Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 10, 2013
Dad: "I bet you're excited slow down to see Quill, huh?" Pedestrian" Dad: "You two red light have gotten merge left quite close, blinker" Luann: "Dad, do you know what you do when you ride with me?" Dad: "No, truck on your right what do I do?" Luann: "Never it's really annoying mind"
JayBluE over 11 years ago
The ol’ classic backseat driver in shotgun position…
DaJellyBelly over 11 years ago
I hate side seat drivers!
WoodEye over 11 years ago
A tire burning power shift might shut him up, but today’s cars are mostly incapable.
Templo S.U.D. over 11 years ago
If they keep talking like that, they’ll miss Quill at the pick-up section.
Comicman424 over 11 years ago
This is what Luann should be about; the hilarious antics of the father/teenage-daughter relationships, not those annoying/boring story arcs that drag on for months.
WoodEye over 11 years ago
Yeah, but with front wheel drive it’s just not the same!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Suddenly, I have the urge to change jobs, and become a member of the “loss control” team at some store… I wonder what made me think of that?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Sponsored by…Megaconglomerate (give us your money) National Bank (no, more!)…==Toyoda Preeus… our cars are not green because we care about trees… it’s because we want to save your green..==And by… Blarney and friends… coming soon to DVD, and toy stores, and video games, and dinner plates, and t-shirts, and (buy it!) backpacks, and….
JayBluE over 11 years ago
The limo is the decoy… She’ll rush Quill off in the Chopper before Frank and Lu can eventually drive (in their tiny vehicle) to finally get to the back of the limo….
kenhense over 11 years ago
Luann will run over Quill with all that distraction.
ldsmasher over 11 years ago
I always thought Luann and family lived in California But that is Dulles International Airport in DC’
ldsmasher over 11 years ago
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
ok… Luann is now working at the Library again, and has her car back… Does this mean that Aaron Hill will walk out of the Degroot’s shower “The last few years of strips were just a dream”? ;)
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Let’s hope this is the last arc before Quill goes back to Oz for good :P
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
Wow, Quill is here already? Good for Luann! Now if she will just concentrate on wooing her man instead of one upping Tiffany, there just might be a happy ending here:)
blunebottle over 11 years ago
“… two newest Nissans have rev limiters that will not let you rev them above a certain RPM in ‘park’ or ‘neutral’.”I recently took one of those new little Chevy’s with a 1200cc engine for a test drive. Would you believe the air conditioning pump shuts off when you accelerate or go up hills? I took it back to the car lot and said to the salesman, “This car is over-thought.”
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
@MikeyJ: Can I ask what you find unlikeable about Quill and /or his relationship with Luann? What would you like to see for Luann romance wise over the next year or so?
RBLawyer over 11 years ago
That tower doesn’t look like John Wayne Airport
RBLawyer over 11 years ago
Sort of looks like Lindbergh Field…
johnrussco over 11 years ago
I taught my daughter to drive and she is no doubt the best driver I’ve known. She can handle a livestock trailer as good as anyone. Her favorite transportation is her bicycle and cost as much as a good used car! … really!
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Not much traffic, nor many milling people, for an international arrival area! What Frank is doing is natural to a father who doesn’t quite trust his daughter’s driving skills or focus….
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
Hi MikeyJ, Thanks for the reply. I wouldn’t want to see Luann relocate either. Sorry for not being more attentive about people’s positions on characters, I really am terrible with names. I think Gunther is definitely maturing and is a good guy. Wasn’t there a strip where Luann was asking her mom if she was shallow for picking a handsome guy over a nice, but plain guy? Maybe when she can answer that question for herself she will be ready for him…
Ottodesu over 11 years ago
Stupid design for a limo.Only one helipad.
cdward over 11 years ago
Hah! I’m doing this with my son right now. And trust me, those directions are necessary at this stage. Question: does Luann have her license or just a permit? Makes a difference. On the other hand, I have 35 years experience driving with a sterling record, yet I still get the side seat directions.
jeanie5448 over 11 years ago
Awww, they are riding in a little “grocery getter” car, I just have one question, where’s Quill gonna sit?
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Good For Frank.
Nice of Him to come along and Coach Lu on Her (Snerk) “Driving Skills”.
And make sure that “tearful reunion” with Mr. Oz DOESN’T Go too FAR.
And to BREAK Up the “CAT FIGHT” when Luann finds out that Tiffany got to the Airport FIRST.
ScarlettAngel over 11 years ago
Dads! This is why I had my cousin teach me.
jama8111 over 11 years ago
there is no back seat in that little thing
rocky_rand over 11 years ago
Luann is from Ashburn? That would be a hoot since it didnt exist when the strip started…..that is definitely Dulles!
