Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 12, 2013
Quill: "I mean it! Stop pretending there's something between us!" Tiffany: "I'm just having a little FUN! Jeez!" Quill: "You're messing with me to make Luann jealous! It's pathetic!" Tiffany: "Fine! Got the message, Quill!" Melodee: "Ready for your kissing scene?" Quill: "Could we shake hands instead?" Tiffany: "I'd like a stand-in"
JayBluE over 11 years ago
The theatre’s a little cold… could someone turn up the thermo….stat??
JayBluE over 11 years ago
See? It’s not always that difficult to be up front and honest… not…. always…….
DaJellyBelly over 11 years ago
Bravo Quill, you’re a fine upstanding young man!
BrookFan over 11 years ago
Call Luann she will gladly stand in for Tiffany.
The Old Wolf over 11 years ago
I don’t think Tiffany has ever encountered a young man so grounded and centered as Quill. She has no idea what to do. Good on ya, Quill!
dr_dolittle_rwc over 11 years ago
Really! A true actor (Tiff you are not!), would just accept the role and gratification it brought, and GO HOME!!
Not try to mess up everyone else’s lives….
flowergirl19 over 11 years ago
What a pathetic little attention whore she is! You tell her like it is, Quill.
oldcomicsfan over 11 years ago
AND…..the director’s neck has snapped back, and her face again looks like someone stepped on it.
kfccanada over 11 years ago
Very well said, Quill! You said what had to be said and am sure Luann will be impressed at how you handled Tiff. ( Now, if only Luann doesn’t ’t do something unnecessary to get back at Tiff).
LouEthelip over 11 years ago
Two things.
#1: Applauding Quill for standing up for himself and his love.
#2: Why is it that this directer always seem to have her nose in the air? Is she incredibly snooty or does she just have a bad nose bleed (said with sarcasm)
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Luann… brought to you, by..Pohlar Frying Pans…. “When you need to turn up the heat…think Pohlar”….Blaze Frost Free Refrigerators…and by…Doctor Duct HVAC…. "When you need us to tend to your ventilation, cooling, and thermo….. STAT…..
DaJellyBelly over 11 years ago
Luann should make a trip to the camp and speak to someone face to face about why her application was rejected. It’s obviously not too far from her home. Because her parents shuttled Quill on the Fourth, to and from the camp.
Both Gunther and Quill could vouch for Luann’s wonderful performance as Maria in “West Side Story.”
lmonteros over 11 years ago
Actually, Quill—and Evans—made it pretty clear it’s not OK nor desireable.
And in the real world—if a teenage guy sneaked a kiss and a photo from a teenage girl—she would probably not even tell anyone because people would say she asked for it, or worse, a slut. Rape is underreported for those reasons.
lmonteros over 11 years ago
Now it’s time for the drama camp to have second thoughts about not taking Luann….
Runforson over 11 years ago
Now it will come out that Tiff is the one who got Luann rejected for Drama Camp. As the plot thickens
SackofRabidWeasels over 11 years ago
Remember that Tiffany is Greg’s easiest character to write for and that Greg gets his motivation from teen dramas nowadays instead of his own daughter. Even when every other storyline has been resolved, Luann/Tiffany will never be resolved because Greg Evans is not Tom Batiuk.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
A “Lovers Quarrel”, sorta.
Next thing You Know, You’ll be getting MARRIED…..,
skydancer11 over 11 years ago
Kudos to you, Quill!
rusty gate over 11 years ago
Tiffany storms out and the role of Martha Washington will be played by the show’s caterer, Ann Eiffel.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Or “Senseless and Sensitivity”….. Or “Tried and Prejudiced”…..
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
More accurarely, Who’s Tiffany, I thought you were Sheraton St. Louis?
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Why is everyone saying Luann should take over Tiffany’s role in the play? (1) The camp is full of actresses who qualified for admission (probably all of them had the lead in their own high school plays!), so there are dozens of replacements available there already who have paid their money and who have been studying drama intensely all summer. There’s absolutely no need to bring in Luann (or anyone else) new to the camp. (2) Tiffany may not be happy working with Quill, but she was chosen as the lead (beating out all the other girls there), so she is a good actress and she is enough of a dedicated professional to do her job, however she feels about her co-star.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Bravo, my fine lad! Teach that wench a proper lesson!…………………………………………………..Just a side note: I really enjoy the character Ms. Manezon. I may have known her in real life. She’s probably had one facelift too many (explaining her appearance that some find odd).
