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Touching a student? That’s a paddlin’. And a lawsuit. Never mind that it’s the right thing to do in this case… There’s a lot about the 50’s that I don’t miss… but common sense is not one of them.
I remember having a hard day… one of the hardest days any person could have! The streets of the setting sun were mocking, and echoing into the fading of the day… even in the wake of the summer sun, the world could have been in an icy winter’s chill, for all it was worth… – Inserting the key into the door, I began to consider my regroup strategy… the search for the treasures that would console me. Should have known the search would not have been exhausting, for in those very moments, the soft touch of arms made contact with my person, and caught in the storm of surprise, in that surprising and pleasurable embrace, came the soothing sounds of a voice. That voice? My wife welcoming me home…. – Her eyes became as streetlights and moonlight in quiet slumbers, but the one thing that spoke to me even louder in those moments? Her soft, caring touch… The oasis in a vast ocean, the shelter of harbor, in many a storm: Her unconditional embrace…..
All my friends in Middle School went to a different High School, at least I still had friends from Grade school who went to the High School, but I do remember the feeling.
Inappropriate touching? I don’t know but this seems to be sensitive, reassuring appropriate touching here. I know this is a litigious society, but simple caring is something that is needed in light of all the violent horror we are subjected too.
Wow! It’s a sad time, when the first thought such actions as a warm touch (and in just the right way to communicate care, and not unwelcome, inappropriate touching) bring up is the fear of reprimand/lawsuits…. -I understand how these things have developed, but just observing how the “human” is being taken out of “human beings” each day, at times…
When the school district paid out several million to the child whose parents claimed inappropriate touching, Miss Phelps was fired and Bernice expelled.
“Visualize: It is dusk and you are walking in the sand on the beach. You feel the soft sand between your toes, hear the foamy waves gently pushing on shore, creating a zigzag pattern in the sand…..” ^Certainly not a Cialis/Viagra moment… and that dog left his own “touching memory” behind….
Awwwwwww. First thing I thought was what a sweet thing to do. for that poor kid. Also remember Bernice is a Senior NOT a school staff. Shes just being a "Big Sister to the 9th grader.
Actually, I don’t think Bernice CAN get in trouble for this. She’s not an adult. She’s 17. So she can get away with considerably more then a teacher can.
Keep in mind, girls hug eachother all the time in high school. If every such hug was a lawsuit waiting to happen girls wouldn’t touch eachother anymore.
Lol! No, I meant, that was creative, writing, a real “romantic buzzkiller”, that last sentence… I could picture a scratch on the "Barry White or Righteous Brothers record that must have been playing, in that otherwise romantic scene… the doggy “United Poopsel Service package” that it delivered was… bad timing… that was an excellent piece of writing, there!…
That’s a nice memory to share! Always good for a couple to have funny/romantic memories between them… good for the photo album on the table, better for the photo album in your heart and mind….
I’d say it’s one part zero tolerance…and one part greed. It doesn’t matter how innocent the touch is when the kid’s parents see $$$$$$ coming their way if they win the court case.
just wait until after high school and college, you will be alone in the world. friends will be all over the country and maybe the earth. only communication will be by email, facebook, social media, etc…
Awwwwwww, isn’t Ms Harper SWEET, Little TEARFUL Insecure, Blonde Girl? She’s VOLUNTEERED to be Your New Friend! That is, until the moment You leave Her office and She acts like She doesn’t KNOW You for the REST of the School Year when She Sees You in the Hallway, but STILL!
Hey, wanna do something NICE for Ms. Harper? GOOD. Amuse Her with the Story about Your Cousin Zane the Prankster, and how He likes to pick up Girls by PRETENDING He’s BOUND to this wheelchair! And when He gets Tired of THEM, He DUMPS Them and Leaves Town and does it all over again somewhere else! I’m SURE Old Lady Harper will get a REAL CHARGE out of It!
I think part of the reason this kind of touching is not allowed is because it is too hard on the counselor if she lets the students effect her this much.
Had a friend who was an asst mag at Walgreens and when an employee was all upset and getting bent out of shape, the asst mgr walked over, put her hand on the employees shoulder and gently told her she needed to calm down. The Asst mgr was fired.
this happened to my grandsons last year as freshman in high school, all or most of their friends from intermediate and middle school (grades 5 to 8) went to a new high school when they redrew the school boundary. This year they have a load of new friends so just give it a chance and make new friends.
