good morning nabu you are absolutely correct in your assumptions.I believe the mindless pap the previous commenter wrote about his/her true belief in socialism.
Nab ol’ buddy, when you make an extraordinary claim, please back it up with extraordinary evidence - 1/3 of the US population being stoners? I doubt it. Mind you, it would explain a lot…. ;-)
In the meantime, perhaps we should all take a moment and consider how out of hand US politics has become - such vitriol as is now commonly employed is more often found in third world countries (okay, the US is certainly heading that way) and even worse, in the Italian Parliament.
Maybe it is time to restore a bit of sanity and stop being so knee jerk extreme?
Government FOR the people who want the government taking care of all their needs and decisions, BY the people who govern with the goal of being re-elected to govern some more.
Nebulous (not Nebu) is correct. What made this country great originally was that a class of what amounted to aristocrats thought it was their duty to serve. Now they don’t want any part of it, so the people who ‘serve’ do so solely because of greed of one kind or another.
I read an article not too long ago that the word socialism is the new word for “sodomy.” That being, that even hundreds of years ago in print, political vilification was as common as it is today, only the popular term to use to vilify them was “sodomist” instead of socialist. Seems true enough.
I don’t understand why Americans have jumped on the bandwagon that socialism is Evil. Democratic socialism in Canada means that my taxpayer dollars go into programs like myself and/or my husband can stay home with a new baby for up to 12 months rather than passing it off at 6 weeks like a football. My health care insurance premiums only have to pay for things like dental and glasses. Drug prices are kept under control. Sure there are a couple downsides, but on the whole I’d take waiting 30 days for surgery for a benign tumor than having to sell myself into a lifetime of indentured servitude.
If socialism is evil, America please send me a tax refund for my contributions to unemployment and Medicare. Thanks!
So why are some candidates spending tens of millions of their own money to win jobs that pay $100K-$200K?
Anyone remember the band The Fugs asking
“Who invented a system, a supposedly democratic system where you always end up voting for the lesser of two evils.
Was George Washington the lesser of two evils?
Sometimes I wonnnnddddeeerrrrr.”
If you poll the American people without using the “S-word,” you find they want their government to provide them with retirement income, health care, better roads, better trash pickup, stronger defense, and a whole raft of other services… and, of course, they want somebody else to pay for it. But they don’t want no “socialism.” Apparently we just figure the Deficit Fairy will pay for all this stuff.
“The Takings Coalition is made up of trial lawyers, labor unions, and the two wings of the dependency movement - the people who are locked into welfare dependency and the people who make $90,000 a year managing the dependency of others and making sure they don’t get jobs and become Republicans.” - Grover Norquist
@PuddleGlum - You nailed it. That is what I have been saying. One of the biggest fights lately has been to reduce property taxes which fund most education in Texas. You can bet that even if they lowered taxes, they would not want to see one tiny drop in the quality of education. At least those taxpayers who are not sending their kids to private schools.
@dsom8 - I noticed Mr. Norquist’s list of the Takings Coalition left out the Defense Industry, Small Businesses (SBA loans), students (guaranteed student loans), homeowners (FHA loans), and a whole lot of other benfits that everyone has available. To say that only the “poor” (whoever they are) benefit from taxes is a base canard.
The funny thing about Nabuquduriuzhur’s comment is that he presumes those out there carrying the signs don’t want power for themselves. Look at Sarah Palin - once time hockey mom (as a hockey dad, I can relate), who just got in there to straighten out a few things - and now she’s as power and fame hungry as any reality show contestant.
Here’s the deal: Those who want to change things are good at causing trouble but very bad at governing. And those who get into power want to stay there. On the other hand, if you make term limits too short, then you have a bunch of people who don’t know what they’re doing trying to run the show and making a mess of it. If you complained about Obama not having experience enough, what do you think it’ll be like if you let THESE bozos run things?
Rule #1 Be Benevolent
Rule #2 if you can’t do #1, then at the very least be non-malevolent.
I look at socialism as a grand scale attempt at creating a benevolent society by helping those who can’t help themselves while providing utilitarian services like clean water, paved roads and education for the betterment of society.
