Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for May 16, 2016

  1. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  almost 9 years ago

    Big Ken Brown looking absolutely Pascoesque in P3.

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    chiphilton  almost 9 years ago

    Are we supposed to forget Saturday’s last comment or do we figure he called her a cow twice? Do some papers not carry Gil on Saturdays, so they have to repeat things on Monday? Or maybe they figure Gil’s readers can’t retain that kind of knowledge over a skip day.

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    kdizzle  almost 9 years ago

    Oooh Ken Brown knows the judge – Barry’s about to get clogged by someone else for a change.

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    dutchpuppy  almost 9 years ago

    “What did you say about my mama?!?!?!?!”

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    TheBrownStarfish  almost 9 years ago

    Young Master Bader brings out The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate in P1. Methinks he’s using the wrong one.

    Master Bader’s freckles have once again disappeared in P2.

    BKB is about to make it all happen to Young Master Bader’s face in P3. Is Judge Hiatt Ken’s mom, aunt, cousin, much older sister? I’m sure we’ll find out later this week after we check in for a couple of days with Milford’s First (non) Couple, Boo and Tru/Biff.

    I guess we should have known BKB would have some kind of connection with Judge Hiatt. There’s not exactly an abundance of minority students, or teachers at Milford.

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  6. Ww otis1 avatar
    Pappaw57  almost 9 years ago

    Ah HA !!

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  7. Milford
    miffedmax  almost 9 years ago

    It’s nice to see the haven’t taken Gil’s name off the door. Where is he during all this ruckus?

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  8. P1010044
    Lukebunkin   almost 9 years ago

    The twisted logic eminating from p.2 is exactally what we’ve come to know and love about Mudlark sports.Beau Vine

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  9. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  almost 9 years ago

    Marty Moon might have a biased opinion on all of this too.

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  10. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  almost 9 years ago

    No need to prime yourselves for something to occur. How many times has this loyal readership waited for this kid to make something happen and come up empty? My wish is K.B. stuffing Young Master upside down in an old fashioned wire trash basket.

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    Mr Reality  almost 9 years ago

    In all reality , at Milford Country Club the new board of directors holds its first board meeting , first order of business is discussion of renewal of Gil as summer youth camp director

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    twainreader  almost 9 years ago

    Get ready as GT goes Mary Worth on us. We’re about to learn of a tragic loss caused by a drunk driver that led the Judge to leave the Hotel business and become an avenging hanging judge. I’m going with she’s his Aunt who believes your first time should be memorable.

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    gzitver  almost 9 years ago

    Ruh roh.

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  14. Download
    Irish53  almost 9 years ago

    Thorp, cowering/hiding in his office and acting like he doesn’t hear anything. He’ll come out only after KB pounds Bader and say “what’s going on here?”

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    gzitver  almost 9 years ago

    Sign Man, I hope that isn’t your handiwork on the door to Gil’s office. It’s either poorly centered or poorly spaced.

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    Bluedarter  almost 9 years ago

    " yeah, Coach Hastert, I did what you did, and had my office door open right into the locker-room and showers. That one-way glass was a real kick."

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  17. Paul
    JerryPulver  almost 9 years ago

    My call is that the judge is his Aunt, whose sister (KB’s mom) was killed by a drunk driver.

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    twainreader  almost 9 years ago

    Dear Barry Bader,

    Apparently, you didn’t do your vocabulary definition homework.First DUI would automatically imply a second or more DUI charge(s) are pending. Now, if were his “only” DUI, the judge might udder another “sentence”. (oops a pun)

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    twainreader  almost 9 years ago

    OK funny guy, who stole the “this” from my last missive?

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    twainreader  almost 9 years ago

    @sweetg1: Yes, I love the idea Mimi’s office opens into the boy’s locker room.@Ellisburkes: If they promise not to hurt it. I’ll even use Latin. That’s a quod for my haec. You can act ad hoc.

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    twainreader  almost 9 years ago

    @sweetg: Coach can you hand me the soap?@Ellisburkes: In the words of Cato: Oh Tempus, Oh Sophomores!

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  22. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 9 years ago

    Ooh, so assuming Ken Brown doesn’t want to punish Master Bader, is he going to make something happen? Like get the punishment for Del down to probation? Now that would be making things happen! And speaking of happenings, I just happened to finish today’s Mopped Up Thorp, just barely before tomorrow’s Gil Thorp is published.

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