Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 08, 2013
Quill: "Look at the drama camp website. It's an amazing program!" Luann: "Tiffany asked you to this camp-with HER. And you WANT to go!?" Quill: "My parents support my music and theater talents. They'll LOVE this! It's the perfect way for me to come back!" Luann: "Into the claws of Tiffany?!" Quill: "No! You'd come to the camp, too! I'd be in YOUR claws! I mean arms. Tender, loving arms. And soft. Ooooo"
The Old Wolf almost 12 years ago
Luann. Listen. Quill is honest. You’ve got something there that cannot be bought with money, or at any price. Do not screw this up.
Namrepus almost 12 years ago
When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
locuravamp almost 12 years ago
Love that little smirk on her face! :)
krelboyne almost 12 years ago
It still comes down to Tiffany asked him to that camp and Tiffany will be there. Quill cannot be that clueless . . .?.Find another camp . . cant be that hard.
kenhense almost 12 years ago
Tiffany definitely has a plan to keep Luann out of the camp.
gkid almost 12 years ago
I’m in total agreement, another drama camp. Same victory-Togetherness-no tiffany. Go for it.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Trouble in Paradise?
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Hmmm… it just occurred to me, that Tiff’s goofy plan may actually be working here….
bigbob1946 almost 12 years ago
although it was a lloooonnnggg time ago, Rational thought does not enter into teenage love.You are hopelessly wearing blinders and making decisions based on emotions. Note; married the first girl I dated and been married 45 years, aaasometimes teen love does work. bob
blunebottle almost 12 years ago
Quill- text back: Hey, that’s a great idea, Tiffany! I’ll be able to spend time with Luann! Thanks!
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
…no, I like Quill’s plan. He gets to come back to the states, ignore Tiff outright, and spend time with the girl he wants to spend time with. Luann may not be rational enough to accept it, though.
Dconskjk almost 12 years ago
Quill, good plan, Luann listen to him. Yes, and text to Tiffany what blunebottle said
Dconskjk almost 12 years ago
But I understand Luann a bit too. She’s terrified of losing Quill to someone she sees as being prettier and more enticing to a guy. And those feelings are going to be hard to just turn off.
luann's zit almost 12 years ago
Oh, right, because they don’t have drama camps in Australia . . .
sarge112751 almost 12 years ago
Quill – the FIRST rule you must KNOW and MEMORIZE about “females in General” ...1. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT ! – USE IT at EVERY and ANY opportunity … LIKE NOW ?.I DO have a copy of “The Man’s Rights” and can post them for you, need be!
TiffWHO almost 12 years ago
Any camp with those 3 will have drama, and for an extra laugh Gunther will be a costumer and councilor.
!!IceFire!! almost 12 years ago
Her fingers do look like claws in the last panel ….
rpmurray almost 12 years ago
Quill almost shook off the spell and came to a realization about Luann, but now he’s been sucked back in. Poor Quill.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It’s the old Bickersons all over again..Honey, you know I lost interest in women once I married you!.WHAT!.I mean other women! Other!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Good save, Quill; but tread lightly here. Luann just put you on probation….
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
His parents “SUPPORT” that HORRIBLE Music????What ARE They? DEAF?!!?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
The three of them together within claws’ reach — err, I mean arm’s reach. What could POSSIBLY go wrong.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
It’s a short chase if the other IS interested.
Possibly Tempting Tiffany likes a challenge.possibly she can simply NOT imagine male disinterest.
Takagi-san almost 12 years ago
I think Luann is just as bad as Tiffany, though she is less overt about it. She’ll push good men away until she learns to stop suspecting them of potential infidelity as her go-to. Granted, the numbers seem to suggest an unsettling amount of “bad” men out there, but at some point people must trust and be prepared to be hurt (though don’t assume you will be or you’ll make it happen).
ILikeMeSomeComics almost 12 years ago
Nice save, Quill.
