Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 06, 2016
The game board for "Trump The Game!" Spaces are: born with huge head start, advance 3 spaces; saved by "heel spurs," go skiing; draft board error, go to Vietnam; get $14mm from father, skip ahead 6 spaces; busted for racial bias, marry an immigrant, call daddy, sue pentagon; whiskey tango foxtrot; sue drill instructor and stiff lawyer; no limos at fire base, sue C.O.; get shot down riding into battle on private chopper; maul USO showgirl, dishonorable discharge; get fragged by rest of platoon, loser; huge mob connections from NJ gaming commish, build 3 casinos; stiff scores of vendors; bankrupt x 6, sell yacht, airline, and draw get out of debt free card; banks put you on $450k per month allowance, lose turn; divorce and marry mistress; divorce again and marry immigrant; reality TV show, fire celebs already out of work; set up fraudulent "university" draw piggy piggy card; discuss dating own daughter; birther lie; slime Mexicans; slime women; slime Muslims; blame opponents; win GOP nom; self-deal 8MM in campaign expenses, draw piggy piggy card; attack parents of ded war hero; hide the returns; lose debates; shoot someone on fifth avenue; and you win, advance to White House. Mark: Hey, folks! Did you miss Trump's failed board game in 1989? Well, here's your chance to play a fully updated edition. Good luck!
BE THIS GUY over 8 years ago
Can we play checkers instead?
Adiraiju over 8 years ago
I remember an old “Foxtrot” strip with Jason and Marcus playing “Trumpopoly”, and getting into a squabble over their respective boats. When Paige finally snapped “Listen to you two – you’re acting like spoiled infants!” Jason replied “We’re supposed to.”
mec13 over 8 years ago
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
I like that alternate side way to Vietnam. much shorter with a bad ending. Those who support the Trump won’t like it and claim it should be Hillary’s life, which it isn’t, of course.
socalvillaguy Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ah, the comments section … where civility comes to die.
Alexander the Good Enough over 8 years ago
Well played, Garry, well played.
Dave Thompson Premium Member over 8 years ago
Beautiful artwork, Garry.
mddshubby2005 over 8 years ago
At least Garry puts his real name to his Internet opinions, unlike the rest of the Trumpette section here hiding behind anonymities and under tinfoil hats.
Differentname over 8 years ago
Bill Clinton dodged the draft and was honest about it. Never managed to insult war heroes and their families.
KenseidenXL over 8 years ago
Somebody gave me one of those games way back. I actually still have it. Unplayed, of course….
StCleve72 over 8 years ago
Trumpies and Ditto-heads: You’ve been brainwashed for a generation by slick operators like Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes, and their likes. If your attention span is long enough, read Ailes memo to Nixon on how to do people’s thinking for them because they’re too lazy to do it themselves: Don’t make me the issue; read the article if you dare and decide for yourself whether you’ve been played as a pawn in the game of billionaires whose deepest desire is to tell you: “you’re fired!” They’ve been using tried and tested propaganda tools to get you to mindlessly vote against yourselves, making themselves very, very, very rich and you poorer. FOLLOW THE MONEY. No cult leader ever had a more sheep-like following than these cynical sociopaths. For the 1% to get you to think Donald Trump gives a r.a. about you is like taking candy from a baby. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Since Reagan, the only thing “trickling down” on us working people has been warm and yellow. FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Ignatz Premium Member over 8 years ago
“As compared to Bill Clinton who stated he “loathed the military” when faced with being drafted and weaseled out of it.”
Actually, he said that many young people in the 1960s found themselves loving their country and loathing the military. Which is an absolutely true statement. But thank you for demonstrating that you’ve been propagandized.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
The amazing thing is even the Right Wing propaganda machine BELIEVES ITS OWN LIES!! Rove could not believe that Romney lost because he believed in the phony Faux News polls that he helped create?!!?!
ragimby Premium Member over 8 years ago
Gary…. Reading these comments really shows how many backward and delusional right wing nut jobs there are in the USA… Scary!!!
Kip W over 8 years ago
There’s one man who is liked by a large majority of Democrats and only hated by less than half of Republicans. He could win! It’s time to RE-ELECT ABE LINCOLN!
David_J Premium Member over 8 years ago
Loved the strip today Garry. Touché my friend.
Rich Porterfield over 8 years ago
I’m surprised with all the nasty blowback. Whoda thunk Trump’s followers could actually read or comprehend the depth of this satire after years of being dumbed down by Fox News and White Supremacy delusions.
trollope'sreader over 8 years ago
Troll Alert! Troll Alert!
ladamson1918 over 8 years ago
I’m totally in favor of the side trip to Viet Nam. And now Trump is faking an assassination attempt, to make him seem more manly, perhaps? It’s straight out of the movie “Bob Roberts.”
