Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for August 04, 2013

  1. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 11 years ago

    Reality has a natural bias

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  2. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 11 years ago

    Hmmmm, I see we have conflicting weather reports! And then came the ideologue

    Don’t let the rain come down, ah, ah, oh, noDon’t let the rain come down, ah, ah, oh, noDon’t let the rain come down,My roof’s got a hole in it and I might drownI say my roof’s got a hole in it and I might drown

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  3. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 11 years ago

    The first episode of “Ogg and Friends.”

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    Marblypup  over 11 years ago

    This reminds me of ‘The Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’:Man In Shack: Are you wet?Ford: Wet?! Well, doesn’t it look as if we’re wet?Man In Shack: That’s how it looks to me, but how you feel about it might be a different matter. If you find warmth makes you feel dry you better come in.

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    watmiwori  over 11 years ago

    But if Exalted Leader — whatever title(s) He has given Himself — says it’s [not] raining you’d bloody well betterbelieve it if you know what’s good for you, all evidence ofyour senses notwithstanding.

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  6. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  over 11 years ago

    The precursor of legalism; the origin of lawyers.

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  7. Loudmouth
    loudmouthbass  over 11 years ago

    “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

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    nufalready  over 11 years ago

    Not rain! Dinosaur pee.

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  9. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 11 years ago

    This is only true of ideologies other than my own. Mine is the One True Reality. My observations are without error and should have the force of law. Chief among these infallible observations is that I am infallible and than anybody who disagrees with my assertions of fact are simply mistaken. If they persist in opposing my wisdom, then they are clearly dangerous deniers. I don’t call it heresy because I am very hip and not at all like previous pretenders to knowledge.

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  10. 3083024 0826053922 daveb
    Kaputnik  over 11 years ago

    Really funny how most of the regular readers assume that the ideological denial of reality applies more to the political right than the left.

    Oh, knowing Wiley, I expect he had something like that in mind. Always easier to see the other fellow’s faults than your own.

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    jdkingbear  over 11 years ago

    Some folks are just too dumb to come out of the rain. Or, if you wish to be more polite – some are way too stubborn to come out of the rain. For doing so means I must reconsider my position whilst getting soaked, and far be it from them to admit they might be in error. Phiosophically speaking, that is.

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  12. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  over 11 years ago

    This is part of Wiley’s annual month long hiatus to put Non Sequitur in reruns every August.

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  13. Me 2015
    puddlesplatt  over 11 years ago

    I know I know! but it’s my first time.

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  14. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 11 years ago

    Define “is.” Wasn’t that Clinton’s line?

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  15. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 11 years ago

    I figured that when I read this in my paper type paper picked up in the driveway that the 6000 y. o. flat earth society and the climate change deniers would comment in droves.

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  16. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    He’s Russian“Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear,”

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  17. Beaufaceshot
    js305  over 11 years ago

.which is which in the cartoon? Not smart enough to come in from the rain comes to mind here. I know I’m in the minority here, but the democrat is the one getting all wet.

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  18. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Don’t make me laugh. He is the the very picture of narrow-mindedness.

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    doris sloan  over 11 years ago

    It depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.

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  20. Atlantica 20090529 222743946
    pdeason2  over 11 years ago

    don’t you mean all of the U.S.A’s goverment not just the republican for the democrates are just as responsible too.

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  21. Missing large
    daveoverpar  over 11 years ago

    Define “scandal”.

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  22. Blackbeard avatar
    ShadowBeast Premium Member over 11 years ago

    The guy getting wet and denying it sounds republican to me, since republicans like to pretend nothings wrong even though there’s chaos everywhere.

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    dabugger  over 11 years ago

    can do without, still all wet

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I think the comic is saying people don’t want to hear what they need to know, just what they want to know..The number of sources giving facts are dwindling..When the host of Meet the Press states, Gregory said: I think there are a lot of critics who think that . . . . if we did not stand up and say this is bogus, and you’re a liar, and why are you doing this, that we didn’t do our job. I respectfully disagree. It’s not our role..

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    Linda Pearson  over 11 years ago

    At least they haven’t tried to inslave everyone as have the liberals.

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    jbmlaw01  over 11 years ago

    Since Plato’s Republic, it has always been the “big government” elites vs the “small government” rabble. The elites always affirm that the rabble is too stupid to govern itself, and only the elites can preserve society. Every so often the rabble rises up and kills all of the controlling elites.

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  27. Bc92a6de09218bcca4bb23106a180b75
    KEA  over 11 years ago

    it’s what happens when you sell your soul to get votes.

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  28. 003
    Jack Straw  over 11 years ago

    Q: How many climate change deniers does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: “There’s nothing wrong with that light bulb.”

