Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 26, 2016
So what're ya hopin' to gain by occupyin' a fed'ral facility? t' force the guv'ments hand! Fahse theah hand about what? Over reach of fed'rul authority in takin' what the almighty ordained as belongin' to us!! Ok... I'm lost heah.. It means he doesn't want to pay any taxes You make it sound a lot less noble when you summarize it... oh
Varnes almost 9 years ago
He’s a member of Ya’ll Queda
Pointspread almost 9 years ago
I think she has him figured out.
The Old Wolf almost 9 years ago
“Oh, and they don’t want to pay taxes. Ever.”
Defective almost 9 years ago
Not to start a holy war, but Jesus said ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.’ in reference to this exact thing. Money belongs to people, not God.
tripwire45 almost 9 years ago
While I think the actual people involved in the incident this comic strip is based on have overplayed their hand and need to give up, please don’t believe that the federal government would never, ever do anything wrong.
lovelandclay Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I get what the artist is trying to do, but his heavy liberal bias shines through and kills the joke for reasonable minded readers. This topic is just not funny. If you know the facts of the story you’ll see what I mean.
Aaberon almost 9 years ago
Ya’ll Queda, Vanilla ISIS: I’m SO impressed with quick wit and twisted humor.
gmorse76 almost 9 years ago
Oh, it’s noble; very noble. And moral.
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Virgil Vigilante wants a free home on the range – probably near Buffalo, Rome, or points west of Maine.As we’d say in Northern Arizona: That cowboy’s all hat and no horse !
Tom almost 9 years ago
It’s about paying outrageous levels of taxes so that politicians can use that money to buy themselves votes. Wiley is a typical liberal who has to hyperbolize everything.
puddlesplatt almost 9 years ago
minds me of the poor land our guv-ment, gave to our breathen Indians
Joken' almost 9 years ago
GO HOME DON QUXIOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rcerinys701 almost 9 years ago
If I remember the article correctly they want to let in loggers and more cattle than the land can support. The park already has leased land for grazing. I think there is also some miners that want in on this debacle.
Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Love the word “cowaliphate”, especially when spell check puts a red line under the spelling! Funny!
vwdualnomand almost 9 years ago
are these the same jamokes who complain about gov’t, but are on gov’t assistance and aid? who has postal service deliver and receive packages and letters? who receive social security, farm subsidies, and 93% discount on grazing fees? who haven’t paid any of their back taxes or back fees for decades? and, yet they deride the poor and minorities who are on gov’t assistance. and, no mention of corporations who are on gov’t assistance.
Dr_Zinj almost 9 years ago
By the way, I’m not too happy about paying taxes either. Especially since I just did my preliminary figures and it’s saying I owe another $2600 for the year.
euthuno almost 9 years ago
Oregon is about the arrest of ranchers starting a back fire to protect their property from a huge blaze and charging them with terrorism.
strictures almost 9 years ago
They just don’t want to pay the incredibly cheap grazing fee of $1.69 per animal per month or a grand total of $20.28 per year for each cow if they graze on open range all year & few do.So 100 cattle would be maybe $1000 – $1500 a year. That far cheaper than buying hay or alfalfa!
dabugger almost 9 years ago
Gimme, gimme, taking and showing off their arrogance revealing their lack of principles. Their only solution is one of occupying and stealing
nosirrom almost 9 years ago
They’re just business men who are trying to MEAT a market demand for FREE RANGE BEEF.
JanLC almost 9 years ago
And you see how well it is working in Oregon.
Red Ruffensor almost 9 years ago
If you don’t wish to pay taxes, feel free to exit civilization.
euthuno almost 9 years ago
You all need to know what Oregon is really about.Here their U.S. Congressional Representative lays out the history of the ranchers versus the Bureau of Land Management.
euthuno almost 9 years ago
And Wiley Miller is complicit with the media non-coverage in trying to skew the news to the liberal perspective – which starts with old white guys being angry, racist, homophobes who have no idea the wonder gov’t can do for you via Socialism.
whiteaj almost 9 years ago
That land belongs to the STATE, not the Feds.
