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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 16, 2012
TJ: "Shannon bit you for taking her crown. You can't sue for that!" Ann: "Yes I can. My attorney said it's malicious intent. And negligence on Toni's part" TJ: "This is about getting back at Toni, isn't it? You hate her" Ann: "Nonsense. This is about Justice, fairness and abiding by the rules" TJ: "Three things you personally don't practice" Ann: "Here. Sign this witness statement that the child viciously attacked me while Toni stood by"
DaJellyBelly almost 13 years ago
Now she wants TJ to commit perjury!
bikenboatn almost 13 years ago
Evil woman!
SideshowStarlet almost 13 years ago
Ann’s a real moron! What are the chances of TJ signing that form?
Airman almost 13 years ago
She knows that he won’t sign anything. There’s something else going on here.
chicken 33 almost 13 years ago
Say bleep off bleep.
ComicLaff almost 13 years ago
Did TJ actually see Shannon bite her?
ShagsCA almost 13 years ago
Sign zee paaapersss, old man…
kmf65 almost 13 years ago
TJ will probably sign it, “Seymour Butz”!
lattiee2 almost 13 years ago
I think if Ann wants to play the suing game I suggest TJ step up the suing game by saying Ann assaulted Shannon and shannon was defending herself, not only that get Ann on sexually harasment charges by having Brad bring her negliee from dry cleaners, touching people could also be consider harasment, get after Ann for terminating Brad for the wrong reasons,calling a big buyer behind his back rude names.
wvhappypappy almost 13 years ago
Greg…you’re awesome. Your readers treat this as if it were real! Genius.
Stan King almost 13 years ago
Anyone else notice that she looks more and more like Regina/The Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time?
imbaldeagle almost 13 years ago
TJ: Bite Me!
kmwtigger almost 13 years ago
gotta wonder what’s in the fine print—-maybe something totally unrelated to the bit finger?
ZacBSM almost 13 years ago
Ugh! I bet tomorrow we will find TJ threatening to commit perjury by denying the whole thing ever happened in court if he is ever called in as a witness after declining to sign the paper, of course. THEN Ann will make an attractive offer to tempt TJ over to her side.
wingzero7X almost 13 years ago
Wait Wait Wait….what if he totally goes along with it, goes to testify in court, and puts it all on Ann?
38lowell almost 13 years ago
H e had no job when he took this one. Losing him will lose sales & probably make her lose her job.
barbarasbrute almost 13 years ago
He won’t sign, and the lawyer will figure “It’s not worth their time to pursue the matter”.
kfccanada almost 13 years ago
Even if TJ signed the form to appease his boss, the paper wouldn’t hold up in court. It would be considere to have been obtained under this case, under implied threat that TJ would lose his job if he didn’t sign it.
princecharmeing almost 13 years ago
if TJ got a plan he better use it now ,, the way i see it Ann is leading 2 to 1 and it the bottom of the ninth bases loaded TJ up to bat and their is 2 outs allready and TJ been swinging and missing all month long
Ron Dunn Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Malicious and intent? Ann tried to take away Shannon’s crown so she bit her which is not right but thats not a reason to sue.
firedome almost 13 years ago
just remember, tj…she can’t threaten your continued employment if you don’t sign it.
cabalonrye almost 13 years ago
I’m smelling pay back in the air. Anyone hearing thunder in the backwings?
SoItBegins~ almost 13 years ago
Yeaaaaaaah, not gotta happen. TJ’s not THAT dull.
Mordock999 almost 13 years ago
Yeah, come on “Super Hero”.
SHOW Us what You’re MADE of, Useless.
Lets just HOPE that Annie’s Lawyer doesn’t INSIST on performing a Reenactment of the events by having Annie take the crown away from the kid a SECOND time…..,
sarge112751 almost 13 years ago
(Lets go back in time) … remember when BRAD had that job at WW? – he’d had ‘issues’ with with the damned dame? – He came BACK and she wanted him to sign that paper ???.I wonder if he still HAS that paper ?.And, give TJ some credit – he WAS a ‘jerk’ as a kid. NOW, he’s an ADULT! – He has done a LOT of “shady” things, but he’s NEVER stabbed a friend in the back! – He ALSO “owes” Toni for a couple of his recent “foul-ups” regarding her and Brad - “April Fools Day”, Valentines day, to name 2 !