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 11 years ago
She finally got it!
fiftycat over 11 years ago
Hope Gunther fills Luann in,
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Maybe Tiff and Quill will both lose their roles if they can’t work together. Really can’t see where this is going…nowhere, with the dynamics in play.
gkid over 11 years ago
Hmmm..OK, we have wondered why Luann was rejected.And somehow the terrible T is involved. Howcan she do this. What pull could she have?Ahem. Do you suppose it is possible she is pullingstrings with higher ups in the drama camp?SO. Who could that possibly be. Umhmm.Maybe a short one? With interests in Luann, himself?And who has connections in the movie industry? (“Eyez Of Evez”)And Tiffany? And feels he owes her a favor, yes?Yes. Elwood. Himself.
watmiwori over 11 years ago
Even better would be Les. Tiff and he deserve each other.
watmiwori over 11 years ago
Even better would be Les. Tiff and he deserve each other.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Tiff “gets it”? I find that hard to believe! Did MPQ find a shortcut through that thick skull of hers?
gkid over 11 years ago
This whole thing works. Elwood is using Tiffanyand camp to A) Divide Luann, Quill. Protect Elwood’sInterest. (Remember? He dined Luann, showedoff fine dinner houses he owned, his wealth.Proposed to her @ dinner, gave her a ring, etc…)B) Serves Tiff’s interest, deliberately throws hertogether with Quill. Gives her a chance. C) GivesElwood a hat in the ring, he is also talent scout, movies, plays, etc, good place to pick up talent.I knew Tiff was not smart enough for all thison her own.
tp66 over 11 years ago
I agree with you Ken. This is typical bully behavior. They single a person out and once they discover their weakness, they have an easy victim to taunt and have “fun” at their expense. Bullies have very low self-esteem, and feel the need to hurt others to feel superior. Maybe in future panels we will see Tiffany get the help she needs. Good for Quill for standing up for his feelings. Hope miss goody-two-shoes gets the message.
Fly On The Wall over 11 years ago
Looks like the little Aussie boy has turned into this strips newest “Drama Queen.”
ekw555 over 11 years ago
kind of odd that they are doing the first run through in full dress.
imbaldeagle over 11 years ago
I think Gunther may have a permanent standin available and he even knows her measurements. May take a few hours to get her, but you can be confident the kiss will be spectacular.
nananonie over 11 years ago
Ha, I’m glad Quill put her in her place.Ha
Finbar Gurdy Premium Member over 11 years ago
Well said….
morningglory73 Premium Member over 11 years ago
I’m glad Quill is no push-over.
calvinbird over 11 years ago
That drama coach is drawn oddly enough so that she looks like she walked in from another strip.
Hugh Manatee over 11 years ago
I’d really like to see a life changing event that will bring Tiffany from la-la land to some semblence of normalcy.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
So much for ‘Drama Camp’
buccaneer8 over 11 years ago
I love it!! Now dig the knife more deeper…
StoicLion1973 over 11 years ago
And THAT is how you check someone. I hope Luann hears of Quill’s actions but not from him. Gunther should tell her…that will have more of an impact.
FigwitsMom over 11 years ago
Qill and Luann should have checked around for another drama camp instead of applying to the one Tiff suggested. Any drama camp that would accept Tiff can’t have very high standards. She’s not exactly a major talent, but since she got the lead in the play, that must mean the talent level of the rest of the girls in camp is roughly zero.
FigwitsMom over 11 years ago
Kenham——-totally agree with you. You hit it dead on.
Simon_Jester over 11 years ago
If anyone here REALLY thinks Tiffany got the message, I know this Nigerian Bank Presdient who’d like to be your e-mail buddy
MAGA Premium Member over 11 years ago
What’s up with the director’s head?
mikki71 over 11 years ago
I’m still waiting to find out how Tiffany managed to keep Luann out of the camp. She seemed too sure that it would be just her and Quill.
Endunamoo over 11 years ago
Shot down in flamesShot down in flamesAin’t it a shameTo be shot down in flames
[/ Old – AC DC riff]
Awesome, Thank you quill, put her in her place.
phxhocking over 11 years ago
About time Quill grew a backbone and put Tiff in her place!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“…whatever, the show must go on. That is what they are there to do. To act. Quill, act like George. Tiff, act like Martha. Do the play, go your separate way.”^Exactly!
Tuzilla over 11 years ago
In shock that Tiffany finally comprehended something said to her.
3pibgorn9 over 11 years ago
Well said, DaJellyBelly. Waiting will fill, one way or another.
