Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 17, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 12 years ago

    I am waiting for the conservatives to start posting, “AMENS”.

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    King_Shark  about 12 years ago

    The Patience of Job…

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    wvhappypappy  about 12 years ago

    Because the conservatives completely don’t get the humor…

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  4. Kenny
    The Nihilist  about 12 years ago

    Rhetoric that almost makes sense…

    Yup, he’s viable for the teahadists. Maybe he should become Swiss too…

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  5. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 12 years ago

    The reason Occupy seems so discombobulated and scattered, without one short list of demands for the Short-Attention-Span News?There are so many things wrong, it’s hard to know where to start!First, Glass-Steagall is a start (bring it back, in full) to separate the commercial (save/lend) banks from ‘investment/security’ (casino) banks.Start educating the young (not just to take standard tests) so they can think; this will take years to get back, but by then, we’ll need them desperately.

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    thesnowleopard Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I do! I loved the maniacal gleam in his eye when he screamed it.

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    wcorvi  about 12 years ago

    Well, yes, but then Tricky WAS “GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!” I guess what he SHOULD have said was, “It turns out I AM a crook!”

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    tigre1  about 12 years ago

    Like when the absolutely great multi-level genius who didn’t invent anything built a company on…“Don’t be evil…”?

    And even people who know about “Don’t think of a pink elephant”…thought, yeah.

    Bless the …WHO? “We don’t get fooled again…” Yeah.

    The neo-confederates don’t even KNOW they’re dense.But then, how could they?

    Let’s create jobs by starting a guillotine-manufacturing company. A small factory. About fifty units would do the trick.Probably would keep Wall Street and Republicans generally honest for three generations. Longer if we seriously weeded the gene pool.

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  9. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago

    The main reason for the non-recovering recovery is that most of the business community is scared into immobility by Obama’s anti-business policies and rhetoric. Trudeau is trying to make that fact sound ridiculous, but it’s still true.

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    Hufn  about 12 years ago

    Wow, I didn’t think anyone would actually try to point out that they didn’t get this strip at all :p. You’re too funny!

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    djl531  about 12 years ago

    Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, governor of Louisiana, has not thought of that excuse…yet.

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    peabodyboy  about 12 years ago

    Perhaps Zipper’s not the only one who wants a job from Mitt. Jeff sounds like he’s angling for VP. Sorry, Jeff, you’re too young for that gig. Think 2032 and Bristol Palin.

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    Beleck3  about 12 years ago

    Republicans wouldn’t understand the sarcasm. why bothert responding to them? like spitting into the wind. proof positive of their “mindlessness”/greed. we get it. and laugh at it. we “get” it. lol

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    Beleck3  about 12 years ago

    after all, Republican aspire to be amoral,psycho sociopathic vampire squids like their hero, St. Ronnie.

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    frankvsantoro  about 12 years ago

    Is Jeff going to renounce his citizenship? Maybe he’ll expatriate to Afghanistan.

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  16. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 12 years ago

    That’s cool, Jeff, ’cause I gotta be in the mood to work!

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  17. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 12 years ago

    When I saw this strip early this morning, I couldn’t wait to read all your comments. I knew this one was going to generate a hot discussion. For my part, I agree with @wecatsgocomics.Trudeau’s genius is in his wicked sense of satiric humor

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    gaebie  about 12 years ago

    Vermont is the job killer today. They passed a bill banning “fracking” and kill all the new oil and gas jobs from this. Don’t tell anybody there is no oil or gas to drill for in Vermont, they still killed jobs!

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  19. Jesusandmo
    Spamgaard  about 12 years ago

    You can also kill an industry that employs hundreds of thousands of workers by letting them go into bankruptcy with absolutely no investors willing to step up to the plate to fund the restructuring to keep them from closing their doors forever. So “all it did” was avoid an even worse recession. I guess you didn’t get the Repug marching orders, but Romney is now claiming the bailout was his idea.

