Hmmm, hands on arms seem to change position, in terms of which hand is on top, between panel 2 and 3. Is that a metaphor for the inherent competition between these two frenemies?
@Cheapskate0: I doubt this has anything to do with continuation of fat jokes. It has more to do with Luann’s back hurting as a result of Tiffany’s first ‘stretching’, and deciding to give Tiff at taste (if you will) of her own meds.
Tiffany must be exaggerating bit, you’d think she’d be used to the position in the 3rd panel. She isn’t fat, she’s curvy, i mean you gotta admit it takes a secure woman with a great figure to wear spandex like that and not be afraid to move her body the way she is.
This is a return to middle school and high school P.E. Tiffany starts and Luann continues. I hope it will be the last time of this behavior. Maybe going to the gym together could help them.
The strip has stopped running plot devices from high school. It’s now running plot devices from junior high. Probably the whole point of Luann’s working at Kids 1st is to keep things in a secondary school setting as much as possible, rather than in a college classroom, since that’s where the strip is comfortable.
I had great hopes for this week, initially. Unfortunately, I am disappointed in the ways BOTH Luann and Tiffany are acting. It may be somewhat true to form… but to me both characters are acting far more juvenile than I would like at the moment. And… what are they acting juvenile for???? A “boy” named Jack who has not expressed any real interest (other than friendship) for either of them. To me, both Luann and Tiffany are displaying an almost “desperate” and “pathetic” edge in their personality that I find frustrating for both characters. They are both far more important and valuable than their actions are suggesting they believe here.
Today’s episode reminds me of the several “comedic” episodes I recall of the old sitcom, “Laverne & Shirley” where the two main characters would get into a fight and start to “wrestle” and pull each other’s hair….. all for “comedic” effect… and usually about some guy they were both interested in.
I found those particular episodes not to my liking back then, and I am sad to say that Tiffany and Luann today feel the same way as those old Laverne & Shirley episodes. I hope that both of them quit this inane struggle to get Jack to “notice” them in tomorrow’s panels.
To the “Which hand’s on top?” crowd. This is probably just a cartoonist’s habit. Whichever one is doing the pulling is shown as grasping the other. The visual is more important than the continuity. It may be just instinctual after time.
To the “Which hand’s on top?” crowd. This is probably just a cartoonist’s habit. Whichever one is doing the pulling is shown as grasping the other. The visual is more important than the continuity. It may be just instinctual after time.
Jack is turning into a major character in the strip. He has appeared more often than any other of the drop-ins (no, I didn’t count). I wonder if GnC plan more for the character or if he’ll be like (say) Tara or Fay; a foil for Luann to play out some short arc. I consider “new” as a character introduced after Pitt H.S. graduation.
@Tyge: I don’t get why you and other posters think a fight over Jack would be interesting. Maybe if the ‘toon was about junior high kids, sure. But this are people supposedly moving on in their lives, with Tiffany trying to figure out a life that involves more than pleasing her (apparently impossible to please) father, and Luann trying to figure out a future (not just get an ’MRS’ degree). Don’t see how a fight over Jack has much to do with either of those. I guess guys who always dream about women fighting over them might find this arc interesting, though…
I do not care for tennis, but my wife does, so I have to say that this week’s “Luann” is the cartoon equivalent of a tennis volley. Back and forth, not exactly boring, just waiting for something to happen.
The way I see it, it appears that Tiff pulled too hard on Luann in the first panel, causing pain in her back. In the last panel, Luann reciprocates by pulling harder on Tiff. Greg needs to give those two each a set of boxing gloves…
“In this corner, weighing… " as Tiff punches out the ref.
“Folks” have said that they don’t see Tiffany picking either Gunther or Le$. (I disagree)
Frankly from what I’ve seen here today, I can’t see Jack choosing either Luann or Tiffany. I CAN see him suggesting that He “Train” BOTH Tiffany AND Luann just to be “fair.” So, I’m afraid this “competition” MAY continue for the foreseeable future.
Sure Luann “win” eventually and as ALWAYS. And Tiff will lose and seek “attention” elsewhere and run right into the waiting arms of one Le$ Knox, who will suddenly remember he once LUSTED after her, thus starting the long awaited and long dreaded Gunther VS Le$ showdown.
