Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 17, 2013

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Framed… film at eleven…

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  2. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    It always seems to take a picture or image to make her happy…

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  3. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    (Tiffany:) You had me at face!!..

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  4. Papa 2
    mrhappy4aa  over 11 years ago

    It’s called “dumb luck”…just feed the EGO.

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  5. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    Why do posters have to write novels on this board?

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  6. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 11 years ago

    “wild” guess…………………….. she accepts, there is an opening in acting camp, and Quill suggest Luann

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  7. Missing large
    cdemattos  over 11 years ago

    She rediscovers the love of her life—herself!

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  8. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    She’s going to get framed, I tell ya, FRAMED!

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  9. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 11 years ago

    Just to let you know. I’ve flagged ALL of your repetitive posts.

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  10. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Ohhhhhhh, Brother!

    Hey Tiff?

    The local Morgue just ran out of Cadavers and the Medical School needs a “Model” to practice Brain Surgery on.

    Hey, I hear the Interns there are All STUDS!

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  11. Shran1
    atomicdog  over 11 years ago

    I like Tiff. There’s always tomorrow.

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  12. Missing large
    LouEthelip  over 11 years ago

    Boy that got her out of her funk real fast.

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  13. Boxes boxes zps4529a930
    bigboxes  over 11 years ago


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  14. Trilobyte photo
    Trilobyte Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Looks like some folks need to start writing their own comics…

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  15. Trilobyte photo
    Trilobyte Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Looks like some folks need to start writing their own comics…

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  16. Boxes boxes zps4529a930
    bigboxes  over 11 years ago

    @LeviticusIf I had a dollar eachtime we were told it is only a comic strip…

    Gerry is doing what is right for HER. Until she elevates her self-esteem she will continue to hurt when people are critical of her favorite character. She’s internalizing this hurt as an attack on her when really the problem is how lowly she feels of herself.

    By me saying it’s only a comic strip means that every thing in this Luann world is fictitious. It doesn’t exist except in Greg Evan’s mind. I’m not poo-pooing anyone’s right to feel attachment to the characters and their storyline. I’m there with you. But I do know the difference between reality and make believe. I also know how to defend myself and not run and hide. Sadly, others do not possess that ability.

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  17. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Or the MegaMall Store…. “red” or “blue”, take your pick…==It reminds me of that joke about the pictures in some people’s wallets that are just the “fake example photos” that come with it… like, here’s a picture of…. uh….

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  18. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    As a side note, if Tiff takes the frame offer, won’t it cut into her time to rehearse and perform in the play? Perhaps it is Mizz Manizgone’s way of ending the problem of the two leading players not wanting to perform as directed – send one off on another direction and replace her with someone else so the show can go on…^^“MPQuill, I’d like you to meet your new co-star…. Ann Eiffel…”

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  19. Missing large
    dcalhoun38  over 11 years ago

    Leviticus, re you writing a book???? this is a comic strip. please keep comments brief and to the point

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  20. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  over 11 years ago

    and in poor quality black and white…

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  21. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Six Months later, Tiff has Maxed-out her Father’s $7000 limit credit card, after buying all the picture frames within 20 miles of Pitts City

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  22. Missing large
    stevieb_no  over 11 years ago

    Whatever happened to comic strips being a bit of fun – if you do not like what is going on then read something else.

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  23. Avatar
    crystalwizard  over 11 years ago

    thousands of customers shop at Dollar store. That’s actually a very good chunk of publicity. Or would be if the model’s name were attached to the image in the frame.

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  24. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Luann! Brought to you, by….==Metal Smiles… “Stainless steel dental doctors and moody models, all in one convenient place”Maiden China, by Imogene…. “The image of fine china”== and by… Fragile Frames and Mirrored Glass.. “Make all of your images Fragile ones”…..

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  25. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    No matter how low-budget the picture frames are, posing for the photo that goes in them is a job, and it will be another credit on her resume. Tiffany jumps at every opportunity that comes her way, even if she is feeling down in the dumps. That’s being a professional. This strip has lots of teenagers who are basically slackers, but Tiffany is just the opposite. She and Delta are probably the students who will go the farthest in their careers after graduation.

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  26. Rarity background
    gibson22varcelone  over 11 years ago

    Dude…I know exactly what she’s going to do. She’s going to use the picture of her and Quill to really rub it in their faces.

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  27. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 11 years ago

    Framed and exposed. Not exactly a great career-starter, but it would get Tiffany a lot of the attention she craves. She does realize that most people just trash those factory pics when they buy a frame and put it to their own use?

