Gary Varvel for June 21, 2024

  1. Missing large
    Anters55  12 days ago

    The border is secure. What is their definition of “secure”?

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  2. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  12 days ago

    Say her name.

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  3. Aatxajyt0k1nbrznnl6tau5xwsuetymyjuhn1v6klq0y=s96 c
    2AndFour  12 days ago

    An evil administration that betrays their own legal citizens.

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    brit-ed  12 days ago

    No illegal immigrants came in under trump and no US citizens have done anything like this /s

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    walfishj  12 days ago

    There are over 22,000 homicides in the U.S. annually, and you pick on the five that were perpetrated by immigrants. Doesn’t seem too smart to me.

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    aristoclesplato9  12 days ago

    The horror of these illegal alien crimes is a third world country cancer. And also known as Biden’s America.

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  7. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member 12 days ago

    That is why we need to the Death penalty for all crimes that use a weapon or violent in nature.

    You kill or cripple someone Death

    You Rape someone you get raped and castrated so you cannot contribute to the gene pool

    You lead an insurrection Death

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    DC Swamp  12 days ago

    There are plenty of reasons to vote against this evil Biden regime, but it’s cruel, wide open border policy is reason #1 for me.

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    The Nodding Head  12 days ago

    The criminals who invaded the Capitol must be held accountable.

    And so should political leaders who urged them in.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 12 days ago

    It is perfectly okay with this dim cartoonist if hundreds of US citizens are slaughtered by weapons with bump stocks. But, OMG, what if an immigrant did this?

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  11. Yin yang
    Havel  12 days ago

    Now do one showing the millions doing work that Americans won’t do.

    American innumeracy continues to amaze me.

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  12. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 12 days ago

    This cartoon certainly brings out all the trump loonies. I expect more than a few “illegals” came in under trumps watch so who’s to know this one was not one of his. AND.. it seems the undocumented among you are less likely to commit a crime than some of trump’s friends.

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  13. Picture
    Ontman  12 days ago

    Varvel preaches hate. It’s what he does. He does it well.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 12 days ago

    Pure sophistry.

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  15. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 12 days ago

    Republicans demanded aggressive measures to strengthen border control. As he has done so many times in his first three years, Joe Biden reached across the aisle and WORKED WITH REPUBLICANS to hammer how a strong bipartisan border control bill.

    Senate Republicans such as Mitt Romney and even Trump loyalists like James Lankford and Lindsay Graham, are calling for urgent approval so the border issues that Republicans have been complaining about can be brought under control.But oops, Donald Trump does not want to solve the border crisis. He wants to complain and whine about it. Maybe throw a few more bottles of ketchup — “tantrum sauce” on the walls of Mar-a-Lago. He has a Trumped-up election issue and if the problem gets solved his big hot-button election wedge issue goes away.For Republicans, it is all about playing politics with the border, not solving the issue.

    REPUBLICANS are the ones who keep broadcasting FALSE claims that Democrats welcome undocumented entry, that Democrats are holding “welcome signs” to unauthorized entry and that the borders are open. None of that is true, but it is the message REPUBLICANS are telegraphing that gives desperate migrants the false hope that encourages them to come.REPUBLICANS are the ones who do not want to solve this problem. They want to leave the problem unsolved and play politics with it. If the problem gets solved, they lose a political issue.REPUBLICANS are the ones who want to encourage illegal entry by desperate migrants, because they are the party that represents wealthy elitist billionaire investors and corporations that depend on cheap immigrant labor by undocumented workers they can exploit because they are afraid to assert their rights under workers protection laws that protect wages and safe working conditions.

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  16. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member 12 days ago

    This is excellent propaganda. I wonder where I have seen this before? Was it Goebbels or someone else?

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  17. Ab avitar
    Addled Brain  12 days ago

    If Republicans would pass the bill they designed that would supply the necessary immigration judges, such criminals would more likely be caught.

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 days ago

    The right wing propagandas line.

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    IndyW  12 days ago

    Spot on toon again. Mayorkas is either weak minded or being manipulated, for not fighting to get the border shutdown, when knowing that criminal elements are being directed into this country. It’s only beginning momentum, and is going to get worse

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  20. Img 0263
    American Beagle  Premium Member 12 days ago

    Great cartoon, nailed it.

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  21. Homoerectus
    fusilier  12 days ago

    Was Adam Lanza an illegal immigrant?

    Was Salvador Ramos an illegal immigrant?

    Was Nicholas Cruz an illegal immigrant?

    Was Stephen “800 rounds per minute” Paddock an illegal immigrant?

    et myriad cetera


    James 2:24

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  22. Anti communist
    DefundFakeMedia  12 days ago

    Mayorkas has no intention whatsoever to hold any of the criminals he and his corrupt regime lets in responsible.

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    piper_gilbert  12 days ago

    Red meat for the Red Hat Clown Squad.

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    Al Fresco  12 days ago

    And let him in, and let him in, and let him in, and let him in, . . . .

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    rmike7842  12 days ago

    This is a tragedy and it’s only compounded by the way it is being used for partisanship. Consider if the comic substituted illegal migrant for AR-15 or bump stock. I suspect that the argument would be similar, but the sides would switch.

