Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 17, 2016
Caulfield: I bet you're right. I'd be fine with school except everything is scheduled. Frazz: Let me know when you're ready for some troubling news about your future. Caulfield: That's just it! A day at school is a day closer to when I have to own a watch. Frazz: Technically, I think every day is a day closer to the day you own a watch. Caulfield: That's all right. I can already hear the ticking anyway.
The Mixer over 8 years ago
Frazz might OWN a watch but, having gone back through a month and a half of strips, he certainly never WEARS one – not even on July 2 and July 30, which were the last two times we see him on a run.
Varnes over 8 years ago
Remember, we are all running out of time….Have a nice day!
Varnes over 8 years ago
Seriously….How many days do you really have left?….One breath at a time I guess…Cheers, eh?….
Kind&Kinder over 8 years ago
Life’s like that: tick, tock, tick…..
flyertom over 8 years ago
The day I retired, almost 5 years ago, I removed my watch and haven’t worn it since.
stairsteppublishing over 8 years ago
What’s a watch. Haven’t worn one since getting my first iPhone. And, don’t miss it.
stairsteppublishing over 8 years ago
It has been years since hearing and singing My Grandfather’s Clock. When my grandfather died the grandfather’s clock stopped, we tried winding it as he did and it never worked right, so gave up on it. He had a special touch with the clock that we never did.
whiteheron over 8 years ago
Well as we say ‘round here…"What’s time to a hog?"
matzam Premium Member over 8 years ago
60 years old & never wore a watch
Spiny Norman Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day….
StackableContainers over 8 years ago
Watches are cool. Technically, aesthetically, and in a historical context.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
Back in the ’90s, when I was working on my Masters, I was in a seminar class with all others doctoral candidates. The discussion involved wind-up watches and I mentioned I was wearing one. Everybody in the room got up and came over to see this wondrous device!
smoore47 over 8 years ago
Didn’t have to. As usual, you invited it.
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
I only wear a watch when I absolutely need to know how much time I have left to finish a task (About once a week). The rest of the time, the clock on my phone is sufficient.
puddleglum1066 over 8 years ago
Caulfield is getting dangerously close to an insight: it’s not the structure, it’s not the schedule, it’s not the work; it’s the fact that these things are imposed upon him by somebody else at school, and later on, when he joins the working class, in his job. Remember that the public schools are equal parts education and indoctrination, properly preparing people to fit into society… which includes accepting that most of your life you’re going to be doing what somebody else tells you to do, on that person’s schedule.
rekam Premium Member over 8 years ago
Still have to wear a watch so I’ll know not to be late for all the doctors’ appointments. And, here I thought I could relax once I’d retired. Hah!
cknoblo Premium Member over 8 years ago
My father died when I was 10. I got his watch, and wore watches until I got an iPhone. My last watch sits on my desk as a desk clock now, and I had to buy a clock to watch while I exercise, but I don’t miss wearing one. My iPhone doubles as an alarm clock when I need one. The calendar app takes care of my appointments. The maps show me the way, and I can play my own playlist over my car speakers, wirelessly. I gave up radio when I retired. I rarely watch TV any more.
Varnes over 8 years ago
Some people would rather work for them selves, even though everyone knows, especially them, that they will have to work harder for less money, but they’d rather live that way than work for somebody…Not me. But hey, more power to them…..That’s probably where our geniuses come from…. come from….
hippogriff over 8 years ago
comicsssfanNone in that very advanced placement class seem to have known it..Night-Gaunt49The watch in question was a $6 Timex. Some status symbol. 11 months ago
In 2016 the previously slow decay of the need to wear a watch was already in full swing, and the euphemistically so called „smart watch" wasn’t as common as it is today in 2024.
Question is whether someone in Caulfields age will ever be in a situation where wearing a watch is expected of him.