3pibgorn9 over 11 years ago
Hmmmm. “Stand in.” Is that a hint of things to come?
kenhense over 11 years ago
Tiff was “just having a little fun” – yeah – like a piranha…
dfowensby over 11 years ago
i dropped this strip last year, because this soapy opera was just grinding on into boredom. disappointed to see greg is still recycling this. maybe next year he’ll come up with a new plot, hook tiff up with a wife beater, or get luann pregnant. SOMETHING different, anyhow…
locake over 11 years ago
Tiff never cared for Quill anyway. She only wanted to make Luann jealous. Tiff is shallow and not capable of deep feelings for anyone. She will find some new boy to stalk.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
I keep forgetting to hear Quill’s Australian accent when he speaks. How does that accent work for George Washington?
caherrera over 11 years ago
Woohoo!Wat to go Quill!_
Quill + Luann = <3
rdv63 over 11 years ago
Quill is still a teenager. His resolve is settled…until the two of them actually kiss. Then emotions and hormones take over and suddenly he only has eyes for Tiff.
Paul Rider Premium Member over 11 years ago
Love it love it love it!
ILikeMeSomeComics over 11 years ago
She’s taking it better than I thought she would…
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 11 years ago
now’s the time to see if Quill can really act
1148559 over 11 years ago
I have run into the type many times myself. Often, when you tell them that their behavior is unacceptable, they just laugh and say things like, “you need to grow a thicker skin.” It is as if they have no clue what sexual harassment is.
Bucinka over 11 years ago
@KenHam: Word.
It’s about time Quill grew a set and said what needed to be said.
Terr Bear Premium Member over 11 years ago
Thank God someone is standing up to a bully!
Timothy Kietzman Premium Member over 11 years ago
Yippee! Great job Quill!
luann's zit over 11 years ago
If I were Quinn, I’d much rather kiss Tiffany that Luann. Just saying.
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
Quill: 10 Tiffany: 0
ACTIVIST1234 over 11 years ago
Remember, the G-man is giving Luann an hourly (?) update on the shenanigans at camp. I’m hoping the drama teacher DOES make them A-C-T, as they say they want to do. If something so obvious as Luann filling in for Tiff takes place, I’ll be disappointed!
bobchale3642 over 11 years ago
I’m becoming (slightly) interested in the character Tiffany.
For whatever reason, I’ve gotten the impression that Tiffany really believes most of the stuff she presents about herself. At least on the outside. If Quill’s forthrightness cracks that delusional shell and rub her nose in reality, it could be shattering. Maybe not. Probably not. However, possible results could be depression/withdrawal, severe anti-social behavior, personality flip (i.e. resulting in neediness) or even the beginning of maturation. Yeah, she could, maybe, start to grow up. Hidden amongst all the fluff that is Tiffany are some good things. (Look at Gunther’s makeover.)
But, this is a COMIC strip. That limits her possible changes – if any – to ‘G’ rated behavior. Or maybe PG13.
As @dfowensby said above, I’d like to see a little more ‘grit’ in this strip. No, that doesn’t mean Luann should get pregnant, but perhaps Tiffany could have a scare and use that as a springboard for a little more depth in the strip as well as Tiffany.
Leon Manuel Real over 11 years ago
I’m actually a little disappointed. I was hoping to see Tiffany get verbally beaten and humiliated in front of everyone.
Petemejia77 over 11 years ago
The kiwi needs to tell her that Luann is the love muffin of his heart! That will soget her goat!
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Agreed. Even though Tiffany was only an “extra” in an unreleasable film, it is a professional credit on her resume, and that counts with casting directors! Furthermore, she worked as a “gopher” in the production, and that really shows dedication to learning her craft (plus it teaches you the real business of how movies are made). Tiffany really puts some effort into advancing herself professionally, instead of just looking through college catalogs and saying “Julliard sounds good. Maybe I’ll apply there. Or my local community college, whatever.” Tiffany already has the credentials that a casting director would notice, and she had every right to feel confident that she would be accepted at the drama camp. Every girl in the camp has no doubt had a big role in their local H.S. play or musical, but Tiffany has made genuine effort to move to the next level beyond that,
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
July 8, 2nd panel 7 buttons.Will it never end??!!-Let’s hope not. I will rely on you to keep count.
PMark over 11 years ago
In the 1965 movie, “Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines”, Stu Whitman, the leading man, made a very unwelcome pass at Sarah Miles, the leading lady, halfway through filming. It really put their relationship in the deep freezer. She hated his guts, to put it succinctly.
