Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for July 05, 2015

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 9 years ago

    Johnny down in Florida. How can this be so?Last seen in the alley absorbing mighty blows.He convalesced in hospital. Recovery takes some timeSteffinhawk attests Johnny not fit for fighting crime.Yet here he stands, cold drink in hand, flirting with a galDressed for fun in the hot sun, seducing his new pal.Mumbles sips a cold libation, he’s earned some R and RShocked to see a tanned Johnny holding court at Tiki bar.Mumbles starts to simmer. Johnny slathers on more lotionShoulders broad and muscles toned, he’s blocking out the ocean.Mumbles calls up Blackhearts, still relishing sea-side breezeSecretary has no ear, can’t translate Mumble-eze.Says to say it in a tweet, an e-mail or a textMumbles mumbles to himself, “wht shud dye do nxt?”

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  2. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  over 9 years ago

    Mumbles does NOT look happy!

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  3. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    Adonis Lives!

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  4. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone!

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  5. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Transcript for those who can’t read “Mumblespeak” (like the receptionist at Blackhearts HQ):

    That guy looks familiar.

    That’s Johnnie Adonis, that private cop!He got beat up by Biggs’ bodyguard.

    Got to call Mr. Bigg.

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  6. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago


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  7. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Speaking of Bigg’s bodyguard, we haven’t seen T-Bolt since March — just shortly after we last saw Johnny. She should be due for a re-appearance soon.

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  8. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 9 years ago

    I wonder if Mumbles mumbles as badly in a text message as he talks…..

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  9. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  over 9 years ago

    Great work, Pequod77! Very well done today.You raised the question, and my conclusion is that that ISN’T Johnny Adonis. I’m not sure who it is, but considering the real Johnny knows the identity of Mr. Bigg, I doubt he would leave the hospital (if he’s even ready to leave the hospital) and immediately jet off to Florida without telling anyone that information. It’s just too bizarre seeing Johnny having fun in the sun right now, and my hunch is that this is a major clue related to the mystery of the Blackhearts.

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  10. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Does Johnny have a twin brother ?

    Hmmm, I do wonder about that. He was just in the hospital a couple of days ago.
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  11. Db icon60
    Ashmael  over 9 years ago

    Good morning DT fans!It depends on the internal timeline of the strip, maybe several months have passed from the “get well soon Johnny” reference strip time.

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  12. Db icon60
    Ashmael  over 9 years ago

    Maybe iit is Apollo in disguise! I fear Mumbles is about to explode in a fit of rage…

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  13. Crossed rifles
    William Weedman  over 9 years ago

    So who is Dat Catnip? I treat Mumbles like the adults on the Peanuts specials, I just skip over his talking….Now the guy looks like Johnny Adonis, none the worse for wear.

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  14. Me2
    nighthawk1  over 9 years ago

    I don’t think this is really Johnny.

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  15. Image
    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    Blissful Sunday morning my friends. -———Good poem Pequod77-———Be happy and healthy everyone.

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  16. Mmandsp
    jz27wk Premium Member over 9 years ago

    JonahHex said,I wonder if Mumbles mumbles as badly in a text message as he talks…

    No. He jus uses all those abbreviations and emos that are harder to understand that his mumbling.

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  17. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 9 years ago

    Apparently Johnny (THE MAN!!) Adonis is none the worse for the wear…well that would make sense since he hasn’t been seen in ALMOST SIX MONTHS!! and the only mention was about two weeks ago when honeymoon went to the mall.

    For my money…it’s the real Johnny (THE MAN!!!) Adonis following Mumbles and keeping tabs on his actions

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  18. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  over 9 years ago

    Well we could ask the same thing about Mr. Bribery ? . . .

    Does he have a Twin Brother ?The original seemed to die falling from a Space Coupe atop a prison Carpenter shop ?

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  19. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  over 9 years ago

    How many Florida newspapers still carry Dick Tracy?

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  20. Logo
    Chris Sherlock  over 9 years ago

    My mind is blown at the thought of either a text message or email from Mumbles.

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  21. Missing large
    abdullahbaba999  over 9 years ago

    Johnny Adonis has always been a very vague presence in this ever changing story line…the family of choice in the 4th of July celebrations will be the heroes in the stories to come…i think…TBC..

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  22. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 9 years ago

    A few days ago, several of the readers figured Mumbles was in Florida making a drug run. I didn’t think so because I figured Mumbles was too valuable a baddie to be used for a “mule”, which in the drug trade, are expendables. I see I was wrong! Maybe his text or e-mail might get intercepted since the government is hell-bent on eavesdropping in all forms of communication.

