Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for January 11, 2015

  1. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  about 10 years ago

    New characters all around!

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  2. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  about 10 years ago

    Good morning guys!

    I hope that is not taking place near the Patterson Playhouse!

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    cpalmeresq  about 10 years ago

    For all you argumentative types, Junior is officially “Dick Tracy, Junior”, so his son can be the third (adoption years ago, or not)!

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  4. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 10 years ago

    Gruesome throws a mean right cross, Tracy takes it on the jawGoofy Golf lights up the night, Lizz gasps at what she saw.Fisticuffs amidst the fire, not for the faint of heartTracy owes some payback, Gruesome’s fall a place to start.Imbibes the outdoors whilst he may, soon under lock and keyIn a cage to mutter and rage, no sunshine shall he see.Every day locked safely away, serving concurrent termsBefore paying back the time he owes: dinner for the worms.Elsewhere, at the Patterson, look to see May and DecemberFlintheart feels new aches and pains, yet it’s Kandi he’ll rememberLooking frightened and concerned to see him in harm’s wayExplosive ending to the show, the thing’s always the play.Flintheart proclaims to Kandi he’ll protect her day and nightThose who’d menace his true love will find they’re in a fight.Elsewhere in the city, idles a long black limousineA tramp confronted by T-Bolt, who’s threatening and mean.Hand emerges from the window holding out a dollarTo quiet down the derelict who pitifully hollers.Identity a mystery, this man of wealth and tasteOn his bad side no one can hide, best to retreat in haste.

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    cpalmeresq  about 10 years ago

    And who is the guy in the car…Monty Burns?! Who can buy a drink for a dollar nowadays!?

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  6. Db icon60
    Ashmael  about 10 years ago

    Good morning, D. T. fans! What kind of a name is “Trey”? Poor baby going thru life with the name Trey Tracy! Hope they change mind! I see we have a whole new villain, good! Looks cool!

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    cpalmeresq  about 10 years ago

    Thank You as always, Jim Doherty, for the knowledge!

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  8. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  about 10 years ago

    “Everywhere I go, it’s Tracy, Tracy, Tracy!”

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  9. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  about 10 years ago

    Evidently Trey doesn’t mind his granddad smelling like smoke….

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  10. Db icon60
    Ashmael  about 10 years ago

    The name “Dick” in the thirties was allegedly slang for policeman, so the name looked apt, rather than " Plainclothes" I imagine some crook saying " that dick came for me and I was taken in" LOL!

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  11. Db icon60
    Ashmael  about 10 years ago

    Correction, Dick was slang for detective. As in " she hire a private dick to investigate her husband" ROFL!

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  12. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  about 10 years ago

    Where’s T-Bolts partner, Lightfoot?

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  13. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  about 10 years ago

    Grace Jones never seems to age! Dicks looking a wee bit scruffy, don’t you think? Hopefully there’ll be a crossover story soon involving Tracy and Beetle Baily, that should be a blast!

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    Starman1948  about 10 years ago

    Good morning friends and fans.

    @Pequod: thanks for an excellent poem today.

    @JonahHex: a very good point.

    Y’all have an awesome day.

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    Weegel  about 10 years ago

    “Dick” is slang for “detective,” whether police or private. When Chester Gould first submitted his try-out strips, his suggested title was “Plainclothes Tracy.” Syndicate chief Joe Patterson insisted the character needed a first name and, since “Dick,” a common nickname for “Richard,” was also a slang expression for “detective” (whether of the police or private variety), Patterson (who had been a police reporter early in his journalistic career) suggested (or perhaps, more correctly, decreed) that the character’s first name should be “Dick.”

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    richsolano  about 10 years ago

    Ken Griffey jr.‘s son is nicknamed Trey. I don’t know what George Foreman does with his kids!

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    JohnRPelt  about 10 years ago

    With Mike at the reins, I expected some kind of THUNDERBIRDS-referencing name like John or Virgil

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    CeeJay  about 10 years ago

    The Pennsylvania State Troopers were originally founded to serve as strike busters. Not their proudest moment.

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  19. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  about 10 years ago

    ole DT looks like he’d been in a fire, explosion and a good old knockdown drag-out fist-ta-cuff, just say en. And DT#3 is as cute as a button, and get a load of all that hair.

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    Rene_Simard  about 10 years ago

    Dick didn’t have time to comb his hair ?!?! Talking about hair , the baby has quite a lot .

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    abdullahbaba999  about 10 years ago

    Trey is great…..Solidarity for the people of Paris today..

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    Chris Sherlock  about 10 years ago

    Several new characters today! Can’t wait to see what TBolt and the guy in the car are all about.

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    seanyj  about 10 years ago

    Yet another villian comes into the picture. Tracy’s gonna have his hands full soon with the return of the Nitrates, The Blackhearts, Mumbles, Blackjack, Double Up and now this guy. I think Gruesome overpowered Liz thus he and Einstein escaped too!