Luckily in the film, her character has to choose between his character and another guy, and it isn’t until the very last scene that we see them together as lovers. Even with that one scene, the two actors wouldn’t smile at each other, so the director had to substitute individual closeups of them supposedly making googly eyes at each other. In actual fact they were making those eyes at somebody else off camera.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
Quill could be the one replaced. There is a male character who thinks he’s an actor that we haven’t heard from in quite some time. Does anyone have an idea how old Jonah Daytona is? What might the age limit on this camp be?
notbornyesterday over 11 years ago
stunt doubles ?
sarafaye over 11 years ago
More likely Ms Manezon just remembered Luann as the hopeless art student who couldn’t glue three shapes to a piece of paper. It’s possible Tiffany was always a pet of hers, which would also explain why Sheraton and her supposed toy got the leads in the play.
kenhense over 11 years ago
When Quill confronted Tiffany, I would have expected stupid babbling from her. Tiff actually handled it like a pro. I would like to see an occasional surprise – where Tiffany isn’t quite the bimbo we’ve learned to expect
sarafaye over 11 years ago
I agree that Tiffany probably has better skills at puffing up her portfolio than Luann does. Luann could have included things like reading to the kids, being runner up in the beauty pageant, the songs she recorded with Quill. I suspect the only thing she thought to put on there was the school production of West Side Story. One thing Tiffany is good at is making everything she does seem as important as possible.
RackDaddy over 11 years ago
Oh! Now she wants a stand in. LMAO
ILoveKoalas02 over 11 years ago
That is so nice of Quill! Way to go!
SHIVA over 11 years ago
I still think Miss Mellodee looks like Adele!!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Yeah…. what a strange turn of moments for him, from last week’s “on top of the world” moments with the DeGroots……
imbaldeagle over 11 years ago
“Maybe this time they will start tearing off costumes.”Nah, Levi – you’re thinking of 9 Chickweed Lane today.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
^^Funny, I thought Jonah was supposed to be Toni’s younger brother, however, that would mean he would have been really young to be a Father, so, perhaps you are right.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Regardless , it’s unlikely that Jonah would attend a camp for High schoolers, unless he was a teacher, he has a 6 year old daughter, so, it’s unlikely he is within the age limit. (Not to mention that summer is the busy time for an itinerant actor, lots of summer stock and summer festivals to keep him busy)
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Now we may see the REAL sparks fly, as Tiff tries to get her revenge
gkid over 11 years ago
Hope this goes well. Don’t have a good feeling about it.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
I can’t see Luann getting a call to the camp now, much less getting the lead in the play, imagine how that would look to the girls who’ve been at the camp from the start… unfair doesn’t even begin to describe it!
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
On the other hand, I COULD see MPQ getting blamed for causing a scene during rehersal and being kicked out of the camp; leaving him little choice but to show up on the Degroot’s doorstep.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“reinforcement” could be an understatement…..
sarafaye over 11 years ago
There is also the odd way time works in their world. Shannon might have been born 6 years ago when Toni was the exact same age she is now. Frankly, I believe that Jonah is older, but since that conflicts with my fantasy scenario, I’m ignoring it until I lose interest and start obsessing on something else.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Well, no, I got that… and I thought the same way as you .. but this time when I said “Older…. syndrome”, I wasn’t speaking of age… was meaning more along the lines of “being an enabler” to Jonah……
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Sorry, I should have just said “enabler syndrome” instead of “Older…etc.”
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Where Frank would call one of his agents to see that Quill was safely put on the next plane back to down under land.^^Most likely, Lev
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 11 years ago
That instructor’s face is so oddly shaped. It’s like flat or something.
falcon_370f over 11 years ago
Way to go, Quill. If Tiffany tries one more stunt, accuse her of harassment, and that’ll put her out of Drama camp.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
And people wonder why there’s circuses and zoos?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Not trying to get into politics…. but maybe “Guantanimo” could’ve been a better sell if they used those songs, instead of the other stuff?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Ah… Sacramento… the ol’ river……..
JayBluE over 11 years ago
ROTFL! Wow, that pic!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
We’re in between city and country, and every so often, deer…. possum, foxes, deer…..
schmid13 over 11 years ago
Lev I’ve enjoyed your more social comments of late today. Just watch that uninhibited singing in the garden.
Meanwhile if I recall, Tiff had a “plan.” So far I’ve seen no plan unless she had already somehow kept Luann out of camp. As you said, a major illegal transgression.
And how is Luann going to get drawn back into this strip? Right now she’s so vicarious, just holding a phone most of the time.
schmid13 over 11 years ago
And why does this ipad post double?