Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 19, 2015

  1. Missing large
    cpalmeresq  over 9 years ago

    Should have just “froze” and let yourself get arrested, BB-Eyes!

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago


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  3. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Mumbles: “Where’s the cops?”

    too late to take the stairs, guys. They’re already here. Now we’re really into the midst of the fight—at least on this floor.

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  4. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone!

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  5. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 9 years ago

    Man, that’s gotta be one long ladder! Wonder who set it up for him?

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  6. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    It looks to be the type of ladder mounted on the backs of fire trucks.

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  7. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    I really wish GoComics would cure their hiccups.

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  8. Missing large
    fredville  over 9 years ago

    We’re losing somebody……cops shoot to kill when being shot at….

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  9. Img 20141126 151358
    cripplious  over 9 years ago

    Like the hook and ladder type

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  10. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  over 9 years ago

    Yikes, the comments section is a mess.

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  11. Missing large
    wanewonderful  over 9 years ago

    Doubleup is editing comments today.

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  12. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    So, they didn’t take the elevator as several of you guessed, but they didn’t take the stairs, either. They are coming in from the outside through the window. There are tactical assault ladders specifically made for breaking windows. Here is an example, although that one would never reach the third floor. They likely are on a fire truck as some of you have said, or got a boost from some kind of crane, even.

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  13. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 9 years ago

    Gweedo politely replied,Gooooood mornning Vista Bill !-—————————————————————————————

    Good morning Gweedo! I’m closing the lid for the day now!

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  14. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 9 years ago

    The elevator trick fooled the crewGiving time for the MCUTo climb the metal stairway to HeavenWhich very well might lead to Hell for Biggs BrethrenThe element of shock gives Dick an upper handAnd the thickness of a ladder sure benefited SamWho will survive the expected blood flowWith guns and whips and whatever else only God knowsPerhaps we’ll see by the end of the weekIf Joe and Mike will allow us a peekThat is unless they decide now’s the perfect timeTo switch to that ham Vitamin figuring none of us will mind.


    Stupid phone giving me a hard time today. I think I’m getting carpel tunnel syndrome in my typing finger! LOL!

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  15. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    It reminds me of an old song, “Shut the door, they’re coming through the window” (listen on YouTube). (Roy Fox, 1934).

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  16. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 9 years ago

    Trying to read the comments today is making me nauseous!

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  17. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Assault ladders do come in larger sizes like this Urban Assault System (UAS):

    The site says, “The UAS has the ability to be configured to meet any objective, up to 8m (26ft) third floor (3rd storey), tactical entry.” The third floor, of course, is where these criminals are.

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  18. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 9 years ago

    Avenger09 poetically stated,… That is unless they decide now’s the perfect timeTo switch to that ham Vitamin figuring none of us will mind.-———————————————————————————————-

    If Vitamin Flintheart’s gonna show up, can Vista Bill be far behind?

     •  Reply
  19. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    It seems that everything is happening twice in the comment section:

    - when you post, it posts twice (two different invisible message numbers)- when you “Refresh Comments,” it refreshes twice (so you get two copies of the new comments)- when you delete, it tries to delete the same comment twice, but it fails the second time because once the comment is deleted, it is not there to delete a second time (if there are two copies still, they have different message numbers).

     •  Reply
  20. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    And when you click reply, it clicks it twice. The first time opens the reply area and the second time closes it again.

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  21. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Here is my tentative concept of the layout of the Ace Tower (to be revised as the Battle of the Ace Tower progresses):

    1st floor – The 52 Gallery2nd floor – More of The 52 Gallery3rd floor – BB-Eyes, DoubleUp, Mumbles, sometimes Blaze4th floor – The Munro Brothers, easily accessible by both BB-Eyes and Méliès5th floor – Méliès, Venus, Apollo6th floor – Mr. Bigg’s office and reception area often occupied by BlazePenthouse – Mr. Bigg’s apartment with a private elevator

    Some of this is speculation, but so far, I haven’t seen anything to directly contradict this layout. I’m unclear on where the shrunken heads are located, although it has to be the same floor as the closet where Mumbles was stashed.

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  22. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 9 years ago

    That layout of the tower floors sounds about right, based on available evidence.

