Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 07, 2016
bernice: is there an exact moment when you know you're in love? when did you say the l-word to quill? luann: uh... i haven't? bernice: really? why? are you waiting for him to say it first? would you say it back? or, if you said it first, would he say it back? bernice: or not! luann: is this why people need years of counseling?
Flash Gordon about 9 years ago
Yes, that is why people need years of counseling as well as consoling. ♪As for Piro the apparently homeless guy, there was an article on NPR’s All Things Considered for Wed 6 Jan 2016 about the younger homeless. Go to NPR, then click on All Things considered (for Jan 6, 2016), then click on article number 18 which is: Temporary Housing For Young People, By Young People.
Ida No about 9 years ago
New poll up: Who should apologize first?
Most serious problem1) 46 votes – They’re both drama queens2) 31 votes – Luann’s situation is more serious3) 10 votes – Other3) 6 votes – Bernice’s situation is more seriousOther: Puddles has to put up with them; Neither one understands their own situation; Lu’s prob is social; Bern’s is professional accountability; get over it. you have 50 or more years to deal with all everything that happens; I’m guessing Pru is going to turn out to be gay!; They both have genuine problems and it’s too bad that most posters are so biased
Kymberleigh about 9 years ago
Maybe Bernice will do all right as a psychologist or counselor or whatever after all …
Argythree about 9 years ago
Luann will need counseling to get over Bernice’s questioning session…
Templo S.U.D. about 9 years ago
Why are Luann and Bernice even friends if they’re bickering at one another about the former’s love life?
krys723 about 9 years ago
Its best to let bygones be bygones…
luann1212 about 9 years ago
Told you all so. They are friends and they will eventually talk things out as friends. Bernice is a wonderful friend, very smart, sarcastic true, and still trying to come to terms with her becoming a young woman, and love, and rules, and all kinds of things that go with becoming an adult, and so is Luann. Luann is more the loving, silly, but warm, friendly, and charming insecure young woman who is trying to understand love, and you know the kinds of things that we all go through in our late teens or early to middle 20s. Nothing unusual there. How they resolve it I don’t know, but I knew eventually they would talk to each other about the issue here.
SF1972 about 9 years ago
Implausible, my thoughts exactly!
Airman about 9 years ago
Save your money on therapists, some folks just find the word too uncomfortable and always will. Maybe that’s why Hallmark and flower shops do so well.
Airman about 9 years ago
Note: 3rd panel….Luann looks just like that weird guy in her art class.
King_Shark about 9 years ago
Today’s only Thursday. Enjoy two more days of this, Trufans! Muhahahahahahahahaha!
dadoctah about 9 years ago
Mark your calendars. This is the day we stopped talking about Piro spending the night. (Too bad, too. We could use someone who’s into silent movies.)
Mordock999 Premium Member about 9 years ago
That’s because the Two of You aren’t in “Love,” Lu. NEVER have Been. YOU ONLY Went after Q-Ball here, because You Considered Him Eye Candy and wanted to Vex Tiffany for all the times She VEXED You.And Pretty Boy was just being “Nice to You” Because He felt Sorry for You. But now that He’s found someone He REALLY Likes, He can’t figure out a way to Divest Himself of YOU Without Hurting YOUR Itty-Bitty “Feelings.”So THERE!
Saaaaaay! Maybe I should be a “Counsel Person.”
Alan Smithee about 9 years ago
Oh goody. They’ve each finally noticed there’s someone else in the room.
JayBluE about 9 years ago
‘Inside Information"“The Heart At The Heart Of The Matter”“If You Have To Ask, You Can’t Avoid It"“All Aboard The Loco Motive”“Digging For Diamonds”“Deep….Thoughts….”“Sooner Or Later”“Something To Think About”“Fears For Years” (♪)“I’m Not In Love… " (♪)“I Wanna Know What Like Is” (♫)or“A Whole Lotta Like…” (♪)
Caldonia about 9 years ago
What, Greg and Karen think it’s indecent to tell someone you love them unless you’re at least engaged? Gasp—the “L” word might lead to….heavy petting! (I’d have said “making out” but old people don’t know what that means.) Yet another lesson on how young people don’t behave today.
maverick1usa about 9 years ago
It is what it is! Have a good day.
æ² about 9 years ago
Good…it looks like maybe they will finally set each other straight.
Luanaphile about 9 years ago
Bernice is engaged in non-directive therapy.
notbornyesterday about 9 years ago
Luann should’a gone to New York with Quill and told him she loved him then; right now it might be too little, too late, not to mention forced and contrived.
Quill claims Pru is just a friend? well, if nothing more has happened between him and Luann up to this point, and it appears nothing will, I guess Luann is just a friend too.