Tempest over 8 years ago
If you think the slime hasn’t stuck you are looking through some very strange glasses.
Radish... over 8 years ago
Notice the the press never mentions the Trump U fraud trial that begins on November 28.
Tempest over 8 years ago
Lets see… who faces charges here? Trump for his fraudulent University comes to mind… can’t find anything that they have managed to stick on Clinton…. hmnnn.
jploch5408 over 8 years ago
The guy in the crowd was probably the sniper in Bosnia! Johnson/Weld 2016
summerdog86 over 8 years ago
All that work on today’s comic, and I’m not taking the time to read that mess.
montessoriteacher over 8 years ago
Very impressive work today. I am glad to put in the time to read it and really glad GT put in the time to draw/write it. GT has always had politics in his work. He started during the Vietnam/Watergate era. It is not as if he could have ignored Vietnam/Watergate. Current events will be part of our lives whether a Democrat or Republican is elected. I do think that Republicans are funnier, so easier to work with in that respect. GT has even said so in interviews regarding the Amazon TV show he wrote.
mourdac Premium Member over 8 years ago
This is Mr. Trudeau’s strip. It’s not the news. He doesn’t have to present any viewpoint besides his own. If you haven’t learned that, please stop reading the comics and watch the network whose news is “fair and balanced”.
conradcool over 8 years ago
I didn’t bother to read it.
cmarckwardt Premium Member over 8 years ago
After a fun round of Trump Cards, this should take me to election night.
kaffekup over 8 years ago
By the way, Mr “Successful Businessman” is now up to seven bankruptcies; his Canadian hotel went bust yesterday.
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Put everything else about Trump aside and consider this: having said he would, Chris Wallace during the third debate asked him if he really would. Yes definitely he would, of course he would: give nukes to the Saudis. Nukes. To the Saudis. Our 9/11 attackers.
txmystic over 8 years ago
Greetings Professor Faulken
Hello Joshua
Strange Game…the only winning move is not to play.
How about a nice game of chess?
timbob2313 Premium Member over 8 years ago
“The belief is that there is no objective truth-if we want something to be real, then its real” said Kevin Mattson, Ohio University Professor.Which totally describes the entire Trump campaign. People in the rust belt dream of getting their middle class jobs back and Trump feeds on that dream. Unfortunately, those jobs are gone, never to return
therealmjr247 over 8 years ago
Not that it applies to your sorry situation, but faced with two hideous right wing candidates in the Chirac/ Le Pen runoff, the left slogan was ‘Vote for the crook, not the facist’.
Note for the hardcore Trumpites (btw, look up what trump means in Britain – f*rt censored for dency’s sake), Chirac went on to be president of France; that is a country in Europe; Europe can be found by getting a globe and turning it clockwise from a starting position of the Americas.
skavka over 8 years ago
I didn’t realize so many wing nuts were in your fan base.SJK
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
He supports women choosing what to do with their bodies unlike your side, the slaver side wish to not only tell women what to do but to threaten imprisonment if they down’ kowtow to the master———you.
blanche64 over 8 years ago
you forgot ‘slime disabled journalist’!
Cozmik Cowboy over 8 years ago
Bill opposed the Vietnam War – for the very good reasons that it was racist, illegal & immoral – and protested against it. He considered trying for Conscientious Objector status, but decided he could not honestly say he was against war in all cases on moral grounds, so he entered the draft with everyone else – and by luck, was not drafted; no weaselling at all.Drump suddenly developed “heel spurs” the day his academic deferments were up, which magically “cured” the day his jeopardy was up, and which somehow did not prevent him from anything except serving. And he supported the war for anyone who wasn’t him. That, my friend, is a weasel on a level with Quayle & W. There is no comparison between Bill & Don the Con – and Don is the scumbag there.
exitseven over 8 years ago
What is really sad is that after next week, no matter what the result, half the nation will feel disenfranchised, and rightly so.
Radish... over 8 years ago
Trumpettes will have a fine old time ripping down America and rebuilding it in Trump’s ugly image.
Kip W over 8 years ago
I never see the same faces insisting on political balance at Mallard Fillmore, Day By Day, or Prickly City. In fact, I don’t see anybody doing it.
TMO1 Premium Member over 8 years ago
My city’s paper printed this without the going to Vietnam part. They also printed it so small it could hardly be read by anyone without a magnifying glass.
Clarence Tate Premium Member about 8 years ago
Anybody notice the small hands?