Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 05, 2012
Mom: "I don't care if you two chat. But not this late" Luann: "Mom, it's the best time for us!" Quill: "Mrs. Degroot, would you prefer say, 8am there? It'd be 3am for me. But..." Mom: "No, Quill, we can't ask you to do that" Dad: "Why NOT? If he want to talk to her -" Luann: "You should go now. You don't wanna see this.."
kenhense about 12 years ago
Luann must have heard her parents approaching… She sure put on a nice dress in a hurry…
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
Apparently, the Dergroots are somewhat ignorant of the realities of timezones.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Frank can be SUCH a jackass!
gkid about 12 years ago
I hope they settle this peaceably, without hurting Quill.
svetlana17 about 12 years ago
When I was 15 I began a long-distance relationship with my to-be first husband, beginning as pen-pals. Aside from a few weeks just after we finally met, it was all mail — as he went off to work, then drafted and sent to Viet Nam. Skype would have been wonderful to have back then!! We didn’t even have cell phones. Kids today have no idea how lucky they are!
Faux Real about 12 years ago
… On weekends if Quill calls at 11 AM Lu’s time….Walking around the mall with Delta & Bernice.
The Nihilist about 12 years ago
Someone’s reality check bounced again…
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
What’s the name of the strip again? And would the title character get featured most of the time?
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
Oh, good. filth. just what we needed.
transylvanian about 12 years ago
She doesn’t wear lip gloss anymore when she talks to Quill. HAHA. It’s hell to get off the computer screen. :)
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
Qwerty’s not entirely wrong…it’s just Greg Evans won’t go there, so such speculation is essentially impossible. If Luann was gonna get some, it’d be well off screen like Brad and Toni
salvaescalante about 12 years ago
I used to date a girl overseas too, she was 8hrs ahead in time that made daily contact almost impossible, only by email. We used talk by phone (ip phone) only on weekends and visiting each other few days every summer or winter. After 4 years we got tired of that… So we got married in 2002. Back then the only way to communicate was by email, chat rooms and ip phone services, I used a Sega Dreamcast as ip phone to call her every weekend.
YatInExile about 12 years ago
It seems Frank can’t get past the idea that Luann has a boy “in her room.”
MDeB about 12 years ago
Good to see that Greg has finally got a grip on the time-difference..A more-reasonable time would be 4pm for Quill and 9pm for Luann.
MDeB about 12 years ago
“Extinction…”.A couple of points:1. South American jungles are being razed for wood, not for haqbitation; in my opinion a far-worse crime..2. The dinosuar extinction was not fast. It was going on for milions of years before the (current theory) asteroid fiished them off..otherwise I agree.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
got to love time zones.
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
As almost always, dad Frank is the unbending villain while mom Nancy is willing to compromise. Luann is actually showing considerable poise and maturity for a teenager, and Quill even more so. I vote for the young lovers: may they find happiness. Sorry, Frank.
Mordock999 about 12 years ago
“Your a MEAN one.”“Frank DeGroot”.“Your life’s an EMPTY Shellllllllll!”“Your Skull is Full of ANVILS”.“And it’s RINGING like a BELL.”“Frank De-Groooooo-ot!”“WHY do You Subject Your Family to uh….,”“….DAILY Comic Strip HELLLLLLLLLL,,,”
jeanie5448 about 12 years ago
love this comic strip but hate the dirty minds and nasty comments. Just think maybe they are just having a nice conversation, what a sweet little teenage friend of mine calls facetime.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 12 years ago
You people, she’s wearing a night shirt with matching shorts.There was no hanky-panky, these two kids are innocent to do the stuff mentioned here. .Love the part where Luann doesn’t want Quill to see the parents arguing. Nothing scary, just embarrassing.
Hugh Manatee about 12 years ago
Yeah, this is a mess.
mandawahoo about 12 years ago
For crying out loud, isn’t she a senior in high school? 11:30pm isn’t that bad.
Matthew Davis about 12 years ago
So the DeGroots live in Alaska? That’s the only part of the US that’s within a 5-hour time difference from any part of Australia – except for Hawaii, and we know they don’t live there because that’s where Aaron Hill moved away to.
RackDaddy about 12 years ago
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Thx… Frank DeGrinch << I like it!
Actually, the hard part was my first ever attempt to draw puddles
vldazzle about 12 years ago
I was up until 12 last night when he Skyped, and 1AM his time.
