Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 11, 2013
Quill: "Luann, I came here from Australia to be with you" Quill: "But I also came to further my career. Moony Uni has a great drama department" Luann: "So you really came for Moony" Quill: "I came for both" Luann: "Which one is most important?" Quill: "That's not a fair question" Luann: "That's not a good answer"
DaJellyBelly about 11 years ago
Luann needs to learn to be more supportive of other people. Quill is right that her question is not fair.
kittikat2381 about 11 years ago
Luann reminds me of OAG
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“You’re Just Like Crosstown Traffic”“There Must Be Some Misunderstanding”“Love Dis-Connection”or “Quill! Don’t Be So Dramatic! part II”
DaJellyBelly about 11 years ago
His answer should be, “You are both equally important in your own way.”
SF1972 about 11 years ago
Oh, Luann…just stop…
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Good Lord.
The Unmitigated GALL of This Gal.
And We are SUPPOSED to Dislike Tiffany???
Lu? I THINK You NEED to Tighten Your Tentacles Just a Little Tighter, Little Miss “Its ALL About Me”.
Because Your (Hopefully) Soon-To-Be Ex-Boyfriend Is STILL Breathin’.
live2read about 11 years ago
She’s making him choose. Not good.
charlenelin1201 about 11 years ago
Romance doesn’t pay the bills.
Craig66 about 11 years ago
Ah – youth.That was about the point that we’d stop seeing each other.I never reacted well to that BS.
kenhense about 11 years ago
Luann! G’Dang! Grow Up! Otherwise Quill will grow up without you!
luann1212 about 11 years ago
She has to accept that it will be along-distance romance, though at least not as far as Austrialia. She does not plan to leave to go to college, but he needs too. Hope they both can adjust to this reality.
mroneofthefellows about 11 years ago
Not really a question a guy wants to answer. What’s most important to a guy, his career, or his girl. In order to not hurt her feelings most guys would say the girl, even if, in a lot of cases, this is not a true response.
live2read about 11 years ago
Luann has always been insecure, and it’s showing right now.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Brought to you” by…Shell Fish and Trap Supply…- Dr. Kihn, Love Counsellor…- and by…Drama Dairy Farms…. “We milk ’em good!”…
Kediset about 11 years ago
got a feeling someone’s going to get a rude awakening..
skeight about 11 years ago
Luann deserves to be alone.
radams36 about 11 years ago
More drippy mawkishness in re: Luann/Quill. Please stop, this tripe is AWFUL. And all the commenters pointing out Luann’s utter selfishness are dead right, into the bargain,
jemgirl81 about 11 years ago
OMG. She can be so annoying.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Reminds me a bit of “Love Is Like Oxygen”, by the Sweet:- “Love is like oxygen…you get too much, you get real high…not enough, and you’re gonna die… love gets you high…”- Just a matter of balance…
butchna about 11 years ago
Showing the ugly side of our favorite coddled brat
Leon Manuel Real about 11 years ago
Come on, let’s all gang up against the girl who fears losing which is possibly the first, genuinely serious, relationship she’s had in her life.
watmiwori about 11 years ago
The course of true love never did run smooth. As usual, Billsaid it bestest. He must have: we’ve been mimicing him eversince.Do other languages have an author who permeates andinfluences it as do Shakespeare and th King James Bible doEnglish?
Kvasir42 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Quill, back away slowly, then turn and run as fast as you can to Australia. You won’t regret it.
meillered about 11 years ago
A little clingy and insecure aren’t you Luann?
scooter_1977 about 11 years ago
Haha, I knew MONTHS ago that this is where this storyline would end up going…it just took a while to get there. Luann is not grown up enough to have an adult relationship, despite how much she and Quill care for one another…she is GOING to screw things up and end up alone….again.
seanyj about 11 years ago
Dang Luann! How selfish can you be? The boy came all the way from Australia to be with you for senior year! He has to think about his future too! Why can’t you think of someone other than yourself? You better stop frontin or else Tiffany will come snatch Quill then you’ll really be upset!
Michael Peterson Premium Member about 11 years ago
Quill’s choices: Go to school and see Luann whenever he can, or skip going to school and see Luann all the time until the INS takes away his student visa and sends him back to Australia.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Okay, Luann, have it your way. You really want to drive Quill away from you? Go ahead and be totally self-centered, just like your new BFF, Tiffany Farrell….
Barry1941 about 11 years ago
Methinks Luann has hung around Tiffany too much.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
This is the “inner beauty” that Quill finds so attractive about Luann. Maybe it’s time to reconsider.
