Three more rent checks and my odometer rolls over to 80.But it’s no sign yer gittin’ old when yer hair turns gray~It’s no sign yer gittin’ old when yer teeth decay~But buddy, it’s time for a turn of sleep~When yer mind makes a date yer BODY can’t keep !
From Little Feat: You know that you’re over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill. Old folks boogy and boogy they will…cuz to us the thoughts as good as the thrill.
It’s interesting….in the old movies I love, people my age are stooped, have white hair in buns, use canes, creak when they speak, retire gently to rockers on the porch, and doze by the fireside in the evenings. They don’t run around in jeans (admittedly in running shoes with good arch support), run errands for friends, volunteer at building events, etc., etc. We’ve come a long way, baby???
The awful part is, whippersnappers look at us and think we’re 20 years older than we really are. They are willing to push us off the planet at the first gray hair. No clue that one day, they will be us.
You are a mere child!!! My eldest child is 54. And I remember my 11th B-day,,a friend gave me a hard cover book…named “Black Beauty” and I still have it, minus the dust jacket, tho..hehe
Sean David over 9 years ago
Yep, a danged space-time anomaly is what’s done made me get so old, so very fast. No other explanation.
unclebob53703 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Methinks he’s on to something. Or on something. Whichever.
DDrazen over 9 years ago
My memories of the intervening years isn’t perfect, but I have the memories and gray hairs as evidence.
timzsixty9 over 9 years ago
Funny, how the mind THINKS we’re still young…it’s the BODY that gives it up, first…in a not-so-funny way.
snootbag over 9 years ago
Cue the Twilight Zone music!!
Olddog1 over 9 years ago
timzsixty9, I know what you mean. I keep forgetting I’m not as young as I remember being a not too long ago.
unca jim over 9 years ago
Three more rent checks and my odometer rolls over to 80.But it’s no sign yer gittin’ old when yer hair turns gray~It’s no sign yer gittin’ old when yer teeth decay~But buddy, it’s time for a turn of sleep~When yer mind makes a date yer BODY can’t keep !
ralphyork666 over 9 years ago
Yup, he goes through a flaw in the space-time continuum as a young man and ends up next to Janis with her ample bosom. How nice is that.
Retired Dude over 9 years ago
53? Why you young whippersnapper . . .
Egrayjames over 9 years ago
From Little Feat: You know that you’re over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill. Old folks boogy and boogy they will…cuz to us the thoughts as good as the thrill.
Doctor_McCoy over 9 years ago
Nice smile.
CanuckAmuck over 9 years ago
I’m reminded of the saying: “Inside every old man is a young man wondering what happened.”
Dani Rice over 9 years ago
Our eldest daughter will turn 53 tomorrow. How do you think that makes hubby and me feel? I did NOT give her permission to do that.
riverhawk over 9 years ago
Who let that kid in……listen and learn ,there are some smart people here ,including you.
FosterGrant over 9 years ago
Admit it, it’s a fun ride.
becida over 9 years ago
That is as good an explanation as any!
ChessPirate over 9 years ago
The thing is, I still feel like I’m running inside that thing… and it’s speeding up!
rroush Premium Member over 9 years ago
I went to my high school class’ 50 year reunion last night. So many old people there.
Leeroy over 9 years ago
Same thing. Turned 52 a couple of months ago and to think that I entered Junior High School…. GASP……40 years ago???? No, it can’t be that long ago.
ARLOS DAD over 9 years ago
Better than the alternative as they say….
EarlP2 over 9 years ago
I turn 53 a few months ago also — turns out it was actually 262 months — and 13 still seems not that long ago.
winniepaints over 9 years ago
Indeed!!! Believe it or not….(95) and remember being 11!
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
It’s interesting….in the old movies I love, people my age are stooped, have white hair in buns, use canes, creak when they speak, retire gently to rockers on the porch, and doze by the fireside in the evenings. They don’t run around in jeans (admittedly in running shoes with good arch support), run errands for friends, volunteer at building events, etc., etc. We’ve come a long way, baby???
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Works for me. People ask me all the time how long I’ve been in my profession. It’s hard to wrap my head around 31 years.
Saddenedby Premium Member over 9 years ago
was in some pictures this last week – only thing i could think of when i saw them was “who is that old guy?”
moosemin over 9 years ago
“There may be snow on the roof, but there’s still fire in the furnace!”
LuvThemPluggers over 9 years ago
The awful part is, whippersnappers look at us and think we’re 20 years older than we really are. They are willing to push us off the planet at the first gray hair. No clue that one day, they will be us.
whisplicka Premium Member over 9 years ago
You are a mere child!!! My eldest child is 54. And I remember my 11th B-day,,a friend gave me a hard cover book…named “Black Beauty” and I still have it, minus the dust jacket, tho..hehe
ralphyork666 over 9 years ago
Good answer.
mcapone over 9 years ago
A facebook picture… “Am I the only one who, when he hears the phrase ‘10 years ago’, thinks of the 1990s instead fo 2005?”
amethyst52 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Don’t be obtuse. Neither one of them are talking about making love.