STILL, there’s that GIANT elephant in the room: What About Ann Eiffel, and what has she done with Tiffany’s Dad, Tom? “Folks” say Tiff’s moved on from her. I STILL say Tiff’s putting up a front here, about the whole Ann/Tom situation. If Tom had dumped Ann, Tiffany would be taking a victory lap over the fact. She isn’t.
It’s time Gunther, a guy Tiff trusts and confines in, entered the picture and got the low down, whether he asked for it or not.
If poor, little Tiffany hurts her poor, little drumstick, will the aspiring animal doctor tenderly administer first aid to her and lead her off to somewhere more private?
@Schrodinger’s Dog, Brdshtt, JayBlue and Moose MD: I try not to get involved in discussions about Moose’s fav, because I know that, no matter what I say, it will always lead to one and only one conclusion by the Moose. So maybe if I try it this way, it will be understood better. At least, I can try. Here goes:
The main characters in this arc are Luann, Tiffany and Jack. (The kids are there, but mostly as an audience.) Missing in this arc are some of the other characters, like: Nancy, Frank, Brad, Toni, Delta (who is elsewhere), Bernice, Bernice’s brother Ben (right name? can’t recall), Dez, Bernice, Piro, TJ, Tara, Les, Irma Burger, Al Gray, Ann Awful, Quill (who is also probably elsewhere), Rosa (still in Peru), and I’m running out of space. What does all of this mean?
I’m gonna suggest something radical here. It means this arc is about whatever relationships are going on (or not) among Jack, Luann and Tiffany. NOT about Tiffany and Piro, or Tiffany and Ben, or Tiffany and TJ. AND NOT ABOUT TIFFANY AND GUNTHER In other words, there are actually things that happen in Luanniverse that are NOT about GUNTHER…
@MD MOOSE: I am fine with getting rid of hatchets and all other implements, especially since I honestly never raised one to begin with. But my point isn’t ‘who is the main character’. My points (there seem to be several) are: (1) Maybe characters who aren’t in a particular arc are not there for a reason; that they are not part of the particular story being told, and (2) sometimes, the character who has to ‘ride to the rescue’ of another character might be that first character to begin with. These kids are supposed to be growing up. Why not expect Tiffany to figure out how to sort out her own life (or consult her therapist for additional ideas), instead of expecting Gunther, Les, Jack, Piro or some guy yet to be named to ‘save’ her?
oh no! they’re changing the “system” again! Notice that the “show all comments” is now only relegated to one link at the top of the section, and no longer after the “highlighted” one.
( also their changes made the widgets no longer work to expand and index the comments).
Well Tiff, that’s what you get for hanging around where you’re not wanted. You’re there to do your office job, which is what you’re getting paid for. You are NOT there to disrupt Luann’s class while trying to hook up with some guy on company time.
Tiff’s recent behavior reminds me of Stewart, a character played by Michael McDonald on the old MAD TV series. Stewart was an obnoxious 5 year old boy who would occasionally shout: “Look what I can do,” then do an awkward half leap into the air while shaking his head and arms around. Everyone was supposed admire and praise him for his wonderful ability.
I would like to see some of the new comments here, I am no longer able to see anything except what GoComics has decided is the ‘featured comment’, and the count is now up to 100. Thank you SO MUCH, GoComics, for once again adding pleasure to my day. Of course, the billions and billions of ads that decorate this page and constantly change have not been interrupted at all. Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commenting on a cartoon is creatively challenging and fun but meaningless because we ain’t driving the bus. Still, the cartoon me would like to give Tiffany some lessons in advanced resuscitation techniques.
Oh, good grief! Tiffany and Luann, you are behaving more like kindergartners than the real kindergartners! Get over this jealous rivalry; you’re nearly adults (at least in years if not behavior)….
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
as if Luann pulled you too hard on purpose, Tiffany
Namrepus over 6 years ago
So, how do your knees taste?
howtheduck over 6 years ago
Why do I have the feeling that Jack may have to separate those two before they start doing serious damage?
luann1212 over 6 years ago
Hmmm, hands on arms seem to change position, in terms of which hand is on top, between panel 2 and 3. Is that a metaphor for the inherent competition between these two frenemies?
