Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 10, 2014

  1. Julia napping
    Allen Rymer  about 11 years ago

    At least he won’t have to worry about freezing with that gown on….

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  2. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   about 11 years ago

    As if the hospital gown wasn’t humiliating enough.

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  3. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Your reservation in Heaven is your own responsibility. No one else can make that decision for you

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    Aussie Down Under  about 11 years ago

    Looks like he can go to Hell.

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    Varnes  about 11 years ago

    Awe, Hell, I was afraid of that…..

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  6. Idano
    Ida No  about 11 years ago

    “Here’s your ticket sir. You can punch yourself out.”

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  7. Jb jazz
    AlnicoV   about 11 years ago

    He seems to be figuring it out in the end, about just where that reservation was placed…..

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    2578275  about 11 years ago

    @Bruno ZeigertsI remember asking my mother, a registered nurse, when I was a young boy, why the gowns were designed that way. She replied, “So they can have easy access to you.” Even though I was young and naive, I didn’t buy that answer. I agree with your assessment and must add that it lets the patient know who has the power.

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Yes. Do you want to speak to the person in charge, or the person who knows what’s REALLY going on?

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    Superfrog  about 11 years ago

    or Helena Hatbox.

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  11. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  about 11 years ago

    Maybe she booked you under another name. I.V. Drip?

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    amxchester  about 11 years ago

    @Tammy, right you are.

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    DutchUncle  about 11 years ago

    Gowns are merely a gesture to modesty. It would be simpler if the patients just stayed naked, but that only works when they’re in bed covered by a sheet. :-)

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    dabugger  about 11 years ago

    Never can anyone assume destiny. Or how religion double crossed its adherents….

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  15. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Probably a typo, but the word is spelled “passé”.

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  16. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Regarding the gown issue, the savvy patient will wear two, one the normal way and the other backwards.

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  17. Caddy
    StCleve72  about 11 years ago

    Reading comix one gets the idea that heaven and hell are ideas that were created specifically for the benefit of cartoonists.

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    Argy.Bargy2  about 11 years ago

    Wiley has it wrong. The big boss wasn’t told by his underpaid secretary that his reservation in Heaven would be confirmed. It was the big boss’s spiritual leader, who was trying to encourage Mr. Big to make a financial contribution to a particular cause….

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  19. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  about 11 years ago

    Who you trust does make a difference.

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  20. Boston terrier 7
    LV1951  about 11 years ago

    My husband refuses to wear a hospital gown while there. Only will when going to surgery & back. Otherwise, he wears shorts and a short sleeved shirt.

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    dflak  about 11 years ago

    I have some good news and some bad news.

    The good news is you are going to hell.

    The bad news is you are booked coach on American Airlines.

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    Argy.Bargy2  about 11 years ago

    Situation is a bit more complex. Yeah, Walmart is still a family owned business, but it incorporated as a stock-selling, international entity some time past. The board of directors and their chair(men or women) are not Walton family members; they are elected by the shareholders (I am assuming that is the large shareholders; someone with a few shares may vote but it probably doesn’t count for much).-The orginal store concept has completely changed from the way it was conceived by Sam Walton. Yes, he wanted to sell cheap, but he also wanted to sell US made goods. Now that the main purpose of Walmart is to make big money for its corporate heads adn big shareholders, most products are produced overseas (and not always, as we know, under the best circumstances)….

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    Caddy57  about 11 years ago

    As a young boy…about 9, as I recall I woke up after surgery (ruptured appendix) in a gown like that….back then things were very different. Solid stitches etc. I tried to make the most of my stay but for the first few days my arm was strapped to a board (I.V. feeding tube)…..that was 1974.

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    lmonteros  about 11 years ago

    Oh, how I so wish I could have done that when I was an abused administrative assistant….

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  25. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 11 years ago

    What goes around comes around. The hope for this kind of reward is what keeps many ‘grunts’ going on with life.

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