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  23. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 9 years ago

    Again, the Special Weapons and Tactics of the MCU-led assault on Ace Tower outwit the BB-Eyes crew. Tracy and Sam burst in through the window off their assault ladder wearing bullet-resistent vests and armed with (I dare say) full-automatic sub-machineguns: two pistols and a bullwhip won’t stand much chance in opposition. Anyone who wants to live, wants to live [that was a hint] should immediately stand down. I think this may be the end for BB-Eyes; Mumbles is iffy; I think DoubleUp values his life.

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  24. Galaxian
    sixam  over 9 years ago

    The ladder crashing thru the window is reminiscent of the old air cars crashing thru windows. It’s a shame Diet Smith destroyed them all.

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  25. Missing large
    OzzieJohn  over 9 years ago

    I’m starting to REALLY like the artwork and panel layout on this strip

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  26. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 9 years ago

    I don’t think anyone expected this to happen! Woo hoo!.My first thought was that Tracy was using an old air car, until the ladder registered..BB-Eyes must have fired out of reflex, even he must know he’s going down faster than an elevator..Big city + big buildings = big ladders..Now, let’s see what our chronic complainers have to say…

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  27. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  over 9 years ago

    The reason Tracy is hatless is that he put his hat in the elevator so it would get shot. He realized it has been quite a while since he got to put a new bullet-ridden hat in the trophy case.

    With the comments section doing what it is, anyone want to make a guess who gets a bullet…gets a bullet?

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  28. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 9 years ago

    CRAASSH! BLAM! PingTracy comes in through the Tower window. Sam has his back. More two-panel goodness, as things come to a boil.

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  29. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Didn’t Dick Tracy used to have those flying trash can things? Why would he need a ladder? I’m betting it’s the flying whatever they were called.

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  30. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 9 years ago

    This all started with Gweedo’s post! It’s all his fault! LOL!

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  31. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 9 years ago

    Pequod77  said, 7 minutes ago

    Tracy comes in through the Tower window. Sam has his back

    .Seems more like Sam’s hiding behind Tracy! LOL!

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  32. Avatar
    William Neal McPheeters  over 9 years ago

    Doubleup has taken over the posting control panel!!!

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  33. Bribery s cat 2
    TracyFan 65  over 9 years ago

    Quote Dypak:“Didn’t Dick Tracy used to have those flying trash can things? Why would he need a ladder? I’m betting it’s the flying whatever they were called.”.Precisely what he did back in ‘66 during the raid on Bribery’s hideout. He used his air car to smash out the window.

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  34. Bucky1
    crobinson019  over 9 years ago

    That’s some heavy duty weaponry Sam and Tracy have…I don’t think 2 pistols can stop machine guns

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  35. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  over 9 years ago

    Hello and good morning Dick Tracy friends & family. Good old BB Eyes or I should say bad old BB Eyes just added another charge to his arrest. Just get a load of the fire power that Dick & Sam are packing; these gangsta’s are using pop guns and Doubleup doesn’t even use one. I see our cops have on body armor and no doubt as many have already mentioned they are using a fire truck aerial ladder type apparatus. Game over thugs! Neil W. is that word aerial right in context here? My auto spell checker does not like it. .Thanks friends; Gweedo, Neil Wick, Jim inCT, Starman1948 and JPusslerWhiz for the warm & nice well wisher comments yesterday.

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  36. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  over 9 years ago

    What’s up with all of this double postings business, or is it just my PS or something? .Back to good artwork again!

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  37. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 9 years ago

    A few of you took the words right out of my mouth today…looks more to me like updated version of the flying aircars than a firetruck ladder.

    Unrelated sad note…Yvonne Craig who portrayed Batgirl on the 1966 Batman show passed away on the 17th a the age of 78 as a result of breast cancer. Rest in Peace Yvonne, you were the reason I enjoyed that show so much when I was little

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  38. Photo on 2010 04 10 at 16.58
    lovelymajorhoople  over 9 years ago

    beautiful second panel ( but i dont understand the face on the broken glass)-and whats with all the double posts today???