57-Don almost 12 years ago
one thing Greg didn’t take into consideration – our summer break (which is when a drama camp would be taking place) occurs is the middle of Quill’s school year
Gerry Lee almost 12 years ago
Oh Quill…you’d do that to Tiffany? I thought you were better than that. People who throw their standards out the window and act like jerks because their victims ‘deserve it’ deserve it right back…
XianProf almost 12 years ago
P3 is priceless.
cwkrrk almost 12 years ago
Ok, one problem here. His summer is her winter. How does he get out ot school to go to a camp in the US?
RCAuclair almost 12 years ago
Quill’s confident of his ability to conduct himself like a gentleman around somebody as clueless as Tiffany. Given that’s about half as smart as a cocker spaniel, his confidence is justified. Luann has nothing to worry about…but then again, it’s never stopped her before.
keokuk almost 12 years ago
does anyone else find this tiring? it’s the same storyline over and over….
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Don’t you just love Freudian slips?
twinsoniclab almost 12 years ago
His parents support it so much they’ll be fine with him leaving school to go? I doubt that. It seems someone forgot “summer” for Luann is “winter” for him! Unless it happens to be during his winter break. Still, let’s leave him in Australia.
CartoonServices.Com almost 12 years ago
Find another camp? Where’s the drama in that?
dblbaraje almost 12 years ago
I missed it, does Quill have one more year in high school, or is he due to graduate this year – looks like the story line suggets he is coming back to the US.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
I think Rosa can definitely handle Tiffany. I’d like to see that one.
belldee90 almost 12 years ago
I still say quill is a big time playah. He probably has a wife in Australia. all that innocent kid stuff is a big lie.
Dr Lou Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Luann is a generally good cartoon which slips into some really dumb sequences. I am guessing this might be one of them coming up….
PMark almost 12 years ago
If Quill is so clueless as to not see the problem in purposely and willingly going to a camp with Tiffany, then I highly recommend that you set your sites elsewhere.
Can you imagine if you two ever got serious? He would be sneaking out on you all the time.
angusdad almost 12 years ago
Didn’t Luanne do well in the play she was in and Tiffany flopped as an actress in that movie? This seems perfect.
Attila The Voice! almost 12 years ago
I sense an intriguing story arc coming :D
nikkib Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I think Tiffany’s interest in Quill is more about Quill’s interest in Luann than anything else. Tiffany threw herself at him when he was in the States and Quill rejected her and chose Luann instead. Tiffany’s VERY inflated ego cannot accept this. If Luann were not the object of Quill’s affection, Tiffany would probably lose interest very quickly.
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Luann’s got the next move in the latest round of Who’s Stupid? Perfect pretext, wrong venue suggested by Quill. Is she smart enough to figure out that all they need to do is find another camp?
PMark almost 12 years ago
Speaking from long and often painful experience, it’s when you think you are the least vulnerable that you are the most vulnerable.
beachlvr Premium Member almost 12 years ago
can Luanne’s parents afford to send her?
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 12 years ago
wonder how this is going to end up?..would like to see Luann with Quill at drama camp
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Doubtless enrollment is limited at this camp. Maybe Tiff and Luann will both enroll in time, but Quill doesn’t and is put on a waiting list in case anyone drops out. Lu is cranked that she has to go without Quill and put up with Tiff, but neither she nor Tiff dares to drop out because then Quill would be able to attend with the other one there.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Why would Quill’s parents allow Tiffany to pay his way to camp? Why would Tiffany’s parents allow it, for that matter? And why the fck is Tiffany chasing after a guy who’s not interested?^^You should be asking Karen Evans , who probably wrote this arc, but I think I can say that Tiff’s Dad doesn’t mind and let’s Tiff spend his money as she likes.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Luann is the pretty one, Tiff is all cosmetics and Kleenex
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Well, Quill is graduating this year, and since he wants to be a performer, a drama camp would likely be something he could get credit for when he goes to college…. or while he’s working at McDs
mechaman almost 12 years ago
Tiffany is smart enough to scheme, but not to carry one out – I just saw a guy try to scam some food out of a Chinese take-out just this evening .. it would have worked, MAYBE, if he knew what he was doing. Evans, you need to just show us the flash-forward where Quill and Luann have been married some 40-plus years ..
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
I love Luann’s alf smile in final panel.