Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for January 06, 2013

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  about 12 years ago

    Well, well, Blackjack is back!

    I must admit, he makes quite an opponent for Dick.

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    cpalmeresq  about 12 years ago

    Oh, this is great!!!!!

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  about 12 years ago

    Fair warning from Black Jack.

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  4. Emerald
    margueritem  about 12 years ago

    Liz is looking gorgeous with her long hair.

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    Can't Sleep  about 12 years ago

    I know itā€™s just a tease for an upcoming story, but itā€™s great to see Blackjack again!As he said ā€”ā€œWoo Hoo! Itā€™s Dick Tracy!ā€

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  6. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  about 12 years ago

    PEZ gun dispenser

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    nerdhoof  about 12 years ago

    Iā€™m reminded of the gun cigarette lighter in the Pink Panther movies. ā€œFrancois, come over here and help me find my nose!ā€

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  8. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member about 12 years ago

    So, that strip a few weeks back when Tracy found himself humming Tubthumping must have been his subconscious telling him that Blackjack had escaped.

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  9. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  about 12 years ago


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  10. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  about 12 years ago

    Criminally insane perhaps? But in a good way. Welcome back, Blackjack!

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  11. Moonbeam
    SlyMongoose  about 12 years ago

    Heā€™s so polite. He didnā€™t hurt anyone in his escape, he calls when he promised to and he warns in advance that heā€™s coming. His mother must be SO proud!

    BTWā€¦ Where is Vista Bill?

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  12. Me
    SCOTTtheBADGER  about 12 years ago

    But, but, butā€¦.What about Beautiful Belle the Beloved? Badger Howl of Frustration!

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    BellsAndMotley  about 12 years ago

    Iā€™m a big Mike Mozart fan too. My personal favorite of his reviews: the ā€œSpongebob Squarepantsā€ rectal thermometer. (Honestly, what were they THINKING?)

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    Gator007  about 12 years ago

    I like the"Walking Tallā€™ Movies.

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  15. Zap
    60sFan  about 12 years ago

    Ah nuts, I thought weā€™d see Moon Maid today. ;-)

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  16. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  about 12 years ago

    Youā€™re replying to Gweedo Murrayā€™s comment:

    Same link Tarry just gave us, ???^^I hadnā€™t noticed his linkā€¦oh well

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    ReneTray  about 12 years ago

    Be great if Moon Maid helps out.

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  18. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  about 12 years ago

    60sFan said, 26 minutes agoAh nuts, I thought weā€™d see Moon Maid today. ;-)^^

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  19. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 12 years ago

    ā€œIs that ā€˜Tubthumpingā€™ on the radio?ā€Yes, and itā€™s another fine Sunday strip from Team Tracy. Always good to see Sam and Liz. Great Tracy face in panel three, and loving the attention to detail, such as the snow outside the window.

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  20. Headshtgrinder
    Mdstudio  about 12 years ago

    Great to have him return. Heā€™s such a kook. So we still have the big Moon Maid mystery and Mrs. Flattop and Blackjack are both on the loose. Are there any others?

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  21. 101718piglet
    joe piglet Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I think people are missing the Whiskey drink and the Vodka drink; ā€œTubthumpingā€ The only thing I am disappointed in is the speed in which the good story lines come to an end. The Fishing one/phishing, Piranha and Cinnamon. One shoot out and its over.

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  22. 71 blk
    trimguy  about 12 years ago

    Buford Pusser/ Walking Tall: I remember that name/movie.. Died in a horrible car wreck, didnā€™t he?

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    Det.DanDone  about 12 years ago

    .Buford Pusser also was a PRO Wrestler for a while.

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    adrianmonk  about 12 years ago

    Blackjackā€™s back!!!! (And the Sunday DT strip as well) Yes!!!! I canā€™t help but think DT has a grudging admiration for Blackjack. Hoping that one day Blackjack will see the error of his ways and join forces with Team Tracy. Itā€™s happened before.