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  39. Image
    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone.-—————-

    This is a GoComics problem. All our comments are being cloned.*-—————-Have a great day my friends.
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  40. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Doubleup is speechless. Speechless!

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  41. Missing large
    abdullahbaba999  over 9 years ago

    I Love an Action Splash Page…Good Old Dick!!!

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  42. Drstrangelove060pyxurz1
    EvilHenchman  over 9 years ago

    What will happen next? My guesses are…

    As others had said previously, Blaze tipped off the cops and fled.

    Meilies, Apollo, and Venus take out the Munroes and head for the roof to Bribery’s helicopter, encountering Honeymoon and Annie, and taking them hostage.

    They bust through Bribery’s penthouse, surprising Bribery and T-Bolt taking Diet to the helicopter.

    Then Meilies takes Diet as a hostage too, leaving Bribery and T-Bolt to fend for themselves against the cops.

    Meilies, Apollo, and Venus reach the roof encountering Mysta.

    They aim at Mysta, only to be disarmed by Mysta’s electric shock.

    Honeymoon shocks them too, knocking out Apollo and Venus. Annie knocks out Meilies with a punch to the gut.

    Tracy, Fritz Ann, and Sam enter the penthouse,guns raised. Bribery says to T-Bolt “What are you waiting for? Take them out!”

    T-Bolt responds, “I don’t think so.” Then she punches out Bribery.

    T-Bolt removes her sunglasses and wig. Smiling, Tracy says “Good seeing you again, Lee.”

     •  Reply
  43. Avatar
    22ph  over 9 years ago

    Now that Mr Bigg’s shock troops had been neutralized by Tracy who is going to protect him from Mellies, who might take advantage of the situation to implement the coup. T-Bolt against 3? I hope she is up to the task. The Munros might side with Mellies faction if they think he has the upper hand. There must be a secret passage in that building that the Mellies faction can use to elude the raiding team It is unthinkable that the headquarters of an illegal organization does not to have an “emergency exit”

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  44. Missing large
    seanyj  over 9 years ago

    I can’t wait to see How this plays out! Does anyone get captured or killed? Does Mr. Bribery use Diet, Honeymoon and Annie as Hostages? Will Moon Maid save the day?

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  45. Missing large
    seanyj  over 9 years ago

    B.B. Eyes is a terrible shot. How could he miss Tracy at point blank range? They may be outta ammo after shooting up an empty elevator.

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  46. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    @John RussellNeil W. is that word aerial right in context here? My auto spell checker does not like it.

    There is nothing wrong with “aerial” in this context. I guess it just proves that auto spell checkers can’t do everything.
     •  Reply
  47. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    @John RussellWhat’s up with all of this double postings business, or is it just my PS or something?

    The site is doing everything twice, as I explained in another comment. It’s best to delete one of the double posts as soon as you post it. I hope this will be fixed soon!
     •  Reply
  48. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    @SisyphosI think this may be the end for BB-Eyes; Mumbles is iffy; I think DoubleUp values his life.

    It seems to me that DoubleUp is the most likely to come out of this okay. The others, I’m not sure about, but BB-Eyes is arrogant and the most likely to put himself in harm’s way.
     •  Reply
  49. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    The doubled postings are fixed! Yay!

     •  Reply
  50. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    You have to reload/refresh the entire page and the message system will start working properly again.

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  51. Odd spots 002
    SYDNEY PHILLIPS  over 9 years ago

    Who Will SURVIVE ? And Who Will DIE ?

    Now, might be as a convenient a time as any, to do some “speculation” on the final outcome of this encounter, for the Rogues lined up in this confrontation ?

    Who will survive to ‘possibly’ return another day (?) And who will perish, never to return (?)

    Here - a List of the main Rogue characters :

    Mr. Bribery …T – Bolt …Venus …Apollo …Méliés … -———————B=B Eyes …Mumbles …Doubleup …Blaze Rize …-———————-The 3 Munro Brothers …

    Didn’t miss anyone did I ? Although Axelrod IS out there (he might’ve been Bribery’s ‘informer / deliverer (?) I guess he’s ‘small fry’ in the tale, but nevertheless on the loose ?