CHAZ.SHIELDS about 12 years ago
11am (EST) assuming Luann is in the Eastern time zone (UTC -5), would leave Quill in Sydney at 3 am UTC + 10)
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 12 years ago
this forum is a hoot.
Ginispics about 12 years ago
it is only a few minutes later in Luann Land
krelboyne about 12 years ago
For crying out loud, isn’t she a senior in high school? 11:30pm isn’t that bad..We do not know that she is a senior. Some people think she is, but I think she is a junior.. Senior – see August 12, 2012
Hectoruno about 12 years ago
When my wife and I were dating we spoke on the phone for hours at a time. We each had $500 or higher phone bills. AS soon as we married and were living together Vonage came out and Long distance no longer cost more than regular. I started working overseas and had to deal with international phone calling. Again as soon as I started working in the States Skype came out. I love the tech but it is always too late.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
What is GBTL?
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
btw, I love this strip, just the way it is
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
line art for the Frank-Grinch pic:
ACTIVIST1234 about 12 years ago
Ok. I take it back. This is NOT the perfect chaste relationship. Thank you, Mr. Evans, for showing us how Skype works!
ACTIVIST1234 about 12 years ago
And in case I miss it later—
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish friends. Bernice included!Mikeyj about 12 years ago
You make some very good points there, comic strips evolve, the Luann strip has gone from “gag-a-day”s about an unhappy 13 year old girl, who’s puberty was taking forever, to a series of longer stories about the same girl now blossoming into womanhood; truth is, it’s refreshing to see this evolution, and, if as that August strip suggests, Luann is going to begin the “next level” of her life, then I’m all for it… Especially if she dumps Quill in the process :P
Popeyesforearm about 12 years ago
I think he’s trying to be topical and hip to current trends. This toon is aimed at 12 to 16 girls so the rest of us need to let it ride. Jump over to Pearls or Fuzzy if you’re looking for pets.
haikutoo about 12 years ago
And you know this because?
unca jim about 12 years ago
Sheriff Mordecai said;“this forum is a hoot.”=====
Agreed… and welcome back to town, Sheriff !
Fetching about 12 years ago
It’s not that kids are lucky…it’s just different…like asking a beautiful woman does she know how lucky she is…not unless she was ugly and had plastic surgery…
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 12 years ago
Donny – maybe you should start signing your name to the strip, it is obvious you are the heart, the soul, the inspiration who covers up for a lame and incompetent Greg Evans. Yeah, right. You, and Clyde and JJ, whatta trinity.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
My cousin Tracy was a dead-ringer for Luann , when she was that age, including the fluffed bangs… unfortunately, my Windows 98 scanner won’t work with my new Windows 7 laptop , so I can’t show it :(
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
@Donny Wallace
I agree with you that Toni is having sex with Brad, you cite the arc last month when Toni dumped Shannon into Luann’s lap so she could go out with Brad; and I agree. Although the word “sex” was never used, Toni kept saying she needed time to go “play” with Brad (Including the quotation marks); had Toni meant they were going out to have fun (Mini putt, Go Karts, etc.), the quotation marks wouldn’t have been there- Greg is no dummy, he knows what he can get away with in daily newspapers.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
@Sheriff Mordecai
Who the heck are Clyde & JJ?
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 12 years ago
Who are Fogarty and Phelps? I must have missed them. I have read Luann originally in the newspapers at its inception, but then had a very long span where my paper did not carry it and then I found it here. So, who are those two (now seemingly defunct )characters?
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Anyone notice that I made a little change to my Av?
ooptheman about 12 years ago
to all Luann readers. 20 more days. Merry Christmas, atheist happy holiday.
unca jim about 12 years ago
@alananda said;“How can one reach Brooke McEldowney to tell him his “comments disabled” policy pursuant to “9 Chickweed Lane” totally sucks? He does the same with ‘Pibgorn’That sucks big time.My theory is he does not want all us pervs making sexually innuendos about his pretend daughter, Edda." *************************************I Maine, but Brooke is such of the elite ‘artiste de auteur’ level of thought and presentation that he doesn’t need the feedback from us of lesser minds and thought processes, which is alright with me……….as long as he doesn’t get POLITICAL ! I deleted “9” from my favorites a year ago.. I got sick of the five-day strips of leg-warmers,stretch exercises, long—dark-scenes and panel-to-panel ‘jumps’..So much for living in The Big City..
