Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for January 31, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 9 years ago

    Did Pig buy that whale oil online?

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  2. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 9 years ago

    I can remember when a chat room was an actual room in which people chatted; it was officially called a living room.:Nowadays, there’s not so much living going on.

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    Phatts  about 9 years ago

    hey! I been lookin for whale oil!

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  4. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    Surely Pig must know it’s illegal to hunt whale (for their oil, for their blubber, etc.) nowadays.

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  5. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Good “old guy” dig from Pig.

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  6. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago

    When I was a junior in HS, the school got a single computer, and it was a BIG DEAL. I and my classmates in AP math were the only students permitted to use it. Programs were created on punch cards, and recorded on paper tape. One of my classmates became an IBM Distinguished Engineer, the highest award IBM gives to its best programmers. Others also became highly accomplished programmers. They really caught the early wave and rode it all the way to shore.

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  7. Treefrog
    skyriderwest  about 9 years ago

    I used to run a Computer BBS. Bulletin Board System. Very few people know that that even is anymore.

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  8. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 9 years ago


    1) Where did Pig get that whale oil so readily and2) How is it that he even knows about whale oil lamps?….oh, yeah…..he Googled it.

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  9. Avatar
    Kristiaan  about 9 years ago

    Technology goes way too slow. Planes are still as slow as in the 1970s. There are still trains that are not high-speed. Mobile phones existed in the 1980s. Cars are still not fully autonomous. There’s still no holograms or teleporting.In fact the only interesting thing created in my lifetime was the internet, and that is now ruined by censorship, advertising and social media.

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  10. Missing large
    synp  about 9 years ago

    I’m slightly younger than Stephen, but we had the Internet in college. There was no Skype but there was IRC. And there was p0rn that you could download using FTP to either Washington university or some university in Finland. I guess law students really didn’t have the Internet.

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  11. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 9 years ago

    Oh,my! I look upon Cartoon-Boy as a mere youth from my perspective. No, Pig, I did not hunt dinosaurs (although I sometimes feel as though I did)….

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  12. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 9 years ago

    It’s true. It was virtually impossible to binge-watch a full season of anything on a slide rule.

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  13. 1017207 10200214106421862 492754112 n
    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I’m guessing, Pig, and Rat, are between the ages of 20-25

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  14. 1017207 10200214106421862 492754112 n
    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    hey, internet didn’t exist for the first five years of my life!

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  15. Black lion
    PICTO  about 9 years ago

    Do you shave a whale before you oil it or after…it’s all so confusing…

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  16. 33 2
    mwest  about 9 years ago

    What? No coal-fired black-and-white internet with aluminum foil on the rabbit ears by candlelight? Uphill, both ways?

    Kids these days…

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  17. Andy
    Sandfan  about 9 years ago

    Computers have given us many great and wondrous things, but social media is not one of them.And yes, I get the irony of posting that comment on this forum.

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  18. Missing large
    juicebruce  about 9 years ago

    The times they are a changing…………But when the crash comes as it must………….it will be just that much harder :-(

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  19. Missing large
    Egrayjames  about 9 years ago

    Three channel black and white TV,rotary phone attached to the wall on a party line, and a seven transistor GE portable AM radio……that’s me back in the day. Ain’t technology wonderful!!!

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  20. Missing large
    AndyCanfield  about 9 years ago

    The Internet (domain names) was invented by DARPA in the 1960’s The World Wid Web was invented by CERN in 1993.

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    PUNishment  about 9 years ago

    I started hearing John Lennon 6 panels in.Imagine there’s no Skype…No internet to run on…

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  22. Dontpanic 100px img3779
    inshadowz  about 9 years ago

    As a tech-supporter, when I first got on the ’net, most of my colleagues were still in diapers, if born at all.

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  23. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  about 9 years ago

    ♫♪He’s an old hippie and he don’t know what to doShould he hold on to the oldOr grab on to the new.He’s an old hippieThis new life is just a bust.He ain’t trying to change nobodyHe’s just trying real hard to adjust.

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  24. 3083024 0826053922 daveb
    Kaputnik  about 9 years ago

    In my high school physics class, we got a special deal on circular slide rules to use in school. I still have mine somewhere. I brought it to work once to show to some of the younger guys who had never seen one. They reacted about like those other people in the diner.

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  25. Missing large
    Joken'  about 9 years ago

    My cell phone is so old it has a rotary dial!

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  26. Time to sit back and watch the show
    cgrantt57 Premium Member about 9 years ago


    Please define “rotary” and “dial.”

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  27. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    All they are is a tool and all that they do is what you want them to do. I’ve been using them since 1974. I have a tool box of good hand tools i started buying about the same time. I finally have a computer that I put in the same class. It’s durable, very useful at times and may last a few years. A lot of younger people bring this thought to my mind: Is that device your servant or your master?

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  28. Sunshine
    IEFBR14  about 9 years ago

    This is the same way I used to talk to my parents about television. How did you exist without television?? What on earth did you do??!!

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  29. Fredcrit enlarged
    Fredcritter  about 9 years ago

    “And you kids who complain that the World Wide WebIs too slow oughtta cut out your bitchin’,’Cuz when I was a boy every packetWas delivered by carrier pigeon”

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  30. Biflag
    Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe  about 9 years ago

    I still have a Pickett circular rule, completely forgot how to use it.

