Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 06, 2016
Ugh! Bernice: What's wrong? Luann: I found this list of New Year's resolutions I made when I was 12. And here's the list I made nine weeks ago. Bernice: "Exercise more. Eat better. Be less selfish. Get organized. Choose a life goal...." Oh, they're identical. Luann: I've been failing at the same resolutions for six years!! Bernice: Wait-here's one you did: "be consistent"
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Argythree almost 9 years ago
-The reality is, many of us make the same resolutions, year after year. And many of us fail to stick with them. That’s why, since I’m now in my mid 60s, I quit making resolutions…
gromit82 almost 9 years ago
I guess this strip implies that Luann is still supposed to be 18. She turned 18 in September 2014, but perhaps we’re back on comic strip time, so that she doesn’t age one year every year.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
Your goals were good.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
Besides, when perfect, why Change?
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
For being a RA, Bernice sure does spend a lot of her free time off campus at Luann’s house.
Sunday is her day off :p
WaywardWind almost 9 years ago
My experience is that change is seldom good. New Year’s Resolutions are therefore a waste of time. Stick with what’s been good so far.
blunebottle almost 9 years ago
I don’t recall ever playing that game…..
Argythree almost 9 years ago
-Surely you jest. (Yeah, I know, ’don’t call me Shirley’…)
Argythree almost 9 years ago
King_Shark almost 9 years ago
I suppose she was just sitting with those two lists in her hands – with no other papers or books anywhere – just waiting for the opportunity to suddenly start talking about them?.I have a feeling the original illustrations were meant to go with different dialogue and this was a last moment substitution.
Deezlebird almost 9 years ago
The only resolution I made this year was to eat chocolate every day. So far I’m in total compliance.
Aqsnt almost 9 years ago
That’s explains why I keep finding hockey stick turds on my front lawn.
Flash Gordon almost 9 years ago
I never made any resolutions in my 70 years on this planet.
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“Goin’ Through The Motions”“That’s All She Rote”“The Same Ol’, Same Ol’ "“A Stale Of Execution”“Her Six Year Mission…”“Terms Of En-nearly The Same”“Your Results May Not Vary”“Before And…Before”“Promises, Promises, Promises…” (♪)“Still The Same” (♫)
or“An Air Of Conditioning”
æ² almost 9 years ago
Instead of making annual vows that will go unheededRather, try to make changes whenever change is needed.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Hey, Lu? Was “Cleaning up My Room,” one of the Vows? Because it looks like THAT One may have finally STUCK.
Unless You all are currently in Bernice’s room…..,
wiselad almost 9 years ago
eventually they would be forced to make her 19, as Bern is the dorm regulator and they usually have to be at least sophs , not freshmen
Csummers almost 9 years ago
Lots of milt
Caldonia almost 9 years ago
Bernice has been failing at improving, too. She just doesn’t have Luann’s self awareness.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
I don’t make resolutions on the New Year either. I just try to live each day remembering its a gift that keeps being given until its my time to no longer be given the life gift. I try to do the best I can each gift day I can, and that is it’s own resolution. Our girl is basically doing the same thing, which gets to what she really is, and wants to continue to be.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
That was Luann’s room. We never see them do the girlfriend thing in Bernice’s room, even in college. My theory is that Greg, who clearly has at least one daughter, is like so many parents of daughters, knows about the daughter’s room thing. They need the privacy, particularly with a treasured girlfriend, and this is what the Luann/Bernice arc so brilliantly portrays. These are lifelong friends so I think this arc is well drawn. They are growing. Know how you can sure? Puddles. Puddles is happily where he is comfortable in, the room of his master (mistress, but I don’t want the misogynists here to get the wrong idea -:)
linsonl almost 9 years ago
I always resolve to drink more, work less, eat more, sleep more, and do what I please. Resolutions I can keep.
locake almost 9 years ago
Goals have to be specific to work. Walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Luann’s are too vague.
Airman almost 9 years ago
That list will morph into a bucket list……with the same results.
doverdan almost 9 years ago
Both were okay by me
CathyEdwards almost 9 years ago
@LDoverBrad’s actually been getting younger. He’s grown a lot of hair.
æ² almost 9 years ago
You just have to adopt this policy:
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
funny, my Dr. said I actually had to increase my beer consumption, to aid in kidney stone prevention ( something about the hops content apparently).