Thing is, some schools have made even giving a sympathy hug into a item to get suspension from. Meaning NO hugs for ANY reason.At least one school besides having a no hugging rule. They also has a no hand holding rule.Can we say THX 1138 as in how our society is heading in some ways?
Whether touching and how is good or not, I’m sure that trained counselors can convey the same empathy and reassurance with non touching techniques – like closing the space, showing sincere concern and a positivity that the child can face her concerns. You’d invite her to come back in a few days to report in. All this to separate the drama queen from the truly distressed, which can come from many directions. THAT is when parent(s) are called and a higher level of support is planned. Now, the inappropriate professionals are skilled in being just as inappropriate without touching, but the non-touching requirement does put up a level of defense for the students. Back in the 70s in my school, so many cheerleaders spent their free period helping in the football coach’s office. It’s that kind of access, mixed with a few hugs and sympathetic listening that on rare occasions has lead to inappropriateness and more in our schools. And which is part of the fear that grips most citizens here in the USA on so many matters. Sadly, faith and trust in each other seems gone. So be careful Bernice, but don’t give up your inherent compassion.
This is the way it used to be, before School Boards/Systems became ruled by ego-maniacal parents who have to have things their way, not what is best for the students. I’ve never seen or heard of so many highly educated idiots that comprise the administration level of schools. The zero-tolerance policies were devised by idiots and enforced by morons without any common sense. Our poor kids have to suffer with this crap because we let them. Throw them out, stop suing at the drop of a hat, and let the teachers teach without having to put up with some lame gang banger wannabe. No more social promotions or the drugging of kids just because it makes classroom life easier to deal with.
Darn, Bernice is really good at this job! First time I’ve seen the epathetic side of her personality since adolescence. Guess she will be a counselor and NOT a veterinarian.
No-one will see this comment, but couldn’t resist adding my $0.02. Good on Bernice. Do what’s right, and policies be hanged. If it means a lost job, you lost it doing what you needed to for that person at that moment.
Didn’t know Bernice had it in her. Maybe she’ll be a good counselor after all. She still needs to give the kid some reassuring advice though. Empathy is good, but it’s not the whole job.
And Zane was her boyfriend, not her cousin.^^Mordock was saying that Zane was the blonde’s cousin and that he was a rat, as a part of a joke he was making
Some high schools have a buddy system pairing seniors with freshmen so the freshmen have an easier time acclimating. Bernice could start that program in her school.
NEVER touch a kid ? This is sick, mentally sick – fear of emotions…l ! Always touch with love and respect..
The question being, though, “who does the touching?” The “PC” consensus being, “the parents,” pretty much. Yes, I understand that there are all kinds of issues with parents (single parent families, not enough time, “control/temper” issues, etc. etc.), but it’s the parent’s job, primarily.
Sometimes, I don’t think modern parents realize the very awsome responsibility it is to raise a child. From the moment of birth, until the time they’re out the door and on their own (and, maybe a bit thereafter), it’s all about that kid. Your life isn’t yours, anymore. It’s all about the kid. If you can squeeze some things in for yourself, then great. But the kid is the priority. Problem is, some of these parents still think they’re in the “me” generation and want to still have their own lives or think they can do it all. They “overextend,” and the results (today’s youth) speak for themselves.
So go ahead, get your education, build a career, find that “special someone,” travel and see the world, sew your oats, but after all that’s done, then settle down and have a family. “Body clock” not withstanding, it should be on the latter end of what you do in life, not so much the former.
Yeah, I know that’s the legal construction, but someone needs to tell the younger member of this relationship that she has no right to love the person she also keeps trying to get together with. This situation is a painful tragedy for everyone involved.
I agree! I thought the same way when I first read the strip.. Bernice is sincerely providing to her what she needed… the comfort of feeling she’s not as alone as she thought… the surprise wasn’t out of unwelcomeness (at least to me) but more out of true disbelief that someone could actually show care, though being someone new to her….
