Pru: Y'know, we both lost Quill. I haven't a heard a peep from the guy. But hey! no more Quill-moping! let's get you prepped for New York! Luann: I already started packing. Pru: One top? Luann: It's Quill's favorite... Pru: Not going! Luann: Bye, Quill!
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Off to a good start those two are.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
-I’m feeling a lot more optimistic already, even though it’s almost Sunday…
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Bye, Quill
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Yes. Yes. Very, very, very much yes.
wiselad almost 9 years ago
this is interesting……………….. Q does not want to talk to either Luann or Pru, is he avoiding talking to his roommate too? usually in real life it means person does not want to risk opening up and put forth the emotions it has as it is too painful and hurtful in his or her mind
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
BURN that Garment, Lu and be TRULY ‘liberated.’
ironman01 almost 9 years ago
I’m not sure what direction this is going but, I like it.
Airman almost 9 years ago
Don’t forget the Party Panties.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
Throwing out that top was cathartic, wasn’t it Lu?
Namrepus almost 9 years ago
For two people who aren’t moping about Quill, they’re sure saying his name a lot.
SF1972 almost 9 years ago
I am starting to really like this Pru.
flowerladytoo almost 9 years ago
Prudence is starting to grow on me. Whuda thunk…LOL
Faith :) almost 9 years ago
Thank goodness for Pru. I’m liking her more and more.
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
Burn the top, then, burn MPQ! :p
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
I guess we get the spring break arc, next week? Well, it’s not Florida, but…
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
It would be cool if they accidentally met Ben or Aaron there, sort of a reunion of old flames…. oh and Zane, for Bern!
p1w1g1 almost 9 years ago
Food for thought.Pru is not only gay but BI. Notice how she states that she loves Q but hasn;t heard from him. Notice how she has Lu going off to NY while she stays here. Is she going on Q;s acting gig to be with him, now that Q and Pru has Q and Lu broken up. Was this all planned?Pardon my cynicism. ; o )
kmwtigger almost 9 years ago
“Not going!” Hmm, maybe Pru wants to wear that top for Quill while Luann is in New York? That would be an interesting twist.
rickray777 almost 9 years ago
Way to go, Luann! Just break it off, clean, be done with it! Hey, no hanging on; the sooner, the better!
unclebob53703 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
She’s going to be a good friend
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“Over The Shoulder”“A Lack Of Vested Interest”“Pullover, Ma’am”“Are You A Man, Or A Blouse?”“Sock It To ’Em”“Associative Therapy”“Do Your Job, Winston!”“1984 Called…”“Give Him The Boot”“Shoe, Fly…”“Let That Cat Out Of Your Bag”“Clothes, The Door!”“That Old Thing?”“A Wardrobe Change”or“The Pink Slip”
King_Shark almost 9 years ago
You are aware that Luann is a fictional character created by one Greg Evans and dances to his and his daughter’s fancies?
Colonelkay almost 9 years ago
Do a gold top and blue top get tossed next?
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
Diannazar said
So, where is Delta?
BREAKING NEWS !!! Delta is still at Howard U. in D.C. !!!!!!Film at 11.
Luanaphile almost 9 years ago
Darn, that was MY favorite top. Oh well, too contaminated with Quillness. Toss it!
wreck it ralph almost 9 years ago
Don’t forget your birth control pills.
smurf764 almost 9 years ago
If Pru wasn’t gay she would be a great match for TJ….that same plastic smile
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Luanaphile GoComics PRO Member said, 22 minutes ago@Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!)Luann is a fictional character created by one Greg Evans and dances to his and his daughter’s fancies?***********************************Way to go with your spoiler alerts!. No point in reading Luann now …………
I know. I have had to create a 2D world memorial out by the cherry tree, and have already sent a message to Doctor Who explaining that his trip with Jaimie to a world populated by fictional characters could not possibly be true.
Sigh, who woukd have thought? Why, it even is as if Delta is not at Howard University.
Somehow the fiend has figured out that a number of us are the shape shifters portayed in “Galaxy Quest”. Excuse me now; i need to go off and make sad noises that can burst human ear drums.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
und in NYC in a bright pink blouse, and you might as well have ‘yokel from Bugtussle’ tattoo on your forehead. If you want to blend in and not attract attention like a big zit, you wear black or a neutral color.--
Haven’t spent much time in NYC in recent years, have you? I keep hearing that myth, but have not seen more than 20% (and usually less) of the people preferentially wearing that myth — not for years.
LeePIII Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I guess this must be all about Luann not having a long term significant other, and about not growing up. I was enjoying her relationship with Quill, and am sorry it has taken this urn.
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Heads up, guys & gals – bi women have platonic close male friends, just like the rest of us ….. You know, I hope the Big Apple gets a part in this strip when we get there. I love these plot arcs & characters etc, but also enjoy touches that bring a place, a locale, into distinct focus. Witness the wonderful city scenes in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’….. Maybe they’ll run into Les’s mother there! Or Ox’s transgendered sister! Shake it up, Greg! Tally Ho! :-D
31768 almost 9 years ago
Luann is really saying:bye Quill (for now…)
æ² almost 9 years ago
I still wonder if somehow they’ll run into Quill in NY, or hear about him through some other source, since he’s substitute-starring in some “major touring show” there and all.Then again, Pru’s idea of “seeing NYC” doesn’t sound like it’s going to come anywhere near something that’s as ordinary as that. Sounds like their trip is going to be interesting and quirky.I am liking Pru. She’s just what Luann needed to snap out of the doldrums and start living anew.
garytriehl almost 9 years ago
about 10 seconds from permanent deletion!