Aside from the malevolence and corruption prevalent at the state and federal levels, at some point the taxation used to fund and reform the system can become a burden to the quality of life to the financially struggling middle class. (Examples NJ, Chicago, Detroit, Manhattan)
Could capitalistic incentives to be malevolent for maximum profitability be a better model of utilitarian benevolence? (reference Bill Gates who spends billions on saving sick children with money earned from Windows Vista) Probably not…
This one is a classic Wiley. It gets to the heart of the matter.
WRT, to comments about those who most want to govern being the least suited and those who are most suited being put off by the process, here’s a personal anecdote.
While in college, I applied for a Rhodes Scholarship and somehow managed to make it to the finals. During the interviews for finals, I was asked if I would ever consider running for public office. I thought about it for a moment and replied that while I had strong political interests, I was not likely to run for office because of the degree to which candidates have to pro$titute themselves to get elected. I was concerned that I would have to so modify what I really thought to achieve office, that I’d end up compromising the things that were most important to me in the first place.
This was in the 80’s, and it certainly hasn’t gotten any better since then. (And, no, I did not get the scholarship, but it might not have been because of that answer.)
C. M. Kornbluth “The Marching Morons.” Most interesting is the way the genius elite finally deal with them, by unthawing a fascist, having him show them how to get rid of them in unique euthanasia, then by getting rid of HIM the same way. Classic.
Politics and religion Where they say “trust me” then rob you blind. The best thing to do is not listen to either of them. But at least with politicians you can ………….. THROW THE BUMS OUT> VOTE!
@Nebulous - No matter what party or platform, I always find myself wondering what is wrong with anyone that WANTS to be President. Why invest so much money and energy into a job that - if you’re lucky - a good day is when almost half the country thinks you’re doing a good job. Everything you and your family does is under media scrutiny and criticism, and about the only upside is you always know your daughters will have armed chaperones on every date they have.
Yeah. I think the first thing that should disqualify anyone for the office of President, is being crazy enough to want the job in the first place.
I like the rules – and one more:
3) If you can’t do 1 or 2, then please at least do nothing.
There is a lack of appreciation for inaction these days: I like the old Will Rogers quote: “Just be glad that you don’t get all the government you are paying for!” :)
They aren’t all bums. Generalizing is dangerous. A careful review of your Senators’ and Representative’s voting records will tell you if your are being represented responsibly. This knee-jerk “… throw the bums out…” could have devastating effects on our country.
In the last month we had two rallies at the Lincoln memorial. One conservative and one “progressive”. Looking at the aftermath of each rally and thier relative sizes I wonder who is being satirized here.
The 500,000 Beckites left the mall pristine. The 50,000 goons, thugs, commies and democrats left it looking like the garbage who attended.
If government is the problem, then why are so many government haters trying to get into the government?
BTW, our president is so far removed from socialist that only in America would anyone suggest otherwise. Democrats are a far cry from socialist. However, to suggest that other systems don’t work is ridiculous. Germany’s health care system has been around for more than 125 years and survived several different forms of government plus two world wars and division (and reunification). It is a healthier system than ours.
The problem I have with all the complaints about taxes is that our taxes are among the lowest in the world and in our own modern history (say the last 80 years or so). The biggest taxation problem we have is that the very richest want to keep it all for themselves - they get huge bailouts but pay very little in taxes (yes, I know they pay big amounts, but not proportionately to what they take in - think widow’s mite). If multi-millionaires paid a little more into, for example, Social Security, there would be no issue with its sustainability. But they have the Tea party types to protest on behalf of the elites.
The “Drown government in a bathtub.” crowd are, indeed, anarchists by definition. They just don’t admit the word to themselves because the anarchists on the left have embraced the a-word.
The primary difference between the two anarchist camps is that the ones on the left are motivated by a misguided Utopian idealism while the ones on the right know anarchy for what it is. A power vacuum waiting to be filled by the most ruthless and despotic leader to step forward… from among their cronies.
I believe I quote the great Russell Ziski (?) (‘Stripes) - “My father brought me up to be a pacifist…never, EVER, strike anyone! (Unless you’re ABSOLUTELY sure you can get away with it…) lol
guntotingliberal said something about not caring about a 30 day wait to have surgery on a benign tumour. what about finally getting in to see the surgeon who will do your heart surgery and hearing him say you should have seen him two years ago, when you’ve been two years getting through the line of doctors and specialists between your family doctor and him? happened to my late Mother, who had the surgery but had a much harder time recovering (and a less full recovery) due to the time lag between initial diagnosis and surgery. not everything in the Canadian system is working the way it should, just like not everything in the American system is bad (though having to choose between keeping your house and having surgery to save your life isn’t one of those things).
sorry for the long comment, but health care is important to me.