    If we take a Que from the 2012 Mr. Crime story “shoot out” - we might ‘assume’, that while many will be shot, it’ll be the ‘less interesting’ characters that ‘move Out (e.g..in 2012 Panda, Teevo and Davy Mylar’)And save for Blaze, all the other rogues back then, were shot, yet all survived !

    Bribery is too new on the scene for a one show, He’ll be saved for the next writer, T- Bolt will likely prove to be police office in undercover disguise and therefore not an original My guess if Venius will survive for another day as will Méliés but Apollo heads up for ‘extinction’ he’s added no substance to the story and will be remembered for little. The Munro brothers are expendable, (for future story we Can move on to the NEXT letter in the alphabet “N”, (and since Night Shade “identity” has been abandoned), it might still serve a useful purpose (The Night Shade Bros.) ?

    More seriously though, it might be time for ‘B-B Eyes’, to move on, *off - the activity map, or at least, be really jailed. Perhaps, there’s something ‘up ahead’ for Mumbles (?) but recently he’s been written ‘into the ground’ !Over used too, and made to look like the ‘village idiot’ !

    Most of this Crew has been with us from 2011 / 2012 . . .Really time, for some “Fresh Faces” up ahead !

    Doubleup is our New Team’s “best creation”, and should be saved for the future. But he needs some serious ‘rest’ time. As noted, he’s been around ‘every year’ from 2011Blaze is a worthwhile and ‘interesting’ character, also worth retaining, and I take it, will ‘play a part’ in a ‘future’ Notta Chin Chillar and Purdy Faller tale. The latter two, remain one of the main links to future Space Coupe / Moon Gold- stories and a ‘meaningful’ participation route for Mindy MM and the now “flowering” Honeymoon. All ,Areas that Mike and Joe ‘know’, will quite likely continue bringing the DT strip, and the readers here - to ‘LIFE’ !

     •  Reply
  52. Image
    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    A pleasant afternoon my friends.-—————Comments were being cloned yesterday and today and the search window disappears and reappears. Maybe GoComics has hiccups or summat.-—————Gweedo ’the Mischief Maker: Keep low or Vista Bill may drive a spike through your heart. We would hate to lose you.-—————John Russell: Glad you are improving. Be well my friend.-—————Have an abundant day everyone.

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  53. Offmymedstoday
    Mostly Water Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Well, at least Tracy won’t get his fedora shot up this time.

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  54. Missing large
    Jim Kerner  over 9 years ago

    That entrance was great.

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  55. Image
    Starman1948  over 9 years ago

    Gweedo, you make good points.-—————Have a peaceful night my friends.

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  56. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    @Night-Gaunt49Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

    Here is the the Google cache text for the latest entries on the official website of Yvonne Craig, so you can read the whole entry from here family and the official obit.
     •  Reply
  57. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    That stuff is exceeded too !!!

    What!? Google has tons of bandwidth. Go to that page and scroll down and read it. Don’t click on any links through, because they take you back to the “bandwidth exceeded” website. Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be any pictures in the Google cache of the page, but the text is the main thing.
     •  Reply
  58. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    The Tracy team is armed better and they have the drop on them.

    Yeah, the BB-Eyes faction really doesn’t have a chance, even against Tracy and Sam, never mind all the others.
     •  Reply
  59. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Yeah, it kind of demands pictures. Here are a few:

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  60. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 9 years ago

    Actually, wee shouldn’t forget her role from Star Trek.

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  61. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 9 years ago

    BB-Eyes moaned, more out of disgust then out of painThere was so much potential, so very much to gainYet all of it is wasted, like pasta overcookedSending an empty elevator up, was the oldest trick in the bookFeeling woozy and losing blood I’m trying to stay awakeMumbles proved useless again at least Doubleup wasn’t a fakeThey say help is on the way but I’d rather stay right hereEven if they save me prison’s something I couldn’t bearMy only regret is never knowing who betrayed our trustI’ll never have the pleasurable joy of turning them to dustIf only I could gather strength I’d shoot Tracy in the eyeLet me try to raise my gun come on you can do it…OH MY!

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  62. Missing large
    boboscar  12 months ago

    “What’d he say?”

    Mumblespeak Translator: He said, “Where’s the cops?”

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