Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 06, 2018

  1. Calvinosaurus
    The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover  over 6 years ago

    Who is “Queen Fragg”?

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    codycab  over 6 years ago

    How else could he try and liven up the beginning of the school year?

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  3. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 6 years ago

    for Calvin every day is a long year

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    how unpatriotic of you, Calvin, insulting the United States like that!

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    Baba27  over 6 years ago

    First at the principal’s office – unless Danae’s already in there?

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    Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 6 years ago

    “Just Do It”, Calvin?

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    alaskajohn1  over 6 years ago

    What would the Donald say? I don’t believe he would care for Calvin, another unpatriotic fellow.

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    Kaputnik  over 6 years ago

    If it was any student other than Calvin, Miss Wormwood wouldn’t have been paying attention to them, and probably wouldn’t have noticed. But she knows that you have to keep your eyes and ears open around Calvin.

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    SunshineDaydream  over 6 years ago

    I think Miss Wormwood is saying the same thing as Calvin. (Panel 4)

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  10. Compass
    su43dipta  over 6 years ago

    Hopefully, you’ll get a Nike endorsement for doing this when you grow up, Calvin!

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    jpayne4040  over 6 years ago

    Well Calvin, you could always surrender and give the evil monsters what they want!

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  12. Dt
    JohnFarson19  over 6 years ago

    We used to say “
with Liver tea and just ice for all”

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    sonnygreen  over 6 years ago

    Calvin is a prime example of “Spare the rod, spoil the child”; but, everything considered, he’s still adorable!

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    cubswin2016  over 6 years ago

    Calvin is like a bucking bronco that won’t settle down.

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    okiejoe  over 6 years ago

    Seems to me someone(a teacher, perhaps) should have taught him the correct words.

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  16. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Poor Calvin is off to a bad start. I have to say I don’t like his teacher. Nor his parents for that matter.

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    DanFlak  over 6 years ago

    Watch out kid. You could get in trouble for that.

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  18. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 6 years ago

    How does he even know how to mock the Pledge of Allegiance? I thought it was banned in school a long time ago.

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    anderjs666 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Hype ledger regents toothy flog udder benighted snakes unhysterical, an toothier hubbub lick fur Wichita sands, wan Asian, udder gob, endive Isable, mit liver tea adjust if hurrah.

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  20. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  over 6 years ago

    These days that teacher would be fired, and perhaps sued and jailed.

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  21. Pdog
    PrairieDog37  over 6 years ago

    Maybe he discovered an old Pogo book or listened to Manhattan Transfer’s version of Deck Us All With Boston Charlie (for anyone old enough to remember Pogo).

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    gantech  over 6 years ago

    Seems to be the way we’re headed

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    hoffquotes2  over 6 years ago

    Today it would only be a form of free speech protest and Calvin would be given a stuffed animal contract.

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    mattro65  over 6 years ago

    In one district where I taught reciting the pledge was left up to the teachers. I never did. In another district it was read over the intercom. I told my students it was their decision whether or not to participate. No one ever complained. In the district where I was allowed to choose whether or not to lead the pledge one student asked (in three years) why I didn’t lead the pledge. I also attended numerous MLB games and would not stand for the national anthem. I was asked a few times why I wouldn’t stand but no one ever gave me a hard time after I explained that I was a veteran and I was using my freedom as I saw fit. I’ve never been much for mindless patriotism. If there was liberty and justice for all in this country I might feel differently about the pledge and the national anthem glorifies war.

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    SweetSinger  over 6 years ago

    Calvin in a time loop. Every fall, back to first grade!

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    coop_dog1  over 6 years ago

    Careful. Some call that treason nowadays.

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    davetb1956  over 6 years ago

    Any teacher dragging a kid down the hall like that today would likely get fired.

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  28. Quincey
    Moon57Shine  over 6 years ago

    Not even a week in school, and already he’s in trouble. He’ll blame Hobbs.

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    DanWolfie  over 6 years ago

    I think I once tried saying that in second grade after I had read the strip. My teacher didn’t drag me to the office, though; she just calmly told me that it wasn’t very funny and I shouldn’t do it again. So I didn’t.

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    bloodykate  over 6 years ago

    This just made me laugh out loud!!

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    Printer  over 6 years ago

    I think Fascism was defined very well in Nazi Germany. It is the left that truly wants a socialist fascist state while all the time calling the greatest government in history fascist. During WWII men and women gave their lives to defeat that horrible regime. If you don’t like our government our flag, and this great Nation. Help America and leave it. There are many who would buy you a one way ticket to North Korea.

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    nbwddd  over 6 years ago

    I — Me; an individual; a committee of one.Pledge — Dedicate all of my worldly good to give without self-pity.Allegiance — My love and my devotion.To the Flag — Our standard. “Old Glory”; a symbol of courage. And wherever she waves, there is respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts “Freedom is everybody’s job.”of the United — That means we have all come together.States - Individual communities that have united into 48 great states; 48 individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose; all divided by imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common cause, and that’s love of country -Of America.And to the Republic — A Republic: a sovereign state in which power is invested into the representatives chosen by the people to govern; and the government is the people; and it’s from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.For which it standsOne Nation — Meaning “so blessed by God.”[Under God]1Indivisible — Incapable of being divided.With Liberty — Which is freedom; the right of power for one to live his own life without fears, threats, or any sort of retaliation.And Justice — The principle and qualities of dealing fairly with others.For All — For All. That means, boys and girls, it’s as much your country as it is mine.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 6 years ago

    The religious part was added later much to its detriment. But to people who want a White Christian Empire they still thirst for it.

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    Stephen Gilberg  over 6 years ago

    Here’s how I understood it at Calvin’s age: “I yadda yadda to the flag of the Yadda Yadda of Yadda and to the yadda for which it yadda, one yadda, under Yadda, yadda, with yadda and yadda for all.” (I knew the word “stands,” but only as a literal action.)

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  35. Pupil
    Ka`ƍnƍhi`ula`okahƍkĆ«miomio`ehiku Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Reminds me of Cathecism: “
 and lead us not into Penn Station 

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  36. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  over 6 years ago

    “Oh say can you see me tonight, bout half-past eight; I’ll be in my finest, so don’t be late!”

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  37. Mines
    Madzdad the bard  over 6 years ago

    My absolute favorite from years gone by!

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  38. Buffy n nina
    iblobar  over 6 years ago

    Poor Calvin.

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  39. Smiling  tonguey sammie
    Rolf Rykken Premium Member over 6 years ago

    138 comments ! Is that a record?

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    robert39503  over 6 years ago

    I think she can get into trouble by dragging him that way.

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  41. Grinch coffee
    I was FRAMED!!!!!!  over 6 years ago

    In 1943, the United States Supreme Court ruled in ‘West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette’ that government officials cannot force anyone to participate in patriotic rituals, including the Pledge of Allegiance. No public school employee—no teacher, vice principal, coach, or superintendent—can legally force you to say the Pledge or stand for the Pledge. They also cannot punish you for refusing to participate.

    “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”—The Supreme Court of the United States, 1943

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    Bibleman2002  over 6 years ago

    There is one thing that ticks me off it that a teacher who have no sense of humor (reminds me of of one teacher who I didn’t like very much no sense of humor whatsoever)

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