Sangelia over 11 years ago
parents can be the WORST backseat drivers.being a parent now, I can see why. not only will we continue to see our offspring as little kids to be is out of fear that our offspring will be injured or even killed while driving. is why many parents tend to do the backseat driving.that and some males, like my late father have this attitude that the worst male driver is a better driver than the best female driver.
sjsczurek over 11 years ago
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How can you possibly drive something like that? It looks like it can’t even turn a curve!
The thing is just photo-shopped, right?
WaitingMan over 11 years ago
Don’t listen to your Dad, Luann. Pedestrians are 20 points each.
fuzzyimages over 11 years ago
Sheesh! Brdshtt, just how many engines are under that hood?!?! And forget parallel parking in that thing!!
Josh Rebich over 11 years ago
I hope in the next strip or future strips there’ll be a panel that’ll have Luann’s foot step on a pedal.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
Unless you turn it against me, I am loving your directness today, jp.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
I am walking in those shoe now How. Knuckles permanently white..
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
“she is NOT learning to drive,. they are in HER car, which she has had for a long time”--Wonder why he is with her then? Luann could have her own car with permit. My mom gave my 17yr-old her old car and she still has permit.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
Why is dad even there? She doesn’t need a chaperone to pick him up from the airport.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
I’ve seen a few people say they think Quill can’t be trusted. I’ve never seen anything in the strip that suggested he was untrustworthy. Perhaps they are operating under the assumption that you can’t trust anyone who seems too good to be true. Quill is like a male version of Rosa, but I don’t see anyone except Donny trying to claim there is anything wrong with her.
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
@argy.bargy2- Though I want Quill for Luann, I admit that like a lot of male readers I identify with Gunther more. He is more of an ‘everyman’ than Quill, who is like an Australian sun god ha ha:) No, seriously, Quill is as perfect as Rosa is. I don’t fault Mr. Evans for giving Luann (who I assume the female readers identify with most) the boy of her dreams, just as he is giving Rosa, a pearl of great price, to the boy next door. But…why can’t Gunther and Luann be happy together? They may not have a lot in common (I don’t know, I’ve been around less time than you I think) but they are the same type of character. Plain, flawed, good hearted, etc. I admit I’d rather see these two manage to be realistically happy with each other after all this time, than see them paired off with Johnny and Jane Come Latelys, but given enough time, Quill and Rosa may achieve the amount of depth that Tiffany…I mean, Luann and the other characters have:)I loved the very brief amount of time that Gunther thought Tiffany was his girlfriend though:) I’d need to read that again!
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
@Donny Wallace- I do not understand why you think Quill isn’t interested in Luann. He kissed her, gave her a keep sake, stays in touch with her via the internet, arranged to come to the drama camp to be with her. I mean, he couldn’t have known that Luann would be turned down for registration right? It’s a tremendous amount of work to go through, and if he has a motive, Mr. Evans has not indicated it in the least through the strip. It may be, as I think you are saying, that Mr. Evans has commented on this in articles or personal correspondences, but I’d rather believe he is not so inept a communicator and comic writer/artist as to have the overwhelming majority of the fandom believing Quill is in love with her if this is not the case.It’s fun to build cases for your pet theories. I’ve often done so with Tiffany, even going so far as to suggest that she harasses Luann in an attempt to provoke Luann into becoming a stronger and better person, like getting Luann out of her depressing pity party this past Sunday and making her show a little bit of spirit:) So your claims that Quill is gay doesn’t offend me. If he is, fine. If he isn’t and you want to propose he is, that’s no weirder than people saying T.J. is a really nice guy deep down (ha ha, no offense intended to T.J. fans). But please, let’s do our best to be fire breaks in any flame wars, yes?
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
@Leviticus- Well, I think that Toni and Rosa (and Anne) are very attractive character designs. One thing Crystal shares with them is her eyes. I don’t know why they look so attractive, I usually prefer manga style art. When I first saw my dear Tiffany I thought she looked a bit like a frog because of her ‘bubble eyes’, a trait she shares with Luann. I have wondered as a late comer, if ‘Toni Eyes’ are a later development in Mr. Evan’s style, and if Luann and Tiffany are destined for upgrades eventually…. Did Toni always have those sultry eyes? It really is a tribute to Mr. Evans that he can have characters with such different styles all inhabiting the same world believably.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
I didn’t say you hate Rosa. I said you seem to think she’s playing Gunther. If that’s not what you’re saying, you should consider having someone proofread your comments before you hit the Submit button.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
tsooris^Thanks for the Yiddish lesson… I’ve now grown richer in vocab, and will make a deposit to my word bank…..