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 12 years ago
BrdShtt…. thank you! Geez, I actually should have known that. I do, of course, know those characters… I just did not associate their names with them.
Attila The Voice! about 12 years ago
I wonder where this’ll go :0
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
I miss Curious Avenue. Not that well known, but it dealt with two now-single women and their often cynical take on life: the last panel always showed one of them with a T-shirt commenting on the issue of that strip.^^That’s nothing new, Outcault’s “Yellow Kid” did that T-shirt thing over 100 yrs ago
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
That Brad is a virgin? Go back to the first day Toni was introduced to the strip and read from that point forward. Each time they are together and have the opportunity, it does not happen. I have left comments and notes and even refer to other dates where they are together to support my theory. I also invite everyone to show me where my theory is wrong.7
Umm Lev, didn’t you read my post on that subject? Their tryst took place the night they pawned off Shannon to Luann and went off to “play” << The quotation marks are Greg’s, not mine
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Oops, sorry the Yellow Kid pics are so big… I got them online, and forgot to check their sizes
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 12 years ago
Hey, Donny, how about just for you I spill the next 4 weeks? I would love to make your month.
Buggerlugs about 12 years ago
Still waiting for TJ & Ann.
Step-Step about 12 years ago
Hmmm…you forgot to put Elwood on your list, Leviticus!
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
I would think Brad & Toni would be doing it at HER place; you don’t seriously think Toni would be comfortable doing that around TJ, do you?
reedkomicks Premium Member about 12 years ago
“Why is dad so upset with Luann? She is with Quill on a computer. Dad had no problem on 05-24-11, and Lu’s virginity was in a lot more danger then than today.”``I believe it is because of the simple fact that it is late at night, and he is feeling irritable having gotten out of bed. In his mind, Quill is in her room.
reedkomicks Premium Member about 12 years ago
@Leviticus By the way, it that a microphone in his hand (panel one 5/24/11) or is the “danger” (your word) real?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 12 years ago
“1. South American jungles are being razed for wood, not for habitation; in my opinion a far-worse crime.”-Actually, it’s being removed to make crop land, as in food..“2. The dinosaur extinction was not fast. It was going on for millions of years before the (current theory) asteroid finished them off.”-Many were extinct but that does not mean all would have become extinct had not the asteroid collision killed them off in minutes to a few years at most. Many of the previous extinctions were caused by superior predatory capabilities of the newly evolved critters. Thus, those were going to be gone no matter what.-One of the major previous causes of extinction was the increasing level of oxygen in the atmosphere, poisonous to nearly all earth life at that time. That extinction made way for those creatures which and tolerate and even use oxygen — ones like us for example.
vldazzle about 12 years ago
One nice thing about Skype is that depending on your space, dress is totally your own choice. Luann has to depend on pleasing her parents, but I’m sure at her age she will not do anything rash.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
A serial killer would not be comfortable around TJ.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
I could SWEAR I remember seeing quotation marks there, I’ll take a good look next time I’m at that story, but, perhaps I saw them because I was expecting them to be there. (it happens)Either way, I still believe that the babysitter arc was Greg’s way of telling us that Brad & Toni are lovers; so, we can agree to disagree :) Premium Member about 12 years ago
11:30 is too late for a teenage girl to be talking to her boyfriend across how many time zones?!? Get real folks — I’m nearly 65 and I would have no expectation that a 16 or 17 year old girl would be tucked in at that time. And it doesn’t need to have the sexual connotations being given here — it may well be quite innocent.
WallFlower05 about 12 years ago
Where does Luann live??? My bro is in Australia right now Perth) and we are on the East Coast. It’s 10:40 pm right now for us, and 10:40 am (forward twelve hours) for him.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Oh, and Lev, even without the "s, why would Toni keep talking about playing with Brad if she wasn’t euphemising for Lu? Wouldn’t she just use the term “dating” , or “Going out” if that’s all she meant by “so long since I could play with Brad”?
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Comments (159) WOW… and this makes 160
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
First:Brad and Toni are definitely gettin’ it on. Which makes it interesting that she’s so marriage shy, you’d think she’d want to close the deal, but there ya go.
Second:I don’t think Quill and Luann are doing anything naughty…yet. Luann’s hee hee hee was just a schoolgirl being a schoolgirl…so far. This thread hasn’t had enough time to evolve into naughtiness.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
I meant 160 posts on this thread, actually; My actual post count is 2380, not bad considering I’ve been here less than a full month