On the matter of cats and potential menace…. I’d love to have one of these [follow link] but I’d definitely lock it out of the bedroom at night… http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxvtmaJYBw1qli1kxo1_500.png
When I was a Groomer and Vet tech, I rescued a white, semi long haired cat with green eyes. I named him, Meow. Meow would wake me up by lying on my face and purring real loud! When I pulled him off, he would give me, ‘that face’, who could refuse to get up and feed the cat after getting,‘that face?’
When I was a kid, our cat Sylvester (he’s been gone now for a few years) would be at the front door, meowing loudly. My parents bedroom was next to the livingroom, but they didn’t get up. My bedroom was in the back, he knew who he would wake up. So, I would get up, get him some food, go back to bed. After he ate, he would come in and thank me, getting back to sleep wasn’t always easy with a very loudly purring kitty. Miss him.
I have one kitty who is a messy eater and likes to partake a little at a time.
The other one eats everything all at once, licks the bowl to the last molecule of flavor and goes looking for more.
Obviously, I have to separate the two.
The unfortunate part is that I have a bit of a insect problem, and while the front-loader kitty will chase the cucarachas, sloppy kitty won’t. You can guess whose bowl has a problem and why I can’t just leave kibble in either bowl overnight.
Robin Harwood almost 8 years ago
Puck is supposed to be the sweet, gentle, one. They are lucky Elvis hasn’t come to complain.
McColl34 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The foot is tapping and the tail is swishing. Now would be a good time. This will only escalate, and you will NOT like that. Trust me, you will not.
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 8 years ago
On the matter of cats and potential menace…. I’d love to have one of these [follow link] but I’d definitely lock it out of the bedroom at night… http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxvtmaJYBw1qli1kxo1_500.png
kittymelonmeow almost 8 years ago
Its the same when someone decides to hang up and then you come i and say “Just HANG UP.”
Denny Wheeler Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The Cat of Adventure would run around the bedroom, sounding like a herd of small horses.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Is it just me, or do the People look subpar in this strip?
I AM CARTOON LADY! almost 8 years ago
When I was a Groomer and Vet tech, I rescued a white, semi long haired cat with green eyes. I named him, Meow. Meow would wake me up by lying on my face and purring real loud! When I pulled him off, he would give me, ‘that face’, who could refuse to get up and feed the cat after getting,‘that face?’
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 8 years ago
Prefer the simpler version where they just swat at them. :D
A R V reader almost 8 years ago
Better fill all three bowls or Elvis and Lupin will do the same routine as Puck did.
Sabrina17 almost 8 years ago
If they think the cats are demanding, just wait until the baby comes.
ladykat almost 8 years ago
Nuliajuk almost 8 years ago
My two just had a wrestling match on top of my. Nothing like two writhing bodies pouncing on your stomach at 6:00 to wake you up.
scyphi26 almost 8 years ago
Puck doesn’t care WHO does it, just so long as someone DOES IT. NOW.
metagalaxy1970 almost 8 years ago
When I was a kid, our cat Sylvester (he’s been gone now for a few years) would be at the front door, meowing loudly. My parents bedroom was next to the livingroom, but they didn’t get up. My bedroom was in the back, he knew who he would wake up. So, I would get up, get him some food, go back to bed. After he ate, he would come in and thank me, getting back to sleep wasn’t always easy with a very loudly purring kitty. Miss him.
Kitty Katz almost 8 years ago
Don’t be rude! Give us food!
Teto85 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
scaeva Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Demonic Puck! I love it.
bonita.eley almost 8 years ago
HAHA When hints don’t work…LOL
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 8 years ago
I have one kitty who is a messy eater and likes to partake a little at a time.
The other one eats everything all at once, licks the bowl to the last molecule of flavor and goes looking for more.
Obviously, I have to separate the two.
The unfortunate part is that I have a bit of a insect problem, and while the front-loader kitty will chase the cucarachas, sloppy kitty won’t. You can guess whose bowl has a problem and why I can’t just leave kibble in either bowl overnight.
Elettaria over 7 years ago
Oh god, this conversation. We have it regularly.
XboxKing over 5 years ago
“Someone get in the kitchen!!!!”