Miles VanDelay over 11 years ago
unless he moves back or Luann moves to Australia it won’t work for long.
“Not for long” being only two or three years in the Luanniverse.
Miles VanDelay over 11 years ago
I’m left kind of wondering about the mashup of French and Yiddish tho.
Hawthorne over 11 years ago
My father was incapable of teaching anyone to drive. He traumatized my mother to the point where she refused to try any more. When my turn came around, I went out with my boyfriend and my uncle, and had no problems (even in a 60’s era Mini Minor), but when my father rode with me – he had a true talent for making it impossible to drive. So I was sent to professional driving school, and successfully taught my mother to drive.
The driving thing is really individual, though. My husband and I both tried to teach our daughter to drive, but she was incapable of steering and shifting at the same time, and we owned no automagic shift vehicles. She had no trouble whatever with the clutch, but my husband’s hair isn’t white for nothing. The shift/steer thing was truly hazardous.
We sent her to driving school and bought an automatic for her to drive. Two years later, she could drive anything you gave her the keys to.
Looks like Luann learned to drive in spite of Frank’s efforts, not because of them :-)
Gerry Lee over 11 years ago
Hi all! Sorry to those of you who read my previous attempts to post this already.
I saw a beautiful picture of Tiffany on the Luann DeGroot Facebook page! But something didn’t seem quite right. The doctor was shining a light in her ear, and the light was shining out her other ear. Wouldn’t her brain block the….HEY!
So I had to do my own pic of Tiffany, crude though it be. Sorry it’s not as nice as the other art I see in these threads, but it did make me feel a little better:)
.JayBluE over 11 years ago
My respect for your linguistic skills!
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 11 years ago
When needed at all, driving advice is needed immediately.I encourage everyone who rides with me to point out any hazards they suspect I may have missed.Lives are more important than my sensitive feelings.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 11 years ago
Tell us more, PLEASE.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
I think someone’s own personal experiences and pain, rather than what the artist has portrayed, are showing up in the comments^^Well, since the fun here is to speculate where the story might be going, that would be hard to do without real life experiences to use as a springboard
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Well, I don’t know about Quill being bi…but, I agree with your general sentiment.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
she already has driven solo many places. She is not learning to drive.^^Exactly, my Dad is 76 yrs old, I’ve been driving over 30 years, with a very good record , and he still tells me how to drive… it’s a DAD thing
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
“Stupid design for a limo.Only one helipad.”
Yeah, and no hot tub.^^They had to eliminate the hot tub, to make room for the Olympic-sized swimming pool! XD
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
It is because of several reasons and obviously you too don’t pay attention to the strip. They both have the same love for theater and the costumes deal. They have known each other since childhood. Gunther is relaxed and comfortable around Luann and they talk together like best friends or a great marriage. Luann really relates to Gunther and has a lot in common with him and likes him and shows this but she worries that if she is with him it will make her look bad. Gunther really still likes Luann but he is amazed by how Rosa is making him think he is helping her over her awkwardness and shyness. Luann imagines she could like Quill or say Aaron but if you watch she really relates to Gunther and not the others. Same with Rosa- these are just people the two place on a pedistool but as you should know that kind of worship usually does not work out in a relationship.^^Well said Donny, apparently you can relay a thought clearly, when you don’t wander from one subject to another, willy-nilly.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
That Limo is real, I saw it on a Guiness World book TV Special once… it must be a pain to drive in residencial districts or where there are a lot of curves
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Does anybody wonder what the accommodation arrangements will be for ol’ Quill? Last time, it was he and his folks (Dad)…. wonder if he’s here, by himself, this time?
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
@Gerry Lee – PS, I like your drawing, even if I think Tiff is not even close to angelic… btw, you’re right, in the early strips all the pretty girls had the big “sleepy” eyes; you can pretty much tell when a character was created by looking at their eyes in this strip: Big and round, early, smaller, more realistic with eyelids , more recent…. the only exception being Delta who has the more modern eyes, but, that is because in the early days, her eyes were never seen, through her dark glasses.
First appearance of Delta, 1985:
ladyredhat over 11 years ago
Luann isn’t exactly a new driver though, and her parents gave her full driving rights after that almost car accident (when she wasn’t supposed to have Bernice in the car).
Ottodesu over 11 years ago
That had occurred to me, but I presumed that the hot tub would be indoors.
rugratz2222 over 11 years ago
I think the car looks exactly like my daughter’s car … Mazda 2 … hardly any of them in the US, but she went to Asia last summer and said Hong Kong has hundreds of them … same color as hers, as well – Kermit green … we call her car “Kermie” for short …