You Leftists are merely G*d Cursed fools. I know that you are utter unable to care for yourselves. Go see Kim Jong Un. HE will take care of you. As for me? Give me liberty or give me death. I am armed. YOU are scared of those terrible gunses. Idiots.
It’s not so much the government I hate, it’s the people I hate. Both in and out of the government. And some of these comments just reinforce that hatred. Mama Nature, hurry up and wipe out humanity like the dinosaurs already; I think we’ve overstayed our welcome. Just be sure to take me first so I don’t have to listen to the illogical and irrational rantings that will follow as humanity dies and people point in every correct direction but the right one for why we got ourselves killed off.
As far as a comic, neither is funny, but chaosed has it right, “Government FOR the people who want the government taking care of all their needs and decisions, BY the people who govern with the goal of being re-elected to govern some more.” Unfortunately, the media watchdog has long been reduced to being the government lapdog.
Our founders broke away from England to avoid overtaxation - taxes going to wasteful programs that Americans received no benefit from. Nearly 100 years ago, there was no income tax and our nation survived. Now that rate is as high as 39%+ - that is just federal income tax. Imagine how much more productive America would be if we had just that 39% back?
TexTech – we tried that in Michigan 18 years ago and folks still can’t figure out why the education system tanked.
Many of my Republican friends are unemployed and living on welfare – but they don’t want socialism.
Interesting that the news media forgot to report that the hated tarp is only going to cost @ $50 million – instead of $850 million and it has actually done some good and will probably continue to do so in the future.
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
Here comes the Teabaggers.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Nebulous Premium Member over 14 years ago
Consider that most of the people smart enough to competently run a government are too smart to want to get involved with such a thankless job.
And that has nothing to do with political parties.
wndrwrthg over 14 years ago
Nabu, do you really believe the mindless pap you prattle here?
FlashfyreSP over 14 years ago
Nabu is just an old fart who is pissed the kids won’t get off his lawn.
shmlss over 14 years ago
yeah man, whatever you say dewd Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………
3hourtour Premium Member over 14 years ago
..I want to become part of the problem,too…
alanrussell59 over 14 years ago
good morning nabu you are absolutely correct in your assumptions.I believe the mindless pap the previous commenter wrote about his/her true belief in socialism.
see you at the polls!
just another old fart.
HowieL over 14 years ago
The commands on the saw horses are great!
wilorg over 14 years ago
Nab ol’ buddy, when you make an extraordinary claim, please back it up with extraordinary evidence - 1/3 of the US population being stoners? I doubt it. Mind you, it would explain a lot…. ;-)
In the meantime, perhaps we should all take a moment and consider how out of hand US politics has become - such vitriol as is now commonly employed is more often found in third world countries (okay, the US is certainly heading that way) and even worse, in the Italian Parliament.
Maybe it is time to restore a bit of sanity and stop being so knee jerk extreme?
woodwork over 14 years ago
everybody read Daniel 2:44…..anybody want a government that can fix ALL the problems in the world?
Varnes over 14 years ago
Common sense isn’t so common anymore…
wolfhoundblues1 over 14 years ago
Better than the One Nation of Communist’s rally at DC on Saturday. Boy can thay pollute.
wicky over 14 years ago
Nabu is correct, and the third on maryjane respond to comic strips.
chaosed2 over 14 years ago
As opposed to this:
Government FOR the people who want the government taking care of all their needs and decisions, BY the people who govern with the goal of being re-elected to govern some more.
delicado over 14 years ago
Nebulous (not Nebu) is correct. What made this country great originally was that a class of what amounted to aristocrats thought it was their duty to serve. Now they don’t want any part of it, so the people who ‘serve’ do so solely because of greed of one kind or another.
twj0729 over 14 years ago
1/3 of the nation on mj? I doubt that very much, now sugar that’s a different story!
donhar over 14 years ago
Wiley, are you really this clueless, or are just propagating the progressive blather?