CasualObserver about 11 years ago
This is where I’d back out of the deal, were I Quill. Maybe if Luann gets a dose of selflessness down the road I’d reconsider, but after this conversation it would be relationship suicide to continue.
Davison77 about 11 years ago
So how come with all he colleges that Luann has considered this is the first we’ve heard of Moony Uni? And it sounds like it’s a local school.
Jay5794 Premium Member about 11 years ago
I think high school seniors may have a wide range of maturity. Currenty Lu is at the low level.
Fly On The Wall about 11 years ago
Typical “What about me!” selfish woman… boy run!!!!!
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
{Huge SIGH}….Yeah…. this is not good. And with Quill staying with the Bergers, there would be a huge monkey wrench in the works in re: Lu and Gunth reconciling.
Can it be that Greg/Karen only bought Quill back to the States just for Lu & Q to realize they aren’t right for each other? Seriously? I guess the question now is, which of them will be the first to “call it?”
Unless Greg/Karen are messing with us a little, and will have things back to normal between them by Sat., I can only see this as an ROR…. (Relationship On the Rocks).
elysummers about 11 years ago
uh oh. trouble in paradise.
ManateeGag about 11 years ago
Luann is being really selfish. Almost like Tiffany.
jeanie5448 about 11 years ago
LuAnn, stop being a brat and use the time you have with him to build a solid foundation for your relationship. In life you will always have times when you or your partner have to be away so just suck it up and support what he wants to do. When you finally get an ambition I would bet he would support you in what was important to you.
Hugh Manatee about 11 years ago
What next, blowing up Toni and Brad’s relationship? Enough already. Let’s get somewhere with these arcs.
tubgrape about 11 years ago
Come on! We all know deep down that some day Luann will marry Gunther!
reedkomicks Premium Member about 11 years ago
Jean, Fly on the Wall, Krusa, CasualOb, Barry, Sisyphos, Seanyn, Scooter, I can’t believe all you people turning against Luann! Quill, get your act together quickly, or you will lose the best thing that’s happened to you!! If you lose her, you will regret it for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
reedkomicks Premium Member about 11 years ago
OOOOH, Quill thinks he is going to be a big famous actor. Guess again. You will end up being a lonely camp councilor lifer. While Luann goes on to be a fantastic, kind generous teacher, wife and mother.
Metal maiden about 11 years ago
Luann is being very short-sighted and immature. I’m disappointed in her narrow vision here.
bfloxword about 11 years ago
I would say, “Uh-oh….”, but I bet it has been said a dozen times, already.
Metal maiden about 11 years ago
Well said, Joel…..
2Goldfish about 11 years ago
So it begins…
luann1212 about 11 years ago
God the majority of these comments are mean. First Luann is our heroine, the reason we are loyal to this comic. We know she is very romantic, so cut her some slack for Christ’s sake. Besides this is the beginning of the usual arc with her and those men she really loves—Quill is a man, as compared to the boys—so the question is how they both are going to deal with the long-distance nature of this relationship. In the real world people do it all the time, the military for example. Man most of you must have horrible personal relationships!!
716PMedGuy about 11 years ago
time to get ‘it’ out in the open you two
Endunamoo about 11 years ago
Holy selfishness batman, What kind of questions are these? Did they not spend entire nights chatting on the internet… A man will cross an ocean for a woman, but he has to earn a living toom that truck job ain’t gonna cut it.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
I hope the drama department at Mooney Uni offers a course teaching aspiring actors how to deal with co-stars who are whining, self-centered, demanding divas. It could be the most important thing for Quill to learn.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Joel, Joel, Joel. LIGHTEN Up, Pal.
We Are ALL Commardes Here, in the Peoples Republic of Pittsville.
Most of Us Here are Just having a Wee Bit ’O FUN at the Characters Expense.
After all, This IS a Co-Mic Strip.
Here, RE-LAX and HAVE a Cup of My “Special Blended COFFEE”.
Now as to Your Prediction…., Hey Remember when Muhammad Ali made Predictions? THOSE Were the Days.
But I digrest. Okay, here’s My prediction:
A Sadden Pretty Boy will head home to the Berger’s House and tell Gunther what just happened. Guth will say that he’s in the SAME boat because Rosa is going to College in Europe and he, because of finiances is stuck with attending the local Community College. Yet, for some reason He Not at all upset by this fact.
THEN, it will slowly Dawn on the G-Man that HE will be Attending the SAME College as Luann, while Q-Boy will be at Moonbat University, Many miles aways.
