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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 04, 2017
tiffany: i said i lost my key-card. they don't know about you piro: i made sure no one say me. thanks for covering. and for bringin' my backpack tiffany: you secret's safe with me, piro bernice: you broke a rule, tiff. and a tv is missing. we all need to keep quiet tiffany: well, i'm no blabber mouth bernice: then we're safe. unless the tv thief comes back... piro: hm. thought my scarf with in here...
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
well, it’s good to see Piro again
AnyFace about 8 years ago
Piro’s scarf was last seen in the break room.
Argythree about 8 years ago
After all the excitement, this was a letdown…
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 8 years ago
I was hoping Tiffany would let go suddenly, Bernice would go tumbling backwards losing her grip on the backpack in the process, and Tiffany would pick it up and run.
ironman01 about 8 years ago
How did the scarf get from the backpack to the scene of the crime? Tiff’s dorm room needs a revolving door. It’s busier than Grand Central Station and with a higher rate of per capita crime.
Airman about 8 years ago
I had hoped the backpack would reveal something more interesting than a missing scarf. So far, its been a rather dull story………we’ve traveled hither and YAWN.
GOGOPOWERANGERS about 8 years ago
I honestly don’t care what his secret is unless hes secretly FBI looking for Druglords in the campus like 22 jumpstreet but I doubt it be anything i worthwhile to invest any kind of interest on
luann1212 about 8 years ago
They are both agreeing to cover up, and suddenly the enmity between them is over? Seems like a few logical bridges have been skipped here. I noticed the touch too, and the fact that Bernice apparently did not notice it. What did it mean? The scarf being last seen in the lounge, although I think Bernice has hidden it. Since Piro, who has communicated vocally the first time in the strip (so civilly) is missing the scarf logically (there is that word again) has to have disappeared from his bag and possibly had been used by the miscreant responsible for removing the TV. Why? How, and for what reason? Lets see it all get solved Saturday.
I do think Tiffany is closer to Piro than Bernice is, but perhaps only because she is being nice, not romantic. No logic there just guessing. (lol).
æ² about 8 years ago
Wonder what else is in that backpack. Star cookie cutter, copy of The Lodger,….
SactoSylvia about 8 years ago
Nice to see Ox again, even if only in the shadows…
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
Some guy. After he finds out he is being covered and out of present danger, he doesn’t show any concern for Tiff or Bernice, only concerned about himself and that scarf.
dadoctah about 8 years ago
Ooh, someone steals TVs and scarves. The thot plickens! (Has anyone seen Puddles recently?)
kenhense about 8 years ago
Well – We jumped from a war in Tiff’s room to Cafe Kablooie. Probably a good idea. When it’s all over – maybe Bern will learn that in enforcement – it’s best not to go for extra credit.
mjb515 about 8 years ago
Has Piro even acknowledged that Bernice is at the table?
sueb1863 about 8 years ago
Two other characters also wear scarves – Hair and that goth guy from Luann’s art class.
ravonlea about 8 years ago
Bernice advising Tiff she broke a rule? That’s rich. Bernice Broke several 1) she let Piro sleep on her couch before as well 2) She hid the missing scarf and did not report her findings to the director. BTW we know other people in the strip wear scarves . 3) she is agreeing or proposing to keep the conspiracy by suggesting they all need to keep quiet. The" mystery of the missing tv" reminds me of the M*A*S*H episode with everyone trying to solve the mystery of " The Rooster Crowed at Midnight" :D
Uncle Bob about 8 years ago
Didn’t Bernice already fall for a sketchy guy who dealt drugs way back in junior high in October ’87?
well-i-never about 8 years ago
He DID do it. I thought they’d keep trying to get us to sympathize with him, but he pawned it for cash!
Mordock999 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Great. NOTHING Is Revealed Today and EVERYBODY, Including Ms “High and Mighty R.A.” Agrees to a ‘Cover Up.’ Somebody call that Cop, back. In addition to the TV, I Think part of THIS Story Line is “Missing”….,
jruckman about 8 years ago
“Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.” -Benjamin Franklin
TossedSaladCartoon about 8 years ago
Is it just me or does there seem to be some story missing between yesterday and today? Like they skipped an entire day or something. WTF?
