Can fault them cavemen, For after inventing the exagonal, the trapezoidal, the square, and the Aztec Pyramidal wheels, Finally pure inspiration and lunch in the same package! Win-win I’ll say!
From a comic many years ago, Einstein was writing on the chalkboard stuff like "E=mc, E=Mc^5 (to the fifth power), E=Mc^10, but still couldn’t figure it out. Then the lady that was tidying up his desk said, “Now that desk is squared away, yessir, SQUARRRRRED away!” And then Einstein got the same look the guy trying to invent the wheel had.
Adiraiju over 6 years ago
Wait a few days, and it’ll be sturdier than any of those stones!
in.amongst over 6 years ago
Gr8! Do you frame it or stuff it?
CrazyPri over 6 years ago
Whoa! for a minute there I thought I was in B.C.
Watcher over 6 years ago
And the age old question that has confounded man has been answered. The bagel came first then the wheel.
the lost wizard over 6 years ago
Now if someone would invent coffee we could take a break.
skirchner over 6 years ago
No sense reinventing the Bagel…
A Hip loving Canadian... over 6 years ago
Unfortunately, greasing the axle with cream cheese didn’t work so well.
Masterskrain over 6 years ago
“A Bagel is a Doughnut that’s been dipped in cement!”
tripwire45 over 6 years ago
Now he has to invent cream cheese and lox.
keenanthelibrarian over 6 years ago
As well you might!
sandpiper over 6 years ago
If all the legends about bagel durability were true, we would be finding bagel artifacts in every dig.
Dani Rice over 6 years ago
When the birds fly over the harbor, they are bagels. When they are over the ocean, they are Segals.
Ermine Notyours over 6 years ago
He’s also invented the Chase logo on the left.
KEA over 6 years ago
What’s a bagel?
garcalej over 6 years ago
Now he only has to invent cream cheese. But milking those mammoths won’t be easy.
dwagner200 over 6 years ago
Next he invented the car, but people kept eating the wheels.
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member over 6 years ago
Okay, I surrender. I read this on an empty stomach. NowI’m heading to the store for bagels and cream cheese.
kodj kodjin over 6 years ago
The only time I ever eat bagels and cream cheese is when I stay at a motel that offers a free continental breakfast in the morning.
Brian Premium Member over 6 years ago
I have a bagel for breakfast three days per week. This is not one of those days. Today is an oatmeal day. Tomorrow will be a bagel day.
rs0204 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Still needs a schmear.
Bookworm over 6 years ago
President Trump invented the bagel. He just hasn’t taken credit for it yet.
Kind&Kinder over 6 years ago
Never mind the bagel, Ally Oop, let’s get to the bialys,
Iwa Iniki over 6 years ago
Now invent cream cheese.
sufamelico over 6 years ago
Can fault them cavemen, For after inventing the exagonal, the trapezoidal, the square, and the Aztec Pyramidal wheels, Finally pure inspiration and lunch in the same package! Win-win I’ll say!
samsoltan_48323 over 6 years ago
He just needs some lox and cream cheese.
bakana over 6 years ago
I’ll have a nice fresh Salted Wheel, light on the Cream Cheese, Double Lox and a slice of Tomato.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 6 years ago
From a comic many years ago, Einstein was writing on the chalkboard stuff like "E=mc, E=Mc^5 (to the fifth power), E=Mc^10, but still couldn’t figure it out. Then the lady that was tidying up his desk said, “Now that desk is squared away, yessir, SQUARRRRRED away!” And then Einstein got the same look the guy trying to invent the wheel had.
kaffekup over 6 years ago
Funny, he doesn’t look Jewish…