Mimes are like zombies, but they don’t smell quite as bad…..Not that I’ve been doing any research…….Well, not all that much, really….Oh, sure some, but it’s not a fetish or anything….Seriously, many times I don’t even think about it….
Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] Mr. Marceau, how would you like to appear in the first silent movie made in nearly fifty years?Marcel Marceau: [in French, the only spoken line in the film] Non!Dom Bell: [seen as an insert title after Mel hangs up the phone] What did he say?Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] I don’t know. I don’t speak French!
Once in New Orleans I was in sight and earshot of a mime headed home from work, with his wife, when they ran into some friends of hers. She told them, “I’m married to this clown.”
fullmoondeb Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Well, that left him speechless.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“….So, let’s stay clear of that mime field, okay?…”
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“What’s mime is mine….”
AlnicoV almost 11 years ago
Good call by Brewster.
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Mimes are like zombies, but they don’t smell quite as bad…..Not that I’ve been doing any research…….Well, not all that much, really….Oh, sure some, but it’s not a fetish or anything….Seriously, many times I don’t even think about it….
luvcmx almost 11 years ago
They don’t use lines, they use sticks. (You probably have to be old to get the joke)
freewaydog almost 11 years ago
Wait, why is today’s Brewster comic in black & white?
StoicLion1973 almost 11 years ago
Given the reproductive peculiarities of the Hutt species, do you need 2 of them? Hardcore SW fans know of what I speak.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Had to save one of them. A mime would be a terrible thing to waste.
Max Starman Jones almost 11 years ago
The female Hutt is directly out of “Monsters, Inc.”
waltermgm almost 11 years ago
A mime is a terrible thing
TOMOTH almost 11 years ago
Wait – I recognize the 2 on the left: It’s Jabba-The-Hut and his Mom!
You’ll have to put one back.
Ermine Notyours almost 11 years ago
Instead of a female hutt, Jaba at first tried to bring Princess Leia.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 11 years ago
They use seagulls to keep the mime population down. “Mime! Mime!” Otherwise they reproduce as much as tribbles, through mimeography.
David Rickard Premium Member almost 11 years ago
McClane: No. Well, maybe that mime.
ChessPirate almost 11 years ago
Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] Mr. Marceau, how would you like to appear in the first silent movie made in nearly fifty years?Marcel Marceau: [in French, the only spoken line in the film] Non!Dom Bell: [seen as an insert title after Mel hangs up the phone] What did he say?Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] I don’t know. I don’t speak French!
klunker rider almost 11 years ago
Mimes cannot reproduce, they are always separated by an invisible wall.
Fuddy Duddy almost 11 years ago
Why does the female insectoid have . . . you know . . . oh, never mime.
paullp Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Brewster isn’t that smart. If you don’t want them to reproduce, why even bring one? Especially when Dr. Mel could probably clone more of them.
the_dungeoneer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Aww! Poor lonely space mime.
Jml58 almost 11 years ago
The mimes can come.When they have LEARNED THE WORDS..
Hectoruno almost 11 years ago
I saw a mime try to reproduce by himself. He had a bunch of invisible props with him.
gcarlson almost 11 years ago
Once in New Orleans I was in sight and earshot of a mime headed home from work, with his wife, when they ran into some friends of hers. She told them, “I’m married to this clown.”
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Brewster’s right. We sure don’t want them to reproduce. I say leave him there in the first place.
westny77 almost 11 years ago
This reminds me of Noah’s ark
pschearer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
In space nobody can hear you mime.