Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 15, 2017

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I am in my ninth week of no caffeine. Iā€™m taking B12 for the day, but it isnā€™t working. The problem is I canā€™t sleep many nights, which is why I gave up caffeine. My see my doctor about this later this week.

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    Arianne  over 7 years ago

    Iā€™m with Mrs. Olsen on this one. Kids do not need caffeine, and itā€™s irresponsible of parents to start them off on an addiction.

    And, justā€¦ why!!? Donā€™t they already bounce off the walls enough as it is? I know mine did. (But, those were the b.c. years.)

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    sandpiper  over 7 years ago

    But, Mrs. Olsen is right in step with today. Everything from coffee to antacids to burgers to head ache remedies is either oversized or extra strength. Very little is regular anything ā€“ that is, if you can find it at all.

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    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 7 years ago

    How old is she? We certainly had cola when I was a kid.

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    Kroykali  over 7 years ago

    @Brass Orchid ā€“ Exactly. I am about her age, and discovered Mt. Dew as a kid.

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    Sportymonk  over 7 years ago

    How do you drink the bottom six ounces without drinking the rest?

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    Uncle Bob  over 7 years ago

    In my day a 16 ounce coffee to go set you back twenty-five cents at the local Toddle Houseā€¦

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 7 years ago

    One of lifeā€™s little puzzles: The smaller the container, the higher the amount of caffeine.

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  9. Boston
    MS72  over 7 years ago

    when i was a kid, 8 oz. was a regular cola, 12 oz. was large, still a lot of sugar and caffeine but who cared back then? both my parents smoked and there was no warning thenā€¦

    oh, and KoolAid. one packet and cup of sugar in 2 qt.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Not quite getting Frazzā€™s point in pointing out cups of coffee were smaller when Mrs. Olsen was younger. How does that relate to what the kid or Mrs. Olsen said? In some ways, since I must be not getting the joke, it seems Frazzā€™s comment is just taking a jab at Mrs. Olsen. Is Frazz being ā€œproā€ kids drinking caffeine? Or is Frazz being ā€œantiā€ kids drinking caffeine? Or is Frazz being ā€œantiā€ whatever Mrs. Olsen says?

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  11. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 7 years ago

    Coca Cola was created in the late 1800ā€™s. She canā€™t be that old.

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    Ubermick  over 7 years ago

    Also Frazz, in her day people were respectful of their elders ā€“ kids and even 30-something prodigies such as yourself.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Frazz10 hrs Ā·Itā€™s always trendy to pick on Starbucks. Hey, Iā€™ve found it tempting, too. Itā€™s always fun to take on Goliath when Goliath is too busy selling you stuff to menace you back. But it strikes me as a little unfair, too. Give me an independent every time thereā€™s a choice, but thereā€™s a lot to like about Starbucks. Their coffee is really pretty good, they seem to listen to their customers ā€” they listened to me when I thought they over-roasted their coffee and made all their carefully selected bean varieties taste too much the same, and all I did was think it ā€” their stores are clean, and they treat their employees well enough that the employees seem to treat their customers well as long as the customers donā€™t behave like their $4 makes them superior to the person turning it into a cappuccino a little slower than theyā€™d like because they didnā€™t leave the house on time. And honestly, juggernaut though they may be, I get the impression Starbucks made good, interesting coffee so popular they created way more opportunities for independents than they put out of business.

    But I do kind of blame them for the giant cup. A standard cup of coffee really did used to be only six ounces.

    Then again, it was six ounces of American pre-Starbucks swill.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    I donā€™t drink anything with sugar in it. Glad there is diet versions.

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    childe_of_pan  over 7 years ago

    (sigh) I really hoped that withā€¦you know, that ā€˜cat guyā€™ā€¦ not posting, it would no longer be necessary to point out that this is a COMIC STRIP, or that if you donā€™t like it, you donā€™t have to read it. If all you want to do is b****h about it please go elsewhere.

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    childe_of_pan  over 7 years ago

    I would also like to point out that no one here seems to think, among the comments that actually pertain to the stripā€™s content and not the pro vs. anti caffeine debate, that thereā€™s anything wrong with Mrs. Olson butting into the kidā€™s business, or that everything was better when she was a kid.

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    lagoulou  over 7 years ago

    To those of you who think it is cool to put down your elders and their opinion and memories of when they were youngā€¦ā€¦if you live long enough youā€™re going to be an old folk too, with your against the flow opinions too!

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    Benkoerita  about 3 years ago

    If an adult drinks a coffee, its effect wears off in about four hours. When a child drinks a coffee, it takes about twenty hours to get rid of it. Children are not miniature adults, their body chemistry is different.

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