Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for July 13, 2022

  1. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  over 2 years ago

    Wednesday Felines!



    WFV!#2 – Sound



























    Wombat Wednesday!!












    Bonus Wednesday Bunnies!!











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  2. Ds frq can use for gocomics avatar sparkle
    BaconBoyCamper  over 2 years ago

    Many of you have followed along with Queen of America’s latest adventures of the (now previous) “fun-time-four” , and when she returned yesterday from delivering the last orange female kitten Tosh to her new Mom, QoA came across the majestic _Blackjack_ lounging in the kitten carrier.  We now take you to QoA’s news reel…:

    “Two years ago I had the duct cleaning guy out.  Because he needs to have the door open, I had to put the cats in carriers.  The process of the cleaning is horrendously loud.  I tried putting the carries into the closet and closing the door and the door to the room.  Blackjack went ballistic and tore through his carrier.  I managed to get him into another one and then he tore through that, too.  By then the guy was done and I could shut the front door.

    I had to buy two more carriers – not really for Blackjack, but for kittens I take to and from wherever.  That’s why I got small ones.  I gave one away to the lady who adopted the grey kitten.

    Yesterday, I got this one out for the orange kitten and when I got back to the den with her, Blackjack and his giant 14 lb body was already sleeping in it.  Really, Blackjack?  You ruined TWO and now you want to sleep in one?  

    I just found it funny. 





    If he fits, he sits.  All 14 lbs of him.  Even if he doesn’t fit, he attempts to fit…"

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  3. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  over 2 years ago

    Love the art. For a brief moment, Chesney has clarity, but he’ll go back to being the jerk he always is.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I think it’s good times, good food, good company and a good cat. I miss having a cat. I have 7 in my heart tho…

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  5. Figaro 1
    Wilde Bill  over 2 years ago

    Whatever the meaning of life is — I’m sure that cats are involved at some level.

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    laughingkitty  over 2 years ago

    Today is:




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    laughingkitty  over 2 years ago

    My first day back at work after vacation went okay, but I was disappointed to see how little had been done while I was gone. We were marking down plants and I had only a few annuals left to reduce in price when I started my vacation, so I was very surprised to see that in the entire 8 days I was gone, not one single plant had been marked down. The plants still look okay, so they have been properly watered, so that is a good thing. I found out that Gopinder (the only other person who does markdowns on plants) was off all week too. So was Christian, because he hurt himself (I think he knows how to do markdowns). Joyce was back from her vacation, but they had her doing other things. So, anyway, I started on some of the markdowns and did a lot of cleaning up – getting plants off racks and just making things neater. It was a real mess. I’ll devote most of today doing those markdowns on the annuals and hopefully get some perennials marked down too.

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    laughingkitty  over 2 years ago

    Hmmmm – I was just reading something in Facebook. Someone wanted to know how to clam and tame a feral kitten. A few people suggested putting an article of clothing in the cage with the kitten. Something that the person has worn, so it has their scent on it. Could this help? Cecelia (the person who loaned me the trap as well as the cage which I’m still using) also gave me some drops – stuff like Feliaway which is supposed to calm them too. One is drops and the other is a spray mist. I have not been using them as often as I probably should, though. I must be more diligent on that.

    Twice I have grabbed the tortoise shell kitten and petted and cuddled her. She hisses, but doesn’t fight me or try to bite or scratch me. She is the bravest of the bunch. She looks at me with curiosity more than fear. I play with them a few times a day. They play with each other more now than they did the first day. They are very good about using the litter box. I wish Annie would stop telling her kids that I’m the enemy.

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    laughingkitty  over 2 years ago

    From yesterday’s comments to StephenRice who said,

    “While paper bags are an excellent source of roughage, they lack nutritional value and proper flavor. I’d suggest finding something else for lunch.”

    Thanks for the laugh. I decided to eat the sandwiches and stuff that I packed inside the paper bag rather than eating the bag.

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    biscotti...  over 2 years ago

    I never imagined Chesney could be so philosophical!

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    ladykat Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Chesney being philosophical! Will wonders never cease?

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    jessegooddoggy  over 2 years ago

    One of my favorites! Love the imaginative artwork!

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    diskus Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Coinicdes with the release of the wonderful images from the Webb Space Telescope

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    darcyandsimon  over 2 years ago

    Wow, Chesney waxes philosophical!

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    Queen of America  over 2 years ago

    For Oliver, the meaning of life is probably a little red ball. For Blackjack, it’s cheese shreds. And snacky treats.

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    Queen of America  over 2 years ago

    I said I was going to take a break from fostering. Then I got a call yesterday and now I have 3 siblings.

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  17. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  over 2 years ago

    Chesney is right. That is what it is all about.

    And the drawings today are spectacular. I don’t remember this one at all, which is odd. I definitely added it to my saved comics.

    I had no idea Annie and Chesney had a spacecraft. This must be a dream, and Annie will wake up with Chesney complaining about something.

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    bloodykate  over 2 years ago

    This one made me smile, GH!

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  19. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 2 years ago

    Green planet in P. 4 looks like a bowling ball. God needs to put his toys away after making all that thunder that comes with our rain .

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    Graham Harrop creator over 2 years ago

    Thanks for the kind comments – it was fun to draw!

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    Mountaingreenery  over 2 years ago

    I’m glad that Chesney is not in possession of an illidium Q36 explosive space modulator.

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    tad1  over 2 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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    tad1  over 2 years ago

    Love the wonderful artwork in today’s comic . Also, it’s nice to see Chesney getting along with Annie for once instead of being a jerk. On another note, saw four butterflies, a chipmunk, two towhees, a Wilson’s warbler, a sparrow, a swallow, three robins, a dragonfly, and a rabbit while out walking today.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago


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    eladee AKA Wally  over 2 years ago

    I love this! And so true. It’s the kind and little things that give Life meaning.

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