Joe1962 over 6 years ago
Luann wants to pull Tiffany arms out of socket.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Jack’s going to have to teach a lesson in cooperation and working together.
Wilkins068 over 6 years ago
Tiffany is probably sore from doing the splits yesterday.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 6 years ago
Get a room, you two. ;-)
Argythree over 6 years ago
@ M. Mitchell: Blech :(
Argythree over 6 years ago
@Cheapskate0: I doubt this has anything to do with continuation of fat jokes. It has more to do with Luann’s back hurting as a result of Tiffany’s first ‘stretching’, and deciding to give Tiff at taste (if you will) of her own meds.
live2read over 6 years ago
Are they going to punch each other’s lights out like they did in high school years ago?
gnmnrbl over 6 years ago
Tiffany must be exaggerating bit, you’d think she’d be used to the position in the 3rd panel. She isn’t fat, she’s curvy, i mean you gotta admit it takes a secure woman with a great figure to wear spandex like that and not be afraid to move her body the way she is.
GOGOPOWERANGERS over 6 years ago
the girl is delta’s daughter?
Chopped Fowl over 6 years ago
Looks like MiniMe Brad and MiniMe Bernice and MiniMe Delta are totally amused by the whole spectacle …
dlkrueger33 over 6 years ago
My back hurts looking at the last panel.
mjb515 over 6 years ago
Luann looks afraid she may have broken Tiffany.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 6 years ago
Tiffany should change into the maid costume first.
AnyFace over 6 years ago
Hope Tiff doesn’t get stuck that way.
smurf764 over 6 years ago
This week, and last week, and even the w÷k before..boring
Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago
This is a return to middle school and high school P.E. Tiffany starts and Luann continues. I hope it will be the last time of this behavior. Maybe going to the gym together could help them.
31768 over 6 years ago
We knew someone here had a rough landing. A certain “celebutard.” She may get special attention now from Jack.
JayBluE over 6 years ago
Ha ha ha! This light hearted moment truly epitomizes Luann and Tiffany’s comedic struggle, in a nutshell!
JayBluE over 6 years ago
“Twisted Sisters Play The Kinks” (♪)
“Knot, What I Expected”
“She’s A Rich Cat, With Plenty Of Scratch”
“Underdog, In A Cat Fight”
“Row, Row, Your Tug-Of-War-Boat!”
“….And You Don’t Mess Around With A Gym!” (♩)
“Scrubbing And Pot-Shots And Pans”
“She Who Dealt It, Felt It!”
“Super Spar-io World: The Treasure Of The 1-Ups”
Schrodinger's Dog over 6 years ago
at least they’re using a mat.
JayBluE over 6 years ago
Wow, it seems some viewed Luann and Tiffany’s tugs and tussles as actually being as bit more on the violent/hostile side…
seismic-2 Premium Member over 6 years ago
The strip has stopped running plot devices from high school. It’s now running plot devices from junior high. Probably the whole point of Luann’s working at Kids 1st is to keep things in a secondary school setting as much as possible, rather than in a college classroom, since that’s where the strip is comfortable.
Mr. Impatient over 6 years ago
It’s making me feel good. All tingly.
Tyge over 6 years ago
Is this tug-o-war a prelude to the coming fight over Jack.
Pipe Tobacco over 6 years ago
I had great hopes for this week, initially. Unfortunately, I am disappointed in the ways BOTH Luann and Tiffany are acting. It may be somewhat true to form… but to me both characters are acting far more juvenile than I would like at the moment. And… what are they acting juvenile for???? A “boy” named Jack who has not expressed any real interest (other than friendship) for either of them. To me, both Luann and Tiffany are displaying an almost “desperate” and “pathetic” edge in their personality that I find frustrating for both characters. They are both far more important and valuable than their actions are suggesting they believe here.
Pipe Tobacco over 6 years ago
Today’s episode reminds me of the several “comedic” episodes I recall of the old sitcom, “Laverne & Shirley” where the two main characters would get into a fight and start to “wrestle” and pull each other’s hair….. all for “comedic” effect… and usually about some guy they were both interested in.