A Cruel but Triumphant Smile will slowly etch across Gunther face….,
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
“What about us?”“We’ll work it out. Moony isn’t far away. We can still see each other on weekends.”“But that’s where Tiffany is going!”“Tiffany is no one compared to you.”“Ahhhhh!”
belldee90 about 11 years ago
If he’s more interested in his career than her, she should know that. How many ’great actors" are still with their HS (or early college) girlfriends, no matter HOW supportive? She should be concentrating on her own self-development.
kaffekup about 11 years ago
Hard to have a meaningful relationship discussion with a guy in a pillbox cap looking like an organ grinder’s monkey….
davidpepper about 11 years ago
Few high school romances lead to a serious relationship. Most future marriages come from meeting in college or later in life.
Two questions: When will Aaron Hill return?
Where’s TJ? He started the business, why’s he leaving it to Quill to run it?
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Assuming, of course, that I have time left in my life to look you up. Otherwise, please remember to leave some nice flowers next to my elaborately carved gravestone and on the walk of fame in Hollywood for me….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Gee, thought you were leaving…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
There is no such thing as ‘maturing completely’, first of all. Secondly, if you cared a great deal about someone and they suddenly told you that they would have a lot less time for you because their career was taking off, would you be overjoyed?
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Thanks, good points.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
You sure are
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Shame on you for insisting that the female in a relationship always has to be subordinate to whatever her ‘master’ wants. I thought better of you. Obviously I was wrong.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
I hope we never see that again. He doesn’t deserve to be there.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
For the last year Luann has claimed that she and Quill were in a “relationship” even though he was in school (full time) in Australia. Now she says they can’t be in a relationship if he is at Moony Uni, which is probably about 11,800 miles closer, and is participating in some activity which is only temporary?
Last week Bradandtoni were talking about being “we-er’s”, whereas today Luann is talking in terms of “me-er’s”. Drop her like a hot potato, Quill. Find somebody reasonable, who will realize that both parts of a couple must have ambitions and efforts that are devoted to something other than just being with your mate full-time and devoting yourself wholly to her.
Yuban333 about 11 years ago
Luann, you are being needy and clingy. Guys don’t like that. If you continue, you will just drive him away from you, and then you’ll wonder why he left. At that point, you’ll only have yourself to blame.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
All this boils down to, is a breakdown (or at least an initial misunderstanding) in the… “definition”… of this relationship.. the point that I was trying to make, was that both sides are feeling the other is being “the selfish one”, anf both sides want what they want…
live2read about 11 years ago
I remember a scene in “To Sir, With Love” in which Sidney Poitier’s character was giving the class a lecture on marriage. He told them that marriage was not for the weak, the insecure, or the selfish. The way Luann is behaving right now, she wouldn’t be ready for ANY relationship.
MikeFletcher about 11 years ago
Cautious Prediction: Quill and Luann eventually break up, Luann’s heart is totally broken, and Aaron Hill resurfaces. This development would liven things up. Anyone else see this as a possibility?
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Luann is putting all her eggs in one basket… she is the type to idealize the “wistful, romantic” aspects of a relationship…. it doesn’t mean that people hate her, just that they recognize things in her the same way they may see such in their own friends, family, etc (but still love them, anyway)…. she is just looking for someone who feels that same way… but, having said that, she has had opportunity knocking, but she doesn’t hear the door, because of her attatchment to someone in the “idealistic” sort of way… people are only recognizing that she could be either doing the same as Quill is doing, or saying that she should ease up a little, come to an understanding… before she loses out, altogether…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
In agreement…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Quill too is misunderstanding… He’s definitely not my favorite, but he’s not a jerk, either… he’s not trying to focus on “making money” here, but is just honing his craft, following his ambition… like Argy says, it’s good to get to treasure people before it’s too late… but it seems that Quill wasn’t opening his mouth and making that clear (a la the blowup with Tiffany) at first…he was just as “caught up ine feeling”, as she… Lu will see love, before anything else… had he persisted in making this clear, she may have heard before it’s too late… maybe… but he’s not in this to hurt anyone, and he’s not in this to use anyone…. but he is just as young as she, and is learning lessons, here…. hopefully thet both do…
bronzeskater about 11 years ago
It seems to me that a large part of Luann’s difficulty here is that Quill misrepresented his motivation in returning to the US. He told her he was coming back to be together—no hint that he was planning on attending a specific university. Now, in the middle of flirting with each other, he springs this on her—no wonder she’s feeling betrayed! It’s quite possible that once she has absorbed this information, she can behave more maturely. (And since this sounds like a valuable, but unpaid position, she can help out!)