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  24. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  about 10 years ago

    " So now a new baddie who makes a kwik debut and disappears just as fast until some future date ? "--——————————————————————-

    Given the already long waiting Cue *. . .

    I’m suspecting you’ve “nailed it” ! Timmy put out a list, but it was incomplete. They’d been earlier promises additionally of full length stories on . . .1) Notta Chin Chillar’*2) A tale including all of B.O. Plenty’s brothers and3)A teenage tale on Dick Tracy - prior to becoming a detective.The latter I’m sure Jim D - can ‘hardly wait’ to arrive, so he can contribute to it (new canon? ;-) to ‘establish’ that Tracy grew up in Chicago. Sadly, any ‘certainty’ (already flawed with outright contradictions), has eluded him in Gould’s strips.But, back to today’s strip . . .Nothing on any Patterson survivors, or the body of dead Otis, but “panel space” for introduction of 2 new characters - likely with returns in late 2016 (?)

    And with now diming eyesight, I first thought the name was - T’Brown, to capture ‘shades’ of Ferguson, before that event had faded from reader’s memory. Strong Boy - ‘roughing up’ old weakling ?But it’s Tbolt and he’s the henchman, all we see is the Big Man’s Hand with a Ring on it Reminds of a Kilian /Locher villain J. Kindly Goodheart in Jan, 2005. All we ever saw was a Hand with a Ring, and at the end, a body on the floor and then the name . . . His Girlfriend had killed him !But I’m sure Mike’s man, will have a face !

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  25. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 10 years ago

    Good recent post by Sydney Phillips, regarding some issues with the Gruesome story. Good ideas from Ray Toler, regarding how “loose ends” might be tied up with a talk between Tracy and Chief Patton. While I liked the story quite a bit, I do appreciate a darker tone when appropriate. The side-trip to MonsterCon slowed the pace, even as it provided a bit of visual fun (and the “Sivad” reference, picked up by mzkdad), and a chance to showcase Sara Karloff (whose permission was required in order for this story to be possible). It ends in a gag, with Gruesome asking Sara if he can write her from prison. This undercuts the serious drama of a murderer on the run from the law, imo..While it is easy to pick nits in hindsight, showing the rescue operations at the theatre, intercut with the pursuit of Gruesome by Sam, Tracy and Lizz, would have been more powerful. Bombs set off in public places is dark and timely territory. To see, even briefly, EMTs, Fire Services and Police respond would have been in keeping with the unfolding drama. Still, the creative use of Arsenic and Old Lace and the fiery windmill scene were very effective..I like that we were again treated to a variety of settings and characters. Not every single event was part of the Gruesome story, which I appreciate. I like the complexity of Tracyville and that we are trusted to pay attention. The brief appearance of Kadaver and Rikki was delightful. The return of Silver and Sprocket foreshadowed their next attempted scam, which involves Agate Aggie. We learned that BB has coerced Blaze Rize into joining his criminal activities. .One development I don’t understand is the addition of a baby: Richard Tracy III (“Trey”). Team Tracy is wise to keep Joe, Jewel and Bonnie limited to very occasional and brief appearances. Lil’ Attitude is effective comic relief. The one young character worthy of extensive involvement is Honeymoon. Mr. Curtis has brought her back to the strip in a very satisfying manner. She is a wonderful character. Her relationship with her changeling “Aunt” Mysta is a compelling development. I look forward to a story that features the two of them. Maybe having Junior and Sparkle focused on their new born will create more time for Honeymoon to be with Mysta. Baby Trey is certainly easier on the eye than was baby Bonnie, whose birth generated merchandising opportunities.

    Thanks to cpalmeresq, Gweedo (welcome back!), Night-Gaunt49, VistaBill, Starman1948, JPuzzleWhiz, Chris Sherlock and mzkdad for the kind words. Very much appreciated.

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  26. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  about 10 years ago

    I’ve one problem with Tbolt – He (or she) should be wearing heavy rings on all four fingers (the better to beat you with). Think of them as legal brass knuckles.

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  27. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  about 10 years ago

    While I am (of course) interested in these new bad guys, I was hoping we’d move straight into resolving the story with the Nitrates.That resolution has been too long in coming.A long time ago, I’d wondered aloud if the police would pull the Nitrates’ car from the pond, open it up and find the (ewww!) chewed remains of SiIver and Sprocket, and a drowned hyena.Hey, it would have ended the story, wouldn’t it?

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    mumbles  about 10 years ago

    I hope Gweedo’s wrong about that “one day wonder” appearance of this T-Bolt and his boss, but with these story writers, who knows. Maybe someday they’ll combine all those baddies who appear once and disappear and we’ll have an All-Star hellava story.

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  29. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Trey Tracy? Not a good idea. Children can be very cruel.

    A dollar for a drink? Not anywhere I know.