I found those particular episodes not to my liking back then, and I am sad to say that Tiffany and Luann today feel the same way as those old Laverne & Shirley episodes. I hope that both of them quit this inane struggle to get Jack to “notice” them in tomorrow’s panels.
Tyge over 6 years ago
To the “Which hand’s on top?” crowd. This is probably just a cartoonist’s habit. Whichever one is doing the pulling is shown as grasping the other. The visual is more important than the continuity. It may be just instinctual after time.
Tyge over 6 years ago
To the “Which hand’s on top?” crowd. This is probably just a cartoonist’s habit. Whichever one is doing the pulling is shown as grasping the other. The visual is more important than the continuity. It may be just instinctual after time.
Tyge over 6 years ago
Jack is turning into a major character in the strip. He has appeared more often than any other of the drop-ins (no, I didn’t count). I wonder if GnC plan more for the character or if he’ll be like (say) Tara or Fay; a foil for Luann to play out some short arc. I consider “new” as a character introduced after Pitt H.S. graduation.
And Your Point Would Be over 6 years ago
For the contingent that has consistently claimed that Jack is nothing more than a dumb jock, this week he has been the most mature person in the room.
Argy.Bargy2 over 6 years ago
@Tyge: I don’t get why you and other posters think a fight over Jack would be interesting. Maybe if the ‘toon was about junior high kids, sure. But this are people supposedly moving on in their lives, with Tiffany trying to figure out a life that involves more than pleasing her (apparently impossible to please) father, and Luann trying to figure out a future (not just get an ’MRS’ degree). Don’t see how a fight over Jack has much to do with either of those. I guess guys who always dream about women fighting over them might find this arc interesting, though…
Airman over 6 years ago
I do not care for tennis, but my wife does, so I have to say that this week’s “Luann” is the cartoon equivalent of a tennis volley. Back and forth, not exactly boring, just waiting for something to happen.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 6 years ago
♪♪ “GRAB Both Her Hands!” ♪♪
♪♪ “SLIDE on Your TUSH!” ♪♪
♪♪ “YANK Both Her Hands!” ♪♪
♪♪ “Then Give ’em a PUSH!” ♪♪
♪♪ “Don’t be Surprised,” ♪♪
♪♪ “They’re Doing the Tiff’s Mistake!!!” ♪♪
♪♪ “VOILA!!!!” ♪♪ – Mel Brooks “Blazing Saddles”
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 6 years ago
Would have been better pacing if Luann’s “this feels better” was said in the last panel. But still a good gag.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 6 years ago
The way I see it, it appears that Tiff pulled too hard on Luann in the first panel, causing pain in her back. In the last panel, Luann reciprocates by pulling harder on Tiff. Greg needs to give those two each a set of boxing gloves…
“In this corner, weighing… " as Tiff punches out the ref.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 6 years ago
“Folks” have said that they don’t see Tiffany picking either Gunther or Le$. (I disagree)
Frankly from what I’ve seen here today, I can’t see Jack choosing either Luann or Tiffany. I CAN see him suggesting that He “Train” BOTH Tiffany AND Luann just to be “fair.” So, I’m afraid this “competition” MAY continue for the foreseeable future.
Sure Luann “win” eventually and as ALWAYS. And Tiff will lose and seek “attention” elsewhere and run right into the waiting arms of one Le$ Knox, who will suddenly remember he once LUSTED after her, thus starting the long awaited and long dreaded Gunther VS Le$ showdown.
STILL, there’s that GIANT elephant in the room: What About Ann Eiffel, and what has she done with Tiffany’s Dad, Tom? “Folks” say Tiff’s moved on from her. I STILL say Tiff’s putting up a front here, about the whole Ann/Tom situation. If Tom had dumped Ann, Tiffany would be taking a victory lap over the fact. She isn’t.
It’s time Gunther, a guy Tiff trusts and confines in, entered the picture and got the low down, whether he asked for it or not.
Tha_Hype over 6 years ago
This is going south of Maturity…
notbornyesterday over 6 years ago
" AND in this corna’ Luann “THE COUCH POTATO” Degroot……
Airman over 6 years ago
If poor, little Tiffany hurts her poor, little drumstick, will the aspiring animal doctor tenderly administer first aid to her and lead her off to somewhere more private?