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  28. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Coming soon to a Gall-Mart near you……

    pc screen shot

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  29. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Somehow, I was under the impression this was for high schoolers – maybe Ox could take her place. Hey, it’s not over till the^^I was making a joke about how having Tiff obsessed with you is annoying, but, when it comes to stalkers….there are worse cases out there

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    ReneTray  over 11 years ago


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    tcmohr  over 11 years ago

    I’m still waiting to find out why Luann didn’t get accepted to Drama Camp!

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  32. Uspunskull2
    Edward White  over 11 years ago

    I think Quill sent that letter.

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  33. Missing large
    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 11 years ago

    And once again, the universe sets things …right?.I’m betting Luann will now be going to drama camp.

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    timzsixty9  over 11 years ago

    here’s Luann’s opening to get into drama camp!

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  35. Pete 256
    MrPete  over 11 years ago
    @DaJellyBelly, @DWF33

    Why do posters have to write novels on this board?

    Believe it or not, cartoonists do know how to write, and often write down their upcoming sequences in (shudder!) PARAGRAPHS! :-D

    Apparently, some people can’t tell that each of those stories was unique. Maybe they see a Real Paragraph as just a maze of twisty-windy words all alike…totally boring.

    Some of us can actually read however, and enjoyed the mini-storylines. Thanks, Leviticus :)

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  36. Missing large
    LittleContessa  over 11 years ago

    Leviticus…please just write your own comic or your own blog spot or your own column, just please do it some where else. Thank you.

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  37. 444untitled
    Hugh Manatee  over 11 years ago

    The sympathy I was starting to develop for Tiffany just drained away by half…sigh.

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  38. Scan 36
    Bandera_Ken  over 11 years ago

    Sadness forgotten. I thought she was going to get a boyfriend instead she is on her way to what she really wants.

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  39. Missing large
    JB10000Lakes  over 11 years ago

    “Please keep all comments under four lines using words having no more than eight letters while keeping a shiny, happy attitude.”-The Sheeple

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    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Tiff has really been thrown by Quill’s reaction. I did not see this. I thought she’d be more resilient and focused on “getting ahead” at all costs. You’d think being lead in the play would be good enough and for an ego, there are plenty of available guys other than the one that actually doesn’t care for you (Quill of course). I’m disappointed in Tiff. Get back girl!

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  41. C6fab48c fd5d 4004 a287 ea96a07e43a3
    Train 1911  over 11 years ago


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    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Tiff should not say yes to quickly. A “pretty face” on frames? What a come down for her. She wants acting and movie creds – some of substance :-)

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    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Lev, good scenario for Bernice. I back the idea of expanding other characters and Bernice is a good one. Why not someone obviously focused and intelligent? Good character model all around. I have written on how sucessfully Trudeau has been in having a cast of characters, but the problematic difference in my view is that Luann is more story based and Doonesbury is more joke based in each strip. The stories there are looser. Point is, it is easier to work in many characters in that environment than in the long arcs in Luann.

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  44. Missing large
    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Lev, re cattle. I know you got a point, but one line posters are just as valid as paragraph posters. They can be just as witty, though many of us are not even if we try in our own way. I just think you can’t fault everyone because they don’t have your incredible recall or haven’t made the time to research and learn back arcs. I’ve read the strip every day for 10 years, and followed many of the comments, but I’ll never have the recall of our top posters. Heck, its only now I’m even getting to “know” some of them. Only when you or others remind me of an arc can I recall it. So I’ll try not to “waste” this space, but I like dialogue both on point and off-point – naturally I would. I do appreciate your dedication to fact based dialogue and appreciate when our knowledgeable ones help or remind new posters or those with less strong memories like me.

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  45. Missing large
    Dconskjk  over 11 years ago

    @LeviticusDo you think Luann would drop Quill like that? I think Luann’s got a good thing going and wouldn’t be interestered in another boy beyond “hey, he’s cute”

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  46. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    Good ol’ TiffyDoin’ what she does best(Saw her in a L&O SVU rerun yesterday)

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  47. Missing large
    rangerlg  over 11 years ago

    Is stuck up snooty camp leader wearing a mini-skirt or skorts?

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  48. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 11 years ago

    So a picture frame manufacturer sent a request to a drama camp director to look for a model to use in their frames???

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  49. Att000122
    Runforson  over 11 years ago

    WWE Daniel O’Brian YES! YES! YES!

    Face It, Tiffany is ace of face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  50. Journeytothemoon
    buccaneer8  over 11 years ago

    Well, there goes any chance of real change. Always will be vain and superficial.