Purple Morpho 2015 almost 13 years ago
This is the part were he walks out or rip the paper. Whatever that works best.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 13 years ago
His smile is about to return.
Dabit almost 13 years ago
If I recall correctly, Shannon impulsively bit Ann. It took about 1/2 a second. How is that “standing by” on the part of Toni ? Ann actually came after Shannon as they were leaving.
dblbaraje almost 13 years ago
Does he loose his job if he doesn’ sign it?
Tinyman almost 13 years ago
You notice she wants him to sign something SHE wrote out. There is probably something else screwy about that too.
ArtCreator almost 13 years ago
Does she really think a bitten finger trial will go to court?
Prattaratt almost 13 years ago
TJ quits, tells Brad and Toni, a boycott gets organized and Corporate gets involved and promotes Ann out of there!
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
“Malicious intent”? I think not. More like "self-defense,’ as Shannon was protecting herself and her property (the crown: hers, not yours, since it had been bestowed on her). Annie, you’re a loser.
Cathy38c almost 13 years ago
As TJ, I’d be walking out the door. I QUIT!!!
Doctor11 almost 13 years ago
I don’t think this is going to end well, folks.
JimT8 almost 13 years ago
Nonsense indeed. look at TJ’s folded arms.
Capt Tom almost 13 years ago
To GreggW; Gregg, This is a soap opera and we’re drowning in suds. It’s just the wrong kind of suds, if you know what I mean.
imbaldeagle almost 13 years ago
It’s just the setup for… The Sting!
smiling4Him almost 13 years ago
She has absolutely no clue…..
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
TJ angry. TJ smash.
yankeetexan almost 13 years ago
notice AE is all smiley and TJ is mad as ‘you know what’ in all the panels. TJ can say to her that IF he signs he walks and her sales will plummet and the ‘powers that be’ will want to know why & he’d be more than glad to let them know that HE was the reason they rose to begin with & also why he quit. Betting the legal doc. was furnished by her lawyer w/letter head. So AE is a few thousand worth YOUR job & unemployment??
Chuck373 almost 13 years ago
I think we will need to treat TJ as a “Hostile Witness”.
Chuck373 almost 13 years ago
Since when has “Abiding by the Rules” interested TJ?
Train 1911 almost 13 years ago
maybe he will sign some one else name she will not notice itcould be interesting
Chuck373 almost 13 years ago
I can see it now – They are all in court and Ann will accuse Shannon of giving her rabies (or some other non-human infection) and Toni will lose her cool and jump up screaming “My daughter does not have rabies!” The probability is very low. But it would make for a great shift in the otherwise milk toast storyline.
tubgrape almost 13 years ago
Power play: “T.J., are you under my spell?” No, but Toni will be under T.J.’s. If only poor old Brad could be in the same position! Sorry, old buddy. Brad may soon be history!
Joseph.B.Prawer almost 13 years ago
sign the paper stating Ann went after the crown in a threatening manner and the poor defensless child did the only thing she could to protect herself. she bit the b…ch.
nanellen almost 13 years ago
Greg is a genius! He is able to portray real life situations in this strip. Sometimes the only way to get people’s attention is through comics. Some of us live in fantasy worlds.
Alabama Al almost 13 years ago
If TJ really does have the hidden resources many of the readers suspect he may, then on the behalf of Shannon and Toni he can bring in his own lawyers to make this a very unpleasant world for Ann Eiffel. Ann, after all, is not even hardly an innocent party in this affair.
shamino almost 13 years ago
And how is Ann going to make TJ sign? Threaten to fire him? That would be a laugh.