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    kaffekup   about 12 years ago

    This is a great strip. I actually heard a guy on NPR say that he could hire, but wasn’t going to, because the recession wasn’t over and he didn’t want to put them through being laid off. As if that bothered anybody when they were laying off millions on Bush’s watch. At least they might have gotten a few months paychecks, enough to start spending and end the recession. As if any of these people actually cared about employees…

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  21. Jesusandmo
    Spamgaard  about 12 years ago

    Exactly, 11 years of tax cuts for the rich can’t be wrong! And it Romney is elected, he promises more of the same. Just think of all the money those “job creators” will be able to sit on, or invest in cheap, slave labor wage level jobs overseas!

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  22. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Jeff had already created a job for Zipper, helping him extract Zrbugfk. Did he ever pay him for that, or is he considering it an internship?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 12 years ago

    What Jeff means is that he has no need to hire Zip. The Obama “job-killer” nonsense is a smokescreen…. for Jeff and for the real corporations using that excuse.Econ 101- demand is what creates jobs.

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    randymi  about 12 years ago

    Well, we do have a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich, so this fits in with their whining.

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    pstampfel Premium Member about 12 years ago

    australia has a minimum wage of over $20 an hour and 5% unemployment.

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    cdhaley  about 12 years ago

    The fantasy millionaire Jeff, sitting in his bubble bath, is a brilliant caricature of hypocritical Republicans like Romney. They equate capital with job creation but fail to mention that by taking that capital out of circulation they destroy jobs.

    Only 2% of those who are taxed as “corporations” actually run small businesses. The rest are wealthy individuals who hoard their capital and justify their greed by saying that government regulations make it unsafe to invest in America,

    As for business prudence, Jack Welch (CEO of General Electric) observed that no business tries to plan ahead more than 3 to 5 years, lest shareholders complain it’s taking it’s eye off the bottom line.

    That’s why we can’t afford to make a CEO (Romney) our president. He’d work for his shareholders (Republicans) who care only about the bottom line (eliminating our deficit), not about the strength of the country or its vital institutions like education and health care.

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  27. Arnoldstang
    rvonluchen  about 12 years ago

    I feel Jeff’s pain.

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  28. Jesusandmo
    Spamgaard  about 12 years ago

    If you think Reagan didn’t campaign, you’re either lying, senile, or will believe anything FauxNewz beams into your eyeballs. Ronnie Raygun campaigned and raised over 10 million for the primary that he was guaranteed to win, then raised millions more for the general election and a few million in soft money. Yes, he campaigned. But he didn’t have to spend as much time campaigning as anyone running for President now. Reagan was able to take the public handout of matching funds, as his opponent did. Now, anyone running is up against not only how much money his/her opponent can raise, but all the secret money by third party organizations, PACs and Super PACs that the right-wingers in the Supreme Court anointed as legal in the “Citizens” United case.Read some history books on what unions did for you before parroting the right-wing propaganda. Why do people hate unions so much? Is it because they were able to keep their wages from completely stagnating for the last 20 years, unlike “at will” hires?

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  29. United federation
    corzak  about 12 years ago

    “Usurper Barry has fewer jobs today than when he Unconstitutionally took office.”You just make this stuff up off the top of your head? lol lol! Maybe you’re positioning yourself as a GoComics Stephen Colbert?

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  30. United federation
    corzak  about 12 years ago

    “The name is TEA Party. It means Taxed Enough Already. We are growing and not “dead”. You will see us roar in November”Of course they will. They’re very well-funded.”the Tea Party Movement benefits from millions of dollars from conservative foundations that are derived from wealthy U.S. families and their business interests. The money to organize and implement the Movement flows primarily through two conservative groups: Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks."

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  31. United federation
    corzak  about 12 years ago

    “We have lost private sector jobs under Barry. They won’t come back until he is gone and the damage the Usurper has done is corrected.”LOL! I AM looking at the real numbers. And at historical fact. What the hell are YOU looking at? Were you born in 2010??Jobs lost in the month before Obama took office Here and Jobs lost and gained Here and Here and etc etc

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