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
1. These idiots at Malheure are NOT Oregonians, they’re invaders from Nevada, Arizona and other parts.
2. They want all subsidies, but not taxes; BLM grazing $1.35 per AUM, if on private land $10-20 per AUM for equal development and forage. (In New Mexico as one guys example, the forage is so bad because of overgrazing for decades, he can only get 66 cows on 33,000 acres!)
3. After more than three decades working for NPS and BLM, I’ve dealt with good publics, and quite a few jerks like the Bundys and Hammonds, and don’t forget the miners who get BILLIONS of dollars worth of minerals for a couple hundred dollars, or oil and gas folks who get their product for less than 10% of fair market value as well. Federal land resources, thanks to Congresses over the two centuries, ARE the pot (literally) of gold at the end of the rainbow for the folks with the most lobbyists!
4. The public domain has NEVER belonged to anyone but the taxpayers, the “government”. (Nevada REFUSED to accept over 90% of the land they were offered on entering the union!!) Other public lands are to be managed for the benefit of all citizen taxpayers, that’s what the Constitution actually says. The morons (actually pretty smart thieves) carry the Constitution in their breast pockets, but have NEVER READ IT!
5. Hmm, Ammon Bundy by the way runs a truck maintenance business, with federal small business loans, and isn’t even entitled to wear that big “cabouy” hat. He’s Captain Eddy with a pistol and a pickup. His dad is more Clyde Barrow than Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns.
Sorry to go on, but the story is longer, and Wiley has UNDERSTATED the greed of these clowns and others who want to steal the public lands, National Parks, and Refuges from the real owners, the Taxpayers.
As another example; the Delaware North Corp. is now claiming they “own” the trademark names of all the most loved features in Yosemite, like the Ahwahne hotel, and are demanding YOU the government, the taxpayers and users of YOUR public land, pay THEM for the use of place names they only rented as concession operators, paying nearly no actual fees, for years!
Go get ‘em Wiley, they’re more disgusting, and sadly funny, than you’ve shown in these last two ’toons!
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
BTW; “autocorrect” really sucks, and makes proofreading even more difficult for old farts, so sorry for any spelling errors I missed because of the “help” it provides.
Wiley creator almost 9 years ago
I guess this needs to be clarified for some here.
1. This is NOT an editorial cartoon, it is topical humor. Yes, there is a fine line there, but a distinct line nonetheless, and done no differently than any of my other cartoons.
2. This series is not ABOUT the events in Oregon. If it was, I would have specified it as such. This series was done several weeks ago and I had no idea what would be going on with it this week. This is simply a satire on the MINDSET that produces such events, of self-styled “militias”, who are always comprised of angry White males pretending to be super-patriots, but are really only trying to get out of paying taxes.
3. A satirist can assess how well the work is on target by how loudly those who identify with the target yell. You guys are very loud today. Thank you!
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
Theoretically (and, yeah, I know it’s only theoretically…..), federal land belongs to the people and is only administered by the government. So if you take over federal land you’re (theoretically) stealing from the taxpayers, not the “evil wicked government.”
Godfreydaniel almost 9 years ago
@WileyWe always appreciate hearing from you, even though you might well feel that you’d rather let your cartoons speak for themselves. Of course, a satirist’s work is never done……..
Dtroutma almost 9 years ago
Wiley: I appreciate your comment on “generic” characters, and attempted to add just a few examples of others as egregious (anonymously and not). Satire is a difficult rope to walk, and those most rightfully “offended” are first to make it the noose for their “defense”.
Pointspread almost 9 years ago
I thought Bundy sold shoes & lived in Chicago…
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This IS funny, including the comments.
evoroadster Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The land in question belongs to the people of the United States. It is not there for a the select few to profit from. Fees are charged which goes to managing the land in question for all of us.
Moore 1 almost 9 years ago
Huh, did not the the native Indians own that land??? gosh dam I going to get some weapons take back my granddad land. back home in Europe, opps that how WW 2 started ,
masterchip almost 9 years ago
They want the government to give it back to the people they forced out. The white people they forced out. Funny how they forget about the Indian people they killed to get it.