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Er, “objective”, not “objecting”.
Tim Pickard Premium Member about 11 years ago
Luann, you are not the center of the universe. Grow up and quit being so darn self-centered. You have to consider Quill has a life too. Keep bitching and you won’t be part of it.
JimT8 about 11 years ago
She is pushing her luck.
milania about 11 years ago
Nag, nag, nag!
MikeFletcher about 11 years ago
There are Dingos in Hawaii?
Radical-Knight about 11 years ago
Whoopsie… The Queen Cobra rears her ugly head!!!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Yesterday Luann was saying she has no goals. Today she’s angry at Quill because he does. What a prize catch she is, for some “lucky” man! (Gunther?)
Squoop about 11 years ago
Just when I thought she was starting to grow up. Way to blow it, Luann. You’re stooping to the level of Tiffany, and that’s pretty low.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
The sister and brother relationship died? Wow, where did that happen? Did I miss it? And here I thought the sis and bro were getting along so well these days….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Let’s see, Bernice set fire to a room containing the love of her life, who was in a wheelchair and that made it impossible for him to escape. I’m not sure I’d ask for advice from Bernice about matters of the heart….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
But she is your ex, so maybe it didn’t work as well as you thought?….
Contessa Carrington about 11 years ago
May not have been the answer she was looking for, but it was the correct one. The truth is not always what we want to hear, but is always what we need to hear. You don’t have to be the most important thing in his life, the important thing is to be in his life and have him be a part of yours.
Llywus about 11 years ago
I was really hoping Greg would allow Luann to grow up a little. Well, okay, she has matured a lot and teens can get insecure about the littlest things. But id Greg scuttles another relationship because of her insecurities I’m going to be very disappointed.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
OK. I looked at that strip. I didn’t get the feeling that the guy who was almost sitting on top of her while she was talking to Bernice and Delta was a ‘true love’. I got a strong sensation of ‘stalker’ from him. Creepy….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Nope. Her problems are insecurity, and believing that she has to have a man loving her to be of value. You may have confused her with Tiffany. You know. The one everyone says is so much better looking.
Hawthorne about 11 years ago
Oh, dear … trouble in paradise.
In fairness … Luann was somehow cheated of her drama camp experience. Maybe that was just fate being annoying, but certainly to be shut out again might really be a little too much for an adolescent to accept with entirely good grace.
Hang in Luann … don ’t blow it now. Keep it cool, and all will be well. Hopefully.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
It’s true that there are other opportunities, and I hope she’s given a chance to explore them. I’d love to see her hand the boomerang necklace back to Quill, telling him, ‘you hold onto this for awhile, maybe I’ll be back’, and she goes home to ask Nancy to come to the community college with her so they can discuss her future with a (trained) counselor.
jimshari222 about 11 years ago
They will iron this out. Or not. Keep the story line moving. Greg and Karen are really stirring up the hearts of the readers!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Luann: “Me me me me me me me me me me me me me.”Quill: “Well, what about me?”Luann:" What? Weren’t you listening??"
walter Premium Member about 11 years ago
And Fantasy meets reality.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
All those in favor of Luann handing the boomerang necklace back to Quill and telling him ‘later’, collecting her Mom or Dad and heading for the Community College for an interview, let your voices be heard….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Shannon needs to show up and bite Luann’s finger.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
All right. I’ve been waiting for someone else to say this, and no one has. So it looks like it’s up to me.-We recently had an arc where Brad and Toni were discussing ‘we-ness’. That’s what all that stuff about how does the chores and how do we plan the wedding and all was about. And Brad was saying that they could work out most of the details, as long as they had each other, and Toni was saying she agreed.- Of course, a lot of posters interpreted this as Toni saying she’d be happy to let Brad do all the chores, or Brad showing what a wuss he was, etcetera.- Now we have an arc where Luann is trying to talk about ‘we-ness’ with Quill. And his response is that their relationship is one of many concerns he has. And that all of those concerns are equal; that it is unfair to ask him to rank a relationship as more important or equally important to preparing for a career.- And the poster’s response has been a series of attacks on Luann for even suggesting that ‘we’ is as important as ‘his career’.-Interesting how some accused Brad of wussiness for saying he didn’t care who did chores as long as there was a ‘we’, while so many accuse Luann of selfishness for asking where ‘we’ fit in to Quill’s life plans.-And sad, that there are so many knee-jerk responses that a man’s career must always, always be the most important thing in his life and the woman in his life must always be supportive of that.
ACTIVIST1234 about 11 years ago
“The statement Quill made about Moony Uni having a great drama department caught my attention….”*Levi – LOL! Dang it, you ought to write a book some day!