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  30. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 10 years ago

    Of course, Trey Parker (Randolph Severn Parker III) and Trey Wingo (Hal Chapman Wingo III). There are many others. There is a list of 27 notable people named Trey on Wikipedia.

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  31. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  about 10 years ago

    ON Friday last - to my mind, there were some very helpful POSTS . . . First from Ray Toler, then Ken in Ohio, followed by comment from Neil Wick, which appeared to deal quite usefully with a lack of CLARITY on events at Patterson Theatre, after the Explosion and Tracy’s departure, and then further subsequent ‘uncertainties’ that emerged. In effect, “suggestions” to the Authors that could prove of help to them to constructively improve “communications” to the strips readers ! ?

    My pointing out what seemed like omissions or events, not ‘clearly covered’, was not an attack on the strip or the Authors - but rather, to identify what several quietly noted, but ‘hesitated’ to mention. The purpose being to help communicate clearly (and in timely fashion) what had occurred, but inadvertently, had been OMMITTED or events not reported (or appearing) - in a timely manner

    Indeed, as Ken then, was at pains to point out " Team Tracy: if you are reading this, we appreciate what you are doing." And not only do I associate myself with that sentiment, but I believe close to 100% of those that post here DO !

    Of considerable help was Ray’s rough detail of how the OMITTED INFORMATION on Events at Patterson Theatre after - the explosion occurred, could have been comfortably covered in one 3 panel strip.

    Neil suggested it was too “TEXT” heavy, at some 150 words - for appearance in just one daily strip. True ! But looked at, and then “edited”, the Full Sense he wished to communicate was reduced (relatively easily) to - just 86 words ! And if need be, a little more room remained for reductionBig Thanks Ray !.

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  32. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 10 years ago

    oh GOODY!!!! yet another story to add to the growing collection!!!

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    punslinger  about 10 years ago

    T-Bolt acting as muscle with a (presumably) married man in a (presumed) limo giving orders…Hmmmmmmm

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  34. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 10 years ago

    t-bolt looks like a 90’s reject type of character to me

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  35. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 10 years ago

    SYDNEY PHILLIPSYou are welcome, Sydney. I’m sure that “Trey” will be with us for a long time. Junior says that they “think” they’ll be calling him “Trey,” but I don’t think there’s really any doubt.

    Until I looked it up today, I didn’t even know that “Trey” denoted a third generation individual with the same name. In that way, it’s similar to calling “Dick Tracy, Jr.” just “Junior.”

    I was interested that the baby’s formal name seems to be “Dick Tracy” and not “Richard Tracy.” No-one seems to call Dick Tracy, Sr., “Richard” except for Vitamin and I see that as an affectation. It could even be a back formation from Dick. Perhaps his formal name isn’t even “Richard” at all, but I think that hypocoristics are becoming more common on birth certificates. That is, I think there are more people being formally named “Bob” or “Steve,” etc., than in the past (as opposed to “Robert” or “Stephen” that use “Bob” or “Steve” as a nickname). I haven’t got actual figures to back this up, but I have a strong impression that this is the case from previous name studies I’ve done.

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  36. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  about 10 years ago

    Vitamin and Kandi: Vista Bill and Rikki are waiting in the death coach at the front entrance. Get in!

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  37. Schulzsense 0
    Paul1963  about 10 years ago

    Oh, thank God, the kid gets a normal name. Third time’s the charm for Junior’s kids, I guess (Oldest daughter: “Honeymoon.” Second daughter: “Sparkle Plenty Junior”),

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  38. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  about 10 years ago

    I do not hang out with unsafe people, Gweedo! Abner likes me!

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  39. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 10 years ago

    I’m back! Just in time to say, WELCOME, Trey!

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    BiggerJ  about 10 years ago

    Trey Dixie?

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  41. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 8 years ago

    Gruesome throws a mean right cross, Tracy takes it on the jaw

    Goofy Golf lights up the night, Lizz gasps at what she saw.

    Fisticuffs amidst the fire, not for the faint of heart

    Tracy owes some payback, Gruesome’s fall a place to start.

    Imbibes the outdoors whilst he may, soon under lock and key

    In a cage to mutter and rage, no sunshine shall he see.

    Every day locked safely away, serving concurrent terms

    Before paying back the time he owes: dinner for the worms.

    Elsewhere, at the Patterson, look to see May and December

    Flintheart feels new aches and pains, yet it’s Kandi he’ll remember

    Looking frightened and concerned to see him in harm’s way

    Explosive ending to the show, the thing’s always the play.

    Flintheart proclaims to Kandi he’ll protect her day and night

    Those who’d menace his true love will find they’re in a fight.

    Elsewhere in the city, idles a long black limousine

    A tramp confronted by T-Bolt, who’s threatening and mean.

    Hand emerges from the window holding out a dollar

    To quiet down the derelict who pitifully hollers.

    Identity a mystery, this man of wealth and taste

    On his bad side no one can hide, best to retreat in haste.

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