Relative case in point:– My wife is a teacher’s assistant at a school for children with special needs, and they have students of many varieties, whether it’s mental, emotional, physical or situational needs… not all there are physically or mentally or emotionally challenged, but may just have behavior issues, and some there have different combinations… but each with a challenge that the school helps them address, including training for work, preparing them to be as functional as possible… – She had to learn “therapeutic holds” as part of her training, and the purpose of course is to de-escalate students who “went into crisis” (a term they use there)… which means part of her job is to restrain the student and help them to calm down, and not be a threat to others, and also to minimize the threat to themselves…. part of their learning sometimes takes them out of the classroom, and allows them to visit places, and to even learn to go shopping… so naturally, touch is part of the job. But there have been times, when, as they’ve taken students out of the building for “real-world learning”,a student has to be put in a hold in public.. and boy do some people react… they first assume that the staff are being too rough, or don’t understand that this is what they have to go through in a day (not all the time, though)… and the teachers and staff have to explain the situation in public, sometimes… they have mechanisms to make sure there’s no roughing the student…- And many students there really do benefit from a teacher working with them and putting a hand on the shoulder, or interacting with them in the classroom in a way that encourages them, brings out their best, and helps them deal with their issues… I’ve seen how many students come out of that school changed, when someone takes the time to show that care…
But again, it’s so mind-boggling, how some organizations/community jurisdictions handle these things well, and others, not so much… you have some organizations or groups with people that have “letters in front of their name” who would like to ‘legislate’ these things…. what used to be a matter of common sense, and not an issue, suddenly becomes one, just because of… “perception”… or maybe they didn’t get many hugs growing up…
Sometimes, words of appreciation for a good effort in class, or providing a listening ear when a kid just wants an adult to pay attention can be just as positive as a physical hug. My favorite teachers were the ones who, busy as they were, made time to ask if we were ok when they saw sad looks on faces and had words of praise for a good job.
I am old enough to say I’ve worked in several places where there was serious harassment, sexual as well as racial and religious. One place has maybe the world’s record for lawsuits (well deserved) because of extensive records of denying promotions internally based solely on race and gender. (No other explanation for why the high scoring tests of those individuals all ‘got lost’. Bigots and harassers are not known for brains.) Because of places like that, other places are directed by their legal counsel to require sexual harassment training and what is now called diversity training in order to avoid having supervisors claim that their employer never trained them NOT to leave suggestive pictures on the office doors of female employees, or nooses on the chairs of minority employees, etc.
That actually is a “spot on” summation of what would happen with each character, if it were their stint as GC… Sadly, Oxford could have gotten passed over for it, maybe, for his size and “perceived” lack of grades… yet he could be a person capable of the qualities needed for the position…
“I have a crossword coming up in the New York Times in the near future.”
Ah, Jigsaw Puzzles. THAT brings back fond Memories of My Dear Grandmother who used to love working Jigsaw Puzzles. Heh, at Christmas time My brother and I would give Her Jigsaw Puzzles as gifts. We’d get the most complicated ones We could find thinking She would spent the next week or so SOLVING them. Heck, She’d have the puzzles SOLVED within the hour. THOSE were the Days…..,
Excuse Me, I NEED a Moment. Got Something in My eye……,
(A-Hem) Well, JP. New York Times, Heh? I MUST Say that I’m Impressed, And I’m NOT Easily IMPRESSED. Kudos to You Sir! I’m AWED by Your Skill. I RAISE My Steaming Cup of COFFEE to You!
Now, You KNOW that I’m gonna be EVIL again Tomorrow, Right?
THese same parents raise kids who can’t stand on their own, and also are surprised when their marriages go to hell, because they forgot they were a couple too. Oh and some people actually have to go to work. At CAREERS, not jobs. So their kids can continue to live in the big house with all the toys
It’s all about the choices you make, and the balance you put on those choices. Can it be done (i.e. 4-family where both parents work)? Sure. It’s done all the time. But when things go “unbalanced” accidentally or deliberately, it’s up to the parents to make the sacrifice to put it back in balance, or (better still), make the choices that prevent things from going “unbalanced” in the first place. Time budgeting and prioritization are excellent skills to have. But “prioritization” before it become “triage.”
Not legally, anyway. Problem is, the adult/older person is the one expected to “know better” and enforce the rule. So, unless the younger minor is committing “forcible rape/battery,” and that can be proven, I think the perception will always be against the older person/adult.
