As more insurance companies drop out of obamacare, there won’t be much left, but I haven’t heard any actual solutions yet. No, “tax the rich” isn’t a solution, it’s a way of ignoring the problem.
The Republicans may have failed to replace and repeal, which they would have liked because failure to do that makes their low information voters believe they lost. But, they will kill it with budget cuts, executive orders, all the tools that Democrats would have used to save and improve it. They have been using those tools to save the New Deal programs- Social Security, unemployment, Medicare, etc for decades. Now, the Republicans will use those tools to attack those programs too. After all, tax breaks for the rich have to be paid for somehow.
Better than The County Clinic. (I’ve seen people brought in or taken away by cops, restrained by “nice young men in their clean white coats”, and run off the property. Thankfully we have a doctor with an office now.
We all believe that we need a more equitable, effective and affordable healthcare system and all of us love to add our insights into the matter. But why do we not seem to care as much about the obvious need for a more equitable and effective JUSTICE SYSTEM? Presently justice is served to the ones who can afford the best lawyers, truth and reality be dratted.
So do not expect justice from the legal system. There is a reason why it is called the CRIMINAL justice system.
My premiums when the ACA came in were the lowest increases in decades, from an average of 15% down to 1 and 2% for two example years, and now I can get self and spouse, not “self and family”, which cut our total premiums by $3,500!! And yes, I kept my providers, but we’re in a small town with limited numbers. Trump’s proposal may shut down our hospital that has been growing and improving with the ACA!!
“There are two novels that can change a bookish 14-year-old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”
somebodyshort almost 8 years ago
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 8 years ago
I don’t see a wh"Y" on the eye chart
Dtroutma almost 8 years ago
Get Over Priced. GOP plan.
Masterskrain almost 8 years ago
G.O.P. Greed Over People.
Bilan almost 8 years ago
The pharmacist is the hippie guy in the back alley.
somebodyshort almost 8 years ago
A society is not measured by how it treats it’s rich but it’s measured by how it treats its vulnerable
moontime70 almost 8 years ago
So screwed indeed. Good healthcare and capitalism rarely, if ever, coexist peacefully.
stepham almost 8 years ago
Hot dog! She said with obvious sarcasm.
keenanthelibrarian almost 8 years ago
cabalonrye almost 8 years ago
The most expensive healthcare system in the world, with the biggest health gap between the very rich and the poor (15 years)
Varnes almost 8 years ago
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 8 years ago
But look at the vast prophet potential!
edward thomas Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Hope he makes enough to feed the meter!
Mary Finkelstein Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Nice eye chart!
sandpiper almost 8 years ago
The gowns make it an ‘open market’ operation
gorbag almost 8 years ago
As more insurance companies drop out of obamacare, there won’t be much left, but I haven’t heard any actual solutions yet. No, “tax the rich” isn’t a solution, it’s a way of ignoring the problem.
mridenour almost 8 years ago
This is starting to get a bit old, Wiley.
ladykat almost 8 years ago
Love it, Wiley!
Diane Lee Premium Member almost 8 years ago
The Republicans may have failed to replace and repeal, which they would have liked because failure to do that makes their low information voters believe they lost. But, they will kill it with budget cuts, executive orders, all the tools that Democrats would have used to save and improve it. They have been using those tools to save the New Deal programs- Social Security, unemployment, Medicare, etc for decades. Now, the Republicans will use those tools to attack those programs too. After all, tax breaks for the rich have to be paid for somehow.
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
The GOP health care plan: replace “Obamacare” with “Wedontcare.”
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
Why is it the guys who can afford any health care get to decide what the rest of us get as affordable?
Germanshepherds4ever almost 8 years ago
Love you, Wiley!!!
phredturner almost 8 years ago
Death or Bancruptcy…..the freedom to choose
hk Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Actually that looks great. Imagine a doctor not sitting in a billion dollar office and driving a beemer? How sad!
Ladylagomorph almost 8 years ago
Better than The County Clinic. (I’ve seen people brought in or taken away by cops, restrained by “nice young men in their clean white coats”, and run off the property. Thankfully we have a doctor with an office now.
lgilbert50 almost 8 years ago
Love it!
BiathlonNut almost 8 years ago
We all believe that we need a more equitable, effective and affordable healthcare system and all of us love to add our insights into the matter. But why do we not seem to care as much about the obvious need for a more equitable and effective JUSTICE SYSTEM? Presently justice is served to the ones who can afford the best lawyers, truth and reality be dratted.
So do not expect justice from the legal system. There is a reason why it is called the CRIMINAL justice system.
kaffekup almost 8 years ago
Because we all need healthcare, sooner or later. But most of us never see the inside of a courtroom, and therefore don’t care what goes on there.
Dtroutma almost 8 years ago
My premiums when the ACA came in were the lowest increases in decades, from an average of 15% down to 1 and 2% for two example years, and now I can get self and spouse, not “self and family”, which cut our total premiums by $3,500!! And yes, I kept my providers, but we’re in a small town with limited numbers. Trump’s proposal may shut down our hospital that has been growing and improving with the ACA!!
Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 8 years ago
“There are two novels that can change a bookish 14-year-old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”
—Paul Krugman, American economistBrass Orchid Premium Member almost 8 years ago
There are two writers that can inform a person’s opinions, Paul Krugman and Isaac Asimov.
One writes fantasy works about robots who obey specific laws and act predictably, even if they accidentally discover humanity within themselves.
The other writes science fiction.
- Some Random Jerk on the Internet
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Are you kidding? That’s what its like right now!