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  23. Photo on 2010 04 10 at 16.58
    lovelymajorhoople  over 9 years ago

    Wow-I haven’t read this strip in years but I was caught by the great art- Staton &Curtis have revived my love of Dick Tracy-I have every Chester Gould comic book reprint and hardcover collection I could get my hands on-great to see Mumbles again-what other villains have Staton &Curtis brought back to life???

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  24. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  over 9 years ago

    A Week of STALEMATE at EVERY GATE . . . Where NOTHING FURTHER HAPPENED . . .-———————————————————————————-


    Young teeny fracas, empowered Honeymoon bullies all around, Police woman there, issue left up in ‘Mid Air’ !


    “Only we four " ?But what about the man downstairs that opened the door, the individual that sold it, those that transported it to the building and up to Bribery’s floor ? The ‘unknown’ confidents of the seller or of the transporters ?

    Tuesday: and Wednesday:

    “Preoccupied” the Text Box said, describing Tracy, his MCU and Fritz Ann of the FBI on the stolen Bullion . . .It took no more than a panel or two to figure out they still (collectively) didn’t have a Clue of what to Do (?)Nothing had ‘changed’ (since May 3rd), when Mole handed him a Hot - timely ‘to the Lake’ - workable Clue !“Astonishingly”, he apparently dropped it right there on the rail tracks, returning to the City and the MCUAnd then, later in the City, ‘complained’ to Sam of not knowing what to Do

    Then in Wednesday’s strip, Tracy held out a ‘thin ray’ of hope - a lead “witness”, (Tellum) would be coming in for questioning ! On then to Thursday . . .<p.Thursday:

    Sam’s seen to shrug at the Media Circus gathering, Tellum’s there in a self promoting shirt. But no questioning was seen to occur. For readers (anxious to see some ‘progress’) it was a Nothing Event !You only get to ‘wonder’ why they “bothered” to Show It ?

    You’re getting around to ‘thinking’ Tracy’s ‘not all there’, you’re kind of worried that if he gets another clue (?) he might just drop it in the Waste Paper Basket and with Sam take another drive around the City to ‘CLEAR his Head’ ?So, yet another day. of No apparent Progress ! (?)


    ‘Suddenly -* we are in Florida (Tellum. Witchell have disappeared) ? ?What we SEE is Mumbles in swimsuit on a beach. And you start to “think” this must be of considerably greater ’importance’ than Tellum’s evidence ?


    But we have to ‘wait again’ - it’s the July 4, Independence Observation Strip

    The good news here is that the “real” Cops and FBI - performed ‘admirably’ . . . Not One Reported Attack by the Terrorists !

    Seems comic strip Tracy and Fritz Anne are in the same (can’t say Boat ;-) but rote will do as ISIS.Just that they are trying to go in different directions !

    As I reflect on the change of focus from day to day . . . it must have been a ‘Nightmare’ week for Timmy !

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  25. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 9 years ago

    Johnny seems rather vigorous for someone just released from the hospital. Nary a bruise nor a bandage to be seen. Why no sign of injury? T-Bolt’s attack was pretty vicious. Or was it? This is sloppy work if Johnny is tailing Mumbles. Odd coincidence to vacation at same beach as Mumbles. What if T-Bolt is working undercover? If so, she did not really injure JA and the “hospital stay” was a ruse to protect T-Bolt’s identity. Administering a fake beating would cement her cover. Explains why no concern from Tess was ever shown to readers. Still, the faked-injury theory (styrofoam 2×4?) is pretty flimsy. Helping T-Bolt cement her cover (and we don’t really have any indication she is working undercover) does not explain Adonis showing up at the same resort as Mumbles. I agree with Willy. I think this Adonis may be an imposter. The real JA is either still in the hospital or just released to finish recovering at home. Ms. Steffinhawk would have no reason to lie to Honeymoon about visiting Johnny. If this is an imposter, for whom does he work? The Apparatus? Who ponied up the cost of the make-over? Is he there to rob Mumbles? A twin brother seems more far-fetched than an imposter. Very interesting.Seeing Mumbles near water reminds me of a 1955 story. Mumbles tries to escape in the fog, uncertain as to the location of the shore.

    Thanks to cpalmeresq, Willy007, Gweedo, Starman1948, Sydney Phillips, Chris Sherlock and JPuzzleWhiz for the kind words. Much appreciated!