“My HS teacher buddy says, when he meets privately with a student…” It is sad that such rules must be put in place…but, given the situation, the rules are there to be followed. Unfortunately, there are teachers/staff who need to be monitored themselves. Bernice appears to be by herself without input from Ms. Phelps. I wonder what she would say to Bernice had she been there. Again, the freshman girl looks about 10! Life a middle-school girl who got lost in the wrong school… ;)
Yeesh! That does not sound like a great place to work. However, I can tell you that at pretty much every company around these days, diversity training is a standard requirement.
Or, at least, “workplace harassment” training. Enough to keep the firm out of “legal jeopardy” and demonstrate “due diligence.” Whether the employees actually follow it is a different matter.
So was Bernice instructed not to touch the kids but did so anyway (forgot, got carried away, thought to heck with it, etc.), or was she not instructed? You’d think Phelps would have told her what was illegal!
Regarding the comments on the touching at the end…don’t forget she is also a student, and she’s not touching her in any way that’s inappropriate. Also, she’s a cartoon drawing.
And before she calls for the next number in line, she has said student enjoy the “Pitts activity book”, including the 13 page “disclaimer and release from liability forms” and the form that says that her problem was met, and the “feedback” form, with the optional website/800 number…
“Bernice has always been the most “human” of all the cast members.”--I agree Levi, but she has not expressed feelings other than eyerolls and the like. So I am saying I like seeing this side of her.
to you idiots regarding the inappropriate touching. Does the picture show inappropriate touching??? Not really, just a human being showing compassion for another that human soul on this earth. Those that find it inappropriate are the misguided democrats that have to be SO politically correct in word and action as to not offend ANYONE. This country and this world has lost its sense of love and compassion because of fear of what is right and wrong as taught to us by mainstream media and or government leaders that try to brainwash us into living in an environment that is cold,sterile and unfeeling just to take over our souls and lives. Lets get back to reality people and in the best words of Red Skelton " good night and may God Bless ".
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“She’s Got The Touch”or “Without A Word”
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
At last, the human side of Bernice.
GOGOPOWERANGERS over 11 years ago
pretty good but i hope that greg starts toni/brad’s wedding preps soon this kinda getting boring
GOGOPOWERANGERS over 11 years ago
im sure Bernice felt that way when she started high school too
The Old Wolf over 11 years ago
Touching a student? That’s a paddlin’. And a lawsuit. Never mind that it’s the right thing to do in this case… There’s a lot about the 50’s that I don’t miss… but common sense is not one of them.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I remember having a hard day… one of the hardest days any person could have! The streets of the setting sun were mocking, and echoing into the fading of the day… even in the wake of the summer sun, the world could have been in an icy winter’s chill, for all it was worth… – Inserting the key into the door, I began to consider my regroup strategy… the search for the treasures that would console me. Should have known the search would not have been exhausting, for in those very moments, the soft touch of arms made contact with my person, and caught in the storm of surprise, in that surprising and pleasurable embrace, came the soothing sounds of a voice. That voice? My wife welcoming me home…. – Her eyes became as streetlights and moonlight in quiet slumbers, but the one thing that spoke to me even louder in those moments? Her soft, caring touch… The oasis in a vast ocean, the shelter of harbor, in many a storm: Her unconditional embrace…..
Quantum Leaper over 11 years ago
All my friends in Middle School went to a different High School, at least I still had friends from Grade school who went to the High School, but I do remember the feeling.
luann1212 over 11 years ago
Inappropriate touching? I don’t know but this seems to be sensitive, reassuring appropriate touching here. I know this is a litigious society, but simple caring is something that is needed in light of all the violent horror we are subjected too.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Wow! It’s a sad time, when the first thought such actions as a warm touch (and in just the right way to communicate care, and not unwelcome, inappropriate touching) bring up is the fear of reprimand/lawsuits…. -I understand how these things have developed, but just observing how the “human” is being taken out of “human beings” each day, at times…
Elmer Gantry Fudd over 11 years ago
When the school district paid out several million to the child whose parents claimed inappropriate touching, Miss Phelps was fired and Bernice expelled.
lynda62 over 11 years ago
I like that she did that a hug is hug these days people read too much into a hug
JayBluE over 11 years ago
A Rare Moment
“Visualize: It is dusk and you are walking in the sand on the beach. You feel the soft sand between your toes, hear the foamy waves gently pushing on shore, creating a zigzag pattern in the sand…..” ^Certainly not a Cialis/Viagra moment… and that dog left his own “touching memory” behind….
