Danae, Some dude on TV promoting lies and chaos cannot pervert or suppress the truth! You’re on your own, well you and all the idiots that think like you!
It’ll be interesting to see the Trump Disciples commenting that Rudy is correct, that truth isn’t truth — and, of course, that the press is the ‘enemy of the people’.
I wish people wouldn’t keep confusing “truth” and “facts.” “Archaeology is the search for fact … not truth. If it’s truth you’re interested in, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall.” -Dr. Henry (Indiana) Jones, Jr.
Notice to the “…important old guy who’s on TV a lot” :
No matter how you try to spin it or convince yourself the opposite, yesterday, at the United Nations, the rest of the world laughed at the Emperor tRUMP’s lies and exaggerations.
Perhaps if we all laughed at him every time he tried to bully us with his lies, threats, and braggadocio, we will shut him up for good ?
As opposed to Conservative accusations which can be dismissed as “locker room talk” or “making a joke” or “alternative facts” or “executive privilege.”
Orwell, Heinlein. Et. Al. tried yo warn us of the dangers of a government controlling the press. What they ALL failed to predict was a press become so monolithic as to control the government.
This is why Colbert created the word “Truthiness”.
The quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.
The belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.
@DD, And your post makes me think that George Orwell was a student in the same College as Kavaugh what’s you opinion on that ? were the of them ever seen together or at some parties somewhere ?
whataboytjiex2 over 6 years ago
Danae, Some dude on TV promoting lies and chaos cannot pervert or suppress the truth! You’re on your own, well you and all the idiots that think like you!
DD Wiz over 6 years ago
Rudy Giuliani: “Truth isn’t truth.”
Kellyanne Conway: “Alternative ‘facts.’ ”
Comrade TRUMPovich McPutinpuppet: “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening. Believe me!”
George Orwell was right — his warning was just off by 34 years
Dtroutma over 6 years ago
Well it is kinda’ pure Danae.
hangedman over 6 years ago
This sentence you are reading is not true. (Unless it is two doctors. How?)
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 6 years ago
Danae is a child, what’s their excuse?
Superfrog over 6 years ago
Truth is our best approximation of what we think reality ought to be.
Radish... over 6 years ago
We finally found a child our president can inspire!
braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago
It’ll be interesting to see the Trump Disciples commenting that Rudy is correct, that truth isn’t truth — and, of course, that the press is the ‘enemy of the people’.
Analysis skills.
jimchronister2016 over 6 years ago
We all knew this was coming with a lying wannabe dictator in the Dark house!
Lenavid over 6 years ago
tripwire45 over 6 years ago
I wish people wouldn’t keep confusing “truth” and “facts.” “Archaeology is the search for fact … not truth. If it’s truth you’re interested in, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall.” -Dr. Henry (Indiana) Jones, Jr.
sandpiper over 6 years ago
When Buttercup refers to his very, very large brain he might be thinking of the capacity and not the quality of the contents.
Masterskrain over 6 years ago
Uh-Oh. Rabid Rudy and Danae…truly the gruesome twosome!
Iron Pounder over 6 years ago
It’s the truth as long as I don’t have to PROVE it’s THE TRUTH.
nosirrom over 6 years ago
Joseph Goebbels is looking up at us and smiling.
rlaker22j over 6 years ago
Way to go Wiley love it you’ve made my morning constitutional funest part of my day
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 6 years ago
as a former Canadian PM said
Linguist over 6 years ago
Notice to the “…important old guy who’s on TV a lot” :
No matter how you try to spin it or convince yourself the opposite, yesterday, at the United Nations, the rest of the world laughed at the Emperor tRUMP’s lies and exaggerations.
Perhaps if we all laughed at him every time he tried to bully us with his lies, threats, and braggadocio, we will shut him up for good ?
DCBakerEsq over 6 years ago
Truth is overrated. #BanTruth
BiathlonNut over 6 years ago
Believe everything one sees on TV? Reminds one of Fat Freddy (cat owner) of Freak Brothers fame.
Bookworm over 6 years ago
As opposed to Conservative accusations which can be dismissed as “locker room talk” or “making a joke” or “alternative facts” or “executive privilege.”
asmbeers over 6 years ago
Hence, cue the Kavanaugh accusers.
russef over 6 years ago
The replies are always so much better than the strip.
Greyhame over 6 years ago
Orwell, Heinlein. Et. Al. tried yo warn us of the dangers of a government controlling the press. What they ALL failed to predict was a press become so monolithic as to control the government.
bakana over 6 years ago
This is why Colbert created the word “Truthiness”.
The quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.
The belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.
sufamelico over 6 years ago
@DD, And your post makes me think that George Orwell was a student in the same College as Kavaugh what’s you opinion on that ? were the of them ever seen together or at some parties somewhere ?
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Ah, yes… the Truth… What IS the Truth?
sufamelico over 6 years ago
“The truth isn’t truth” Rudy Guilianni circa 2018
keenanthelibrarian over 6 years ago
To Jesting Pilate Jesus answered “Quid est veritas?”
lindz.coop Premium Member over 6 years ago
Same age group.