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    ncorgbl  12 days ago

    Illegal immigration has been back down to the record low numbers under President Obama after spiking up under tRump. No country has ever kept out every illegal, misrepresenting and placing blame like this pundit is dishonest.

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  27. Missing large
    lawguy05  12 days ago

    2 of Biden’s finest illegals strangled, raped and murdered a 12 year old girl in Houston this week. The blood is on Biden’s and his administration’s hands. Let’s go, Brnadon!!!

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 days ago

    Republicons got them a new Willie Horton! Yee=Haw!

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  29. Fbab547a f046 46c4 98b5 08cf0dc801d6
    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 12 days ago

    The left here keeps nattering off the topic about gun control and doesn’t understand the 2nd amendment, the Founding Fathers wording of it and its intent. It has absolutely nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with defense, both personal and the nation. They seem to be ignorant of the subject so I will spell it out for them in simple terms.

    The 2nd was designed to allow the PEOPLE the right to own and carry the most modern and effective weapons to KILL enemy PEOPLE desiring to harm them or the nation. Kill those enemy people both foreign and domestic in order to protect the nation and the Constitution.

    The Federal and State governments have already infringed greatly on the peoples rights in this regards. I have no problem with keeping weapons out of criminal hands. But when you advocate putting any restrictions on law abiding citizens you are in violation of the 2nd Amendment and an enemy to the Constitution. Cannons (despite Biden’s lies), machine guns, tanks, just about every weapon that can kill should not be infringed.

    I know you are going to bring up nuclear weapons so let’s shortstop that nonsense right now. You can own the casing/shell but not the fissile material that makes it a bomb. The purchase, ownership and manufacture of nuclear/fissile material is governed by its own set of rules, regulations and laws.

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  30. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  12 days ago

    I would like conservatives to be more pro-life. Love the living breathing citizenry more than the NRA.

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    mikemck  12 days ago

    pssssst Gary The Administration administers the laws passed by Congress. The Republicans in congress killed their own imigration bill for purely political reasons. Maybe point the finger where it belongs. Also if you are going to be a political cartoonist when you grow up you should learn how our government works.

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  32. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member 12 days ago

    Yes. The 2nd made sure that citizens were armed to defend the country. When the Governor called, you showed up with your guns. To Defend The Country. None of this BS about defending yourself FROM the regulations that the government REQUIRED of you.

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  33. Missing large
    Anters55  11 days ago

    Interesting how a number of commenters who support the current administration’s border policy most likely have yet to directly experience or realize the impact. For them I ask: do you lock the door to your dwelling each night? Would you open your home to a stranger – including all your possessions and food? If so, how long would the outsiders be welcomed to stay? As they inevitably ask for more of you, would/could you provide? What if you depend on governmental subsidies for your existence (i.e., food stamps, housing assistance, medical care, etc.) then suddenly find your access to these programs have suddenly relegated you to the proverbial “back of the bus”? Not that you’ll find these stories via any main stream media outlets but plenty of such US citizens now – particularly in cities (Chicago, NYC, etc.) – are experiencing just this. Let’s just say, they’re none too happy that someone else, who’s not even a citizen, is getting their “free” stuff. Finally, flashing back to 2022 when 50 migrants (i.e., illegals) were flown and deposited onto Martha’s Vineyard? Surely those powerful, wealthy gods who have properties of several acres (including a former US President, who in 2019 purchased a property that consists of a 6,892-square-foot house which sits on 29.3 secluded acres) could have spared a few square feet each to allow a number of them to stay. But nope – their butts were gone in 48 hours – even involved the National Guard to help with the relocation. I could go on but some will get the point.

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  34. New year large
    stealth694  11 days ago

    Politicians Responsible for their actions??? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

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  35. Missing large
    tpcox928  11 days ago

    No one has ever accused Varvel of being smart, just pandering.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 11 days ago

    Had those immigrants were not let in there would be 5 less murders……

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  37. Desertinutah
    lanainutahdesert  11 days ago

    There’s been a half-hearted attempt since the Reagan Administration to control the flow of people from Mexico, Central America, and elsewhere. But let’s not blame the victim. It takes no thought, imagination, or courage to blame the victim. Here are the actual culprits: the National Council of La Raza, the National Restaurant Association, the American Nursery and Landscape Association, the Service Employees International Union, and that doesn’t include corporate and private farms and the building trades. It’s simple: No jobs – no immigration. For Mexico it’s a safety valve. The country is so corrupt and wages so low, the U. S. provides a convenient exit for it’s more disgruntled citizens. Smart border control is never going to happen – too many billions of dollars are involved.

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  38. Trumpafix
    zerorest  9 days ago

    You know who were the biggest victims of illegal immigrants,the American Indians.

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  39. Missing large
    tpcox928  8 days ago

    The other 21,995 homicides were committed by gun-toting second amendment fiends, AKA MAGA.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 days ago

    Mayorkas reminds me of Elmer Fudd. Although Elmer was smarter!

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    Northgalus2002  8 days ago

    OK, Gary. Next time, why don’t you draw something about Speaker Johnson deliberately scotching the bipartisan border bill because Trump didn’t like it? Or the SCOTUS overturning the bump stock ban (enacted after the Las Vegas shootings)?

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