ACTIVIST1234 almost 9 years ago
Somewhat related: I love rummaging for info from old college textbooks only to happen across my “to-do” lists from college days— meeting with people, making plans I’d entirely forgotten about. How different my life is now, but that I still make lists. Lu should put that list back where she found it so she can rediscover it in another ten years.
Kymberleigh almost 9 years ago
I, personally, think the whole age-discrepancy thing has to do with a combination of counting only Sunday strips, eliminating weeks where Luann herself does not appear, and Dr. Sam Becket’s Project Quantum Leap.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 9 years ago
This is the most disappointing strip today. Yesterday it held promise that Luann was growing up and moving on. Now we are told she is still 18, and there they are in her room sitting on the floor like a couple of high school girls. Please Evans! Take them back into their sophomore year of college. This is ridiculous!
rekam Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Resolutions? We don’t need no stinking resolutions!
lindaf almost 9 years ago
Mine is always: “Get through the next year.” So far I’ve been successful more than 60 times.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
Call it “slow and steady Progress”: at least now you’re aware of the consistency….
Maizing almost 9 years ago
I have started making just one resolution each year for the last few years now. Sometimes I am able to keep it the entire year through, sometimes I mess up a few times, but I still keep trying.Mt resolution? To write the correct year whenever I have to write the date on anything.
Aibohphobia almost 9 years ago
Love that Evans, through shifts in characters, plot lines, and drawing styles, still uses running gags with which he began.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
“All I can do every day is count my blessings and try to be agreeable, helpful, and go ahead and treat myself to little things before the rapidly approaching sell-by date is here…”.“Sell By” is better than “Discard by”.By even trying to be pleasant, you have beat many who seem to try to be unpleasant.(a point in their favor is how well they succeed, though.)..Korean BBQ potato chips sound interesting.My daughter-in-law noticed some wasabi and ginger potato chips for sale and said, “Oh, I bet your father would love those.”.My son mentioned it and I agreed they sounded interesting and worthy of trying but wondered how she knew..“Daddy, you’re the only person either of us has ever seen who eats the two as a snack.”.“Hmmm, good point, Son.”.Life is good that has such experiences in it.
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
Somebody better call Jim!!! (X^D)
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“You Say You Want A Resolution…”♪♫^Ha ha! Or you could call it “Resolution # 99”!
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“The Path Of List Resistance”^Very good, Sir!!!
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
@沓“Instead of making annual vows that will go unheededRather, try to make changes whenever change is needed.”…Resolutions are great as far as ideas go.But in a few days out the window they blow.”.The muses are working overtime today.
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
@ LDover: “BRAD HAS NOT BEEN AGING. SO THIS WILL KEEP IT UNIFORM.”^I think still being employed by the municipal fire department would also keep it (him in) uniform……
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
BTW, Jay, since seeing Neverwhere i have hopes of seeing Paterson Joseph as a Doctor. He coukd bring some of the Tom Baker flair, i think. Definitely not a botox face manakin like Quill is! LOL!
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Oh, gosh! Now i know Quill’s perfect role: cyberman!
wiselad almost 9 years ago
if there is any jump of age(2 or 3 probably, whether gradually or suddenly) it would be after the Brad marriage
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
On a language blog Steve read that students who plagiarize sometimes use an online thesaurus to make a stolen document their “own”. At times their own vocabularies are deficient enough that the alterations are hilarious. An example was given in which the phrase “left behind” became “sinister buttock”. This was too good to not share. Couldn’t you just see such substitutions arising in the school settings the characters are in?
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
Yeah, and true, seeing as how many shows out there are titled with “Something- wood”…
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I try to make resolutions frequently, all year long, New Year and Lent included. It is a time of self reflection where I try to figure out how to try to be a better person. I usually fail (quitting pipe smoking for instance) but have had some successes as well (losing a lot of weight and exercising). Resolutions are to me helpful to try to identify where I would like or should be.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
Another opportunity for ‘miscommunication’ arises…
Argythree almost 9 years ago
-Noticing the wearing apparel, I am assuming that the topic of communication on her mind is still the same…
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
I have yet to hear anyone outside of England refer to it as a “cuppa”.