TheDOCTOR over 11 years ago
Awwwwwww. First thing I thought was what a sweet thing to do. for that poor kid. Also remember Bernice is a Senior NOT a school staff. Shes just being a "Big Sister to the 9th grader.
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
Actually, I don’t think Bernice CAN get in trouble for this. She’s not an adult. She’s 17. So she can get away with considerably more then a teacher can.
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
Keep in mind, girls hug eachother all the time in high school. If every such hug was a lawsuit waiting to happen girls wouldn’t touch eachother anymore.
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Very sweet. Bernice is providing just the right therapy for the frightened little blonde. Maybe Bernice has the makings of a counselor after all….
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Lol! No, I meant, that was creative, writing, a real “romantic buzzkiller”, that last sentence… I could picture a scratch on the "Barry White or Righteous Brothers record that must have been playing, in that otherwise romantic scene… the doggy “United Poopsel Service package” that it delivered was… bad timing… that was an excellent piece of writing, there!…
barbara chaffin Premium Member over 11 years ago
she is a really good person!!!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
That’s a nice memory to share! Always good for a couple to have funny/romantic memories between them… good for the photo album on the table, better for the photo album in your heart and mind….
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Better not let Phelps see that Bernice, a councelor putting a hand on a student can lead to charges these days, no matter what the reason!
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
I’d say it’s one part zero tolerance…and one part greed. It doesn’t matter how innocent the touch is when the kid’s parents see $$$$$$ coming their way if they win the court case.
gkid over 11 years ago
Yup. But it is a relief to see a human side of Bernice. Maybe she could bea counselor after all.
LeoAutodidact over 11 years ago
Is THAT what she did after the end of “The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle”?
I’d wondered. Hope she married that nice guy who waited all through the Movie for her, he seemed like a “keeper.”
vwdualnomand over 11 years ago
just wait until after high school and college, you will be alone in the world. friends will be all over the country and maybe the earth. only communication will be by email, facebook, social media, etc…
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Awwwwwww, isn’t Ms Harper SWEET, Little TEARFUL Insecure, Blonde Girl? She’s VOLUNTEERED to be Your New Friend! That is, until the moment You leave Her office and She acts like She doesn’t KNOW You for the REST of the School Year when She Sees You in the Hallway, but STILL!
Hey, wanna do something NICE for Ms. Harper? GOOD. Amuse Her with the Story about Your Cousin Zane the Prankster, and how He likes to pick up Girls by PRETENDING He’s BOUND to this wheelchair! And when He gets Tired of THEM, He DUMPS Them and Leaves Town and does it all over again somewhere else! I’m SURE Old Lady Harper will get a REAL CHARGE out of It!
sactiger over 11 years ago
Sometimes, a hug is the right answer…
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 11 years ago
This is very sweet. Bernice can’t help but she DOES help.Soon new friends will be made, but comfort has been given.
sarafaye over 11 years ago
I think part of the reason this kind of touching is not allowed is because it is too hard on the counselor if she lets the students effect her this much.
Sportymonk over 11 years ago
Had a friend who was an asst mag at Walgreens and when an employee was all upset and getting bent out of shape, the asst mgr walked over, put her hand on the employees shoulder and gently told her she needed to calm down. The Asst mgr was fired.
jeanie5448 over 11 years ago
this happened to my grandsons last year as freshman in high school, all or most of their friends from intermediate and middle school (grades 5 to 8) went to a new high school when they redrew the school boundary. This year they have a load of new friends so just give it a chance and make new friends.
Sangelia over 11 years ago
Thing is, some schools have made even giving a sympathy hug into a item to get suspension from. Meaning NO hugs for ANY reason.At least one school besides having a no hugging rule. They also has a no hand holding rule.Can we say THX 1138 as in how our society is heading in some ways?
lisajwalton over 11 years ago
Aww….bless her…
milania over 11 years ago
I guess Evans is running out of ideas for this strip. These are booooring this week!!