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Luann does not want a boyfriend who will go off to get an education and then have a career. She wants a boyfriend to whom a relationship is an end-all and be-all, since that’s pretty much how she sees life (as we saw earlier this week, when she concluded her college trip by admitting that she has no talent or goals.) And what about Quill’s own goals? “Being with me is to be your goal.” Quill’s education? “You will spend your life learning about me.” Quill’s career? “Attending to me will be a full-time job.” Welcome to the Luanverse, Quill!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Great, we’re at 200 now!
ACTIVIST1234 about 11 years ago
Personally, I’m impressed with Quill. Though he got stuck doing a job he didn’t know anything about (TJ being a slacker), he didn’t quit. Though Tiff tried to seduce him in “George”, he didn’t fall for it. *Question is— is Quill mature enough to handle Luann’s obssession with romance, or is he so mature he’ll want out of this childish situation?
transylvanian about 11 years ago
Quill, the way it’s done in America is: The woman asks you a question, she then tells you the answer, and YOU, mate, are still wrong.
lilrabbit about 11 years ago
Yep, this is the right message for girls.
Don’t mess around with a boy who has dreams of a future and a clear idea how to get there. Only go for the boys who are willing to completely suppress their own plans and worship you instead.
Never mind Quill’s remarkable demonstration of competence, his careful planning for the future and his resourcefulness in packing up his life and moving half a world away. He’s not going to be the man for Luann unless he also undergoes radical abrasion of the membrum virile.
lilrabbit about 11 years ago
Purportedly these two spent hours chatting on the interwebs.
Did they never once talk about their own plans for their own futures?
Was it all just “Oh Quill, I miss you” “Oh Luann, I miss you too” “Oh Quill, I miss you more” “Oh Luann I wish I was there with you” "Oh Quill …. ad nauseum…
capricorn9th about 11 years ago
Being a teenaged girl once, I remember thinking the guy’s life should revolve around ME. A teenage girl’s thinking is the guy should be all about the girl, to prove his feelings, do things for her, do thing she asks, etc. Teenage girls are incredibly wrapped up in their guys. I never want to go there again.
Joey D. about 11 years ago
Education FIRST!!!!
vldazzle about 11 years ago
Every closeup of Quill makes me think of a mandarin outfit (especially the hat)
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Alas, poor Quill! We knew him, Luann: a fellowof infinite talent, of most excellent acting: he hathborne us on his back a thousand times; and now, howabhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims atit. Here hung those lips that have kissed Luann knownot how oft. Where be your complaints now? yourkissing? your songs? your flashes of happiness,that were wont to set Luann on to swoon? Not onenow, to mock your own kissing? quite chapped lips now?Now get you to Luann’s chamber, and tell her, lether take the inches thick, to this favour she mustcome; make her have delight at that.Prithee, Luann, tell me one thing.Dost thou think Tiffany pass this fashion by?To what base love we may return, Luann! Why maynot imagination trace the noble lust of Tiffany,till she find it stopping desire for Quill?No, love, not lust; but to follow Quill thither withdesire enough, and likelihood to have it: asthus: Tiffany lusted, Tiffany was denied,Tiffany returneth into acting; the acting is escape; ofescape we make exit; and why of that exit, whereto shewas discovered, might they not see the cameras?Imperious Aaron, gone and turn’d Hawaiian,Might ride a wave to keep the memory away:O, that that Miguel, which kept the ladies in awe,Should call to expel the winter love!But soft! but soft! aside: here comes the Gunther.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
The possibility that there would be theater opportunities for Quill in the USA were always a big part of justifying his return to Pitt. See the July 27, August 6, and August 9 strips. However, now Luann is upset that he is still interested in pursuing those opportunities instead of devoting full-time to her. In any other character, that would be called “selfishness”, but in Luann it is called “inner beauty”.
mrsdonaldson about 11 years ago
Seriously. I agree. Be supportive, Luann! Premium Member about 11 years ago
Geez, he’s her first real boyfriend, she’s in high school, lighten up.
Lbsnead about 11 years ago
Quill has already grown up without LuAnn. They’re only kids after all. She’s still in high school and she’s not ready (fit) to make life shattering decisions. If there’s a future for both of them he needs his career.
Dennett Premium Member about 11 years ago
Too bad, so sad. Luann is destroying the relationship before our eyes, and she doesn’t have a clue. This will not end well.
Attila The Voice! almost 11 years ago
Oh boy, I feel sparks a flyin’ and not the good kind :(