GuntotingLiberal over 14 years ago
I read an article not too long ago that the word socialism is the new word for “sodomy.” That being, that even hundreds of years ago in print, political vilification was as common as it is today, only the popular term to use to vilify them was “sodomist” instead of socialist. Seems true enough.
I don’t understand why Americans have jumped on the bandwagon that socialism is Evil. Democratic socialism in Canada means that my taxpayer dollars go into programs like myself and/or my husband can stay home with a new baby for up to 12 months rather than passing it off at 6 weeks like a football. My health care insurance premiums only have to pay for things like dental and glasses. Drug prices are kept under control. Sure there are a couple downsides, but on the whole I’d take waiting 30 days for surgery for a benign tumor than having to sell myself into a lifetime of indentured servitude.
If socialism is evil, America please send me a tax refund for my contributions to unemployment and Medicare. Thanks!
rockngolfer over 14 years ago
So why are some candidates spending tens of millions of their own money to win jobs that pay $100K-$200K? Anyone remember the band The Fugs asking “Who invented a system, a supposedly democratic system where you always end up voting for the lesser of two evils. Was George Washington the lesser of two evils? Sometimes I wonnnnddddeeerrrrr.”
puddleglum1066 over 14 years ago
If you poll the American people without using the “S-word,” you find they want their government to provide them with retirement income, health care, better roads, better trash pickup, stronger defense, and a whole raft of other services… and, of course, they want somebody else to pay for it. But they don’t want no “socialism.” Apparently we just figure the Deficit Fairy will pay for all this stuff.
dsom8 over 14 years ago
“The Takings Coalition is made up of trial lawyers, labor unions, and the two wings of the dependency movement - the people who are locked into welfare dependency and the people who make $90,000 a year managing the dependency of others and making sure they don’t get jobs and become Republicans.” - Grover Norquist
Whatroughbeast over 14 years ago
While reading this comic, I must admit that my first guess was wrong. It took “three” comments before the Tea Party was maligned.
gjsjr41 over 14 years ago
Love it , Wiley.
TexTech over 14 years ago
@PuddleGlum - You nailed it. That is what I have been saying. One of the biggest fights lately has been to reduce property taxes which fund most education in Texas. You can bet that even if they lowered taxes, they would not want to see one tiny drop in the quality of education. At least those taxpayers who are not sending their kids to private schools.
@dsom8 - I noticed Mr. Norquist’s list of the Takings Coalition left out the Defense Industry, Small Businesses (SBA loans), students (guaranteed student loans), homeowners (FHA loans), and a whole lot of other benfits that everyone has available. To say that only the “poor” (whoever they are) benefit from taxes is a base canard.
cdward over 14 years ago
The funny thing about Nabuquduriuzhur’s comment is that he presumes those out there carrying the signs don’t want power for themselves. Look at Sarah Palin - once time hockey mom (as a hockey dad, I can relate), who just got in there to straighten out a few things - and now she’s as power and fame hungry as any reality show contestant.
Here’s the deal: Those who want to change things are good at causing trouble but very bad at governing. And those who get into power want to stay there. On the other hand, if you make term limits too short, then you have a bunch of people who don’t know what they’re doing trying to run the show and making a mess of it. If you complained about Obama not having experience enough, what do you think it’ll be like if you let THESE bozos run things?
jhouck99 over 14 years ago
@beast: If the shoe fits…
Nelly55 over 14 years ago
fantastic Wiley……..
that some just don’t get it isn’t all that surprising
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Long ago we left our wallets in the van and got arrested crossing the police lines. We made the six o’clock news.
Now they misspell a couple of signs and hang beverage makers from their hats. They make the six o’clock news.
Were we dumb or what?
“Keep the Governmint’s hands off my Midicare” is slightly more catchy than “Draft Beer, Not Students.”
oish over 14 years ago
Principles of Respect for Persons…
Rule #1 Be Benevolent Rule #2 if you can’t do #1, then at the very least be non-malevolent.
I look at socialism as a grand scale attempt at creating a benevolent society by helping those who can’t help themselves while providing utilitarian services like clean water, paved roads and education for the betterment of society.