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Best kind
schmid13 over 11 years ago
Whether touching and how is good or not, I’m sure that trained counselors can convey the same empathy and reassurance with non touching techniques – like closing the space, showing sincere concern and a positivity that the child can face her concerns. You’d invite her to come back in a few days to report in. All this to separate the drama queen from the truly distressed, which can come from many directions. THAT is when parent(s) are called and a higher level of support is planned. Now, the inappropriate professionals are skilled in being just as inappropriate without touching, but the non-touching requirement does put up a level of defense for the students. Back in the 70s in my school, so many cheerleaders spent their free period helping in the football coach’s office. It’s that kind of access, mixed with a few hugs and sympathetic listening that on rare occasions has lead to inappropriateness and more in our schools. And which is part of the fear that grips most citizens here in the USA on so many matters. Sadly, faith and trust in each other seems gone. So be careful Bernice, but don’t give up your inherent compassion.
tedunn5453 over 11 years ago
This is the way it used to be, before School Boards/Systems became ruled by ego-maniacal parents who have to have things their way, not what is best for the students. I’ve never seen or heard of so many highly educated idiots that comprise the administration level of schools. The zero-tolerance policies were devised by idiots and enforced by morons without any common sense. Our poor kids have to suffer with this crap because we let them. Throw them out, stop suing at the drop of a hat, and let the teachers teach without having to put up with some lame gang banger wannabe. No more social promotions or the drugging of kids just because it makes classroom life easier to deal with.
EricPost over 11 years ago
So basically she did nothing to solve the girl’s problem. Way to go..
ACTIVIST1234 over 11 years ago
Darn, Bernice is really good at this job! First time I’ve seen the epathetic side of her personality since adolescence. Guess she will be a counselor and NOT a veterinarian.
evilstepqueen over 11 years ago
But in this day and age, you can’t hug students or peers because it will get all blown out of proportion. Everyone needs a hug now and then…
Kydex29 over 11 years ago
No-one will see this comment, but couldn’t resist adding my $0.02. Good on Bernice. Do what’s right, and policies be hanged. If it means a lost job, you lost it doing what you needed to for that person at that moment.
ewalnut over 11 years ago
Didn’t know Bernice had it in her. Maybe she’ll be a good counselor after all. She still needs to give the kid some reassuring advice though. Empathy is good, but it’s not the whole job.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
And Zane was her boyfriend, not her cousin.^^Mordock was saying that Zane was the blonde’s cousin and that he was a rat, as a part of a joke he was making
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Oh, yuk. What a buzz kill….
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
I hate to say this, but I think he’s right, these days….
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Nope, that girl is older and has at least two friends attending school with her who are in her rock band.
Cashie over 11 years ago
Some high schools have a buddy system pairing seniors with freshmen so the freshmen have an easier time acclimating. Bernice could start that program in her school.
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
NEVER touch a kid ? This is sick, mentally sick – fear of emotions…l ! Always touch with love and respect..
The question being, though, “who does the touching?” The “PC” consensus being, “the parents,” pretty much. Yes, I understand that there are all kinds of issues with parents (single parent families, not enough time, “control/temper” issues, etc. etc.), but it’s the parent’s job, primarily.
Sometimes, I don’t think modern parents realize the very awsome responsibility it is to raise a child. From the moment of birth, until the time they’re out the door and on their own (and, maybe a bit thereafter), it’s all about that kid. Your life isn’t yours, anymore. It’s all about the kid. If you can squeeze some things in for yourself, then great. But the kid is the priority. Problem is, some of these parents still think they’re in the “me” generation and want to still have their own lives or think they can do it all. They “overextend,” and the results (today’s youth) speak for themselves.
So go ahead, get your education, build a career, find that “special someone,” travel and see the world, sew your oats, but after all that’s done, then settle down and have a family. “Body clock” not withstanding, it should be on the latter end of what you do in life, not so much the former.
dzw3030 over 11 years ago
" inappropriate"? BS, just very compassionate gesture from a older girl to a scared youngster!
Moorbo over 11 years ago
Later that day, the hu-man counselor is sent to hu-man resources.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Here have some COFFEE. It’ll SETTLE You Down a Bit.
Something I’ve been meaning to ask you Whizzy: Crossword or Jigsaw??