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
æ, touring shows do not come to NYC. The only exception i can think of was a runaway London hit which came w the major cast. Aside from people’s speculations in the comments section i do not think that NYC was ever mentioned in relation to the touring show, was it? Quill’s association w NYC was only as a student intern on a university related program for one summer. So, they might well run into people who knew him if they hit some of the same smaller affordable clubs used by that set, but unless we get heavily into fantasy or unless the show leaves from NYC he will not be there. The latter would need to be very short term before he departs — like maybe Luann or Bernice seeing him across a room kissing someone else.
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
OK It is official. I am now a PRU fan!
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Is that person still asking a bout Delta? TROLL MUCH?
Aibohphobia almost 9 years ago
Pru’s outfit is cute today.
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Walk around in NYC in a bright pink blouse, and you might as well have ‘yokel from Bugtussle’ tattoo on your forehead. If you want to blend in and not attract attention like a big zit, you wear black or a neutral color.^^^^^^^^^What about if you walk around in a suit of armor? I guess I’ll have to wear something else.
dre7861 almost 9 years ago
Kind of douchey of Quill to be ignoring his friend too. Unless this is some plot – like Luann gets to NYC to discover Quill waiting for her with open arms – Quill has some real issues.
billdaviswords almost 9 years ago
Besides the lame character, with Pru it’s like Evans has forgotten how to draw faces.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I’m starting to like Pru.
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
“Where exactly did she say she loved him?”
it’s hidden ..right there between the lines
æ² almost 9 years ago
Actually, in the Feb. 10th strip, he said lead.
æ² almost 9 years ago
My confusion on that, I guess, was in thinking that Quill’s show was in NY, but it looks like that’s not necessarily true. Wasn’t really specified.
CAMom almost 9 years ago
I think Luann is finally showing some maturity (as her Mom noticed.) She’s recognized that her boyfriend and her have different goals, and they can’t get past it, at least not at this time in their lives, so she has to move on. That doesn’t say she won’t have an occasional cry fest, she dated him for what, 3 or so years? But she’s making the best of it. Luann and Quill are very young, and most people have a few relationships while growing up, even if it seems like this is “the one” at the time. I like Pru, she’s like a big sister to Luann. She’s giving Luann some fun and lightness, and that’s what she really needs right now. Pru has to be at least 21, as Mr. Gray said to hire her as a bartender, so she’s older than both 18 yr old Luann and Quill. As to her not seeing Quill, Pru is still there working at the Fuse, and Quill left it after the breakup. Apparently, although Pru was his friend originally, he doesn’t want to talk to her either. Quill’s being rude to Pru, yet he’s probably avoiding her since Pru is living with the DeGroots and working at their club. However, that’s still thoughtless of Quill since Pru came there on his recommendation. I think Pru’s just an artistic type (i.e. eccentric), but a good person. Again, she’s older than Luann and Quill, and probably has some more experience in life. She probably would have some sound advice for Quill, but he’s not up to dealing with anyone associated with Luann yet. I would like to know how it’s revolving on the homefront with Quill and Gunther, and whether Gunther has some advice for Quill, good or bad. Hopefully this will be covered in the comic, as it’s time for Quill, not Luann, to start to grow up and make some decisions. He undoubtedly is very hurt by their breakup, so hopefully he also moves on, probably with his schooling or career, or he’ll have to make a big change if he wants to ever get back together with Luann. An actor and a school teacher? One requires you to move around where work demands, the other to stay in place. Fine for each, but very tough for both. They’re only 18, time to have single lives and experience life before making true committments.Yes, I know it’s only a cartoon, but what the hey…
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Is that anything like being a TruFan? ;o)^^^^^good question. I’ll consult my crystal ball!!
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
I like this turn. Pru is offering useful advice and Luann is actually following it! This trip to NYC could turn out to be very therapeutic for Luann….
jppjr almost 9 years ago
Where’s Aaron Hill when you need him?
RSH almost 9 years ago
It seems the take home message this week is that Luann has not really gotten over breaking up with Quill, despite the excitement over going to New York. Evans has created two pre-New York arcs, one featuring Bern and the 2nd Luann. Now, I think, the two of them will go.
Jim Kerner almost 9 years ago
Pru: As a Bway. person I’m sure that you’d agree with my selection. From South Pacific Nellie Forbush and the female chorus singing, “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair.”
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
You all know that Quill and Luann will meet in New York, right?
kittysquared Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I liked Quill. I don’t like the direction his character went. It seemed a bit forced to me. It’s not like Quill was in Julliard. He is so into Acting that he can’t maintain a relationship? He was interested enough in Luann to leave his home country and now he can’t spend quality time with her? Quill seemed more sincere than that…this is shallow behavior. It really doesn’t feel right. Bah.
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
I thought crystals were measured in Mhz.
wingzero7X almost 9 years ago
Am I the only one sad Quill is leaving? I liked them being together, they were good together.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@ wingzero7X
I too am totally sad.
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“ByeQuill" ^Ha ha! Would make a nice medicine, too…
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“Prep Rally”^Would sum it up, nicely!
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
…Followed by “Schrodinger’s Suitcase”…
adellaguardia almost 9 years ago
Am I the only one around here who thinks Luann is in the wrong, and not Quill?
Takagi-san almost 9 years ago
I hope we’re not going to be seeing all of the post-breakup through Luann’s eyes. She was in the wrong with her petty jealousies, lack of honest communication, and preconceived notions. Quill did nothing wrong other than be really into something he cared about. But, since that wasn’t 100% Luann, then he’s in for an earful! Luann’s a twit and needs to grow up. A lot. Maybe this will help start that.
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Is that a 32 bit or a 64 bit crystal ball?64! LOL!
Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It’s a soccer ball with Crystal’s face painted on it!