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  31. Images
    ksu71  about 9 years ago

    It’s one “downmanship” here today huh? OK, I still USE my sliderule.

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  32. Picture 7 banjogordy crp 100
    Banjo Gordy Premium Member about 9 years ago

    When at R.I.S.D. in 1955, we lived in our own apartments, only freshman women lived in a dorm. I didn’t bother my room mate practicing tenor & 5-string banjo. He was a banjo player as well. As a professional in graphic arts, photography,& printing my world changed when computers took over the process of preparing original artwork for reproduction. Worse, everything was expected in moments, not weeks to do it by hand. Analog is better for mind body & spirit.

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  33. Pig
    A_NY_Outlaw  about 9 years ago

    jeeesh, don’t mention that VCR’s were still the rage. We had the first Nintendo.

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  34. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  about 9 years ago

    Hey! But we did invent dirt. Actually, “we” invented a lot of those things the millennials have now.

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  35. Art1c 2
    dre7861  about 9 years ago

    I better type this quick before my last supply of whale oil runs o

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  36. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 9 years ago

    You young whipper-snappers have it easy today.What with all your graphing calculators, smart phones, and googley-oogley internet.Why in my day the only things on demand where the bills you had to pay. And if we wanted to calculate something we’d stick our fingers through holes in a piece of cardboard, and for really hard problems we’d take off our shoes and socks.

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    Lamberger  about 9 years ago

    We had internet and email on DARPANET in the 70’s|80’s, but the company|school outgoing email went out and the incoming replies from yesterday came in overnight. Email conversations were SLOW.

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  38. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  about 9 years ago

    We called people calculators. Many of us carried slide-rules, just like our elders who built atom bombs, SR-71s, moon rockets and landers, the transistor, polio vaccine….

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  39. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member about 9 years ago

    It is just progress. The Pony Express lasted only nineteen months before it was put out of business by newer technology..After spending the last 5 days trying to get the post office to locate and deliver a package they were supposed to have, transporter technology would certainly be appreciated.

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  40. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 9 years ago

    I agree with Stephen, I’ve lived for 21 years and I’ve seen basic mobile phones turn into flip phones. Flip phones turn into slider phones.I could be all day with this so I’ll stop. You all get the

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  41. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  about 9 years ago

    Look, my first computer was a TRS-80 (aka TRaSh-80). It used a tape drive. You know that you activated the program in the morning before you left for work/school, and when you came back that evening, you know it … would finish loading any minute now…

    386 k, too… :-)

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    romart1  about 9 years ago

    I brought my slide rule to engineering college in 1973. A few months later I bought a calculator that could perform 4 functions and fit in a holster on my belt. The slide rule still works; you can’t get batteries for the calculator any more.

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  43. Missing large
    sleeperg  about 9 years ago

    cat-in-the hat, you should have waited until 1974 to buy the Texas Instuments SR-50. The first engineering calculator I could afford. And yes, I still have my slide rules, though I forget what the specific scales are for.

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  44. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    Or as some kid said, “When he was a child, Abraham Lincoln was so poor he had to watch tv by firelight.”

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  45. Hellcat
    knight1192a  about 9 years ago

    Laptops didn’t exist when he got his BA in Political Science in ’89? Not likely. The first flip top style laptops came out in the early ’80s. Would have been better to say “uncommon to own a lap top when I was in college unless you were rich.”

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  46. Dancing
    davids.comments  about 9 years ago

    TV is even crappier today than it was back then.

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  47. Lucy2
    IQTech61  about 9 years ago

    Stop looking down your noses at all of us who grew up before laptops, the Internet and Skype. Some of us were the ones who built the Internet, created the laptops and wrote Skype.

    You’re welcome.

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  48. Img 0356
    kd1sq Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I’m older than dirt. And I’ve been in IT since line printers chipped the letters out on little slates.

    A kid I worked with not too long ago was busting my chops about how in my time we had no internet, no cell phones, no tablets or real laptops.

    I just squinted at the little SOB and said “Yeah, we didn’t have any of that – that’s why we invented them – not your generation – MINE!”

    Damn kids think they invented computers…

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    Get fuzzy 4527  about 9 years ago

    Landline phones hardwired, not cordless make easy two way talk a pleasure when conversing with an equal phone set-up; not so much when the other party is on a cellular system.

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  50. Untitled
    angelfiredragon  about 9 years ago

    Not fast enough, my area top internet speed is around 1mps

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    nopainogain  about 9 years ago

    and we sometimes had to walk over to the tv through thick shag carpet which created both enormous drag and electrical current equal to as police taser so we could change the tv channel~!

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  52. Deviant2 040
    YetAnotherReader  about 9 years ago
    In another generation those that had computers big enough to put in their pockets will be fossils that burned LED oil.
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  53. Giphy
    ekken  almost 5 years ago

    oooooh pig roasted him with stephs on oil

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  54. Fef7746f 6d27 4be5 b7aa c106b3d16782
    LOAFY  about 4 years ago

    It really is unbelievable how quickly technology has advanced in the past 30 years.

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  55. Download
    The One follower   over 3 years ago

    Wow, that’s a lot of pins!

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    alantain  over 1 year ago

    Hey! I was in the same boat! Back then, windows were clear things you looked through and you opened them when you got too hot.

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