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  51. Missing large
    cruiserd  over 11 years ago

    Don’t forget the model release form with the parent’s signature. (Yes, that is a requirement)

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  52. Branwen
    ScarlettAngel  over 11 years ago

    Oh Tiffany, you sure do bounce back after a disappointment. Sometimes a go-getter attitude is helpful.

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  53. Missing large
    Mstreselena  over 11 years ago

    Like that would bother her, PUH-leaze. Her photo EVERYWHERE is all she cares about.

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    Sorka8  over 11 years ago

    I love Tiffany being put in her place and I love seeing how shallow she truly is. Bliss. I have known a Tiffany in my own life. Give me Luann anyday!Oh and please jetison all novelettes in the comments!

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  55. Journeytothemoon
    buccaneer8  over 11 years ago

    Levi and Tiffany will make a good pair. Both are attention whores and worthy to be ignored.

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  56. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    “I do not see kids their age being able to maintain an 8,000 mile relationship”*I agree… unless they were making plans (that could actually come to fruition) that would allow them to get to know each other better in person, or that allows them to actually visit each other on a regular basis, and see how they really deal with other people in person, they will as you’ve said only have Skype, and the temptation will be there to want to be with someone on their own continent, because of the need for human affection and companionship in person… ==And at times people can get bored in a relationship when there’s no real interaction in person, and especially at the age of 17 or 18, there’s a lot of “passion” (youthful affection) and desire, like fireworks, or a well fueled and cleaned engine… but eventually the fireworks can be gone, and the fuel can run out… and without the “in person” aspect critical in dating, the fizzle can happen very fast, and the gas eventually has to get refueled, or it’s not going anywhere….

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  57. Missing large
    Homeboy1865  over 11 years ago

    Miz Manezone’s real name is Agnes Ferrell, Tiffany’s aunt.

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    angusdad  over 11 years ago

    Of course, the frames will only be sold overseas and no one will ever see them here.

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  59. Missing large
    peninsulapal Premium Member over 11 years ago

    It’s only a comic strip….get a grip people!

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  60. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    It wasn’t being negative about them, just realistic… remember, too, unless the people you are referring to are over the age of “being young”, there’s a chance that the relationship will change, since we usually like to feel the need to explore and all, especially at a young age… and even with war, as you’ve said, there’s a chance to be able to be with each other again… but I’m not speaking of them all ending, just that if plans are not made to be together, there will eventually be a crossroads, and a decision will have to be made…. whether to keep it going, or not… and again, I’m emphasizing 17 and 18 year old long distance love… there’s youthful passion, but without the other things that make a relationship, the “passion” can become stale, without the long term planning… unless there’s a new sci-fi way to raise families long distance…uh, never mind that last part…lol!

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  61. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 11 years ago

    What’s wrong with the Dollar Store, Brdshtt? Exposure is exposure. Recognition by the masses will improve her marketability. *This is where I respect Tiff— she’s done all sorts of stupid, demeaning marketing gigs for this very reason. The real joke is how this is actually a great director— she got a star in a sulk to start smiling!

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  62. Morbo
    Moorbo  over 11 years ago


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  63. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “She looks to be age 40+.” - I consider judgemental remarks like that misogynistic. A woman at any age can wear whatever she is comfortable in or feels beautiful in with total disregard to stone-agers like you.

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  64. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Could be true… unless they could register to have a work permit…. or maybe somehow have work study as part of the camp….

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  65. Missing large
    RedSamRackham  over 11 years ago

    Years ago celeb pinups were used as picture frame models.

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  66. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Just checking…. is this still a comic strip? I missed the hourly chime…..

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  67. Missing large
    comicfan251  over 11 years ago

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder — Tiff has it bad. Blaming others, not taking responsibility, gaslighting (saying things that aren’t true or attributing emotions that aren’t there), pouting, shaming and manipulating others. ICK. Yeah, I’ve known them in high school too, as well is in my adult life. ICK again.

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    comicfan251  over 11 years ago

    Or, like the joke about divas: ask them to sing “do, re, mi..” and they sing “do, re, me me me me me meeee….”

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  69. Owl
    Barbara McKibben  over 11 years ago

    Some pretty good story arcs here…are you sure you don’t write this strip? LOL.

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  70. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago

    “well, personally I do not get that big word you use, but to me it seems Hevnrth might hate women.”-Thanks for clarifying Levi. So does this mean you are not a person of big words, but just many words?