Busrayne about 8 years ago
What have we learned this week? Well, I would guess that Tiffany and Bernice are pretty good friends, even though they might not know it. Tiffany didn’t clobber Bern for being an intrusive, jealous harpy, and Bernice didn’t turn in Tiff for a major dorm infraction, even though breaking the rules is like sandpaper on her straight-laced soul. The major point was Tiffany’s concern for Piro, showing something utterly lacking in her high school days, where she was so shallow and self-centered she didn’t have the empathy of a turtle. I think association with Gunther has had a profound effect on our former cheerleader.
Luanaphile about 8 years ago
I don’t begrudge the pacing of this arc, but I wish the Evanses could provide some backstory or outburst that would allow for a bit of emotional connection to Piro. He is like a somewhat abused rescue pet.
Aqsnt about 8 years ago
Oh what a tangeled web………
Tyge about 8 years ago
Apparently the “Trip To New York with her Best Bud” Bernice has devolved “Frantically Searching For A Life” Bernice. She has become a very pathetic character.
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
Ox and TJ look good in shadow.
Airman about 8 years ago
Backpack: too small for the TV, but big enough for a bomb. Naw, this is a low impact, family style comic. We need less conflict, more romance.
dougsathome about 8 years ago
It’s Watergate all over again!
Moon57Shine about 8 years ago
Could Piro be getting set up for the crime?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 8 years ago
“And how does one pronounce Piro’s name?”
I’ve advocated that it is pronounced pjɛʁo as in “Pierrot”, the youthful naive, (not stupid), romantic character in French pantomime.
But as @GROMIT82 ‘s reminds, Tiffany rhymed his name with “zero” in the March 24, 2016 strip. So there’s that.
locake about 8 years ago
Bernice is mostly ignoring Piro. You’d think she would be focus on him instead of arguing with Tiffany.
locake about 8 years ago
I don’t think Bernice noticed that Tiff touched Piro. If she had she would have slapped Tiffany’s hand or forcibly removed it from Piro.
Frank Farkel about 8 years ago
No significant other as of now for Piro. That means the two girls can still fight over him once the TV issue has been resolved.
Bobtul07110 about 8 years ago
What ever happened to Luann?
RolloTheGrouch about 8 years ago
Today reminds me of the last episode of “Downton Abbey”. Suddenly the conflicts get resolved and everything’s put on ice. But the Evanses have left a little bit hanging, just to lend a whiff of mystery to an all-too-tidy ending to a story that never really went anywhere.
JPuzzleWhiz about 8 years ago
I just noticed that the number of replies (even if it’s just one reply) is not always indicated under the thread-starter’s post. For example I clicked “Reply” under Frank Farkel’s most recent post, and a comment from RolloTheGrouch appeared. GoComics needs to fix this.
Mooshki Premium Member about 8 years ago
At first I interpreted the scarf comment as a way to point out Bernice’s hypocrisy, since she stole the scarf. Now I’m thinking it’s a clear sign that someone tried to frame Piro. How fun would it be if it were Gunther? (But it’s probably Les.)
RSH about 8 years ago
I think Piro might be an illegal immigrant (from Mexico or Central America), perhaps a refugee of some gang (hence the shaven head star). Probably he sold the TV on e-bay to get some cash. I was hoping a paper would fall out of the pack, an ID of some sort.
jayaresea about 8 years ago
they should buy something or stop loitering in the cafe
RSH about 8 years ago
from Jackreacher: “………We have Tiffany giving Piro a reassuring touch that Bernice missed – and Bern’s illogical, “We’re safe..”……………..”-—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I think the “we’re safe” comment (by Bern) relates to being safe from interrogation by campus security and Ms Lopez. It seems they were satisfied that Tiffany had no involvement. They have no other leads and probably will drop the case unless further info becomes available.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Piro’s scarf stole the TV!!!!
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
I suppose this little conspiratorial trio has evaded surveillance by the dreaded Campus Cops and Director Lopez. But what are we to make of Piro’s missing scarf vis-a-vis the scarf found in the Commons Room whence the TV is missing? Could he be involved after all? Or is this just a coincidence designed to misdirect us readers?
31768 about 8 years ago
is it me or does he look like eeyore? and Bernice is nuts about him.