Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 08, 2017
Lupin: Peep toads are out! Elvis: We go now live to Tommy! Tommy: Elvis, peep toads are nature's car alarm! They set each other off for hours and their beauty is deafening. Puck: On warm nights when the peep toads are out, I like to press my nose to the screen and contemplate the majesty of nature. Sigh. Beatrix: Cocoa run! Elvis: How do you keep getting outside?! Beatrix: A lady never tells! Cocoa? Dog: Oh, ah-no. Dogs can't eat chocolate. Beatrix: Is that like a dog-religion thing? Oh. My. Cat. Do not answer that! You do not owe me an explanation! Tea? Dog: I'd like that, thank you. Lupin: I guess peep toads are all right, but I prefer these Christmas light bugs. Makes you wonder where they're going. Puck: Yeah.
Courage the Cowardly Dog! almost 8 years ago
Happy Women’s Day Georgia!
kittymelonmeow almost 8 years ago
that must be a very big cat to carry a violin.
Lady Bri almost 8 years ago
Oh my cat! I want some pj’s like Tommy’s! And the last panel NEEDS to be a poster! :D
Kitty Katz almost 8 years ago
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight…
TammyAudia Premium Member almost 8 years ago
signs of spring!! <3
Denny Wheeler Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Sophie’s the only named character not in this strip. She’s no doubt at home, curled up with a good book.
Michael Thorton almost 8 years ago
You know, chocolate is lethal to both cats and dogs…the theobromine alkali that gives chocolate its bitter taste acts in a manner identical to henbane when introduced to the systems of cats and dogs – but a marginal amount like the amount in Starbuck-style cocoa could be processed easily by both…
fuzzybritches Premium Member almost 8 years ago
This one makes me break out singing, “Froggy went a’courtin’”
oops Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Beatrix blushing in panel 10…and that little mouse tambourine!
SunflowerGirl100 almost 8 years ago
That last panel is one of my all-time favorites! What a wonderful image!
Brein43 almost 8 years ago
Peep toad hoe down ! Dancing robber mice ! Bea in her little spotted pjs ! Polite little Beatrix, embarrassed that she asked an intrusive question. The joy keeps coming and coming.
Brein43 almost 8 years ago
Ps: Of COURSE Tommy wears onesie, footed pajamas with pizza slices on them, and Trevor wears a sensible, bone-patterned sweater and slippers ! Could there be any doubt ?
T_Lexi almost 8 years ago
My favorite is Puck, on ‘his’ cat perch, nose pressed to the screen, contemplating nature. [sigh] That’s just perfect (I do that, too, Puckie.)
A R V reader almost 8 years ago
Is Tommy wearing Pizza Steve jammies from Uncle Grandpa? LOL
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The only Peep-amphibian I know is the Spring Peeper which is a frog. I googled Peep Toad and got a link to this comic and some random stuff.
SheMc almost 8 years ago
How lovely, a toad ball!!
ladykat Premium Member almost 8 years ago
We like the peeps, whether they are frogs or toads. There are thousands of them at the cabin and they peep constantly. Lovely!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Spring in Oregon is different.
We just were fewer layers under our raincoats.
SallyLin almost 8 years ago
The Spring Peepers Ball! Wonderful!
biscuitannie almost 8 years ago
Utterly, utterly charming!
Piksea Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Are Tommy’s pizza slices in sunglasses pjs related to the anthropomorphized food set The Intruder brought for the kids a while back?
deadheadzan almost 8 years ago
What a perfect strip today! There is something for everyone. Bea is getting close to Trevor and that could be a perfect pairing. The peepers around here are definitely frogs.
Clobbered by Science Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The leftmost chorus frog seems to shop at the same boutique as Sophie!
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Lupin likes the light bugs because he is deaf and can’t hear the peepers.
roberta.forbes.pyle almost 8 years ago
Hey, diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle!
dogday Premium Member almost 8 years ago
“Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumboCause tonight I’m gonna see my ma cher amioPick guitar fill fruit jar and be gay-oSon of a gun we’ll have big fun on the bayou”
Oh, those summer nights!
dogday Premium Member almost 8 years ago
And Beatrix’ exquisite manners….what wonderful strip today!
Wichita1.0 almost 8 years ago
Another age-old mystery solved.
bonita.eley almost 8 years ago
What a wonderful strip! After a day of world news, it is Breaking Cat News that reminds me that there is still love, peace and cute in the world. Thank you crew
up2trixx almost 8 years ago
My favourite sound in the world: Spring Peepers. I love the sound so much I open the windows just to hear them, even though they usually come out at a time that’s much too cold to open the windows…
Georgia Dunn creator almost 8 years ago
I really may need to finally create an illustration of this last panel! Thank you everyone for your kind words today!!
Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 8 years ago
One of your best Georgia. Reminds me of my children’s books from the 30s & 40s. “Wind in The Willows” & illustrations of the “Peter Rabbit Stories”
lopaka almost 8 years ago
One more on that last panel – one of my favorites out of many great ones by you
pam Miner almost 8 years ago
The mouse girls Need some Mouse Boys to dance with! Froggy-toads are OK to go to aa dance with, bit the ladies need some mouse-men to cut the rug with. Or else there will be no mouselings. or micelets. Rat boys are very study and drive all the rattie-girls mad. Then they end up with ratlets, or rittens; in the Netherlands.
pam Miner almost 8 years ago
Yes, nice mice girls have to have mouse-males with mice tails under their nice dancing mice clothes.
BillJackson1 about 7 years ago
This is an example of the magic a writer writer/artist can create.
EllatheHarpy almost 4 years ago
Aw, Pucky looks like a miniature llama <3
No free Heath care? almost 2 years ago
Panel five puck looks like a capybara
Lupin of B.C.N 10 months ago
Both cats and dogs can eat very little chocolate, it really is a small amount though.