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Whether Bernice ends up in trouble over the hug or not, I was glad to see that she has a compassionate side.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Yeah, I know that’s the legal construction, but someone needs to tell the younger member of this relationship that she has no right to love the person she also keeps trying to get together with. This situation is a painful tragedy for everyone involved.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I agree! I thought the same way when I first read the strip.. Bernice is sincerely providing to her what she needed… the comfort of feeling she’s not as alone as she thought… the surprise wasn’t out of unwelcomeness (at least to me) but more out of true disbelief that someone could actually show care, though being someone new to her….
loubarra over 11 years ago
Awwww. How nice.
ChrisV over 11 years ago
That’s the kind of counseling kids in that situation really need.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Relative case in point:– My wife is a teacher’s assistant at a school for children with special needs, and they have students of many varieties, whether it’s mental, emotional, physical or situational needs… not all there are physically or mentally or emotionally challenged, but may just have behavior issues, and some there have different combinations… but each with a challenge that the school helps them address, including training for work, preparing them to be as functional as possible… – She had to learn “therapeutic holds” as part of her training, and the purpose of course is to de-escalate students who “went into crisis” (a term they use there)… which means part of her job is to restrain the student and help them to calm down, and not be a threat to others, and also to minimize the threat to themselves…. part of their learning sometimes takes them out of the classroom, and allows them to visit places, and to even learn to go shopping… so naturally, touch is part of the job. But there have been times, when, as they’ve taken students out of the building for “real-world learning”,a student has to be put in a hold in public.. and boy do some people react… they first assume that the staff are being too rough, or don’t understand that this is what they have to go through in a day (not all the time, though)… and the teachers and staff have to explain the situation in public, sometimes… they have mechanisms to make sure there’s no roughing the student…- And many students there really do benefit from a teacher working with them and putting a hand on the shoulder, or interacting with them in the classroom in a way that encourages them, brings out their best, and helps them deal with their issues… I’ve seen how many students come out of that school changed, when someone takes the time to show that care…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
But again, it’s so mind-boggling, how some organizations/community jurisdictions handle these things well, and others, not so much… you have some organizations or groups with people that have “letters in front of their name” who would like to ‘legislate’ these things…. what used to be a matter of common sense, and not an issue, suddenly becomes one, just because of… “perception”… or maybe they didn’t get many hugs growing up…
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Sometimes, words of appreciation for a good effort in class, or providing a listening ear when a kid just wants an adult to pay attention can be just as positive as a physical hug. My favorite teachers were the ones who, busy as they were, made time to ask if we were ok when they saw sad looks on faces and had words of praise for a good job.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
? I don’t see it. She doesn’t have the right eyes, nose or mouth.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
I am old enough to say I’ve worked in several places where there was serious harassment, sexual as well as racial and religious. One place has maybe the world’s record for lawsuits (well deserved) because of extensive records of denying promotions internally based solely on race and gender. (No other explanation for why the high scoring tests of those individuals all ‘got lost’. Bigots and harassers are not known for brains.) Because of places like that, other places are directed by their legal counsel to require sexual harassment training and what is now called diversity training in order to avoid having supervisors claim that their employer never trained them NOT to leave suggestive pictures on the office doors of female employees, or nooses on the chairs of minority employees, etc.
Popeyesforearm over 11 years ago
a litle too touchy feely. looks like a lawsuit to me.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
That actually is a “spot on” summation of what would happen with each character, if it were their stint as GC… Sadly, Oxford could have gotten passed over for it, maybe, for his size and “perceived” lack of grades… yet he could be a person capable of the qualities needed for the position…
diggitt over 11 years ago
I don’t know about counselors, but I’d be a failure as a chaplain if I hugged everyone I didn’t have an immediate answer for.
prof2 over 11 years ago
Perfect – marvelous. I found the story line uninteresting up until today’s strip. Just brilliant.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
“I have a crossword coming up in the New York Times in the near future.”
Ah, Jigsaw Puzzles. THAT brings back fond Memories of My Dear Grandmother who used to love working Jigsaw Puzzles. Heh, at Christmas time My brother and I would give Her Jigsaw Puzzles as gifts. We’d get the most complicated ones We could find thinking She would spent the next week or so SOLVING them. Heck, She’d have the puzzles SOLVED within the hour. THOSE were the Days…..,
Excuse Me, I NEED a Moment. Got Something in My eye……,
(A-Hem) Well, JP. New York Times, Heh? I MUST Say that I’m Impressed, And I’m NOT Easily IMPRESSED. Kudos to You Sir! I’m AWED by Your Skill. I RAISE My Steaming Cup of COFFEE to You!