Aside from the malevolence and corruption prevalent at the state and federal levels, at some point the taxation used to fund and reform the system can become a burden to the quality of life to the financially struggling middle class. (Examples NJ, Chicago, Detroit, Manhattan)
Could capitalistic incentives to be malevolent for maximum profitability be a better model of utilitarian benevolence? (reference Bill Gates who spends billions on saving sick children with money earned from Windows Vista) Probably not…
crlinder over 14 years ago
This one is a classic Wiley. It gets to the heart of the matter.
WRT, to comments about those who most want to govern being the least suited and those who are most suited being put off by the process, here’s a personal anecdote.
While in college, I applied for a Rhodes Scholarship and somehow managed to make it to the finals. During the interviews for finals, I was asked if I would ever consider running for public office. I thought about it for a moment and replied that while I had strong political interests, I was not likely to run for office because of the degree to which candidates have to pro$titute themselves to get elected. I was concerned that I would have to so modify what I really thought to achieve office, that I’d end up compromising the things that were most important to me in the first place.
This was in the 80’s, and it certainly hasn’t gotten any better since then. (And, no, I did not get the scholarship, but it might not have been because of that answer.)
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Ah, lew, if I hadn’t already paid for the medicare and SS out of my paycheck over 40 years, I would SOOO agree with you.
Frankly only libertarian vote seekers seem to think those are “entitlements”. those and the easily duped.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
C. M. Kornbluth “The Marching Morons.” Most interesting is the way the genius elite finally deal with them, by unthawing a fascist, having him show them how to get rid of them in unique euthanasia, then by getting rid of HIM the same way. Classic.
Justice22 over 14 years ago
Keep up the good work, Mr. Miller. I’m sure most won’t get it, but hopefully one will.
momazilla over 14 years ago
Politics and religion Where they say “trust me” then rob you blind. The best thing to do is not listen to either of them. But at least with politicians you can ………….. THROW THE BUMS OUT> VOTE!
lonecat over 14 years ago
hurricanejbb – you are sadly mistaken if you think that anarchists are anything like the Tea Partiers or libertarians.
Hoomi over 14 years ago
@Nebulous - No matter what party or platform, I always find myself wondering what is wrong with anyone that WANTS to be President. Why invest so much money and energy into a job that - if you’re lucky - a good day is when almost half the country thinks you’re doing a good job. Everything you and your family does is under media scrutiny and criticism, and about the only upside is you always know your daughters will have armed chaperones on every date they have.
Yeah. I think the first thing that should disqualify anyone for the office of President, is being crazy enough to want the job in the first place.
TheDOCTOR over 14 years ago
O.K. VERY IMPORTANT! Teabagger is a Deragatory term VERY rude and lets just leave it at that.
MatureCanadian over 14 years ago
Great one Wiley, thanks.
Naysayers on this forum should take a chill pill. You guys are going to have a stroke if you’re not careful!
Logicman over 14 years ago
oish I like the rules – and one more: 3) If you can’t do 1 or 2, then please at least do nothing.
There is a lack of appreciation for inaction these days: I like the old Will Rogers quote: “Just be glad that you don’t get all the government you are paying for!” :)
harrietbe over 14 years ago
They aren’t all bums. Generalizing is dangerous. A careful review of your Senators’ and Representative’s voting records will tell you if your are being represented responsibly. This knee-jerk “… throw the bums out…” could have devastating effects on our country.
twistedmonkey over 14 years ago
Society ostracizes that which is different and ignorance is the driver.
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
Our minds are too malleable.
ububobu over 14 years ago
In the last month we had two rallies at the Lincoln memorial. One conservative and one “progressive”. Looking at the aftermath of each rally and thier relative sizes I wonder who is being satirized here.
The 500,000 Beckites left the mall pristine. The 50,000 goons, thugs, commies and democrats left it looking like the garbage who attended.
cdward over 14 years ago
If government is the problem, then why are so many government haters trying to get into the government?
BTW, our president is so far removed from socialist that only in America would anyone suggest otherwise. Democrats are a far cry from socialist. However, to suggest that other systems don’t work is ridiculous. Germany’s health care system has been around for more than 125 years and survived several different forms of government plus two world wars and division (and reunification). It is a healthier system than ours.
The problem I have with all the complaints about taxes is that our taxes are among the lowest in the world and in our own modern history (say the last 80 years or so). The biggest taxation problem we have is that the very richest want to keep it all for themselves - they get huge bailouts but pay very little in taxes (yes, I know they pay big amounts, but not proportionately to what they take in - think widow’s mite). If multi-millionaires paid a little more into, for example, Social Security, there would be no issue with its sustainability. But they have the Tea party types to protest on behalf of the elites.