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  26. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 9 years ago

    I do remember reading that your Aunt Esther had died. I’m very sorry.-I’m not sure if you’ve linked your shots yet but please tell me when you do. I hope I didn’t ‘embarrass’ you in front of your buddies on Dick Tracy yesterday. Haha! I just wanted you to know that I haven’t forgotton about you. That would be almost impossible.-Hope you enjoy the freshly painted room you will be staying in at Eileen’s. -I just want to point out that it’s still not a real job but it’s the closest to a real one I’ve ever had. I’ve already learned how to use the Photocopier and Laminator. Hopefully I can do Word Processing and other computer related tasks. I know I’ll be answering the phones because after a week there, I told Andrew that I would like to start answering calls.-Oh by the way, I’ve noticed that you enlarged my avatar on the ‘Sylvia’ strip. It looks good but would you mind taking it down? I’m not getting the blame again for any damage to your computer screen! -I’m at my Work Placement again on Tuesday and I always look forward to the 47 minute train journey there and back.-Don’t feel too depressed that it’s Monday tomorrow!

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  27. Image
    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    @richard schmidt: Welcome my friend. We are glad to hear from you. Hopefully on a regular basis. Be well.

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  28. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 9 years ago

    Quite apart from the enjoyable humor of Mumbles’ failure with the phone receptionist back at crime-HQ, I (like many others here) find the apparent presence of Johnny Adonis, fit, hale, and hearty, in Florida to be puzzling indeed; were he tailing Mumbles I’d not expect him to be so careless as to be chatting up some chick in close proximity and with his back to Mumbles! One cannot help but wonder, under the odd circumstances, if this guy really is Johnny! Or, if it is him, what he actually is doing in Florida….

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  29. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Turning to the sidebar, if I recall aright, the original name was “Special Irish Branch”.

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  30. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    Hmmm…T-Bolt…I wonder if she could be TJ’s mother? That might make TJ’s initials stand for “Thunderbolt, Junior”…____________________


    That would bridge the Blackhearts and Bullying stories, huh?

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  31. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    If this JA is an impostor, could it be Putty Puss?____________________

    Woo! Gosh!

    Could it?!

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  32. Image
    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    @NightShade09: The Honeymoon scenario sounds plausible. I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Be well, my friend.

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  33. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 9 years ago

    Thanks to Sgt. Doherty for the interesting facts in the Crimestoppers textbook. The colors are spectacular yet again. I’m ready for beach volleyball with a cold drink in a coconut to follow. It is hilarious the way Mumbles tosses his drink over his shoulder in response to identifying Johnny. The gym bag at his side strikes me as ominous.

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  34. Missing large
    Jerryjohn52  over 9 years ago

    This past week has been puzzling on a lot of levels. I have no idea where this is going but there should be some explanations eventually. You never know what’s going to happen when Mumbles is involved. I think I’ve learned how to speak Mumbles-ese.

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  35. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 9 years ago

    I wanted so very much, before I lost my touchTo write a poem today, I hoped there’d be much to sayAmazing tales of suspense, or if Mindy’s a tad too intenseDid junior really steal those cups, Or did Sandy ever sire some pupsWill Honeymoon file a complaintOr has the MCU’s reputation suffered taintWill Poppa continue to puff in the airCausing health problems to all who are nearInstead I’m driven to tryTo create a poem on the flyBecause Mike and Joe wrote such a fillerThat could’nt have been much more sillier.

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  36. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 8 years ago

    Johnny down in Florida. How can this be so?

    Last seen in the alley absorbing mighty blows.

    He convalesced in hospital. Recovery takes some time

    Steffinhawk attests Johnny not fit for fighting crime.

    Yet here he stands, cold drink in hand, flirting with a gal

    Dressed for fun in the hot sun, seducing his new pal.

    Mumbles sips a cold libation, he’s earned some R and R

    Shocked to see a tanned Johnny holding court at Tiki bar.

    Mumbles starts to simmer. Johnny slathers on more lotion

    Shoulders broad and muscles toned, he’s blocking out the ocean.

    Mumbles calls up Blackhearts, still relishing sea-side breeze

    Secretary has no ear, can’t translate Mumble-eze.

    Says to say it in a tweet, an e-mail or a text

    Mumbles mumbles to himself, “wht shud dye do nxt?”

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  37. Missing large
    boboscar  about 1 year ago

    “What’d he say?”

    Mumblespeak Translator: He said, “That guy looks familiar…”

    “What’d he say?”

    Mumblespeak Translator: He said, “That’s Johnny Adonis the private cop! He got beat up by Bigg’s bodyguard!”

    “What’d he say?”

    Mumblespeak Translator: He said, “Gotta call Mr. Bigg!”

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