Auntie Socialist almost 13 years ago
Looks like TJ has been out-maneuvered
bustercom almost 13 years ago
i wonder how ox will feel about this
Kathy M T M Premium Member almost 13 years ago
bustercom almost 13 years ago
think about it ann needs ox’s bussiness and he hates bullysann???? lawsuit or $148 daily customer
legionbuck43 almost 13 years ago
Let’s see , making a false statement under oath, assault on a minor , slander, libel, defamation of character…seems to me that will constitute a hefty $50,000 counter suit that will be a nice nest egg for Shannon’s college education…plus court costs & legal fees as well…
The Old Wolf almost 13 years ago
Hope to shout TJ doesn’t sign that pack of lies; this whole situation is hqiz. He’s liable to get canned if he doesn’t sign, despite his upselling ability, and I’ll be interested to see if he has the backbone to accept that consequence. I know he doesn’t need this job, but I also know that he wants to keep giving Ann a hard time. Decisions, decisions!
imbaldeagle almost 13 years ago
Hey, Brad didn’t sign – he quit – and he had a greater need for a job than TJ. Don’t think for a second that TJ would sign…..unless….. he can promote his scam by doing so. Wait for…. the Sting!
Callie Ray almost 13 years ago
Don’t sign it, T.J., for you know Ann will do anything to get back at both Toni and Shannon for the finger-biting incident.
RayThomas101 almost 13 years ago
If she thinks he’s going to sign that, she’s got a serious problem in the brain department
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
Jeez, Mojito, Leviticus. You guys billing by the word?
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Yeah, you did post this last night. And Dave53, FANOLIO, baldeagle and I showed you where you were wrong, and you were whining about it all last night. .So I gotta wonder why we’re seeing it come up again. It’s never fun to see anything regurgitated, let alone bad bait. .Being selective about what you “remember” – to the extent of leaving out everything that’s occured in the past 4 years – is pretty extreme. Head injury? Alzheimers? I worry about you. Things change, and your “memory” has drastically failed you sometime after 2008 – at the very least, you’ve obviously slept through the last few weeks. .Have you joined the Troll Patrol, or what? Because trotting this out a day later to try and get another rise out of people is pretty damn silly; last night’s response is not gonna revise itself..The Vegas trip, the firefighter scam and anything else borderline criminal took place before TJ started rooming with Brad. After he accidentally set fire to the kitchen and the deGroots took him in, TJ changed. Nancy, who didn’t like him, found out more about his conman father and his early life, that his mother is dead and dad in the wind, and now he’s part of the family. .All of his “schemes” changed from criminal cons to become “punk’d”-type practical jokes that backfired on him and showed his vulnerability, or “foolproof” plans that are supposed to benefit others (usually Brad or Toni). Greg made it very clear where his new loyalty lies..He babysits Shannon and gets nothing out of it, which is at odds with the picture you want to paint of him. Lying to upselling a customer is not on a par with stealing perfume – the customer can always void the sale or change his mind. .TJ has money so that he doesn’t have to work a steady job, and if he’s so unscrupulous, what does testifying for Ann get him? What “price is right”? Get real. The criminal mastermind you want him to be wouldn’t be dumb enough to count on a “share” of money that unscrupulous Ann would surely renege on. If he’s as calculating and mercenary as you make him out to be, why would he upset his living arrangements and his relationship with the deGroots for what would come to a few thousand dollars – or nothing at all? You make no sense..This current arc is a case in point for how he’s changed. It’s payback for Brad – it doesn’t benefit TJ monetarily beyond a minium wage paycheck, and the fun he’s gotten from making Ann toe the line to keep him upselling has now turned to disgust at her scheming. .Sorry none of this fits with your version of how things “ought” to be, but your version belngs to a comic that doesn’t exist.
Billzappa almost 13 years ago
TJ needs to form a union, Anne needs to get a life, Toni needs to smack the kid to get her under control, and I bet none of these things will happen!
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
JimT8 almost 13 years ago
Now is the time for TJ to quit and tell her he will be testifying for the defense.