Can't Sleep over 14 years ago
Stupidity is not contagious.
The morons are just getting better at organizing (thanks to the internet and cable news).
ackerific over 14 years ago
They’re gonna get exactly what they want - a government that doesn’t work.
Hate government! ????? Profit!
ackerific over 14 years ago
They’re gonna get exactly what they want - a government that doesn’t work.
Hate government! ????? Profit!
Depauwler over 14 years ago
“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”
ldhjhole over 14 years ago
look at the statement! most of you fall into this category.
papatotwins over 14 years ago
Teabaggers / Idiots on parade.
bobpeters61 over 14 years ago
The “Drown government in a bathtub.” crowd are, indeed, anarchists by definition. They just don’t admit the word to themselves because the anarchists on the left have embraced the a-word.
The primary difference between the two anarchist camps is that the ones on the left are motivated by a misguided Utopian idealism while the ones on the right know anarchy for what it is. A power vacuum waiting to be filled by the most ruthless and despotic leader to step forward… from among their cronies.
Iwa Iniki over 14 years ago
It is a regular epidemic!
Biltil Premium Member over 14 years ago
Thanks Wiley, I think this may have turned on some brains.
runninanreadin over 14 years ago
I believe I quote the great Russell Ziski (?) (‘Stripes) - “My father brought me up to be a pacifist…never, EVER, strike anyone! (Unless you’re ABSOLUTELY sure you can get away with it…) lol
RadioTom over 14 years ago
Makes sense to me…
Try it as:
“That which governs best governs least.”
yyyguy over 14 years ago
guntotingliberal said something about not caring about a 30 day wait to have surgery on a benign tumour. what about finally getting in to see the surgeon who will do your heart surgery and hearing him say you should have seen him two years ago, when you’ve been two years getting through the line of doctors and specialists between your family doctor and him? happened to my late Mother, who had the surgery but had a much harder time recovering (and a less full recovery) due to the time lag between initial diagnosis and surgery. not everything in the Canadian system is working the way it should, just like not everything in the American system is bad (though having to choose between keeping your house and having surgery to save your life isn’t one of those things). sorry for the long comment, but health care is important to me.
grapfhics over 14 years ago
The people have lost the confidence of the government; the government has decided to dissolve the people, and to appoint another one. Bertold Brecht
Varnes over 14 years ago
Conservatives are communists for the rich. Let’s kick ‘em in balls this November!
aldridgeg over 14 years ago
You Leftists are merely G*d Cursed fools. I know that you are utter unable to care for yourselves. Go see Kim Jong Un. HE will take care of you. As for me? Give me liberty or give me death. I am armed. YOU are scared of those terrible gunses. Idiots.
Ernest Lemmingway over 14 years ago
Polemics thinly veiled as patriotic rhetoric.
It’s not so much the government I hate, it’s the people I hate. Both in and out of the government. And some of these comments just reinforce that hatred. Mama Nature, hurry up and wipe out humanity like the dinosaurs already; I think we’ve overstayed our welcome. Just be sure to take me first so I don’t have to listen to the illogical and irrational rantings that will follow as humanity dies and people point in every correct direction but the right one for why we got ourselves killed off.
sleepeeg3 over 14 years ago
As far as a comic, neither is funny, but chaosed has it right, “Government FOR the people who want the government taking care of all their needs and decisions, BY the people who govern with the goal of being re-elected to govern some more.” Unfortunately, the media watchdog has long been reduced to being the government lapdog.
Our founders broke away from England to avoid overtaxation - taxes going to wasteful programs that Americans received no benefit from. Nearly 100 years ago, there was no income tax and our nation survived. Now that rate is as high as 39%+ - that is just federal income tax. Imagine how much more productive America would be if we had just that 39% back? Premium Member over 14 years ago
TexTech – we tried that in Michigan 18 years ago and folks still can’t figure out why the education system tanked.
Many of my Republican friends are unemployed and living on welfare – but they don’t want socialism.
Interesting that the news media forgot to report that the hated tarp is only going to cost @ $50 million – instead of $850 million and it has actually done some good and will probably continue to do so in the future.