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
Mark_S your answer lies in the last several days of comments. Big difference.
route66paul almost 9 years ago
While I am sympathetic to their cause, how much value is the grazing land? If they had to buy feed how much more would it cost. The goverment needs to charge somthing, after all the ranchers get the profit, but how much is correct?
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
Just going to do one more long post, rather than address individuals. Not sure why, as I doubt this will sway anyone and not likely to change the world in a comic comment section, but oh, heck, I’ve got a cold and some time to kill. First: Wiley! Your not psychic? Thanks for the great comics,especially the ones with Lucy. :D And yes, these yahoos and situations are not new. This one has received more attention than most. Memory time.When I was in basic training at Lackland AFB we evacuated a building due to a bomb threat. The threat was made when a recruit was being removed from service upon discovery that he was part of some Nazi group. Yeah, sadly they are still around, but thankfully not welcome in the USA military. Of course, he threatened a bomb and we had to go sit outside for a bit. There was no bomb, but I’m sure it made him feel tough or whatever for a moment or two.BTW, most of these guys likely can’t join the military, because of ties to groups like this. Any that are in the military, may have put those careers in jeopardy, as this action from a military member can be viewed as treason and perhaps a few other charges as well. Any vets or retired military there should be ashamed of themselves.About the jerks in Oregon, since that is the direction this cartoon comment section has taken.The real story.As for the man and son who are in prison, where they should be They were not doing a control burn to maintain, preserve, or manage the land. They were trying to increase the grazing land by burning down the forest. Which of course, got out of control, nearly killed one of his sons (the one not in jail) and had the potential of killing the first responders that had to risk their lives to put it out. At tax payer expense.The terrorists. As for those yoyo’s in Oregon, they don’t want to be martyrs. They are cowards hiding behind their own children. They want their photo shoot with their guns, pretending to be tough. ‘Look we held off the USA government..look there I am in the paper…’. which, OK, they mostly sat in hotels and took down our license plates, photos to identify them with later, etc.’ Seriously, are any of these guys on disability? Unemployment, Welfare? Who has time for this nonsense? Did you see that video of that loser explaining to his son that he couldn’t be with him Christmas because he’s such a great patriot? You know, private video that he posted for the world to see, because of his delusions of grandeur. This man and his little buddies are not patriots. They are closer to being Islamic State Insurgents than patriots. Sorry kid, your dad missed Christmas because he’s crazy.. As for the reality, their problem isn’t the one they sell it to be, the fees they pay for grazing are so ridiculously minimal it’s not funny. Unless you are like Bundy and just stop paying. Why his non payment was allowed to go so long, should be investigated in itself. As for the federal land and buildings they are vandalizing and looting, that is owned by all Americans. The Government does not own it, we do. The government has the responsibility and authority to manage it, make rules for use, and keep thugs like these guys from destroying it. In fact, the majority of the people from the town near the facility are not happy with these guys at all.Last. for now. The Dumb and Dumber Bundy crew is wracking up a hell of a tax bill that we are all paying for, so when this is over, arrests better be made, jail time spent, and reparations best be paid by this group when all is said and done. If not, there will be no end to this kind of nonsense.Will come back later for the"I know you are, but what am I?" non arguments that are likely to follow from some Good thing I do this for the humor, not because I think I can change the world from a comic strip comment section. BTW, I’m sick, which is the only reason I’ve spent way too much time on this. ;)
K M almost 9 years ago
And what’s wrong with trying to reduce the bite taken by our immoral, tyrannical government? Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Maybe less noble, but she’s right. The latest martyr wannabes looking for their 15 minutes of fame. If the land is to be “given back” to it’s rightful owners, that would probably be the Native Americans who were there first.
Say What? Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This just in: Ammon Bundy and multiple other militants arrested after shootout with FBI. Two militants reportedly shot, one of them dead. Details are still coming in.
Say What? Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Given the news, I imagine this plot of the comic will continue for the remainder of the week as cartoonists usually draw these comics multiple weeks in advance.
GiantShetlandPony almost 9 years ago
If I remember right the ATF was in charge at Waco, not the FBI.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 9 years ago
“Render unto Caesar…”