Cofyjunky almost 13 years ago
She’s a rep for ‘Kangaroo-Court’. Hopefully her claim will bounce right outta there. Also, I smell a plot forming. I know this is really left field, but what if WW starts to catch fire, and it’s Toni ‘house’ that puts out the flames? I can’t believe AE would feel justified in a lawsuit….
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
All of your examples, due to some “faulty memory” are in the distant past. Go ahead, find some “prove” that took place after 2008 to show TJ would stab the people who he considers family in the back. I posted several strips and gave recent examples of how he’s changed – where are yours? .Character development does happen in this strip – if you can’t accept it, the question is why that is. .If you can’t, then cheer up – in your universe, Brad is a fat, snack-happy couch potato who never gets off his parents’ sofa and has no idea what he wants to do with his life. Maybe you could comfort yourself with the fact that Dirk and Toni are living together and Bernice is ticked at Luann for constantly emailing her brother.
All of those events are pre-2008, too.
Perkycat almost 13 years ago
I don’t have anything to say since it’s all been said. Just wanted to get my name on this long list. I love the comic but I relate most to Luann – where is she?
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Nicely done, Dave. Some people want to live in the past, some want to revise it, some want to troll. If they insist on promoting any of those agendas, they all end up making fools of themselves in the long run.
R Ball Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Whatever the legal niceties, AE’s evil, TJ isn’t, Eiffel’s gonna lose, everybody else is gonna win. The how will be fun, but I don’t think the outcome’s in doubt, considering the last arc involving the woman.
drkone almost 13 years ago
My guess is that the “witness statement” is actually TJ signing to agree to lower wages or his own termination form.
Airman almost 13 years ago
Advantage: Ann. She, at least, wiped the incessant smile from TJ’s face. Could he actually be worried?
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Sort of makes me wonder just what sort of “bike” Greg thought TJ would be riding. There aren’t many that can haul around that wardrobe!
muffin05 almost 13 years ago
I agree with everyone here. Ann is a moron to think that TJ will sign that and this is all about spite and retaliation. Nevertheless, Shannon should not have gotten away with biting someone. This kid needs discipline and isn’t getting it. Being a kid and having a loser father shouldn’t give you a free pass for everything.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Keep persisting with pre-2008 examples in the face of Greg’s blog – hey, he only writes the strip you’re trying to revise. Ignore TJ’s offering to bankroll Brad when he lost his job, his helping him court Toni, and helping him find his girlfriend’s lost niece. Brad sawed up the freakin’ floor, so keep being ridiculous by trying to claim malice about some sheetrock. .Keep clinging to negative fallacies: If TJ hasn’t done anything “superbad” recently it’s just because it wasn’t in his interest to do so, right? It’s obvious he’s indignant over Ann’s wanting to get revenge and would never help her – but when it won’t happen, you’ll claim it was because it just wasn’t in his self-interest to do so, not because he has any loyalty to his friends. Watching someone cling to a logical fallacy is amusing at first, but it quickly becomes apparent why it’s also known as arguing from ignorance. Hey, whatever makes you happy – enjoy your pre-2008 version..Happy Trolls to you!
Joel Deitch Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Has it occurred to anyone that Ann could turn out to be Shannon’s long lost mother?
chipperson almost 13 years ago
Ann’s right! Tony should be forced into slavery to pay for what she has done. Tony’s punishment should start with a very long spanking and go from there…
REDROCKER51 almost 13 years ago
i say send the kid to bed without supper/
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
“Semi” Wild One, huh?
Popeyesforearm almost 13 years ago
Take the form and staple it to her forehead.
kenwarnerfordictator almost 13 years ago
You just KNOW TJ has had something up his sleeve, and has been waiting for just the right time. Time to spring the trap, TJ!