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  25. Dicky
    DrSid1  about 12 years ago

    Yes, itā€™s nice to have a cameo by Lizz, last seen on Sept. 27!

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  26. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  about 12 years ago

    Good afternoon allā€¦

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    SinatraFan  about 12 years ago

    I love the drawing but the stories are the most confusing I have seen in years. They should go back and look at Chester Gouldā€™s stories and notice how they sometimes lasted 2-3 months and didnā€™t jump all over the map. I donā€™t think I have ever seen so many jumps in story lines as I have since the new fellows took over. It seems they are focusing on a Sesame Street reader mentality, short attention span and donā€™t confuse them with continuity or exposition of what is happening. Just image after image. Go back to what makes a continuing comic strip interesting: a great story.

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    Ken in Ohio  about 12 years ago

    Tracyā€™s hands have that ā€œSunday Pageā€ look in panels 2 and 3. They almost seem flat, like cardboard cut-outs. They never look like that in the daily strips. However, his profile is very well done, Itā€™s not a full-on front view, but not exactly a side profile either. Mr. Staton has perfected drawing Tracy at various angles. And todayā€™s colors, and the use of shading, are quite cool.

    I wonder if this is an interlude, or the start of a new story.

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  29. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 12 years ago

    by the way, mike had said in the yahoo group yesterday that the MOON MAID STORY is going to take center stage startingā€¦ TOMORROW!!! he wanted to get in this little appearance by blackjack but he said that moon maid will return for a few weeks starting tomorrow (or something along those linesā€¦syd? willy? any help here?)

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    fredville  about 12 years ago

    Ok, so a convict escapes from prison, and calls the police depā€™t, and the response is basically ā€œok, you can kick it for a while, and just call us when youā€™re ready for us to try to arrest you againā€ā€¦ā€¦.Cā€™MON! How about a little ā€œgive yourself upā€ or whateverā€¦ā€¦ā€¦let ā€™s not get TOO unbelievable right out of the gate, lol!

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    tarabuff  about 12 years ago

    BlackJack has returned! I wonder if FritzAnn will reappear as well. Hide Sam, Hide! I am so glad that the team tracy staff are able to expand their stories beyond the six week limit now. I hope to see longer stories in the future.And more returns from villians during the Gouldian period. Plus more deaths as well. Dick Tracy is not Dick Tracy without the deaths. Go Team Tracy!

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    fredville  about 12 years ago

    More deaths? Yeah, great fun watching people dieā€¦..we just donā€™t get enough of that in real life! Great storylines and characters make Dick Tracyā€¦ā€¦not the other.

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  33. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 12 years ago

    Blackjackā€™s back! YAY!Blackjack is possibly the most individualistic, bizarre yet believable, new Tracy villain created by Team Tracy. Heā€™s just plain fun!

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    boboscar  about 1 year ago

    Intro (skip if youā€™ve already read any of the previous intros):

    Hello, greetings, casual readers of past Tracy stories. Iā€™m here because Iā€™m on 2 missions. The first is something Iā€™ve never done before, read each Tracy story by Mike Curtis (or his occasional guest writer) in one sitting each. I feel his stories are worth it. IMHO, Curtis is by far the best post-Gould writer this strip has ever had, and weā€™re all lucky to have him.

    My second mission is to provide an immediately useful Featured Comment whenever needed. My 3 friends below will reply to me. You can read their replies if you like, but their only real purpose is to bump up this comment to the Featured Comment.

    There are 2 basic types of immediately useful Featured Comments: the first type is to provide you with a Mumblespeak translator when needed. The other type (this type) is anytime that dayā€™s strip quotes a real song. I will provide an html to a recording to that song so youā€™ll know the tune even if youā€™ve never heard it before.

    End Intro

    Once again, tubthumping is explicitly identified as playing during the comic strip. So once again, hereā€™s a link to the tune:


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