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  29. Spooky
    unca jim  over 11 years ago

    @me9970 said to Omnius;

    “I really appreciate your eloquence. It shows that you are a truly well educated and sincere person.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Don’t bother Omnius.. he’s too busy ‘crop-dusting’ to ever look back.

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    rbc735  over 11 years ago

 “They” are deluded by their ideology, while “We” take comfort in the knowledge that our world view is based in truth.

    We all have filters through which we see the world.

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    susan.e.a.c  over 11 years ago

    Ideology: the refusal to follow natural law ad try and force everyone to do things for your benefit, like the nazis, communists, our utilitarians,

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    scsurfer  over 11 years ago

    Nice Wiley. Now the left and right ideologues are at again. HEY guys! Define “middle”. See this finger.

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  33. Spaceship edited
    Cannoneer  over 11 years ago

    The “wet” guy is a liberal practicing what he preaches. It is called relativism.

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    caligula  over 11 years ago

    The Invention of Democrats.

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  35. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 11 years ago

    Hey, did you know the North Pole is currently a lake?

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    jsweck  over 11 years ago

    Ideologies are a type of belief club, and it’s assumed that people in these clubs can’t stop believing something. In a belief club there is little rationality or evidence, there is only the truth of the group.

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    x666dog  over 11 years ago

    I thought it was Bill Clinton and the Democrats that used the “Define” argument in their testimony.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    must be the new Republicant platform.

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  39. Western grebe by jeff and amy
    I'll fly away  over 11 years ago


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  40. Avatar
    alfracto  over 11 years ago

    My guess is that Nab is god in disguise. Too bad neither of them exist.

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    edpeters  over 11 years ago

    I have never seen it put in such a convincing way!

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    Celad  over 11 years ago

    I bet Wiley doesn’t believe in absolutes. Absolutely.

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    Celad  over 11 years ago

    Simpsonfan2, too. (
and lots of others ; – )

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  44. Madmen icon
    McSpook  over 11 years ago

    “the worst of all evils that ever came to this planet: OBAMANISM.”.Mercy me, if that isn’t mindless hyperbole taken to the next level. I pity you if you truly believe that.

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  45. Madmen icon
    McSpook  over 11 years ago

    “The right wing wants the return of Feudalism.”.Not the “return,” they wish to launch Feudalism as a new concept; their idea of “liberalism” and their gift to the working class.

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  46. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 11 years ago

    The most amazing thing about this strip is that it names no one, but conservative commenters are outraged.I guess they realize how they look to the rest of us.

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    kanoyume  over 11 years ago

    And yet, both of them engage in ideology. As it turns out, it isn’t raining. It is merely a cartoon of rain. I stick my hand to the “rain” and all I feel is my screen. And yet, the caveman who feels rain would think me as insane as the official ideologue.

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  48. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 11 years ago

    Fire bad. Tree good. Not rain. Liquid sunshine.

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  49.  new avatar 300x300
    Douglas Fox Premium Member over 11 years ago

    more accurately: birth of the legal profession.

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  50. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I have been reading articles and statements by Muslims about how to they want to do dialogue in Egypt, Israel, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. .My head hurts, too.

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  51. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 11 years ago

    I just figured that today’s strip was saying, that ideologues were either too stubborn, or too stupid to come in from the rain.

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  52. Img 4591
    Say What? Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hence why I prefer logic over ideology.

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  53. Img 0373
    Deborah N Lurie  over 11 years ago

    If anyone is familiar with the International Baccalaureate Program (IB), this is straight from the Theory of Knowledge class. You haven’t lived until you get this from your child everyday s/he is in that class! I have to admit, it does open kids to different ways of thinking.

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  54. Img 0011b
    cptvdo1  over 11 years ago

    Liberalism, Aka Socialism IS feudalism. An un-Democratic permanent ruling class that never runs out of ways to lord over and nickel & dime the peasants. BTW, in feudal times the peasants weren’t allowed to own weapons either. “If one life can be saved by banning crossbows, blah, blah, blah.”

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  55. Img 0011b
    cptvdo1  over 11 years ago

    Groc say Obamacare not train wreck.

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    boycottchina  over 11 years ago

    Here’s the same idea, but rewritten a bit for current events.

    “Why you say police told Zimmerman not to get out of car? That not true.”

    “Yes it is. Said so on NBC and newspaper.”

    “No it’s not. Here, look. Non-emergency call transcript. Police never say this.”

    “Don’t need look. Media gods spoken.”


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  57. Joe cool
    MyTBaron Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I wonder if someday we will be able to have political discourse without resorting to ridicule and disdain. To have a dialectic you need dialog, not merely the loudest shouters from both sides.

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    zmgmail  over 11 years ago

    Also, the great-great-etc.-grandfather of Monty Python’s Black Knight.

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