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Nope, not all. Plenty of people disagree with me all the time and are damn vocal about it. I have no problem whatsoever with that. They’re certainly not trolls for having a contradictory opinion, nor have I ever called them that. .Having an opinion and making up your own facts to support it is merely stupid, and is its own punishment. There are people who are sincerely misguided and don’t want to hear any facts that might disabuse them of a belief. That mindset? Also its own punishment..What makes a troll is pretending to be a legitimate participant in a forum, then deliberately creating and misprepresenting a reality that doesn’t exist in order to generate an outraged response. And then repeatedly posting that “version” to agitate a further rise and reaction out of everyone, because the first round of attention whoring wasn’t quite satisfactory. You did it last night, and it wasn’t enough for you, so you tried posting the same thing again today. .Ignoring all evidence, even when it comes from the strip’s author, that disproves your revisionist or skewed version of events is very important, as in wrapping yourself in a cloak of Holy Martyrdom and Victimization because you are the Bringer of Truth. .Trolls love red herrings, which is why you haven’t mentioned that Dave53, FANOLIO, and baldeagle also don’t find you credible. It’s far more exciting to claim you’re somehow being victimized by me. .You know you’re fighting a losing action here, so now you’ve retreated and are claiming to take a stand on TJ not being Mother Theresa with a halo – which no one ever said. . I told you once before not to quit your day job, I give you the same advice about trolling – you really suck at it, quit while you’re ahead.
Badfisherman almost 13 years ago
TJ. should bite Ann’s neck. Oh wait, that might be real trouble.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
You don’t pay much attention, but that’s OK. In spite of your need to take a swipe at secretaries, just keep telling us how sweet your job and perks are. .It’s the internet, we all believe you. .Just as I’m sure it’s true that you’d have done and said a number of other wonderful, witty and clever things if x, y or z hadn’t happened. I’m sure one of them would be to write your life’s work, “Negative Fallacies and the Falluses Phalluses People Who Rely On Them” – but then, we’ll never know, will we?
msvwood almost 13 years ago
This was in the comments yesterday. Does Gary choose what to draw based on what people say?
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
If you start riffing on Luann deliberately drowning Tiffany in the pool because she couldn’t find a mud hole, I’m putting out a contract on you.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
C’mon, what a lame setup – you’re far too obvious at this. You put character witnesses on that can’t be impeached through past bad behavior themselves, because only a moron will think opposing counsel won’t find out. .The key is PAST bad behavior. No one is denying that existed. You don’t want to let go of the earlier incarnation, even though it’s no longer a true representation of the character right now. People do evolve and change if their earlier problems are due to environmental influence – and they find the guidance and motivation to do so. Some don’t. The old TJ had no problem ripping off the deGroots, and painting himself a hero for giving their money back to the firemen. The TJ of today wouldn’t do that since he sees them as family. That extends to Toni and Shannon, which is why he’s so indignant about Ann’s lawsuit. Sorry it’s not as exciting as your version.. Plenty of kids and young adults who were involved in drugs and delinquency in their youth are able to turn their lives around – so who’s the more valid testimony to their character then? Someone who was conned by them when they were 16, or someone who knows what they’re like now at 22 when they have a skill and can support themselves?
Fan o’ Lio. almost 13 years ago
That weapon is mud – you can either sling it or wrestle in it.
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
Being agnostic, I am not an expert on biblical verses, and I am (at the moment) too lazy to look them up. However, I can quote one— Deuteronomy 23:1. If anyone wants to look it up and think how it could apply to TJ or Brad, I’d enjoy hearing some ideas.
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
Not right at this time, but it might be incorporated into a future storyline.
melmarsh9v almost 13 years ago
I hadn’t thought of Gunther, but now that you mention it… Great idea!
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
A lot of people would say that it wouldn’t relate to Brad anyway, since Nancy still has his stones firmly under lock and key.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
How do you feel about letting him use your towels?
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
In her purse, or in a ceramic dish on the sideboard?
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
They’d all be there – but if you were smart you’d wash ’em thoroughly before you used ’em again.
mojitobaby almost 13 years ago
Greg’s a gentle soul, and wanted to stick to bean bags – without the bags. .The throwing stars and knotted wet towels were my idea.
Phosphoros almost 13 years ago
She’s Nancy Pelosi in a comic strip!
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
Too much commentary; I’ll just leave it at that!