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  71. Missing large
    Katiekicks  over 11 years ago

    @Leviticus and othersWhile long posts can sometimes be worth reading through, they are not always appreciated. When I scroll through comments, I’m looking for something someone said that just adds an extra touch of humor to the comic strip. I understand others frustration about the length of your comments, and I also understand why you feel the need to post such long comments. Luann is your fandom (for lack of a better word) and you are attached to it. In your heart and mind, the characters are real. You care about them and what happens to them. Irrational? Maybe, but who ever said that fans are rational?I will ask only this: I know you read your comics before any others do, so your posts appear first, but please save your novelettes until later, so those who really want to search through and find what you’ve said (your fellow fanatics) can, but you aren’t at the top assaulting common readers with your long comments.I hope this didn’t offend anyone by its content or length. But I would ask anyone who reads it to consider what I’ve said and stop ragging on Leviticus so much. Negative comments a rarely appreciated. Leviticus, I would appreciate it if you would consider my words.

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  72. Blackbeard avatar
    ShadowBeast Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Tiff didn’t let miss Broken-neck finish her sentence so I think there’s a catch.

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  73. Missing large
    Argy.Bargy2  over 11 years ago


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    FigwitsMom  over 11 years ago

    1.Tiff is a professional all right. A professional brat. She doesn’t care about acting, she just wants to be a “star.” Her only reason for going to drama camp was because that was her plan to “lure Quill here,” so “I can put him right where I want him. Where no one but me can find him.” I’m quoting directly from the strips from Feb. 19th and 20th. So I guess she is working on her professional stalker creds.Of course I know that anything that happens in the strip is a plot contrivance so Greg can move the story in the way he wants it to go. No matter how implausible, improbable, contrived or clichéd something is, if that’s what Greg wants to happen, then happen it will. :-)The latest contrivance is that a frame manufacturer contacted the director of a drama camp to find a model.REALLY??? Never heard of a modeling agency?

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    gregemby  over 11 years ago

    I agree with “Wiselad”

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    Argy.Bargy2  over 11 years ago

    Hey! Nothing wrong with the Dollar Store. Don’t be a snob

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  77. Missing large
    Katiekicks  over 11 years ago

    @LeviticusThat’s your choice. I personally don’t like reading comments that are entirely comprised of somebody telling someone else that they don’t like they’re comments. How is that related to the strip.But please, post any novelettes after that line. That would be very much appreciated. Thank you for considering what i said

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  78. Missing large
    Argy.Bargy2  over 11 years ago

    Since you never have a good word for female characters, why read a comic where the lead is a girl? Try ‘Zits’, or maybe some comic published by the Taliban

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  79. Missing large
    Argy.Bargy2  over 11 years ago

    Wow, you do live in a fantasy world! Why would an intellectual like Bernice even want to be a model, and when would a character like Tiffany thank anyone for anything?

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  80. Missing large
    Katiekicks  over 11 years ago

    @Leviticus, this one is about your martial arts story lineI speak as a martial artist here.We do not intentionally hurt anyone, we would not blatantly just break an appendage. If it came to that, and it was necessary, it could be done but it is much more difficult than you would think. It would be better if Bernice just incapacitated them for a moment, a kick to the knee or a pressure point strike could manage this, and all three girls run to find a cop. That is the kind of mentality that my master has been installing in our school for the last six years.

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  81. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  over 11 years ago

    Goodbye, Tiff.

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  82. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    “and presumably more patient than these kids”^I had a couple, too… but more in state, though still a long commute….. and I agree with you… and what you are saying here is what I was getting at…that it can work, but there has to be maturity and a focus on what you want out of the relationship… they are just starting, but they’ll find it’s not always “sunshine and roses in the morning” (what I mean is the things that “make or break” a relationship, the things that show how compatible or not compatible two people can be, when they are not on their best days, now or down the road)… ==And those things will take more “in person” time to see, to really get to know if a person is more than just what they show on their “good days”…. and if there are things about the way they treat others that are shown when you don’t always put on “your best face” that you can’t always see over long distance….

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  83. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Why do people say Tiffany is “superficial”? She’s ambitious, she’s dedicated to her chosen career, and she seeks out opportunities to add credits to her resume, such as this modeling job. That shows a person of real substance. Plenty of her classmates seems to have little going for them as they glide through life, but Tiffany is someone with genuine depth.

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  84. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Most likely future scenario for Bernice: Father gets transfered to another state, Bernice is never seen in Pitts again. The end.^^I’d think Greg would just have her go off to a faraway University, if he wants to write her out.

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  85. Avatar1 65
    Snoopy_Fan  over 11 years ago

    Last time I looked, Freedom of Speech is not limited to so many words. So several people wrote a long paragraph. So what? If I don’t want to read a long post, I just keep on scrolling. Not a big deal. At least these posts had SOMEthing to do with the comic strip.

