforcer for the thieves and bullies, and didn’t work to free poor people. Same with the Lone Ranger…they never met a government or a strong man they didn’t want to puppy-up to.
That’s why I get very little action from Dem women on campaigns but reep women will seduce in a heartbeat…because you think for yourself they think automatically they should roll over and have their bellies scratched…there’s an ‘authority kiss up’ gene in Reeps.
Obsequiousness…bite and suppress the ones below, kiss up to the ones above.Republican #1 rule.
jackhs almost 13 years ago
I wold never be a sheep. Not for either party. Grover can kiss my a..
WaitingMan almost 13 years ago
Funny how you never hear Norquist complain when Republicans talk about tax increases for the working poor (the 0% tax bracket). And minimum wage laws? Unconstitutional! So there is the Republican plan. If you are wealthy, it’s all tax cuts all the time. If you make minimum wage, you get a tax increase and a pay cut. Seems fair to me.
puddleglum1066 almost 13 years ago
The interesting legal question is whether by signing these pledges the candidates—at least those who are already members of Congress—have violated their oath of office, which puts the Constitution above all else.
trekbike almost 13 years ago
Finally, a use for grover norquist, “ball boy”!!!
tcolkett almost 13 years ago
RayThomas101 almost 13 years ago
Pledges are useless. They should just DO the right thing.
Luciamari333391 almost 13 years ago
Pledges are unconstitutional: they require the candidate to put loyalty to, say, a Norquist before their constituents. Any intelligent person realizes that there are not hard and fast solutions to something as complex as the US.
jmatrixrenegade almost 13 years ago
Didn’t someone, Bush back in the ’80s or something, put his manhood in a blind trust in Doonesbury?
Mitchtheone almost 13 years ago
That is the republican parrty all over these day.. Forget what is good for the country. just what pledges one must sign to not think.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Frankly, I think we could use a little less free-flowing testosterone on BOTH sides of the aisle, from the women as well as the men.
Politics is the Art of Compromise.“Check your Manhoods at the Door.”
Dtroutma almost 13 years ago
Ben wah politics.
brianhart51 almost 13 years ago
Finally, the strip that has persuaded me once and for all to vote a straight Democratic ticket and fund raise for every Democratic candidate I can. I say that because this strip has shown me the light that every Democratic congressperson is the living reincarnation of Mr. Smith goes to Washington, and every Republican congressperson is the personification of pure evil.
Spamgaard almost 13 years ago
When he was only a 12 year old boy, Grover Norquist dreamed up the no-tax pledge. At 21, he declared that he learned all there was to know about politics. Now, all but 14 Republicans in Congress have knelt, kissed the ring, and pledged their ultimate loyalty to mad King Grover regardless of the needs or interests of the American people. All over the wet dreams of a 12 year old.
corzak almost 13 years ago
“strip that has persuaded me once and for all to vote a straight Democratic ticket and fund raise for every Democratic candidate I can”Modern Fox-fed Repubs . . . so often ending up at ‘all-or-nothing’.What about having Republican candidates that want to keep taxes reasonably low but still balance the budget. . . that are willing to make compromises or exceptions here and there to achieve the overall goal . . . is that such a horrible thing?Why do Repub candidates have to sign this ‘blood oath’ to an irrelevant weasel? Are they incapable of deciding issues on their own without orders from the Party Central Committee?
cdhaley almost 13 years ago
Because Obama (who is president) has to enforce the law that governs Federal support funds. Norquist (who is not an elected official) wants to subvert the law.
yuggib almost 13 years ago
…And with that staement, you admit to not having them now. Glad I am an Independant, and no longer a Republican. After 62 years, I have grown quite used to having them where they are…and not being minded by someone that really doesn’t care.
ghretighoti almost 13 years ago
When there is a good hold on the manhood, the heart and mind will follow.