Quill and Pru? There’s a relationship on the upswing
Luann and Quill? there’s a relationship on a downward spiral
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 9 years ago
Yes. Yes, it is.
JimT8 about 9 years ago
The boomerang necklace, offered and accepted, was a token of love.
JimT8 about 9 years ago
Good grief! The price has nothing to do with it! It was the gesture that counts!
JimT8 about 9 years ago
“Australia? Say New York.”.Both. First Australia, then New York.
JimT8 about 9 years ago
And what meaning would a kangaroo have?
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Congratulations, Bernice! Wittingly or not, you have made Luann realize the deficiency in her relationship with Quill, such as it was (is?).What is this thing called Love?!
æ² about 9 years ago
“So buying gifts equals love?”Of course not. Duh. The boomerang is a token of love. Red roses are a token of love. Wearing a ring is a token of love. Of course the act of buying any of those things in itself does not equal love. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.But I get it; you’re just trying to stir things up here again as the resident contrarian. Well, have fun. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
æ² about 9 years ago
And that will be the last time that I “bite” at your comments. Gonna just skip over them from now on; they’re usually a buzzkill to say the least.
The Old Wolf about 9 years ago
This is why real-live counsellors need years of training, not just an “A” in psych 101. Bernice is annoying.
Outsideplaying about 9 years ago
So very true. I think both have had plenty of opportunities to say it. That being said, I can’t remember ever saying it to one of my early boyfriends either in HS or college. It was quite a while before I could actually say those words. So maybe it’s not so unusual to be reluctant to say it these days either.
chain gang charlie about 9 years ago
Hormones ,Glands…An Old saying "Glands may come and Gland my go,but the same old “Funny Business” goes on forever!or did they find you in a Cabbage Patch?
Kymberleigh about 9 years ago
He could have given her a kangaroo.-Gee, thanks. Now I have to clean my computer display to get rid of the coffee I just spit-taked from that line.
(Wiki it if you don’t know the term. Danny Thomas used it in practically every episode of “Make Room For Daddy”.)
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 9 years ago
6I like the “seriousness” of Bernice today. It is funny…. especially for the “naive” way both of them are behaving!!!!!Even though a lot of folks can definetely be ready for romantic love… even marriage and even starting a family at the age Bernice and Luann are…. I would like to strongly suggest that NEITHER Luann nor Bernice are in that truly ready catageory. Neither Luann nor Bernice is ready for romantic love. Both are too immature in their thinking and actions in regards to relationships. That said, I do know a helluva lot of naive, immature young folks who mistakenly think they are ready for romantic love… will dive right on in… come hell or high water. But these naive, immature folks often then have rather poor outcomes in those relationships, marriages, etc. Again, do not get me wrong… some young adults ARE mature enough for relationships, marriage, and a family. But, not Luann nor Bernice.
doverdan about 9 years ago
Piro and his scarves have some history vis a vis Tiff.
doverdan about 9 years ago
I also notice that none of the recent racial discussion here mentioned that Piro is always shown a shade darker. .We have no idea of his background or even his full name.
edge2edge about 9 years ago
Counselors never have answers just questions. It’s all about the “process”.
JimT8 about 9 years ago
“different saying you love someone and meaning it, rather then giving them a 5 dollar necklace to wear and calling them yank.”.This is really wrongheaded. The boomerang was NOT a "5 dollar necklace, as two of us have pointed out. It meant he would always come back to her. Why else would he have selected that as a token. Some “things” DO HAVE MEANING.
Kymberleigh about 9 years ago
… glass protector shield that stands in front of the monitor …-Thanks, but the way my monitor is mounted at my desk would prevent that from being of any help.
I’ll just need to remember not to drink coffee while reading the comments, I guess.
Alpha-Omega about 9 years ago
Luann should apologize to Quill. Just saying.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 9 years ago
“Big Job Cotton Swabs give your ears sex appeal no matter where you use them!I love you.What?I said, I love you!What?Here, use this. No, here.What?Allow me.Ohh-h-h-hhh!Now. I Love You!And I love you too, obiejoobienoogieneu!(unintelligible mutterings)Yes, Big Job Cotton Swabs give your ears sex appeal no matter where you use them!”- “Radio Phil” by The Congress of Wonders (1970)
Chuck374 about 9 years ago
No need to say the L-word. They kiss about 3 time a year and they set limits on body contact when they are both in the mood. Pittsville must be the most frustrating place on earth.
ACTIVIST1234 about 9 years ago
Isn’t Bernice a novice to romantic relationships? So how did she hone in so quickly on the “If I take the initiative, how will he respond?” issue. That’s not covered until Relationships 2.0. Premium Member about 9 years ago
Argythree about 9 years ago
A possible change in direction, which is kind of a relief…
Airman about 9 years ago
Beware Harry Potter, a Dementor is on its way.