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  86. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    “Just grin and baaaaa it…”^That pun was the result of some “fuzzy” logic…(XD)

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  87. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    > Who is there to replace her?_Presumably there are dozens of other female drama students at the camp who have impressive enough credentials to have been accepted there, who have paid their hard-earned money to attend the camp, and who have been going to classes at the camp with acting coaches to learn how to be better performers than they already are. So there is certainly no shortage of qualified candidates to take over Tiffany’s role, if she decides to leave and follow up on this modeling job. In any real play, there would of course be understudies who are already involved in the rehearsals. I hope Greg Evans takes that into account. Also, has Mrs. Manface checked out this picture frame job to see if it’s legit, and not just another one of TJ’s schemes?

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  88. Missing large
    lmonteros  over 11 years ago

    What about a book signing with a famous author? Maybe a guy who Bernice has a crush, on, and her assignment is to be his gofer. She’s down-to-earth enough to know she hasn’t got a chance, but still…. It could add a little emotional development to her character.

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  89. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    “. .. . . . . are you aware of someone who might be right for the job?”“Yes! My dear friend, Luann, would be perfect.”

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  90. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 11 years ago

    Wow. There must be 50 ways to make Bernice more interesting. I wonder if Evans will use one, or if she’ll find herself in the Aaron/Dianne/Elwood zone with other characters he doesn’t seem to have any use for any more.

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  91. Scan 36
    Bandera_Ken  over 11 years ago

    “I do not see kids their age being able to maintain an 8,000 mile relationship. Perhaps it Quill is here permanently it might last but after a few months of all the have is Skype, it will be outta sight, outta mind.” .It’s a comic. They aren’t real kids, they are comic characters who will do whatever Evans writes.

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  92. Hawkslogo
    transylvanian  over 11 years ago

    Think it over for a nanosecond, Tiff. ;)

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  93. Oie 7626580h2mu8jr 2
    wendy adamek Premium Member over 11 years ago

    What breed of dog are you using for your avatar? I have one who looks just like him/her.

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  94. Buffy1
    sarafaye  over 11 years ago

    When you keep score, do you lose points for supportive comments?

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  95. Bill watson1b
    BillWa  over 11 years ago

    Actually I see Bernice opening her own store with TJ opening a small deli there. No romance, just business partners.

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  96. Oie 7626580h2mu8jr 2
    wendy adamek Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Alrighty then, he looks like my Australian Cattle Heeler mix.

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  97. Buffy1
    sarafaye  over 11 years ago

    I am picturing Tiffany totally intimidated as she finds herself competing against the very makeover she gave Bernice. At the end of the story line, Bernice could have her straight hair back.

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  98. Buffy1
    sarafaye  over 11 years ago

    “Who is there to replace her?”Any number of aspiring starlets.

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  99. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Luann gets the job!

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  100. Buffy1
    sarafaye  over 11 years ago

    The camp director is practically a clone of and acting teacher I had in college. She was a 30 something former soap actress. She held her head at that artificial angle. When she walked she moved her feet first, then hips, chest, and head last. She spoke in a dramatic whisper. She wore ridiculously bright flowy clothes, not usually miniskirts. I’m thinking this character might just be an existing archtype.

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  101. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    It’s (fill in the time where you are) o’clock… do you know that this is a comic strip ? …

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  102. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago


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  103. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago

    " It seems Night-Gaunt49 is not going to show up "-Funny, cuz, Night posted at Emmy Lou an hour ago. Maybe his question about Bernice was rhetorical. (sorry about the 3 syllable word)

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  104. Missing large
    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Just scroll by. I did that with Donnie for a while when it really did travel around Uranus.

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  105. Missing large
    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    … often wonder why her life is so flat.

    Sounds very Edward Goreyian. Especially the last line.

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  106. Missing large
    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Re My Donnie comment – computer must have misstated – I meant when DONNIE’s comments were traveling around Uranus or somewhere out there.

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  107. Missing large
    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    I enjoyed the Da Vinci Code method of reposting the Bernice Trilogy.

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  108. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Don’t you realize this sets up Luann’s entry into drama camp???

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    schmid13  over 11 years ago

    Re Bernice kills Knute fantasy.

    Now you’ve gone to far…

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  110. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Doubting an over-achiever like you is just silly.

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  111. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Thanks for explaining. I did have reasons to avoid that book.

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  112. Branwen
    ScarlettAngel  over 11 years ago

    LOVE IT!

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