Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 24, 2024

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    Hello Everyone  2 days ago

    Yeah, Condensension always goes over so well.

    PS. I poirpoisely mispelled a word or two. :)

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    snsurone76  2 days ago

    I’m guessing there will be no Christmas-themed strip tomorrow. Or Hannukah-themed one the next day.

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  3. Smallwolfface
    Dean  2 days ago

    On sunny days I often wonder why don’t all those cars have matte finishes not blinding everyone.

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    snsurone76  2 days ago

    The cars of the 1960’s were beautiful—long and streamlined, with “fishtail” fins. Then came the Arab Oil Embargo of the mid ’70’s, and cars became “compact”. Today, most cars are hybrid or electric, with LED headlights, so there’s far less need for Arab oil—but IMO, they’re as ugly as army tanks!

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    TwilightFaze  1 day ago

    Sorry, kid, but these failures are too self-centered to care about others. They only care about their image and stroking their fragile egos. Fortunately, nowadays people have become aware of this and are working towards vehicles that are more planet friendly. Even EVs are becoming more favorable, but they feel the transition is too quick and just need it stretched out to better prepare for it. I agree with it. I fully support EVs as well but most households, cities, and roads are not accommodated for them very well or at all. We need to work on those first.

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    Droptma Styx  1 day ago

    Well, at least they’ve made them less prone to rollover … and the turbocharged four cylinder engines they’re using make them more efficient. At any rate, the market has spoken – people like the taller driving position, ease of entry and exit, and the, yes, utility of an SUV.

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    gantech  1 day ago

    What comes next is you get your EV keyed.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 1 day ago

    Yeah, our problem is we didn’t scold working people enough…

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    monya_43  1 day ago


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    Squoop  1 day ago

    Making the world better one SUV-shaming ticket at a time. This is why she is my fav character of this strip.

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    Space_cat  1 day ago

    Things that keep me from wanting or buying an SUV:1: Fuel and tire costs. Filling that big tank costs money $$$ My Buick takes 18 gallons, the average large SUV 25 or more, and much lower mileage I average 30. Filling up every 2 weeks is much nicer than every week. A new set of 15" tires every 3 years cost me $240. ONE tire for an SUV avg. $150-200+ and way up $$$$

    2: Safety: That glaring blind spot in front, Not being able to see everything that is in front of me is a deal-breaker. That blind spot has killed many small children /pedestrians. It’s not worth the liability risk. Add rollover risks into the mix and you get a hard NO from me.4 wheel drive does mean you can drive in any conditions, i used to work in a ski valley and hardly a week went by when some moron rolled their SUV down the ravine, thinking it could handle the heavy snow (28 feet average a season!)

    ,3: Maintenance costs: Bigger vehicles means more wear on parts than a vehicle a mere 1000lbs lighter. Especially the transmission and suspension, which are susceptible to extra wear from being in a heavier vehicle.

    4: Size, I drive to work during the week, BY MYSELF, we are a nation of single driver commuters, a giant vehicle for ONE person make absolutely no sense unless you are overcompensating for a physical/mental shortcoming. (Here’s a clue: the fact that WE SEE YOU driving one means "We know what’s really up and are pointing and LAUGHING at YOU " I know I certainly am! And although I am not contributing as much to global warming as you are, I’d rather not join the herd in making it worse.

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  12. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  1 day ago

    Alex doesn’t mention it, but there’s also that warm, satisfying feeling of having rammed her superiority up somebody’s nose again.

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  13. Beanish
    Blueskyfox  1 day ago

    “Merry Christmas, honey! I sold my watch to buy you a Cadillac Escalade!”“And I shaved my head bald to buy you a Chevrolet Suburban.”“Cool!”

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  14. Chief wahoo
    aerotica69  1 day ago

    Sorry, honey, what comes next is most likely littering.

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    zwilnik64  1 day ago

    Considering that SUVs are built on truck frames to take advantage of differences in safety standards, any claims of superior crash performance have serious flaws in their foundations.

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    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 1 day ago

    Social warrior heal thy self.

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  17. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 1 day ago

    A stinging rebuke from a selfish fellow citizen. Yeah, that’ll do something. I wonder how many pictures of herself ticketing she posted online.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  1 day ago

    Luxury cars of the 30’s had special trunk compartments to hold picnic hampers.

    And does anybody out there know what a running board is?Anybody under 30,I mean

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    mistercatworks  1 day ago

    Yet no one dares to remove the SUV exception to gas mileage requirements. I lived in Marin where it was not uncommon to see near-empty, stopped school buses being passed by SUVs carrying one kid to school.

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    FRITH RA  1 day ago

    Buy electric. They can’t accuse you of gas guzzling. (Though some people are trying to make it even worse.)

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    sjsczurek  1 day ago

    Alix, stop wasting paper!

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    HodgeElmwood  1 day ago

    Ah, youthful naiveté

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member 1 day ago

    My electric company tries to shame me for using more than my neighbors. It is such crap, my 900 square foot house uses more than my neighbors 3000 square foot house? I went paperless on my billing, and they still mail me the efficiency crap, wasting paper and my time. And they charge me $ for environmental fees. More crap.

    Com Ed should change their name to Commy Ed.

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    lnrokr55  1 day ago

    Glad it’s almost Christmas, ready to quiet down ! Happy Christmas Folks !

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member 1 day ago

    Clearly, this strip pre-dates hybrids by a couple of decades or more!

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    Ammosexual is riding the Red Wave Premium Member 1 day ago

    Today Alex is driving a Cybertruck to her daily hate Jews protest. Reminds me of the line, “Deadhead Sticker on a Cadillac”. Stop worrying about what others do, take care of yourself.

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    willie_mctell  1 day ago

    And then revenge.

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    dogday Premium Member 1 day ago

    Yeah…I’ll do all those things when you learn to dress like an adult and not a self-indulgent slob so….never mind.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 1 day ago

    Once upon a time. Now they go out and buy another SUV

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  30. Zdesertinutah
    desertinutah1951  about 24 hours ago

    She gives too much credit to the human race—and a Merry Christmas to you all.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  about 23 hours ago

    Everyone needs a goal in life.

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    eddi-TBH  about 22 hours ago

    Idealism goes head on into egoism.

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