Now, You KNOW that I’m gonna be EVIL again Tomorrow, Right?
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
THese same parents raise kids who can’t stand on their own, and also are surprised when their marriages go to hell, because they forgot they were a couple too. Oh and some people actually have to go to work. At CAREERS, not jobs. So their kids can continue to live in the big house with all the toys
It’s all about the choices you make, and the balance you put on those choices. Can it be done (i.e. 4-family where both parents work)? Sure. It’s done all the time. But when things go “unbalanced” accidentally or deliberately, it’s up to the parents to make the sacrifice to put it back in balance, or (better still), make the choices that prevent things from going “unbalanced” in the first place. Time budgeting and prioritization are excellent skills to have. But “prioritization” before it become “triage.”
Nelly55 over 11 years ago
very nice Mr. Evans
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
Minors can’t consent.
Not legally, anyway. Problem is, the adult/older person is the one expected to “know better” and enforce the rule. So, unless the younger minor is committing “forcible rape/battery,” and that can be proven, I think the perception will always be against the older person/adult.
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
(18 hours ago) Oh, I was admiring your post about the beach and your friend, when, oops, there goes the mood! LOL ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“My HS teacher buddy says, when he meets privately with a student…” It is sad that such rules must be put in place…but, given the situation, the rules are there to be followed. Unfortunately, there are teachers/staff who need to be monitored themselves. Bernice appears to be by herself without input from Ms. Phelps. I wonder what she would say to Bernice had she been there. Again, the freshman girl looks about 10! Life a middle-school girl who got lost in the wrong school… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“Out of all the school cast members, Bernice…” What a great comparison! I think you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head… ;)
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
Yeesh! That does not sound like a great place to work. However, I can tell you that at pretty much every company around these days, diversity training is a standard requirement.
Or, at least, “workplace harassment” training. Enough to keep the firm out of “legal jeopardy” and demonstrate “due diligence.” Whether the employees actually follow it is a different matter.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
If somehow this can keep going, it might even be time to see the dentist (230)…
schmid13 over 11 years ago
This arc has broadened Bernice in humor and maturity. She even looks more mature. 298
schmid13 over 11 years ago
Yikes 199.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
So was Bernice instructed not to touch the kids but did so anyway (forgot, got carried away, thought to heck with it, etc.), or was she not instructed? You’d think Phelps would have told her what was illegal!
JonnyT over 11 years ago
Regarding the comments on the touching at the end…don’t forget she is also a student, and she’s not touching her in any way that’s inappropriate. Also, she’s a cartoon drawing.
mimisl over 11 years ago
i was moved by Bernice’s simple, wordless act of comfort. Thank you, Greg Evans!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
And before she calls for the next number in line, she has said student enjoy the “Pitts activity book”, including the 13 page “disclaimer and release from liability forms” and the form that says that her problem was met, and the “feedback” form, with the optional website/800 number…
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
“Bernice has always been the most “human” of all the cast members.”--I agree Levi, but she has not expressed feelings other than eyerolls and the like. So I am saying I like seeing this side of her.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I know that this would be cheating…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
…But the “dental appointment”…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
….is due…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
…and cannot be rescheduled (230 comments)!
cdgar over 11 years ago
You are expected to cheat.
cdgar over 11 years ago
Could you also delete 75 of Jays comments? Please?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Thanks! And, Exactly!…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
And of course, a shout of thanks to the Mrs.!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
240! Including Cdgars!
Stephanie Have one over 11 years ago
I expect no less of Bern!
canusmajor over 11 years ago
to you idiots regarding the inappropriate touching. Does the picture show inappropriate touching??? Not really, just a human being showing compassion for another that human soul on this earth. Those that find it inappropriate are the misguided democrats that have to be SO politically correct in word and action as to not offend ANYONE. This country and this world has lost its sense of love and compassion because of fear of what is right and wrong as taught to us by mainstream media and or government leaders that try to brainwash us into living in an environment that is cold,sterile and unfeeling just to take over our souls and lives. Lets get back to reality people and in the best words of Red Skelton " good night and may God Bless ".
Attila The Voice! over 11 years ago
This is a nice strip! Love the ending
Faith :) about 10 years ago
Bernice is a great counselor.