In my younger days I was using a drill on an exhaust header. The drill bit broke and then the drill spun out of control and hit me in the chest, entangling my shirt…..I really thought the drill bit had gone into me, and in my panic I thought I hit the reverse switch in order to get the drill bit out of my chest. I was wrong….when I hit the switch again the drill went further into my chest and was extremely painful. Long story short….I had only managed to rip a large circle of hair out of my chest. I know how Opus must feel.
“A ‘Schwarzenegger Chest Expander’, tangled up with a large amount of Water-Fowl Fuzz, was found at the scene; however, after an extensive phone conversation with company legal representatives, it has been determined that the product was not involved in the incident…”
angelolady Premium Member almost 2 years ago
They think he’s a small human, LOL Chest hair, not chest feathers. This comic so often cracked me up.
einarbt almost 2 years ago
Oh the pain in panel three. Poor Opus.
fredd13 almost 2 years ago
Chithing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Send it back to Ahnold for a refund.
Rasslebear almost 2 years ago
That’s OK, it ripped out Arnold’s chest hair, too…if he had any to begin with.
Egrayjames almost 2 years ago
In my younger days I was using a drill on an exhaust header. The drill bit broke and then the drill spun out of control and hit me in the chest, entangling my shirt…..I really thought the drill bit had gone into me, and in my panic I thought I hit the reverse switch in order to get the drill bit out of my chest. I was wrong….when I hit the switch again the drill went further into my chest and was extremely painful. Long story short….I had only managed to rip a large circle of hair out of my chest. I know how Opus must feel.
J. Shlabotnik almost 2 years ago
Do penguins have chest hair?
Twocat almost 2 years ago
headline should have said “local resident plucked”
dtdbiz almost 2 years ago
I’m thinking Steve Carell in “40 Year Old Virgin.”
Cozmik Cowboy almost 2 years ago
I want that house!
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
“A ‘Schwarzenegger Chest Expander’, tangled up with a large amount of Water-Fowl Fuzz, was found at the scene; however, after an extensive phone conversation with company legal representatives, it has been determined that the product was not involved in the incident…”
mindjob almost 2 years ago
I wouldn’t touch one of those with a 10 foot pole
VickiP123 almost 2 years ago
when did penguins start growing chest hair?
csmm7 almost 2 years ago
so penguins have chest hair?
thegrandgizmo almost 2 years ago
And here I thought penguins, being birds, had chest feathers.
ron almost 2 years ago
On Opus, wouldn’t that be chest feathers??
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Every guy who grew up in the 80s can relate with this.
Fennec! at the Disco almost 2 years ago
I was going to correct the headline to say chest feathers ripped out. But the reporter identifies the victim as a “small man”?
pamela welch Premium Member almost 2 years ago
OMG, Poor Opus; I’m sorry darling Opus, I have to laugh — LOLOL
phoenixnyc almost 2 years ago
As the saying goes – “no pecs, no sex”!
ratherb44 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Birds have chest hair?
DanielClémenson Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Strange! Chest hair! What happened to the feathers? :-)
Sisyphos almost 2 years ago
I feel your pain, “Small Man” Opus.
Has either your chest size or your sex appeal increased, to make all this pain worthwhile?
What a loser, Penguin-Wuss!