Argy.Bargy2 over 6 years ago
@Schrodinger’s Dog, Brdshtt, JayBlue and Moose MD: I try not to get involved in discussions about Moose’s fav, because I know that, no matter what I say, it will always lead to one and only one conclusion by the Moose. So maybe if I try it this way, it will be understood better. At least, I can try. Here goes:
The main characters in this arc are Luann, Tiffany and Jack. (The kids are there, but mostly as an audience.) Missing in this arc are some of the other characters, like: Nancy, Frank, Brad, Toni, Delta (who is elsewhere), Bernice, Bernice’s brother Ben (right name? can’t recall), Dez, Bernice, Piro, TJ, Tara, Les, Irma Burger, Al Gray, Ann Awful, Quill (who is also probably elsewhere), Rosa (still in Peru), and I’m running out of space. What does all of this mean?
I’m gonna suggest something radical here. It means this arc is about whatever relationships are going on (or not) among Jack, Luann and Tiffany. NOT about Tiffany and Piro, or Tiffany and Ben, or Tiffany and TJ. AND NOT ABOUT TIFFANY AND GUNTHER In other words, there are actually things that happen in Luanniverse that are NOT about GUNTHER…
Argy.Bargy2 over 6 years ago
@MD MOOSE: I am fine with getting rid of hatchets and all other implements, especially since I honestly never raised one to begin with. But my point isn’t ‘who is the main character’. My points (there seem to be several) are: (1) Maybe characters who aren’t in a particular arc are not there for a reason; that they are not part of the particular story being told, and (2) sometimes, the character who has to ‘ride to the rescue’ of another character might be that first character to begin with. These kids are supposed to be growing up. Why not expect Tiffany to figure out how to sort out her own life (or consult her therapist for additional ideas), instead of expecting Gunther, Les, Jack, Piro or some guy yet to be named to ‘save’ her?
Schrodinger's Dog over 6 years ago
oh no! they’re changing the “system” again! Notice that the “show all comments” is now only relegated to one link at the top of the section, and no longer after the “highlighted” one.
( also their changes made the widgets no longer work to expand and index the comments).
locake over 6 years ago
I think the students could stretch in a safer manner by themselves, instead of with a partner. Both women are getting hurt in this exercise.
wantcomicsnow over 6 years ago
Well Tiff, that’s what you get for hanging around where you’re not wanted. You’re there to do your office job, which is what you’re getting paid for. You are NOT there to disrupt Luann’s class while trying to hook up with some guy on company time.
Tiff’s recent behavior reminds me of Stewart, a character played by Michael McDonald on the old MAD TV series. Stewart was an obnoxious 5 year old boy who would occasionally shout: “Look what I can do,” then do an awkward half leap into the air while shaking his head and arms around. Everyone was supposed admire and praise him for his wonderful ability.
I really liked the old MAD TV.
Argy.Bargy2 over 6 years ago
I would like to see some of the new comments here, I am no longer able to see anything except what GoComics has decided is the ‘featured comment’, and the count is now up to 100. Thank you SO MUCH, GoComics, for once again adding pleasure to my day. Of course, the billions and billions of ads that decorate this page and constantly change have not been interrupted at all. Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gopher gofer over 6 years ago
⇧ remember, it’s “important” to put “quotation marks” around every other “word” in good writing…
Airman over 6 years ago
Commenting on a cartoon is creatively challenging and fun but meaningless because we ain’t driving the bus. Still, the cartoon me would like to give Tiffany some lessons in advanced resuscitation techniques.
Neil Wick over 6 years ago
For anyone using my GC Replies bookmarklet, I’ve revised it for the changes to the message board tonight. Get it here:
The GC Index one will hopefully be updated tomorrow.
w16521 over 6 years ago
Awww…. Nothing like a good girl fight. Hope we see some hair pulling and eye gouging.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Oh, good grief! Tiffany and Luann, you are behaving more like kindergartners than the real kindergartners! Get over this jealous rivalry; you’re nearly adults (at least in years if not behavior)….
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
This strip is quite a stretch