FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for February 20, 2025

  1. Mural me75
    mirwin49 Premium Member 3 days ago

    No. Comments aren’t executable once the code is compiled. But if the code is interpreted????

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    kendavis09  3 days ago

    My compooter gots a virus and now it gots a code in its nodes.

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  3. Logo
    TwilightFaze  3 days ago

    Only fair, if you think about it.

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    dflak  2 days ago

    I am not too upset with Microsoft’s Operating systems. They work. I do object to their business practices where they force Edge, Bing and ads on us and tell us how we are supposed to do business.

    This was the great failing of Windows 8. It was a good operating system, under the hood. However Microsoft told us to throw away the desktop. Everyone will be doing their spreadsheets on a touch screen tablet now.

    They also marketed it as an expensive etch-a-sketch for little girls to draw pictures of flowers for their daddies. It was neve taken as a serious OS for business.

    It is nice that they add new features, even though people don’t want them, but there really is no reason for them to change the user interface and hide things and move them around “just because.”

    The reason people skipped Windows 8 and went straight to 10 was because 10 looked more like 7 which sort of looked like XP.

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  5. Lizard2
    Kroykali  2 days ago

    At my workplace (working for the State) in the early ’90’s, our IT guy (before that was even a term) hated Bill Gates and actually went around the state removing Windows (a new thing) from our new computers that came with it. I think he was forced to stop doing that, but would still come in and make changes to our computers while we were away on jobs. I would come back and be unable to find files since he moved things around. He should have been fired, but he stayed on a long time.

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  6. Bc92a6de09218bcca4bb23106a180b75
    KEA  2 days ago

    “clever microsoft” is an oxymoron … for anything other than making profits

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  7. 1988 06 05edit
    awgiedawgie Premium Member 2 days ago

    No, the computers are not “swearing back”. Since people are swearing at their computers because of the software, it’s the users who are swearing back at the computers.

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  8. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member 2 days ago

    Uncommented source code is the guarantee of job security for the programmer, as long he has a fully documented version stashed away.

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  9. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 2 days ago

    Haven’t swore at Sequoia once.

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  10. Greg backlit
    mindjob  2 days ago

    Best thing I bought by Microsoft was a mouse that had a side button that let you enlarge the font of what you were reading on the computer

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  11. Waffle
    Chalres  2 days ago

    I once worked for a contractor who assembled computer systems and demonstrated them as part of the process to win a contract. We had a very meticulous person doing testing of a third-party software package that was part of the bid, and they managed to find a particular set of conditions which apparently produced an “impossible” program state, and as part of the diagnostic code the programmer had inserted an error message displayed on the screen which included the “F” word. Due to the thorough step-by-step documentation, we were able to reproduce it for the vendor when they told us that wasn’t possible.

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    Ol' me  2 days ago

    I’ve written a few expletives in my code comments. I had one project that I named the “Freddy Krueger Project” because it was a nightmare.

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    M.K.Staffeld  2 days ago

    I swear at my pc on a pretty regular basis so I’m sure it swearing back at me in some pretty creative code…

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